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Fantasy Eavotora - Cast



* Display this information however you'd like. You don't need to go super in depth into the personality and background if you decide to do those.

  • Character Skeleton






    Personality: (Optional)

    Background: (Optional)

    Powers: Humans may have one ability if you decide to have them. Dragons breathe whatever their main element is and fire. Type of dragons adds to their abilities. Dragons are known to be skilled and have wide knowledge when it comes to magic. They can also speak telepathically with their humans in their dragon forms. Check lore for more info.
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[div class=left][div class=image][/div][div class=circle]E[/div]
[div class=header]Ema’rri[/div][div class=sub]"Ehhh. Why not?"[/div][div class=physical]5 FT 2 IN[/div]
[div class=physical]SILVERY PURPLE HAIR[/div]
[div class=physical]GOLD EYES[/div][/div]
[div class=right][div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PROFILE[/div]
[div class=colorbox]NAME
[div class=colorbox]AGE[/div] 266
[div class=colorbox]GENDER[/div] Female
[div class=colorbox]DRAGON[/div] Wyvern
[div class=colorbox]ROLE[/div] Missing Woman's Dragon
[div class=colorbox]PARTNER[/div] Lenora Siberilis

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[div class=header2]APPEARANCE[/div]
Ema’rri’s short appearance gives her a youthful look. Her hips are full, often emphasized by the body-hugging clothes she wears. Due to her young age and somewhat lazy nature, her horns, pointed ears, and tail are out in the open for everyone to gawk at. Her crest can be seen on her forehead, though that is a mark that has been imprinted on her like everyone else in her family. Of course, her mark is also branded on her right hand like her partner.

Ema’rri has smooth scales and is on the smaller size. As a dragon, she's mostly a cream color with accent of a purplish gray. She could be compared to being the size of 1 large adult African elephants.

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[div class=header2]ABOUT[/div]
Personality: Ema’rri is can be inquisitive when she genuinely becomes interested in someone. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, though it’s often in a calm and not aggressive way. People may see her as one of the more temperate dragons to be around due to her nonchalance and overall disregard for things that are of no interest to her. That being said, she loves challenges and hates being looked down upon, especially when her partner is the main target. When this occurs, a more vocal side of hers will appear. She’s a bit more poisonous with her words in these scenarios and will hit or kick her fellow dragon mates. She may also pinch their cheeks among other physical displays.

[div class=colorbox]LIKES[/div] bread, baked goods, hanging from places, sleeping
[div class=colorbox]DISLIKES[/div] being woken up, vegetables, strong scents

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[div class=header2]Abilities[/div]
- Fire Breathing: An ability found in almost all dragons that includes Wyverns to breath Fire.
- Aerokinesis: The ability to control Air and Wind by will. This allows her to fly faster and be more quick when in the air. She could potentially disrupt the air and wind.
- Claw Retraction: The ability found in Wyverns to retract their talons like a cat.
- Vemomous Bite: Some Wyverns tend to have a bite with poison that is like that of a snake. Ema'rri's bite only impacts slightly larger dragons and smaller. If she bites anything bigger, it only feels like an annoying itch or burning sensation. Doesn't kill, only temporarily disables.[/div]

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[div class=header2]EXTRA[/div]



[div class=watermark]Koala [/div][/div]
[class=base]background-color: lightgray; max-width: 750px; margin: auto; position: relative; [/class] [class=watermark]font-size: 9px; font-family: Times New Roman; text-align: right; padding: 5px;[/class] [class=left]background-color: #FFFFFF; height: 475px; padding: 12px; box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px; position: relative; margin: auto;[/class] [class=image]background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/P7z6Mr9.jpg); height: 275px; background-size: 90%; background-position: 0px -50px;[/class] [class=circle]background-color: #443742; height: 40px; width: 40px; border-radius: 100%; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 25px; text-align: center; position: absolute; margin-left: 105px; margin-top: -20px; code by koala;[/class] [class=header]font-family: Time New Roman; color: #000000; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;[/class] [class=sub]font-size: 12px; color: #443742; text-align: center; font-family: Times New Roman;[/class] [class=physical]font-size: 11px; color: #000000; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray; padding-top: -5px; font-family: Times New Roman;[/class] [class=right]background-color: #FFFFFF; height: 475px; padding: 12px; box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px; overflow-y: auto; font-family: Time New Roman; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; position: relative; margin: auto;[/class] [class=dot]background-color: #443742; height: 10px; width: 10px; border-radius: 100%;[/class] [class=header2]font-family: Time New Roman; color: #000000; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid lightgray; code by koala;[/class] [class=colorbox]background-color: #443742; height: 15px; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; padding: 2px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1; [/class]
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She keeps herself 100% human most of the time, but does, occasionally, bring out her tail or other draconic aspects when she's angry.
Name: Elaena Rhywin
Age: 423 (Looks about 26-27)
Type of Dragon: Western
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"

Personality: She's received a number of names through her time, but the one that stands out the most is White Terror. Elaena is calm and level-headed, often finding it better to handle things reasonably. Despite her nature, Elaena does have another side to her: one that is cruel and vicious in ways few would expect upon first meeting her, which has earned her something of a reputation. To her credit, or lack thereof, Eleana has little loyalty to the realm of humanity or its people, as all of her loyalty lies with her bonded partner, and their wishes are her command. Not to say she's prone to go rogue, per se, but the beautiful Dragon is likely to act out on her baser instincts and desires, as long as it causes her partner no trouble. She's terribly loyal and is willing to do most anything to make sure her partner is safe, and she has a hard time dealing with being separated from them for extended periods of time. This Dragon can be quite social and enjoys the company of others, to an extent, but, unless she has an interest in them, Elaena often finds herself getting bored with those around her.

Fire Breathing- Elaena can breathe fire like most other dragons​
Crystallokinesis- Elaena can create and manipulate crystals and minerals (a subsection of Geokinesis, though not earth manipulation)​
Increased Strength- Being a Western Dragon, Elaena is incredibly strong​
Strong Bite- Western Dragons have incredibly hard teeth and strong jaws that can bite down very powerfully and crush most things​

This, except instead of having the length of an Eastern Dragon, she's the length of a Western Dragon.
She's about this size in Dragon form.
As a Dragon, Elaena is simply massive, taller than most structures and her fellow Dragons. Since birth, she'd always been one of the bigger Dragons among her peers and, currently, Elaena is one of the largest Western Dragons around. Her wingspan can seemingly blot out the sky to those directly under her (if she flies low enough) and her head is large enough to swallow a horse whole in a single gulp. Elaena is still only 400 years old and is not yet fully grown, though how large she'll become is anyone's guess. She has terrible claws and rows of sharp daggers for teeth which can tear apart most anything that she comes by. Her wings have feathers on them while the rest of her body has scales and feathers combined on it.

Partnered with: Aracelis

Reggie was looking around, always keeping track of everything that was going on as he never wanted to lose control of the situation. This meant avoiding drinks, conversation, and even eye contact with people (not that they'd notice since he was wearing his goggles). After some time, maybe two, three hours (Reggie lost count), a droid had called for everyone's attention, announcing Earl Lightfeather, the host of this event. Reggie looked upon where the man was standing; Arrogance in the flesh is what Reggie had once heard one of his co-workers call this man. The thought of this nickname was rather amusing to the boy, as he chuckled quietly, as to avoid any unnecessary attention being drawn to him.

Earl Lightfeather stood proudly in front of all of his guests and began giving his little speech. He was saying something about how his new mining project had had a couple of setbacks or something like that, and then his wife proceeded to joke about how interchangeable and expendable the proles were. This comment angered Reggie somewhat, and what was worse was how much the other Technocrats were laughing with it; even some Meritocrats like Reggie's boss were laughing along. At this point, Reggie had lost all interest in this man and simply looked back to his boss, who was leaning against the left wall of the place holding an expensive drink in his hand.

This was when it happened; just as Reggie opened his overcoat to cool down a little there was a bang. The explosion threw shrapnel around the room and nearly blinded Reggie, who was looking directly at the area of the explosion. Instinctively, Reggie poked his mechanical arms through the holes in his overcoat and got in a defensive position. It must be said, however, that this "defensive position" was more like Reggie clumsily going low and covering his head with his human arms while his mechanical arms pointed forward; not only that but he almost tripped while doing it. After a couple of seconds of holding this position and no damage being done to him, Reggie recovered and straightened himself out, looking around the room.

He looked back towards where his now-former boss was lying, almost torn apart by the explosion, That did not last long thought Reggie, referring to the amount of time he'd worked for this man. As the boy scanned the room, the noticed a dark figure standing where the Lightfeather couple stood moments earlier. This figure looked very dark, with a plague doctor mask and red goggles paired with black robes, bronze and steel armor, and two curious-looking gauntlets on its hands. Instantly, Reggie smiled; he was sure that this was the vigilante that people were talking about, the one who would murder these oppressive Technocrats, the one who would open a window for Reggie to get what he wants.

Quickly, the droid behind the figure attempted to attack it from behind, to which the figure quickly responded by going dodging and then scrapping the poor thing with claws that came from his gauntlets. The speed at which this shadow reacted was incredible to Reggie, who was never really an athletic person, hence the mechanical arms. The figure then picked up Earl Lightfether with little to no effort and looked at him. The figure then spoke: "Earl Arthur Lightfeather, I find you guilty of oppression, decadence, persecution, and gluttony. Your sentence, execution!". Almost immediately after saying this, the figure plunged its claws into the chest of the poor man, killing him instantly. This simply captivated Reggie, who now saw this vigilante as more of a justice-seeking executioner.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you who would oppress your fellow man" proclaimed the figure, before leaving through the use of a grappler. Reggie simply looked at the place where this figure had stood in complete and utter amazement; amazement at how someone could be so brave and capable as to oppose these wealthy men and women. The boy walked forward, towards his former boss' dead body, poking it with one of his mechanical arms to inspect it. Once Reggie confirmed that this man was indeed dead, he turned back to where Earl's body lay and approached silently amongst all of the chaos and confusion. He quickly stood around, pretending to care about the Technocrat's death, all the while his mechanical arms collected pieces from the ruined droid that lay on the ground.

Once Reggie collected enough pieces, he retracted his mechanical arms back into his overcoat and closed it on the front. Reggie carefully walked around the dead and injured people towards the exit; he was in no hurry, considering that most people would be too worried about their own safety or wouldn't care enough to stop him. Once Reggie made it to the exit, he walked out and turned, looking into this colossal chaos that had erupted. The boy silently chuckled and turned back, with the intention of returning to his rather modest home, knowing that, should this shadowy figure come again, it would most likely not hit Reggie since he was one of the "oppressed".
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[div class=header] Stats[/div]






[div class=header] Personality[/div]
+ Quiet (stoic)
+ Dedicated / Loyal
+ Adaptive
- Quiet (reclusive)
- Martyrdom-driven (will not hesitate to sacrifice himself)
- Semi-distant

General Description:
Ardent is a calm and collected individual, whose curiosities and intrigues never wander far from his own personalities. While observant and astute, he is committed to his line of work and will do whatever it takes to see to the completion of his given tasks. While perceived as a stoic personnel of interest by those that meets him, the man can be quite eccentric when it doing his job - to the letter and then some. Ardent is able to soak up belittlement and insults, if not ever minding it in the slightest. However, he is keen on defending his masters given the circumstances and will not hesitate to carry out their orders.

Behind his cold demeanor towards strangers, the man is usually quite friendly, given time. An ardent believer in his duties and responsibilities, Ardent possesses a zealous attitude for his masters, but is far from a wise man when it comes to making decisions on his own. This is reflected in his oblivious and aloof minds at times. Colloquially famed as the 'Crown's Shadow', Ardent is a gray man when it comes to his persona and aura - or lack there of. His presence is usually discerned from the common eyes, as if he was never there. While this furthered his natural aptitude to blend in, Ardent's resulting tendency to dwell in solitude is the result of this.

[div class=header]Theme Music[/div]
[div class=header]Extras[/div]
[div class=header2] The Crown's Shadow
[div class=text]Name: Ardent (Ardie)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Royal Family's Senior Attendant (Servant)

Height: 5 ft. 9 in. (175 cm)

Partner: N/A
[div class=header2] Powers / Abilities[/div][div class=text]

+ Extensive physical conditioning and training
+ Competent Strengths and Intelligence
+ Gray man (able to blend into the crowd easily)
- None innate abilities

General Description:
While Ardent does not possess any innate abilities, his personal training, as well as his time within and outside of the Royal Palace had rewarded him with a certain aptitude to adapt to most situations. As such, he is able to utilize anything within his reach, effectively turning it against his foes, as well as using his surroundings to his advantage. A jack of all trades, and a master of none, Ardent is a highly capable combat butler, at the behest of his own wishes to become stronger.

His culinary and cleaning skills are quite formidable, even among his competitors in the household. Not a speck of dust could be seen around the man. Another thing of note, is his gray-man aura, a particular skill set that he had honed over the years to near-perfection. This gives him the ability to creep up on someone without much hassle, as if materializing out of thin air. This would earn him the nickname of 'The Crown's Shadow'.[/div]
[div class=header2] Backstory[/div][div class=text]An orphan since his birth, the young child spent most of his childhood in an orphanage. Little else is known about his past, except for a certain incident that caught the King's intrigues. Ardent was soon given a place in the Royal Palace, where he was trained to be a servant for the Royal Family. Capitalizing on his quick minds and adaptability, Ardent slowly rose through the ranks and was given the privilege to accompany the current princess and her sibling. Having looked after his masters since his adolescent years, Ardent have come to learn his masters' interests and preferences. With the fleeting years passing him by, the young man grew up to be one of the most capable servant of the household.

Trained in the arts of war by observations and personal training, Ardent is well-versed with martial skills as he is with daily routines of overseeing the princess and prince's needs. While he was not gifted with innate abilities, the man had trained hard throughout the years to further his own strengths with one goal in mind - the protection of his masters. In return for his newly gifted life, Ardent swore to carry out whatever orders are given unto him by his masters. As such, he is neither hesitant nor presumptive regarding his loyalties to the crown, as he would give his all to the Royal Family.


The distant engine roar faded as a lone figure emerged from the foggy dirt road. Slender trees towered his path, as he paced himself slowly towards the far side of the Eibsee. The cool winds swayed his silver hair, while his gray camouflage cloak fluttered in the wind. His sage green attire were dotted with sewn patches, while his gaiters held his decrepit trousers in its warm embrace. His arms sprung free with his every steps, as he contemplated the receding gloom that shadowed the forested lake. As the dazzling sun broke free of the clouds, the glistening emerald depths glistened in its beams. Flocks of avian habitants greeted the dreary warrior as they glided above the canopy of the evergreens and pines.

Halting his advance, the man unfastened his leather canteen by a stream that underwent a small wooden bridge. Quenching his thirst and filling his silver container, the young veteran ascended from his covered posture and climbed his way through the mounds that dotted the lush forest. A sense of adventure controlled to him, guiding his approach, as he turned from the cobbled road and sweeped his way through the wild grounds of the ever-growing woods. As he pass a wooden fence that welcomed his presence before a grand estate, a voice reached out of the far end of the vibrant garden, with her hand covering her bottled relief.

"Welcome home, Master Weber!" the creature announced, followed by a courteous curtsy.

Source: Mother (One Shot)
[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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D E N Z I N​

Denzin Lécuyer
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Partner: TBD

Personality: (+) Easy going, (+) Charismatic, (-) Lazy, (-) Entitled

Born as the younger prince, Denzin reaps the benefits of royalty without the heavy burdens of power and political responsibilities. Growing up in such circumstances, he has embraced a more passive role where he is able to indulge in other matters pertaining to his own self-interests rather than the kingdom as a whole. Given little to no responsibilities throughout his life thus far, the prince lacks motivation in taking initiative in anything. He isn’t likely to be taken seriously and that suits him just fine. As a result, his complacency will be his greatest downfall.

Where he lacks authority and vision to lead a kingdom, Denzin has a sociable nature and a restlessly curious spirit. The young prince is genuinely affable towards all he meets and befriends. He has an ear open for those with stories to tell and grievances to share and a sharp eye in judging a person’s character upon initial impression. Lastly, moreso a follower than a leader, Denzin holds unwavering loyalty towards the crown princess and - while his actions may say otherwise - is quick to defend and stand by her stand at any moment.

Abilities: TBD

Description: White-blond hair neatly combed back; piercing green eyes with distinguishably dark expressive brows; lean build at a height of 5’11”. Often seen with a relaxed expression and an easy smile; prefers common clothes as they are more comfortable than the stiff royal uniform he is obliged to wear when he is given no other choice.

As a child, his world wasn’t limited within the walls of the Royal Palace as he often slipped past the supervision of the servants and guards to roam about outside. Most of his time and energy were spent wandering the streets of the kingdom and taking lessons in various physical activities such as archery, fencing, etc. Adaptable to his environment, Denzin seeks out forms of entertainment for himself, usually directing his pranks and wisecrack humor towards his sister and servant. Despite his jesting behaviors, Denzin highly respects Ardent ( Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 ) and regards him as his oldest, closest friend. Growing up, Denzin has made it his personal mission to distract Ardent away from completing his duties around the palace - though not much to Denzin’s success.

His brotherly affection towards Aracelis ( jakthemenace jakthemenace ) ranges from harmless teasings to light-hearted shoves (though some may argue against the degree of his good intentions). At times, he thoroughly enjoys pushing his sister’s buttons and his greatest form of endearment is expressed by catching Aracelis off-guard with a playful yank of her hair. Nonetheless, Denzin has been nothing but supportive towards his sister’s claim and rise to the throne; he has never hesitated in speaking up and standing by her views, and is certainly not envious of her position. On rare occasions, Denzin has revealed a streak of superiority, especially those who had spoken up against his sister. His past actions have proven that he is capable of using his royal position as leverage, holds the deepest grudges, and readily extends cruelty to those deserving of it.

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Under Modification



  • "Strength, Knowledge and power mean nothing unless you choose to wield them for what you believe to be the right and just path"

    Iravos Kestrein
    373 (Visually Mid 20's as a human)
    DragonShifter - Half Wyvern, Half Eastern.

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Ara has fair skin that has freckles dotted across her cheekbones as well as her shoulders. Her somewhat pudgy face dons a resting, droopy expression with a relaxed frown. Waist-length, dirty blonde hair cascades down her back, but is usually done in a twisted updo or braided. A transparent silken veil adorns her head, also flowing down alongside her locks. Her figure is on the curvier, shorter-stacked side at 5’ 3”. She likes to wear everyday simple gowns as she doesn’t prefer to show-off her luxuries.

Aracelis (Ara) Lecuyer





For the heiress in line to the throne, Aracelis has a humble and docile demeanor, not so fit for a leader. She is more of the type to forgive someone rather than exact revenge. She believes there is good in people, even if they’ve already succumb most of themselves to evil. But obviously, that good won’t come out by itself or easily for that matter. Ara has an expansive capacity for sympathy and patience, so much so that she could get caught up in caring for others too much rather than caring for herself. To put it simply, she rarely ever says no if she believes they truly deserve her help.
However, she also isn’t the type to back down and fall too submissively to anybody when either opposed or rejected. Ara has a firmer side when consoling or offering her care wouldn't work in this case. This usually comes in the form of giving realistic truths and corrections, although she won’t feel like raising her voice often. Aggression is the way she least prefers, believing that violence is the answer only in times of war or self-defense.
Ironically, she does archery and is somewhat skilled in the art, due to her constant practice and upper body strength. She also likes to aide around the castle, giving her hand in jobs that underlings would usually carry out. Even though that’s the servant’s job, she still feels like she has to service the people to build mutual trust within each other. However, she often overworks herself a whole lot and has phases where she reverts back to her weaker meek side.

The Crown Princess of Ilavia was a weak child from the start, often suffering from unexpected illnesses and being confined to a bed or seat at times. The castle worried for her health often, as it could affect the future of their to-be queen as well as their kingdom. The only times she had freedom was when sickness hadn’t completely affected her, often being led by her dear brother, Denzin, to explore what was out there. However, even as she appreciated everybody’s concern, Aracelis felt guilty being tended to without reciprocating the care she received.
As she grew into a teenager, her physical state started to miraculously improve over the span of a few months. This allowed her to repay others for servicing her well during her times of need, even as she was advised not to focus on the lower tasks. Instead, she was to focus on her duties at hand: learning the art of speech, politics, etiquette, and other skills that would groom her to be a suitable queen. Ara found those things rather boring and lifeless, considering social connections with her own people much more fulfilling. Only one skill stood out to her- archery, since she had the opportunity to go outside and train with other soldiers and knights. It was simply another way to prove herself as dedicated.
When adulthood came, she had gained the essential academics to run a nation, but still lacked the strong drive of a leader. She still does want to gain that trait, even if it may be a little late to do so.

Ara can regenerate wounds and recover from illnesses faster than normal humans, taking half the time needed to heal something completely. However, this doesn’t stop her from succumbing to injuries that are too grave to mend by themselves. Medical intervention for her power to properly do its part is needed in that case. She still suffers the symptoms of whatever she has been affected with for a shorter time, since they aren’t canceled out by the ability.
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