
You don't need to post everyday and we cannot delete accounts. Although for newbies we do require you to post ten times (no spamming). This is to prevent spambots. Easiest ways to get your ten replies are; to join a roleplay and get to know people in the OOC chat, browse up the interest checks if you have any questions, continue to greet other people onto this site, put your opinion out about roleplays and its factors in the roleplay discussion thread, etc.

The only places where posts do not count are in the My Private Workshop section and Personal Discussion section. Otherwise almost everywhere else is fair game. But please be sure to read site rules and guidelines~

And enjoy your time Here!
119evicat said:
so i have to post once a day not to get my account deleted? interesting.
I'm pretty sure if that were true, all of us would be dead right now. o-o

Welcome to the site btw :3
Welcome to the site. We are the best PbP forum on the net for good reason. If you ever have any questions about the site, don't hesitate to ask.

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