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Multiple Settings Echo's Big Idea Thread! (FxM/FxF | Literate | Long Term| Always Open | Open To Ideas)

Echo Conscious

Graffiti Queen
Hello, I'm Echo Conscious! A lot of content, so let's get going! Generally speaking, I'm up for a lot of different topics, if I haven't listed one and you want to try it with me (slice of life/ supernatural slice of life are my favorites), message me and let us figure it out! I personally am a lesbian so I generally go for FxF, I'm thinking about branching out to MxF pairings, but I'd prefer to be the male, so I'm open to those ideas too! I try to be available, but as you know life is a thing and sometimes I'm not able to respond right away and sometimes I need a little more time to brainstorm, so I might be able to get 2-3 posts out a day depending on school work, outside life, and on-campus clubs, and other RPs. I do like out of character chat as it gives us a chance to learn about each other, which I've found can help increase overall interest in the RP or get us on an RP that fits us better, and brainstorm to figure out where we what the plot to move. Not all of the topics listed have to be romantic, there are other storytelling tools than romance and sex and I'm more than happy to do something that isn't just cute fluff (those are great and all but without any drama, they start to burn out). Though I am open to romance!

18+, I'm 21, so I will not be willing to break from 18+

If you're looking to end an RP, communicate with me, it would be appreciated.

Please be able to write at least one paragraph (150~ words) on average. I write between 2&3 on average. I've noticed when people do less than one, I lose interest in those RPs much quicker.

I will write here in messages or on discord, I do not do sex scenes, those are fade to black moments on both platforms.


Here are a couple of pre-built idea's you can edit if you want something slightly different. These are supposed to be outlines after all, though they are fun to do without editing as well. I'm using x's to break up the roles so you know which ones there are. I am not limited to these ideas, we can do something else if you think we would make a good RP pair.

An Android gets to basically remote control a human body and has to adjust to a new style of life.

Your Character (who I'll just refer to as Muse) has joined a program to colonize another planet. They decide to take off and go, but they'd never leave their creation behind, Ezra, an Android that has taken years to have their artificial intelligence to be so Human-like. Then again Ezra had gained sentience sometime ago and the two had been living together for a year or so with Ezra being sentient. Muse still has programs to limit her sentience when things need to get done but the agreed on a deal the two had, even though Muse would never have to keep it up was to limit how often they hijacked the Android.

The central government had banned the level of sentience that Ezra had and Muse took that risk when building Ezra. With some back alley deals, Muse managed to get Ezra an identification card and all the relevant documents to make Ezra fully human in the eyes of the law.

When Muse had been doing the paperwork for the two for the colonization expedition, they learned that they were going to have to be in cryosleep for several years. Ezra would not be able to withstand the cold for several years unless Muse got Ezra in the cryosleep pod then take out the important parts that would not survive several years of cryosleep, it was risky so Muse put Ezra down as an android that was to be stored in the hull of the ship. Before Ezra was powered down Muse got their processor, which was a small inch by inch piece etched into glass, and her memory banks. Ezra had told Muse to take them and keep them as close as they were allowed to.

Upon landing and Muse exiting the ship they ran into an old friend who was a genetic body-modder, here there were fewer rules and they could work on clones much easier. They offer Muse a way to give Ezra a real body, well it was a clone, but it was still a body that didn't just breath as an aesthetic to deceive people into believing the Android was a real human. It would be a few days until Ezra body would be sent back to Muse. So they took the deal and let their friend let Ezra have a human body. If she hated it, Ezra could easily go back to being her normal Android self.

Other than the adjustment to being a human, I think there could be some things that could complicate it what's going on with Ezra. Something that I've been thinking about is slowly Ezra starts as a patch on the side of the hip that uses nanobots to control the brain, to putting her processor into the brain so it could work with the brain directly until Ezra has a conscious in the body and *basically* become an actual human. And if Android Ezra memories would be missing due to them after a while not need to be stored in her memory banks anymore.

I was also thinking as Ezra becomes much more invasive with the body as the brain is being rewired for Ezra things start happening that make Ezra question if the body is a clone or if she hijacked someone without realizing it.

Spirit that wakes up in a different body every day x The person that they open up to

Basic plot:

A spirit wakes up every day in a different body. The person is always the same age as the spirit and within the same city. While the soul is in control they have full access to their memory and can do almost anything; the person naturally will never remember what the spirit does, to them everything will be a foggy recollection. Typically the spirit just lives a day of who they inhabit, using their memory only enough to have an uneventful day. Every night precisely at midnight the soul is violently ripped away from the host. If the spirit is still awake at this time, the host will faint if the spirit stays too long.

One day the spirit finds someone who will take them seriously after revealing themselves, even though the person is skeptical that all of this is actually real. Several days pass as the spirit shows the human that they are indeed the same person even though they wake up as a different person every day. Is the spirit the only one who is like this? Are there more?

This one is generally pretty fun to do, we can do this with different pairings, or figure out an "end goal" (i.e. one of the RPs I'm doing with this, the Spirit will eventually get their own body, but then it goes into slice of life and the new person has to become a person according to the law since they didn't exist prior to whatever god made them a body of their own)

Dreamer and a slow descent into insanity x The Watcher that keeps Dreamers safe & The real-life person they had fallen for (this might be interesting in a three-way group, the Watcher and Real-Life lover would have to realize they'd have to take turns unless we let both happen at the same time since for the Dreamer they are always in one. With the right planning, we could do both at the same time. Not counting on it though)

Basic Plot:

When the Dreamer falls asleep they have vivid dreams, every night. Sometimes these dreams are lucid and sometimes they have a general flow. The lucid dreams are facilitated by a watcher, someone who makes sure that the Dreamer doesn't hurt themselves, who takes the form of a human and most often interacts with the Dreamer to ensure the dream stays stable and won't tear away from their physical body in the event of the dream ending unexpectedly since the Dreamer is not just in their own head, they are in a completely different reality. The Dreamer's dreams become longer and longer until they feel like a full day even though it's just everything going a bit faster and less in their own control. The Watcher always takes the same form since they are often not in the same dream very often, but the Watcher starts coming back to the Dreamer and one day the two begin to hit it off. This is the first rule the Watcher breaks when it comes to humans.

After the two hang out for a while and the Dreamer goes to sleep, they wake up in the real world. They are still in their lover's arms, everything is weird though. Why were they flirting with someone that wasn't their lover? Their dreams never revolved around that. The Dreamer brushes it off and lives out the day as normal before returning to bed.

The realities that the Dreamer begin to enter start to turn more into something that would mirror real-life, things start to become constant, the city that the Dreamer lives in stops changing in the dream. No longer is the city different, one day having the skyline of Chicago and then Shanghai the next, everything is still. After a while the Dreamer's memories begin to blend together, each one feels like the dream, each one feels like real life. The Dreamer begins to be unable to make out real life anymore, it's all the same but they're living two different lives and each one feels like a secret from the other. The person from the real world insists they are real and so does the Watcher.

Spy (X) x The Person's life they have to infiltrate (Y)

Basic Plot:

The American Government (can be another country, so I'll refer to them as "the Government") needs more information on Y. They've been on the run for quite a while and they've pinpointed them, the Government knows that they can't just snatch Y, oh no, this would ruin international relationships with the country Y was harbored in if they found out that the Government had kidnapped an asset of their plans to continue to disrupt. Y had been living life on the down low still trying to not be picked up by the Government and live a life where they would never have to serve time for their acts against humanity.

X does what they can to get into Y's life as a lover to bring them to justice with a voluntary trip out of the country, but as time goes on X begins to sympathize with Y and genuinely falls for them. When Y figures out X is a spy, can the two continue or is Y too spooked for this?

Bad X x Good Y

Basic Plot:

It's the start of college everyone knows X already, not for the reasons though X would like, most people know X because of how they dress. They act like a punk and they sound like a punk. Y is much quieter, coming out of Prep School and the few people that know her also know that's she is gentle and caring.

Y has always wanted control and thank's to their repressed desires for control since everyone else always seemed to have control of them, it's their turn to take control of their life and a bit of someone else's. Behind closed doors X is generally more gentle and isn't the total punk they generally make themselves out to be, can the two actually get along in private and in public?

Honestly probably the most generic thing here but sometimes this can be fun.
Hey lovely! I’d love to come up with something with you!!

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