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Fandom [EDIT: Group Search] My hero Academia Inspired Roleplay Search


A Very Mysterious Miss
Hello There!

If you're here, you're likely a fan of My Hero Academia!

I have a story line I'd like to propose for you. I will of course prepare a full starter once I find interest in the following prompt.


The news outlets are abuzz on each channel after the development of the most recent super hero school scandal. After a student with a dangerous combination of super powers is expelled, a super powered school teacher, known as Nitropalm, is hailed as a hero for thwarting her attempt to destroy the facility. Although much of the schools training ground is damaged in the process, Nitropalm protected the students and staff before the student reached the academic and dormitory buildings. Unfortunately, the student named Magenta Parker (Super Hero Alias: Metallimotion), managed to evade arrest and despite the educators best efforts, escaped. The public is urged to leave capture to professionals, as Metallimotion was born with two dangerous quirks; the ability to control and manipulate various metals, but also to produce various dangerous substances and chemicals by crying in different states of emotion. The media storm is ablaze with updates as a beloved retired hero, ChicLady, is killed while working with Nitropalm to capture the rogue student. Two citizens are also found dead, both having been burned alive. Traces of Nitroglycerin are found at the scene, the same substance that Metalimotion can produce with tears in a fit of rage.

Metallimotion's whereabouts are unknown but she's be labeled as a serious risk to the population and a hefty reward has been placed on her head that both hero and villain alike thirst over. The family with which she lives, who took her in from the streets, have renounced her and Nitropalm who stopped her attempt to destroy the school, has made a public statement about her behavioral issues, which started to occur around the time she lost her parents, Crybaby and Ironfist to an unknown villain. He thanks the public for their kindness, but states he was only doing his job when he stopped her, and requests that the public do not engage in combat.

Metallimotion is a second year student with a preliminary license to practice her quirks, although that license has been revoked, this information is given to the public in order to give them some understanding of her abilities. Images of the damage to the training field are released, showing a grave yard of bent metal and potent acid damage burning through various building materials. Although the school buildings were not affected by the attack the damage to the training field is extensive. Metallimotion is not one to be trifled with.

About this rp:
-Your character options are wide open! You may play as a student or as an adult hero/villain, even a civilian with no quirks at all!
-You may make up memories or experiences within reason (keep it vague, as with most rps, no god modding!) about metallimotion in order to satisfy your characters story arch. Were they childhood friends? In the same class together? Are they one of her teachers? What do they remember her for...
-You will of course interact with other hero's, and may have multiple yourself, OC or CC (cannon character, i.e It's totally okay for you to play Midoriya Izuku, or even All Might.)
-We are both the GM here, I want you to add as much to this story as I do.
-remember to consider your limitations to your quirk! If you go Plus Ultra there is a repercussion. No character should be too OP. Metallimotion has her limitations.
-This doesn't have to be U.A, but it can be! Lets chat about it.

It all depends on where you want the story to go, and the story I have in mind.

I hope this prompt interests you or someone you may know.

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