Eldenridge [SU]


That guy who's not around much right now
The new age of entertainment; cerebral links, or CL for short. CL games were a largely popular development, but the technology is still not perfected. In the year 2027, the first big time release was announced, and a few months later, "Eldenridge" hit shelves across the world, the first completely CL operated game on the market. Eldenridge boasts 99.99% realism, and virtually no lag or ping. The largest massively multiplayer franchise to ever exist was released upon the world.

The character skeleton:




Brief history: (describe at least the past couple years of your character's life)



Now, the in game characters will be made during the rp. That's right; characters are buying, or just bought the game in the beginning of the rp, and character creation will continue again from there :8D:
(OOC: Wow,bigger than World of Warcraft? Quite the feat!)

Name: Alexander Slambert

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Brief Background and Personality: Alexander attended high school,and graduated. Eventually. He was brilliant,and everyone recognized this. However,he was quite the underachiever. However,after having to go in for grade 13,he passed,and off-and-on held jobs. Now,he lives on his own in an appartment,and works with a PC store. He takes a rather cynical approach to his work; before he sells a part or system to the customer,he always ensures that the person is capable enough with the technology to use it well enough to prevent them from damaging the device. His boss actually encourages this,as she wants more people to be educated on what they take for granted every day. He makes a decent paycheck,and doesn't look like he'll lose the job any time soon.

As a gamer for pretty much his entire life,Alexander has played a huge amount of games,and has developed a refined palate,and will express his opinionson the subject quite frequently,not caring of what other people may think.

Appearance: Stands 5'9",has brown hair and eyes. His hair is thick,but short. Keeps a shaven lip,but maintains a goatee. He is fairly thin,and preffers to wear blue jeans,and neutral coloured,or red shirts. He also owns three different suits,and ten different ties. His two jackets are a normal leather jacket with a fleece liner and hood,and a heavy cloth greatcoat that reaches his ankles. Owns a pair of Oakleys shades (which look like Adam Jensen's shades from Deus Ex: Human Revolution).
Name: Aaron Miller



Brief history: Aaron is that one guy in high school who was a jerk. He played a bit of foot ball and thought he was top dog, and in a way he was. He threw his weight around giving into the vicious pack mentality that was high school.

He barely managed to get a diploma and now lives in his parent's basement.

Aaron uses the CL to relive his days as top dog and to feel as if he belongs, an escape if you will.

Personality: Aaron is a thick headed obnoxious individual with a secret heart of gold. He felt insecure in high school so used his physical abilities to secure social power. He lost his individuality when he became a jock, and since then has looked to belong. In order to find himself Aaron will have to dig deep, but in the mean time he is a trolling "newb!" caller.

Appearance: 5'11 solidly built with brown hair, brown eyes. Aaron grows out a beard which periodically becomes shaggy before he is forced by his mother to pause gaming and get a quick shave. Aaron can usually be found mucking about in sweats. ----> http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/18397/1669116-1258291308092_super.jpg
Name: Annabel Jenson

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Brief history: Annabel has been unnoticed for most of her life. She was the 'weird girl that never talked' in school. Even teachers seemed to forget she existed. She didn't really mind. But she's longed for friends for a long time. She watches as the popular girls invite each other to parties, shopping, and more with envy. Now she is in her last year of high-school and still can't seem to make any friends. She decides to try out the CL to see if it would improve her boring waste of life.

Personality: Anna is very calm. She has a barrier around her emotions. If she is mad, sad, or happy it is very hard to tell. Sometimes she wants to say something but keeps it to herself. Anna is very serious about everything. She doesn't take jokes very well, as she isn't used to jokes. If she has a project to do in the next few days, she will stay on it until it is finished. She won't eat or sleep until the project is done. Anna is quite a nerd and loves myths, history, and fantasy. Oh, and games, of course.

Appearance: She has thick, light brown hair that is normally held back with a pony tail. She has to wear thick glasses thanks to her horrible sight. They are bordered with black lines. She is 5'4 in height and average in weight. Annabel normally wears long sleeved shirts, hoodies, and pants. She has white sneakers that she wears everywhere. She can normally be found with her nose in a book.

the rp has kinda started, but it hasn't gotten far yet, so feel free to post ^^
Name: Reisuke Houjou

Age: 4! Hooray for the 4 year old who plays video games!

Gender: Male

Brief history: From a young age, Reisuke has always been intelligent. And for some reason, he also has a passion for video games, mostly influenced by his brothers. His brothers were video game lunatics, playing on the computer for at least 5 hours everyday. Ever since Reisuke was born, he has been exposed to countless computer games, and by the age of 4, he himself had become addicted. Now, what can a boy do when a new game has come out and it's a hit? Why, you play it, of course!

Personality: Reisuke is awfully intelligent, and his strategy skills are top-notch. He has adequate grammar and punctuation, and often calls elders 'big-brother' or 'big-sister'. He obviously still has the mindset of a child, but he's also sadistic, creepy, and cruel, although to the unsuspecting eye, he's innocent, curious, cheerful, and polite.

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Unfortuanately, a four year old wouldn't be able to play the game. It's rated at teen, and it's a cerebrally linked game, so even if you claimed to be older, it would still be false and deny you.

Fourteen would be the minimum. Sorry Houjou, but children don't really fit into most of my rps ^^'

A lot of people with names starting with A...

Name: Jimmy Jones

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Brief history: Jimmy thought he had it all figured out. He was so certain that the girl he was with was the woman he was going to marry. After paying for her to fly out to Michigan to spend time with her sister, Jimmy was surprised to find she had stopped returning his calls. Unsure of what the situation was, yet willing to believe that things were fine, Jimmy continued on. He kept calling to tell her he loved her each night, and sent flowers on their anniversary. Then after logging onto the popular social networking site Facespace, Jimmy had found his relationship status had changed. She had broken up with his account. After spiraling into a state of depression, Jimmy had started to spend his savings on anything to help him escape the reality he was no longer certain existed. He developed a love for CL games, and became quite excited with the announcement of Eldenridge. He took an impromptu vacation from his job as a shift manager at a souvenir shop to fully enjoy the launch of the game.

Personality: Jimmy is a good-natured individual with an addictive personality. He has become rather jaded toward romance, and the idea of happiness, but still willing to help those in need. His sense of humor is sarcastic, and cynical.

Appearance: Jimmy usually has his dark brown hair combed back. The darkness of his hair is contrasted by his bright emerald green eyes. At 5'11 he is a bit on the skinny side, and usually found wearing an open button-down shirt over a t-shirt. He has a scar under his lip from a dog bite. Schnauzers are terrible little monsters.

feel free to make your opening post whenever you like ^^

(unfortunately, everyone's been choosing to be in the same area as rid for the opening, so they can't continue until he returns)

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