Echoing Drums

Prince Cohen

Junior Member
Sign up sheet is rather simple, as I like to keep things! I'll help you out, regardless!

Just copy and paste, and remove anything that isn't applicable!


Age: (This will apply to your race of course. For example: Humans will live nigh on Eighty years, whereas Elves can live for thousands!)

Race: (This will of course be debatable. Anything except Orcs, but keep it realistic. I'm a WoW player myself, so basing it around the races from the game is a safe option! But, I am lenient so if something seems acceptable and reasonable to me, I shall accept it!)


Personality: (I'd expect something chunky here. Highlight everything to do with your character in general. Quirks, habits, etc)

History: (Doesn't have to be a novel, just enough to base your character on.)

Appearance: (Picture or description, or if you're feeling fancy, do both!)

That is pretty much it! Hope to see 'em soon!

Read more about this role play... 
Name: Cohen O'Hartley

Age: Thirty One

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Personality: Somewhat rash with decision making, and often thinks after he acts. He is strong willed, but will often crumble under pressure in certain situations. When relaxed, he tends to be witty and snarky. The first to sit down on arrival, or spark up conversation around a campfire. He is rarely angered, even when on the front lines and has that rare trait to keep a cool head. In battle, he is efficient when all is going well. Fast and quick on his feet, his agility suits a footpad perfectly!

History: Was brought up in a small village in the outer kingdoms, that fell to the Orc's quickly. He moved deeper into allied lands and trained as a soldier in the years of the great war. Now stationed all the way back at the final human stronghold, he is beginning to accept the hopelessness of his situation.


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