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Fantasy Elfen blades characters



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My Interest Check
You can add more to this but i may ask you edit or change something. Below is the minimum I need to see to accept a character. I'll like your sheet once it's accepted, when you notice this please go to the OOC and answer a question.




Gear: (armor clothes weapons etc what you usually have on you)

Mana: (as a human you have potential for one type of magic, you can decide what.)

(You start as a hero, are you well known? Explain why or why not)

"If you could make a magic weapon..."::
(Explain what Elfen blade you'd like to find. What magic it specialises, the shape and type of weapon.
Despite the name you could find a Elfen club or staff. Not all the Elves were transformed into swords)
(Alternatively you can put random and I will think of something)
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Name: Kanna Micheals

Age: 22

Height: 05"07

Weight: 150lbs

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kanna is a short woman with messy shoulder length blonde hair, dark grey eyes, and, as often described, the resting face of an ace-murder.

She's a relatively tall woman, with a lean frame, long legs, and tanned skin, she has a multitude of scars over her body from training, and a rather large one over her face that looks like she was on the wrong end of a sword if some kind.

She favors light leather armor with bronze hand, knee, and shoulder protective gear. Beyond that her typical style is very loose and flowy, with darker colors being a staple of her wardrobe.


Leather Breastplate/Backplate X1 (Dyed Black)

Leather Chausses X2 (Dyed Black)

Leather Bicep Armor X2 (Dyed Black)

Bronze Shoulder Guards X2

Bronze Hand Guards X2

Bronze Knee Guards X2

Loose Purple/Red/Brown Tunic X3

Brown/Brown/Grey Cloth Pants X3

Boots X2

Basic Medical Kit X2 (Rubbing Alcohol, Equipment For Stitches, Assortment Of Basic Medicine, Sterile Knives, Cloth Bandages)

Twin Long Daggers X4 (Two Sets)

Mana Type: Fire

Background: Kanna Micheals comes from an extremely out of the way village in the south of the country, she grew up with her father, an ex-knight, and her mother, a tailor of great talent, they loved her dearly, and she had a normal childhood, (which, honestly, kind of undermines the fact that she looks like she'd slaughter you for fun when she's staring off into space).

...you know, if ignored her suicidal need to prove herself to some higher power, or maybe she was just born with a wild hare up her ass like her father always joked. See, the thing about Kanna is that she craves adventure, and she'll try and find it in everything.

So, took it upon herself to learn how to wield a pair of long daggers in battle, trainer herself ragged, and was, rather unceremoniously, kicked out of her village at fifteen after nearly killing the leaders daughter in her attempt to genuinely save the poor girl from a group of bandits, (which, hey, Tiffany is awesome, and still sends her letters! She has one person on her side at the very least), and so, began traveling.

She helps people, yes, but she's also something of an asshole about it, so her reputation isn't all that good. She's actually a pretty amiable person, and relatively cheerful, under all the snark, and the resting bitch face.

Elfen Blade Suggestion: [Random]
Will finish later

Name: Waboe Kira

Age: 25

Appearance: height 5ft9 weight 75kg

Waboe has naturally wavy hair, this silvery-blue hair is in a perpetually messy state which is sometimes exaggerated into a frizzy afro when Waboe's hair is hit by extreme heat. He has green eyes that usually appear slanted as if tired or drunk. He has fair skin and has a fairly muscular build despite not being a giant.

Gear: most of what Waboe wears is crafted himself from slain beasts and monsters. A mixture of fur scales and hides worked into leathers cloaks and armor.
As for weapons he carries a short sword and dagger.
Random fact, He has at least five flasks/pouches of water or something alcoholic.
(easiest visual representation I could think of)

Mana: Conjuring, (weapon creation)
Unsure of how to describe it the Kira clan named their unique ability conjuring as they were able to summon ghostly weapons and tools that have been used before. Be it a sword, chakram, shield or even wire the Kira clan can conjure items into existence. Waboe has dealt with many weapons and tools and is able to conjure them with ease, however multiple large creations and even excessive small ones are a large drain of mana and stamina.

Waboe never assumed himself a hero as his view on the matter has always been that he is a hunter.
The Kira clan is one of nomads, when one becomes old enough to walk and hold a weapon they begin the trials of a hunter. Like most who survive roaming the wilds Waboe grew to become a excellent hunter, the decision to hunt monsters was made in his teenage years after the Kira clan was ambushed by goblins under the command of Orcs. While a battle ensued for hours the nomads that weren't killed had escaped or been taken prisoner.

Waboe and a few survivors attempted a rescue mission but failed, learning the horror of how the orcs breed such high numbers and cemented the young boy on a path of vengeance ever since. What was once hunting for food, shelter and survival became hunting for revenge, satisfaction and a indescribable desire to halt the green plague of Orcs. Waboe's journeys have taken him across most of Karma hunting beasts and monsters alike though he is known to most large towns and cities as "Orc hunter" one who specializes in slaying the humanoid green skinned monsters.

"If you could make a magic weapon..."::
"Not that it's the go to weapon for combat or hunting but I would make a boomerang that explodes into more boomerangs and..."
Waboe would go on for hours.
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Name: Ronark Hand-Taker

Age: 33

Appearance: Ronark is a huge man (6'8" at least), on occasion mistaken from an orc at a distance. He has pale skin covered with a multitude of scars and dark blonde hair sprinkled with a multitude of highlights, which he keeps braided behind him. His face was at one point handsome but years of scars and beatings have taken that quality away.
At one point Ronark wore a full suit of armor, though pieces broke and wore out of his years of traveling, and have been replaced by what he could find and repair. The only original pieces he has are his boots and his fur cloak, which has lasted longer than most of his armor.

- An executioner's axe with a shorter, thicker handle and a smaller blade (though since its Ronark's size, its still plenty big enough to take your head off)
- a chainmail skirt.
- 1 steel pauldron
- 1 banded leather pauldron
- a pair steel plate boots with many scuffs and scratches.
- a pair of worn iron gauntlets
- a simple hide shirt treated to stand up to basic sword attacks.
- a large fur cloak that's been patched up and stitched back together many times.

Mana: Intuitive ability to know if someone's telling the truth.

Ronark is a traveling lawman and bounty hunter of sorts. He spent his early years training as a warrior, at wishes of his father, who was a mercenary of some renown. When he came of age, Ronark took on the position of executioner in a city near his home village due to his unique ability to sense the truth in others. His story truly began when his father and the mercenary band he led were found to have wiped out an entire village in retaliation for some petty grievance. Ronark's father fully expected his son to spare him and betray the other city guards. However Ronark, sensing that his father really had killed the villagers, executed him without mercy. Instead of killing the remaining mercenaries, he cut off their hands, which earned him the title of Hand-Taker. After a few weeks of moping around, he left the city, deciding that his talents would be put to better use as a traveling lawman. He continued to cut the hands off of criminals who had committed lesser crimes (in his eyes), which further spread his reputation.

Elven Blade of choice: Executioner's sword. A blade with no point, as it is not for killing people in battle, but for executing those sentanced to death. (though of course this blade would also be used in battle)
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