EC Redux - economical situation good?


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
Stillborn, last I heard (back in May) you estimated that you had enough donations to run the site for about six months.

Since you haven't mentioned anything about the finances since then (not that I've noticed anyway) I assume that either:

* Everything is well and good, or

* You could use (or at least wouldn't mind) a bit of coin so you aren't stuck alone with the bill but you don't feel like bothering us for this kind of thing, or

* You plain didn't think about it until I brought it up.

Cutting to the point: how goes it with financing the domain, server, bandwidth, etc? - Is there a bill we can help you pay in connection with that, or are you still covered from donations?

I post this publicly for the obvious reason: people will read it. :-)

- A dollar here and ten there all adds up, and anyone of us with paypal can take two minutes out of our day to pay an insignificant or symbolic amount of money to start off the new year with a good, special feeling deep in the cockles of our hearts. Or maybe below the cockles. Maybe in the sub-cockle area. Maybe in the liver. Maybe in the kidneys. Maybe, even in the colon. We don't know.

How about it?
Relic said:
* You could use (or at least wouldn't mind) a bit of coin so you aren't stuck alone with the bill but you don't feel like bothering us for this kind of thing
This is the case, currently. If anyone feeling like supporting the site, I can be paypal'd at

Thanks for the info. Happy New Year Stillborn and forum, and see you on the other side.

In the words of my father: "don't do anything I wouldn't do" - which as we both know leaves the field of possibilities more or less unchanged. ;-)
Relic said:
In the words of my father: "don't do anything I wouldn't do"
In the words of my friend's father when asked about the extent of his past drug use:

"Let me put it this way: I've never smoked crack."



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