Elementals [Inactive]


Cybernetic Princess.
Vaila submitted a new role play:

Elementals - Elementals were created to help bring balance against the dark forces.

Generations ago fourteen families, all blessed by an ancient Goddess, moved onto a barren patch of land and together they shaped the land with their gifts and created Redmere. Once a small collection of houses for the fourteen founding families, people quickly flocked to its location and it grew and grew in size until it formed a small town. The other families know that there is something about the founding families to be afraid of, but they are either too stupid to leave or just too stuck to...
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Felicity gathered her books as the bell rang, the teacher dismissing the class. She had lunch next period, and she was looking forward to relaxing in the canteen with the other witches. It was difficult for them all to be around the other humans, but she did have a few classmates who were friendly enough. As she walked into the canteen, she flicked her ponytail as she looked around the room and scanned the tables. She spotted one with a few people sitting at and smiled brightly as she walked over to them. "Hey ya'll," she said happily.
Nerina E. Randell, who likes to be called Elizabeth, was lost all day during the first half of classes. She finally made it to the canteen. After gathering a tray of food, she wandered around canteen and sat on an empty table alone next to another one where a girl came and said, "Hey ya'll," in a happy to see then voice. Elizaberh hoped no one would see her as she sat, not eating. As time went on, the canteen grew more crowed and more loud as friends found each other and new ones made. She felt alone at this point and heard her stomach growl. A quick second later, she decided to eat.

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Being a senior with green hair and an obsession with Nirvana and Green Day, the first day of the school year at this new 'prestigious' school her parents sent her did have its perks. The fact that everyone avoided her because of this gave Emily the satisfaction of self worth and accomplishment in a way she liked; being away from people. She liked the solitude in just being herself, not giving a crap about the humans she was forced to spend her days with. It wasn't as if she hated them, she didn't have anything against humans; she was 'similar' to one herself, but the crap they got each other into without the help of magic always brought confusion and resentment on how simple their life was without it. Although, her black and green hair did bring some unwanted attention to herself. But she couldn't help her natural birth mark of hair colour abnormality.

Classes weren't any better. They were boring and dragged on like a blistering hot sunny summer day. Teachers annoyed her. She thought they would be more smarter as to get a job with more pay and self worth than schooling irresponsible teenagers who only think about the opposite gender.

"Emily April Holt. Earbuds. Now" She heard over her heavy metal Metallica blasting her eardrums. She pulled one earbud out, the other still playing the over emotional mix of guitar and drums. "What?" She muttered, having not heard exactly what the old man with authority in the continuing hour had said only a moment before. "Earbuds. Hand 'em up." He ordered, waving his hand as if he couldn't wait all day. She rolled her eyes at how stupid humans were, and their controlling ways of their non existent power. 'You know nothing...' She thought as she stood, acting as if she was to hand them over. On her way to the teacher at the front of the room, the bell rang, saving her butt from having to get new ones. The teacher raised his eyebrows with a sigh, and waved her off as if he was already sick and tired of these worthless teens.

She nodded, and followed the already thick crowd of testosterone and perfume toward the cafeteria/canteen where the seats were already filling up by the second. She froze, scanning the crowd for her fellow magic users. She wasn't yet comfortable with eating with humans, even if they did have a similar genetic makeup of breaking down foods and fatty acids, etc. Finally she spotted an somewhat empty table in the back of the room, away from all the commotion over food where 2 recognisable faces sat in comfortable yet awkward silence disrupting the noise around them. She sighed, and lugged her light backpack over toward the table, walking past thickening crowds of teens balancing their food trays. She sat next to the girls with a half smile while dumping her bag full of organic foods her mother forced her to bring; and threw them into a trashcan just next to her. The others looked at her as if she was wasting perfect healthy food, but she knew better. The Earth was more natural than people thought, and giving away these 'natural' foods was a blessing.
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