A Campfire at the End of Time
Emily O'Mires
Name: Emily O'Mires
Series/Fandom: Ace Combat
Age: 23
Race/Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Occupation: An Airman in the Osean Air Force, stationed at Arenio Base, Osea.

Name: Emily O'Mires
Series/Fandom: Ace Combat
Age: 23
Race/Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Occupation: An Airman in the Osean Air Force, stationed at Arenio Base, Osea.
- Appearance
Height: 5'7
Weight: 123
Hair: She has fiery and vibrant orange hair that is a little curly, and is often left the way it is, with no hairband or pony tail to keep it organized. She doesn't wear ear rings, or wear anything in her hair. When in her plane, with her helmet on, her hair simply tumbles out the back of her helmet where her neck is.
Eyes: A bright Amber.
Body: Slim and lacking in curves, but with muscles.
Attire: Her casual clothing choices vary little, being mostly jeans and t-shirts, with sweatshirts or jackets when its cold. She wears some simple tennis shoes.
Firstly, she is not a pirate. Emily O'Mires is just as firey and vibrant as her hair is, however. She would be considered attractive, with her slightly muscled figure, and slightly angular face. Her eyes are bright, underneath her angular orange eyebrows. Her lips are slightly thin, and are quite straight.
Her smile is nothing special, although it is more often than not a smirk or a snarl. Her teeth are white, and mostly straight. Her hair is a little curly, and is often left the way it is, with no hairband or pony tail to keep it organized. She doesn't wear ear rings, or wear anything in her hair. When in her plane, with her helmet on, her hair simply tumbles out the back of her helmet where her neck is.
Her casual clothing choices vary little, being mostly jeans and t-shirts, with sweatshirts or jackets when its cold. She wears some simple tennis shoes.Her skin is pale, and burns quite easily. She has a few frekles on her cheeks. Her figure is rather straight, and lacks curves in just about every place. Her chest is small, in the B range, and her legs are straight.
- Personality
Firey and passionate, Emily can be a powerful force to contend with, standing up for what she belives in, taking little shit from anyone. She has very little in the way of manners, not being afraid to voice precisely what she thinks of people and situations. She holds grudges, although she forgets minor things. Her sense of humor is strange at best, and many of her jokes can come off as insults. She has little control over her emotions, and a fiery temper. She may have trouble making friends, but she values the friends she does have fiercely, protecting and fighting for them. However, she isn't too good at comforting people, or having conversations. She is incredibly blunt and to the point about things, and is thoroughly annoyed by people who lie and beat around the bush to get what they need.
Unlike many other pilots,she isn't out here on a quest for glory, journeys for the truth, or a bond with a sibling, she simply enjoys the thrill of the kill, and the joy of the hunt. She enjoys being a pilot for being a pilot, and there is no place where she feels quite at home as in the sky. In Cail, where she lives and grew up, she was heavily picked on for her awkwardness, and lack of friends. Taking none of that, she quickly ensured that no one insulted her to her face, by way of a few fist fights and broken noses. She was kicked out of her first two schools because of this, and was generally disliked by everyone, but that made no difference to her. She knew what she was going to do. She was going to fly.
- History
Born outside the city of Cail, on a farm to two farmer parents, Emily wasn't precisely going anywhere, learning to grow up on the farm. She was an only child, raised by her parents without anyone else nearby for several miles. During her time at the farm, she developed a fascination with the sky, and took to lying outside in the fields, looking up at the sky, dreaming of one day going up there, watching the planes in envy. However, at age Twelve, her parents farm failed in a drought, and her parents moved to the city in search of work. Her father, surprisingly, became a trainer at a gym, and her mother a firefighter. She adapted to her new environment quickly, but never adopted to the new skyline, hating the way the skyscrapers and buildings blocked her view of that perfect sky.
In school, she was quick to be bullied, picked on by the boys because she tried playing sports and had little friends, and picked on by the girls because she understood nothing of their social hierarchies, and was socially awkward. At first, she didn't know what to make of this, and was quite hurt that so many people hated her immediately. However, after a year, she snapped, when a group of boys tried to beat her up. She had never trained in martial arts, but her father taught her how to throw a punch, and she did. She was immediatly expelled after that incident, but found a new sense of self, and that she had felt so....... alive, in the fight, more alive than she had ever felt doing anything.
At her second school, she made fast friends with a small group of girls who made her believe that she was truly special to them. They did everything Emily believed that friends did, hung out, helped eachother with homework, and stood up for one another. However, she soon learned they truly wanted nothing to do with her, and mocked her behind her back. She hadn't expected to be taken advantage of because of her trusting nature, and was down right furious. She considered the debt repayed, when her knuckles slammed into one of their faces, leaving them with a few angry bruises. Kicked out once again, she moved onto her third and final school, somehow managing to graduate at age 18.
From there, she immediately enlisted to the Air Force, going through the Osean Air Force Academy about as easily as wood in a woodchipper. She was constantly arguing and getting in trouble, and understood little of tactics or strategy. However, the only reason her sorry ass graduated, was because of her moderately impressive flying skills, graduating third to last of the class.
- Equipment
Personal Aircraft: F-4E Phantom
Upon graduation, Emily will recieve a modified F-4E Phantom. Its modifications are as follows:
*Lighter armor: This plane is lighter than other planes because of its lack of armor, and therefore,faster and more maneuverable.
*Increased ammunition: The plane has more ammo for its M61 Vulcan.
*Lighter armor: Because of its lesser armor, this plane is rather fragile, and takes less damage to damage or take down.
- Skills
* Quick Reflexes: Emily has sharp reflexes, which can help her in a fight.
*Strong will: She rarely backs down, and doesn't surrender without a fight. Additionally, she can be quite optomistic, not letting many things halt her progress.
*Ferosity: In battle, Emily is relentless in her attacks, pushing her foes until they break with relentless quick assaults. Emotions, anger especially can help her. If she is hurt, she will not stop until she returns the pain.
* Fear of the Ocean/Drowning: Because of a childhood incident, when she fell into a lake while on a camping trip and nearly drowned, she is afraid of rather large bodies of water. Her fear of the ocean stems from the fear of drowning, plus the monstrous size of the ocean, and how "endless" it can seem. Because of this, she doesn't preform as well over the ocean, and utterly despises being stationed on aircraft carriers.
*Rash, overconfident/ Anger: Emily has a bad tendancy to rush into a fight, especially if someone is in danger. She is confident in her squadron's ability to pull through against most odds, and this can be her downfall. And once in a fight, it can be hard to pull her out of it. Her anger is another problem aswell as an advantage. If she or her friends have been wronged, she will not relent until she believes things have been made right.
* Overtrusting: Emily is gullible, and overly trusting in people, making her easily betrayed.