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Fantasy Elemental wars


Two Thousand Club
Elemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)

(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)


Age (14-20):



Appearance (text or picture or both):




Background/History (Be creative) :

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two):

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.8c4fec0dc9a8924524bd73ee285752fd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.8c4fec0dc9a8924524bd73ee285752fd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Elemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)

(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)

Name: Hilda brown

Age (14-20): 15

Gender: female

Element: shadow

Appearance (text or picture or both):


Hilda deeply hates the hunters and wants revenge against them. She sees them people whose only motive is violence and hatred. Despite this she is pretty smart and good and fighting but she has a underling fear of death which she denies.








Background/History (Be creative) :

Born in a small elemental tribe Hilda had a happy childhood until everything changed when the fire na.... the hunters attached her family and friends were killed or taken prisoner and the only reason she survived was because she hid in shadow form for over a week (she had to stop to maintain her sanity). She now travels around helping other minor villages and helping them prepare for the hunters.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two):

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers etc.):

Using her shadow element she can move herself between the two planes allowing her to do various things:

Turn herself into a shadow, her phiscal body vanishes and all that is left is her shadow. In this form she can't move and has complete immunity to phiscal attacks (she also doesn't age, grow hungry thirsty tire or need the toilet, it can be very boring though) however if she is surrounded by light so the shadow is no longer their her body will reappear and she will be uncontious. For example in this form fire won't burn her but the light from it can be a threat.

Turn shadows of her self into controllable puppets that can fight for her. They take a lot of energy to make and as such are verry skilled martial artists, however if they take a single hit they will vanish and Hilda will have to make another. (She can bring her hand shadow puppets to life but they are only as big as her hands.)

She can make people standing on her shadow be paralysed, (nobody would ever stand on her shadow because of this.)




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Name: Jaycee Flanagan


Gender: Female

Element: Blood

Personality: Jaycee is very bubbly and energetic, but quiet all the same. She enjoys making close friends, but it's sort of hard for her to make those said friends--she's picky about everything. She's now very quiet and reserved--she has had no one to talk to in months.

Likes: Jaycee likes close relationships and having someone to emotionally lean on. she also enjoys a bit of photography when available and she enjoys keeping things organized.

Dislikes: She hates hunters and the meteor itself. She sometimes blames herself for her father's death, as her mother did.

Background/History (Be creative) : She was born into a pretty rich family, instantly earning her popularity. She was surrounded by friends and she loved life, until the meteor hit. Her father was a well-known scientist, and he was one of the unlucky people who were observing the meteor. she just happened to be bringing something to her father, and was halfway there, when the meteor hit. Her father died instantly, but she still survived. Her mother became distant from her, and Jaycee didn't think anything was wrong until she accidentally killed her own mother by blood manipulation.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): Do you mean as in Hunters or Runners? Then a Runner.

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.): She can manipulate blood, so she can basically control your movements and easily clot your blood. However, she hates doing this (because it brings back memories) and only does it when completely necessary. Her powers are strongest when the moon is in it's waxing gibbous phase. She can tie a variety of knots, but that's about it.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.b59d03f7119ab962fd48b87d484fa87e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.b59d03f7119ab962fd48b87d484fa87e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Serena

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Element: Water and Air

Personality: Bubbly, Sweet, Outgoing, Friendly, and Sarcastic (at times)

Likes: Her friends, Glitter, and Bunnies

Dislikes: Hunters and getting dirty

Fears: Fire, Darkness, and Thunderstorms

Background/History (Be creative) : TBR

Group: Runners

Other: (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):

* * *

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.f677767c90badb2d03dac5eab153a61e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.f677767c90badb2d03dac5eab153a61e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Allison Rae

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Element: Ice/Snow

Personality: TBR

Likes: TBR

Dislikes: TBR

Background/History (Be creative): To be revealed

Group: Wild, but will join Runners eventually

Other: She has a hard time controlling her element.[/imagefloat]



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Name: Aaron wade

Age (14-20):20



Appearance (text or picture or both): long brown hair and long grown out brown beard with brown eyes, 6'4 brown skin and lean body (exclude the clothes from the picture lol)


Likes: unity,runners

Dislikes: hunters and unnecessary violence

Background/History (Be creative) :Aaron drop out of college and became homeless with nothing to live for, he didn't want to go back to his parents because they didn't want him at the house and he didn't want to take the embarrassment he had lost all hope,until the meteor hit and once he discovered his powers he took it as a mess from God to use it for good and change the world for the better

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): runner

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.): knows karate(but he isn't like Bruce lee or anything)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d701853d9390a35beedf794d8a7477a2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118945" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d701853d9390a35beedf794d8a7477a2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.fb7bfb65d2619784704d3b738922007c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.fb7bfb65d2619784704d3b738922007c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Aaron wade pic(imagine a little younger and modern clothes)



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Efima Tasia Stavros

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5094a1fbd5c1861d5c6d16fefd78b3bf.jpg.404f511f602812a7579e271f5abee22a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5094a1fbd5c1861d5c6d16fefd78b3bf.jpg.404f511f602812a7579e271f5abee22a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Name: Efima Tasia Stavros

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female



Appearance: Efima is a strikingly beautiful woman who stands at 5'4" and weighs arounf 120 lbs. She has long wavey blonde hair that reaches the small of her back. Her eyes are a light grey, though people can confuse her eyes to be other color because of how they reflect off surfaces. She can almost always be found in her uniform accompanied by her katana, wearing her uniform with as much pride as she is able to.


Likes: Order, Coffee, Rainy Days, Getting her way

Dislikes: Untimely people, Runners, People who question her

Personality: Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, she works steadily towards identified goals. She can usually accomplish any task once she has set her mind to it.

Efima can be know to be rather harsh, turning on her own kind to ensure her own safety. It's rare to see much emotion on her face finding as long as she doesn't show emotion then the runners can't get to her.

Digging Deeper

History: Efima's life was something out of a movie...Well, a very twisted movie. Her father and mother were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Lena a year later.

From what Efima could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.

Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Lena to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Lena got the leftovers.

When the meteor hit it was as if God had it out for her. When the news labeled her as something to fear it was harder for her to find a job and to keep the jobs she already had. When she heard about the job to hunt Efima jumped at it first chance she got. She's not sorry for turning on her own kind, because there was no them to begin with and that's how she intended to keep it. To just look out for herself and to make sure others don't get in her way.

Group: Hunter

Other: Good with a sword. An added bonus is that her sword actually is able to harness the electricty she can produce making it easier to control.



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Name: Achilles James Black, Asher Jackson Black

Age (14-20): 16

Gender: male

Element: Earth/Water_____ Fire/electricity

Appearance (text or picture or both):

Achilles Asher


Personality: Asher, and Achilles is a kind people with a strong sense of justice who can't look the other way when people are being oppressed. The both see the world in black and white, seeing the different shades of gray. While at first they were naive in the politics of the other Elementals , with time they learned that there are times where he needs to do dishonorable things in order to save many. They also are protective of the younger elemental's in their groups, acting like an older brothers figure. They tend to be snarky in the face of danger.

Likes: Quietness, the night, sword fighting (Both)

Dislikes: sitting still, large crowds, the color pink (Both)

Background/History (Be creative) : Wouldn't you guys like to know.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): Achilles- Runners Founder, Asher- Hunters leader

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):
Name: Mikahil

Age (14-20):15



Appearance (text or picture or both):Picture

Personality:Serious at times, likes to converse, quiet around people.

Likes:To be with people, to help others, and especially likes to fight.

Dislikes:Hurting people or disrespecting them.

Background/History (Be creative) :He's always stayed in the shadows because he's been bullied a lot for having an elemental father and a human mother, but one day when the government decided to take his father and even himself away, he was able to escape, thanks to his father, and he could only go to his mother for the help he wanted, but his mother was found dead in the kitchen because of a wild elemental, or so he guessed. The signs to this assumption were that his mother had burns all over her body and is almst unrecognizable. He swore to himself that he would become a voice that would set things right, but he has a few flaws since he also still wants to take revenge on the man/woman who did that to his mother. His father eventually died from trying to escape too many times, and now Mikahil is still lurking to find people who he should join to take out the hunters that appeared, for he does not agree with their terms, nor does he agre with their views on anything.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): Runner

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.): His specialty is electricity, but his power is actually energy itself and he knows only little about his powers thanks to his resilience and his studies of science.
Name: Damion R.

Age (14-20):15



Appearance (text or picture or both):

Personality: Damion is really to him self never really talks unless talked too. He never encountered friends and never had them so he not used to being around people. He really smart and sarcastic


Dislikes:Irrelevant people

Background/History (Be creative) :Damion grew up living a lie. His supposedly parents told him that he was experimented on by the gifted and they gave me powers. I didn't believe and i was correct the day my brother came to me and broke me free from all the lies and told me the real truth.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two):Hunters but brother a runner so both

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):He is skilled in karate. Also a family trait can teleport

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