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Fantasy Elemental Clans {Intrest Check}


Boink Bean

Blood will spill blood, and four shall become five.

Four clans of felines ran along side one and other for thousands of years. No war had broke between the four clans despite their differences.

The First clan; Fuoco. Fuoco involves feline's that can control Fire and Electricity. They are known for being quiet ruthless and hot-headed. As young kits, they can set the forest ablaze quiet a few times before learning how to control the difficult element they produce. They are closely bonded with Scuro due to their... unforgiving nature, yet also get along with Terra, and despise Vento.

The Second clan; Terra. Terra's territory homes many felines that can control the earth around/below them and the ability to heal others. They tend to be more gentle, and avoid war and hate at all costs. Once born, they are cared for by all the other she-cats in the clan as well as their mother, for bonding and trust purposes. They are taught peace and how to work their powers. Terra is closely bonded with Vento, gets along with Fuoco, and hates Scuro.

The Third clan; Vento. Vento is home to feline's who control water, wind, and ice. They can be cold heart-ed and rude to other clans at times, yet at other times they can be quite helpful. Vento feline's tend to be more isolated from one and other, they learn self-discipline and how to care for themselves at a young age. Vento gets along best with Terra, is acquainted with Scuro, and hates Fuoco.

And Lastly;
Scuro. Scuro is a more.. complicated Clan. The members of this clan control very dark and deadly abilities. Such as shadows, hypnosis, and corpse manipulation. They are known for being quite deadly, yet alluring. Most of the feline's have such beauty and grace, it kills. They are magnificent yet blood-thirsty. Darkness flows through their veins, and they tend to be very hard-headed. They learn to be unforgiving and cruel at very young ages.. Only the best kits make it past apprenticeship, the others are... put down. Scuro hates all the clans, yet falsely pretends to enjoy all their presences.

The clans had lived in peace for thousands of years, until a prophecy was foreseen.

War is brewing among the four clans, Will they destroy themselves? Or will peace regain its strength and the clans will flourish once-more?

Only Dio may tell.


Deputy: **Reserved**

Medicine Cat:

Medicine Cat Apprentice:

Warriors & Their Apprentices:

Queens & Their Kits:




Medicine Cat: **Reserved**

Medicine Cat Apprentice:

Warriors & Their Apprentices:

Queens & Their Kits:




Medicine Cat:

Medicine Cat Apprentice:

Warriors & Their Apprentices:

Queens & Their Kits:


Leader: **Reserved**


Medicine Cat:

Medicine Cat Apprentice:

Warriors & Their Apprentices:

Queens & Their Kits:


Last edited by a moderator:
RedApple said:
It seems like a great rp! I'm interested in Fuoco clan. :D
Indeed, You may be the leader, Medicine cat, or any other rank desired. If no one else joins, we shall make this a 1x1 since i don't expect many others to be interested.
[QUOTE="Enchanted Dreams]Indeed, You may be the leader, Medicine cat, or any other rank desired. If no one else joins, we shall make this a 1x1 since i don't expect many others to be interested.

Okay, thank you ^^
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Can I be a Terra feline. The queens kit

Queens are only pregnant she-cats. They hold no authority other then nursing a litter of kittens. I would prefer if you made an apprentice, or if you made a mother to go with a kit that would would out perfectly.

Yet you still have yet to reply to Abandoned and the Faulty Experiments.
[QUOTE="Enchanted Dreams]Is there a rank you care to reserve between the four clans?

Medicine cat? :3
NightFall said:
Can I be a warrior in the Vento clan?
Yes you may. I shall make the thread as of now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yet, I know some people cannot role-play more then one character. If you cannot that is fine, Yet i would prefer anyone who can role-play more then one character, to please make two cats, each in a different clan. It helpys ensure no clan in smaller then another.

NightFall kira blackthorn ,RedApple

The thread has been made. You may now create your characters.


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