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Fantasy Elite Guild: Lore

Proper Brit

Le stage
The earth is very prosperous. Technology has advanced to amazing degrees, allowing modern transport, computers and warfare. One of the many cities in this world is Oris. A home to all races, and the most technologically advanced of the world. Trains running through tunnels linked to the sky, and cars going at 100mph in a busy street. Some people tried to see if they could benefit the city. Alvin wanted to do the opposite. He set up an 'Errand Guild', but advertised in shady alleys as 'Elite Guild'. Their assignments normally consist of extracting government records and information selling.

All different races live in this city. Here are a few:
Humans are the most prominent race in the world. Responsible for most production and innovation in many major cities, the humans reign dominant.
Oldest Age: 128
Average Height: 5"10"
Elves are a tall, wise race with ears that point out wide. They are responsible for many cultural advancements. An elf bred with any other race is known as a half elf.
Oldest Age: 921
Average Height: 6"8"

(There are plenty others you can make yourselves, and comment them please :P)

Anything else you need? Message me!

Elite Guild: Characters
Elite Guild
Last edited:
Sirens' are aquatic creatures that are known to be mischievous and lure sailors to their deaths by their beautiful voices---

Gah screw it just use this:

Siren Physiology


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