Eclipse Diplomatic Immunity


New Member
I'd like to clarify just what kind of diplomatic immunity the Eclipse possess. Does they protection they receive also extend to the Dead and the Neverborn or does it only cover the Fairfolk, Demons, Gods and Elementals?
It likely also covers elementals who actually remember them from the first age. (in memory of what they are... etc etc.)

The Neverborn and the Deathlords -might- honor the eclipse immunity for the moment. As if to appear that they're bound by such, surprise tactic and all when they really can reveal that they're not bound by it.
its suggested in some places that it covers the death lords...


if I'm a Ravager, at a  Freehold... am I ALSO incapable of harming an Eclipse?

or do I just face the prospect of my lungs being burned while inside my body, and my testical's growing wings and flying off, if I displease my master?
The Ravager is but a mere mortal and thus not covered by those ancient pacts. To be sure, their MASTER would not be happy if the immunity was broken... but can't be helped, as he did NOT order it, nor did he violate it overtly.
Or he might be very happy indeed if his Ravagers handle the problem for him without him having to act overtly...loopholes can be nice...
I wouldn't be inclined to name the Neverborn or the Deathlords among those affected by the pacts the Eclipse Caste held.

One, the Neverborn are the Primordials slain by the First Age Exalts.  I wouldn't be inclined to make deals with my killers after death, and that's the attitude I generally see them having.  The Yozis, on the other hand, make sense to have pacts.  Cos if I was locked away for eternity, you'd be damned sure I'd be trying to cut whatever deals I could on the slim chance I could get myself some freedom from time to time. :)

As for the Deathlords, they're the ghosts of 13 of the most powerful Solar Exalts from the First Age.  Any given Eclipse might have a personal pact with who one of the Deathlords -used- to be that still carries through to the Age of Sorrows, but as a whole, Solar Exalts didn't have generalized blanket pacts for the entire population.
But it's always a good policy to hide the fact that you're immune to such and such. Makes it polite and appears that you honor deals... but... when the double-crossing time happens, and it will, you can break all your oaths and laugh your way to the bank.   :D

Also remember, where the Eclipse Oath-powers fail... the Moonshadows will WORK you over like a bitch.
I thought it was the Abyssal version (moonshadow?) that covers the dead and deathlords?  I'm just too lazy to get my book at the moment...   :P
No... there is no automatic immunity, BUT are you sure you want to piss off the servents of the Neverborn?
The core book doesn't mention anything about diplomatic immunity for moonshadows.
You could easily rule that the Monstrance corrupted the Essence to be absolutely unrecognizable to the spirits who hold these pacts in trust, and that Moonshadows don't benefit from diplomatic immunity.  

You could also say that though they are wildly corrupted, they're still Eclipse Caste shards and diplomatic immunity is in full force as another tool in the Deathlords' arsenals.  

Perhaps the answer will be made apparent in MoXP: Abyssals.  Until then, it's dealer's choice. :)
I'm inclined to say that the Moonshadows are covered by the same pacts as the eclipse, if only because it opens the door to nice scenes.

In my campaign, the PC eclipse and an NPC moonshadow did some pretty good social combat at a Fairfolk court.
I seem to recall seeing in the abyssal book mention that the moonshadows do not have enforceable diplomatic immunity, however the gods of ushan are unwilling to deny them practical immunity for fear of the powers they represent.

I seem to recall seeing in the abyssal book mention that the moonshadows do not have enforceable diplomatic immunity, however the gods of ushan are unwilling to deny them practical immunity for fear of the powers they represent.
Which is total bullshit. The neverborn are dead and in the eyes of the gods no threat and even if they were then they would logically have to grant that immunity to every abyssal out of fear. They are all neverborn agents after all.

In my opinion they do not have diplomatic immunity, for the reason mentioned above: the shard is warped, they are no eclipse caste solars and certainly do not have the suns blessing and do not come in his name.

Furthermore if the moonshadow would have diplomatic immunity it would be far easier to figure out that they are tainted solars which is bad in my opinion.
Safim said:
Which is total bullshit. The neverborn are dead and in the eyes of the gods no threat
I'm not so sure. It mentions in the material on akuma that not even the Yozi really want to fuck with the Neverborn.
I am a god in Yu-Shan. I made my underlings kill my progenitors and took what was theirs. I am playing their game since the dawn of time.

Some of them are dead, others, the sissies of the progenitors I allowed to live, they surrendered and swore oaths on their very names. They fear their dead brethren. What do I care about the fears of those cowards?
Safim said:
I am a god in Yu-Shan. I made my underlings kill my progenitors and took what was theirs. I am playing their game since the dawn of time.
Some of them are dead, others, the sissies of the progenitors I allowed to live, they surrendered and swore oaths on their very names. They fear their dead brethren. What do I care about the fears of those cowards?
Because if they ever get out, there's gonna be one hell of a reckoning?
Rhapsody said:
Safim said:
I am a god in Yu-Shan. I made my underlings kill my progenitors and took what was theirs. I am playing their game since the dawn of time.
Some of them are dead, others, the sissies of the progenitors I allowed to live, they surrendered and swore oaths on their very names. They fear their dead brethren. What do I care about the fears of those cowards?
Because if they ever get out, there's gonna be one hell of a reckoning?
Pfffft, they are dead, they can't leave the underworld. I just killed my ancestors, it is arrogance time. Foolish perhaps, but I will surely not honour their playthings I can crush on a whim. And honestly, if I did it out of fear. Why only the moonshadow? No one could answer that for now.

Oh and btw. my weapons are not busted, the solars are doing just fine *denialmode*
Safim said:
Pfffft, they are dead, they can't leave the underworld. I just killed my ancestors, it is arrogance time. Foolish perhaps, but I will surely not honour their playthings I can crush on a whim. And honestly, if I did it out of fear. Why only the moonshadow? No one could answer that for now.
Oh and btw. my weapons are not busted, the solars are doing just fine *denialmode*
*points at the Games of Divinity* Look! Shiny Parcheesi board! And I think Luna's trying to cheat!
Flagg said:
Safim said:
Which is total bullshit. The neverborn are dead and in the eyes of the gods no threat
I'm not so sure. It mentions in the material on akuma that not even the Yozi really want to fuck with the Neverborn.
I don't see why any of the Gods in Yushan would be willing to grant any boons towards the abyssal, out of fear or otherwise.  The Neverborn and abyssals pose a serious threat, but the problem with wacko, nihilistic, end-of-the-world nut jobs is that there's just no pleasing them... no matter how polite Yushan is to the malfeans and their minions, if there is ever a reckoning between the Malfeans and the forces that killed them, the details are all irrelevant - Creation goes down the crapper.  Why would Yushan, then, extend special benefits to their enemies which only expediates the downfall of creation when their token gesture does absolutely nothing to abate the utter hatred of the Malfeans?
Because a war is always bad, but a war with no rules is worse... so you allow enemy diplomats to come and talk... Which is what the Neverborn's Moonshadows are.
Haku said:
Because a war is always bad, but a war with no rules is worse... so you allow enemy diplomats to come and talk... Which is what the Neverborn's Moonshadows are.
Uh... ahem. There is no war. You use your superior metagame knowledge to interpret it into canon. That is actually why I wrote out of the perspective of a god, to show how the gods in the game see the situation.

1. Nobody knows about the deathlord/neverborn connection. The green lady might be guessing it, but even she does not know for sure.

2. The neverborn are dead, they are no threat whatsoever and last time some exalts bothered with climbing down to them, they got necromancy out of it and everyone got away to tell of it. Clearly no danger to the heavenly city.

3. The neverborn do not have a single moonshadow. The deathlords have them.

4. Not every moonshadow is a diplomat, so it would be rather useless to give this power only to them based on some idea of work sharing the deathlords do not have to share.

5. There are no abyssals in the celestial city, why diplomatic immunity? And what do the Raksha have to do with that?


*looks around furiously*

I knew it! She cheated! Call the referee!

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