Eliza Makada


Weirder than an honest president

Name: Eliza Makada

Nickname: Liza

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Occupation: Mythologist


Hair color: Pink

Eye color: Turquoise

Hairstyle: Long, past her waist

Any other details about the face: None?

Height: 164cm

Build: Slender

Scars, freckles, etc.: She has a scar in the back of her right shoulder, always hidden under her clothes


Personality: She is a happy and cheerful girl, caring and really kind. She usually feeds the animals she finds on the streets any time she has some food to spare. She cant bring herself to curse because her grandma told her that a crow would eat her mouth.

Fears: Spiders (the Chrollo ones, not the animals), thunders, creepy pastas.

Family Members: Her grandma and her father. Her father has been out of the country for the last five years, and some people say he is dead.


Since she was a kid, she has liked the myths and asked herself if they could really exist. Theseus and the minotaur, the harps, gnomes, even the myths about weapons like Laevateinn or the hammer Thor is related to. That made her grow with her head always in that kind of books, and her mind thousands of miles away, and sometimes, thousands of years away too. When she turned 16, she decided to work as some kind of archaeologist, but just focused in finding which myths were actually real. It didnt pass too much time until she noticed that being a Hunter and the power it brings would be a GREAT help, and so he tried. Screwing it in the very first mission, she spent the next two years half focused in work, and half focused in training herself for the Hunter exams. Fail is not an option, and this time, she thinks she is ready.



  • Narrow minded: If she says the sky is falling, the sky better starts falling, or she will make it fall.
  • Focus: Once she centers her attention into something, its like a bear with a honey pot: you leave her be and dont get close.
  • Nimble: Getting in and out of all kind of places since you were a kid, her body is like a machine of stealth and fast movement.


  • Narrow minded: Sometimes the bear wont see that the tree holding the honey over the huge waterfall is a risk too big to take.
  • Honest: She never told a lie, and expects people to be the same. So, she basically trusts people way too much.
  • Doubt: She may have a hard time choosing between two or more things, plans, etc.


Spirit: 0/10 Skill:6/10 Strength: 4/10

Speed: 4/10 Intelligence: 3/10 Talent: 3/10

Misc. Skills:

  • Speaks Japanese, English and Spanish
  • She can lick her elbow
  • She can do double somersaults



  • When her hair gets wet, it turn a pale violet. No one knows why, but she says she is like those dolls on toy stores and she totally loves it.
  • While in doubt, she bites her lip and taps twice with each foot.

Prized possessions:

  • A brooch her grandma gave her for good luck. Its made from a weird dark metal


  • She likes to watch animals
  • Study myths
  • Investigate said myths
  • Eating Sweets
  • Making people bleed through her singing

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I like the character, but if you could expand more on her personality other than her being a cheerful person who doesn't curse, that would be good. Also, how does she even know about the Phantom Troupe? They aren't really publicly known. If she knows about them for some specific reason, be sure to add that in your backstory. I do like the dental about your father though. That cn definitely be somthing that comes up at some point.

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