Two Thousand Club
Everyone has always said that war and conflict lead to big business. They were not wrong. As multiple generations have passed, disagreements amongst nations was bound to happen and with that, wars raged and with war new innovations was inevitable. At first, these new innovations were all machines to help soldiers fight off their opponents with most requiring the need for benders to use their element to make the weapons function, though as time progressed, new weapons were soon invented that did not rely on benders, this allowed soldiers who had no bending capabilities to fight in these conflicts on equal grounds as their fellow benders.
Even when the wars and conflicts eventually came to an end, recycled machines of war were eventually used to create and invent all number of things, from different forms of transportation to even creating working prosthetic limbs for disabled veterans, soon enough there were even landline phones to help with communicating with loved ones from great distances. From that point on, the era of Steampunk had risen.
A militaristic group of non-benders, The Ashen Dawn was founded nearly 30 years ago by a man named Malrik Zevran. Those in their ranks are all non-benders and most if not all believe that because the world was shaped by the conflicts of bending, ruled by those who wielded such power, non-benders were powerless against them. So, to enact their own form of 'justice', all the members of The Ashen Dawn are skilled in some form of chi-blocking or other means of counteracting benders. The views of The Ashen Dawn are that if anyone were to use bending, they would first be taken into a specialized prison where they would be completely unable to use any form of their elemental bending, if the prisoner happens to attempt to fight back after they have been locked away, then their bending is suspended through the use of chi-blocking before being physically punished immediately after. While it is uncommon, prisoners who continue to resist even after having their bending temporarily suspended and being physically beaten are taken to out to an open yard where all prisoners can bear witness before the prisoner is executed.
While The Ashen Dawn has spread its influence throughout the world, their main headquarters is located in the Capital City of Nova Citadel. Even with this location being public knowledge, very few people dare even think of any attempt of terrorism toward the city or the headquarters due to the large amount of weaponry and machinery that the city as well as what the headquarters has stored within its walls.
The most renowned achievement that the militaristic group boasters about is the fact that they believe they were able to stop the cycle of the rebirth of the Avatar by killing the Avatar when they were in their Avatar state. The decision was made by Malrik to kill the Avatar as he knew that attempting to capture and imprison the Avatar in anyway would not end in their favor due to them being the master of all four elements as well as the capability of restoring and removing ones ability to bend. Once the decision was made, a plan was setup to lure the Avatar into a secluded location by placing a bet that if a mass execution was to be broadcasted, then surely the Avatar would step in to stop them. The day of the plan, everything had gone by smoothly and rather than use real prisoners for an actual execution, the 'prisoners' were other soldiers of The Ashen Dawn with bags over their heads to hide their identity.
Just as planned, the Avatar arrived to stop the execution and a battle ensued. Of course, in the end the Avatar was successful in subduing the executioners, but when they had approached the first 'prisoner' and lifted the hood only to be greeted and ambushed by more soldiers, they were forced into the Avatar state to try and make up for their lack of energy after defeating the executioners. Even after subduing most of the ambushers, at the last moment just as the Avatar had believed everything was over, a bullet struck the back of the Avatar's head and had blown a hole from the back of their skull through the opposite side and that was the end of it.
After the defeat of the Avatar, many of the benders in captivity had lost hope of balance ever fully returning to the world and the influence of The Ashen Dawn from there enveloped the world.
The opposing rebellion against The Ashen Dawn. Known by very few but nevertheless still known, The Veil of Embers was formed about 5 years after The Ashen Dawn had been created. Founded by a man named Isharo Zevran, the rebellion's members originated with just a few members and all of which were benders from all four of the elemental nations. As time went on the rebellion grew larger over time even to the point that many non-benders who were sympathizers against benders had even joined their cause. While their equipment is not as advanced nor are their resources as mass as that of The Ashen Dawn, they work with what they have and have made several successful operations against the group, whether this might be to free prisoners from captivity, stopping the transport of prisoners to captivity, spreading information about the evils and negativities that The Ashen Dawn represents, or even just out in the open trying to recruit citizens against the threat of being ruled by a militaristic force.
While it is not known to the public, the rebellion's branches are scattered throughout the world just as much as The Ashen Dawn are, though rather than having their presence and location above ground and in the open, many of their branch locations are located underground in large spiraling tunnel systems even below the train tunnels. Just as The Ashen Dawn's main headquarters is located in the capital city, so too is the main branch of the rebellion, the decision was made to make it as close as possible to the militaristic group so that it would possibly make it so that the group would never expect that their opposing enemy was right below their own feet the entire time.
After the news of the death of the previous Avatar and how the cycle was broken due to the assassination being done when the Avatar had been in their most powerful state, many of rebels had left and given up hope. Though many still held onto the belief that even without the Avatar, they could eventually bring down the militaristic group and soon return peace as well as balance between non-benders and benders alike.
Located in the middle of all four of the nations is the capital city of Nova Citadel. After the countless wars and conflicts with one another, eventually peace had come between the nations and to solidify the proof into physical form that the nations had peace, all four nations came together to construct the largest city known throughout the land. The city is a combined effort amongst all benders and non-benders, putting all their differences aside and using their natural ability to bend whichever element they could into the process of building and erecting structures all over.
The city has is a sort of neutral ground amongst the four nations, it would not be uncommon to find both fire nation citizens and water tribe citizens walking the streets together here. Even the court systems here are a combined effort for when criminals' offenses in a different nation are so severe that a decision cannot be made alone in that specific nation's justice system. The level of technology advances are the highest here as many of the largest trading companies come here to do business if they wish to expand their trade routes to far off lands.
Even as a technological marvel, Nova Citadel is also home to many citizens as it houses lower class, middle class as well as upper class citizens alike. Many of the lower class citizens reside in an area of the city that is known as the slums; here, crime is almost considered the normal as murder and drugs practically run the entire lower class section of the city. Crime lords and control different parts of the slums and its even rumored that some with higher influence have their hands in both the middle and upper class in some parts as well.
The middle class is considered the most populated areas of Nova Citadel; here, all manners of people reside, normal ordinary working folk that may rise up to eventually become upper classman or possibly even drop down to a lower classman depending on their actions. Many of these citizens work for companies or jobs that are owned by upper classmen and very few own small businesses of their own.
The upper class as expected would be considered the most wealthy of all citizens, they live luxurious lives and mostly free of any burdens that life might throw at them. Many of these citizens are either born into their wealth because of their family or have worked their own way up to this point in their lives. Citizens in this class would range from CEOs of businesses, politicians, or other means, even if it might possibly be illegal. It would not be unexpected to know that some of these wealthy individuals might have lower classman at times be working for them as slaves or even gang members as bodyguards.