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Active [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push


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[Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push
Goals: Destroy the bug tank and clear the infestation from a strategic village before nightfall.
Duration: One day in RP, One month IRL
Posting Rate: Daily to twice-a-week.
Conditions: Early Morning on a Cool Cloudy Fall Day


It’s harvest time in M’lynra, though one would be hard-pressed to tell. The lines between the forces of the See and the bug infestation have passed over the village so many times that it is barely recognizable as a settlement. The fields have long since been charred to ash and ground to powder by boot and pincer. None of the dwellings are inhabitable, and only a few have enough roof or walls left to provide shelter--from rain or firefight.

The AdversaryA large heavily-injured bug has stopped in the village square. Resembling an enormous beetle, the monster insect lies disabled but still dangerous at a strategic crossroads. It’s thick shell is scarred from magical and melee attacks, but the armor is unbroken. Four of it’s six legs are damaged beyond its ability to regenerate, and it was dragged into place by a host of smaller bugs--acting as a fortification and rally point. The beetle still has use of its powerful pincers, which face toward the lines of the Fae See, and segments in its carapace indicate that it may still have operational wings, though it seems unable to fly.

The dozen bugs that brought the beetle bunker have burrowed into the dirt and debris of the village in a rough defensive line. They are angular six-legged creatures with sword-like pincers and a small scorpion tail. Four of the twelve bugs have undersized pincers but a larger tail which seems capable of grappling, crushing, or picking up and throwing small objects.

The MissionA few miles back from the front lines is the bivouac of what is left of the Fae See company sent to liberate the village of M’lyrna. Gallons of bug ichor and Fae blood have been spilled over the contested area, but the nexus of fighting has shifted, and the company is all-but-forgotten, its strength drained by the intense fighting earlier in the month.

Short on resources and with the war going badly elsewhere, the See has contracted the adventurers guild to assist in a final push to dislodge the bugs from M’lyrna. A squad of irregular mercenaries of all stripes has been thrown together--along with the few See warriors high command could spare. They are tasked with destroying the bunker beetle and exterminating the bugs buried in the town.

Sergeant Brom Ironfoot
“This is what the guild fooken sends mae?” The dwarf could be heard muttering to himself as he paced the slightly-wider trench section that served as the bivouac’s briefing “room.” It was more of a hole. Everything was more of a hole. The few remaining Fae regulars slept in holes, ate in holes, and… did other things in holes. That’s why they were still alive.

”So I’ll sez it again, since Corporal Thalendor was the last of our fooken tree-humpers to find out the hard way, that them gods-be-demmed throwers are quiet fooks. Yew will NOT see them coming, you will NOT hear the rock they put thru yer demmed skull, yew will just be dead, and The See ain’t payin’ yeh ta be ded. Yer paid to make them fookin bugs ded! This one, in particular!” Sergeant Ironfoot poked a stick through the shimmering projection corporal Glimmerleaf was manifesting.

”Stay low, stay in cover, here, there, and all the way to the center of M’lyrna. We think we’ve routed most of the fookers, except the ones in the village, but it only takes one surprise rock ta ruin yer day, and yer squadmate’s uniform.” He growled.

”Now, we’ve got short-range magic wot kin pierce through that bunker beetle--but it’s gotta be stacked, aimed, and cast without our mage dyin’ of being ripped ta lil magic bits, which is what these, these, and these fookers will be tryna do.” The dwarf pointed out the last-reported location of the Pincher and Thrower bugs on the magical map. “Yer escortin’ the magicker right up ta that disabled tank so they can put paid to et.”

Sergeant Ironfoot pointed out possible approaches to the crossroads where the Bunker Beetle squatted and discussed the support that the party might or might not have. The See had a battery of fire mages, in the area, with long blind casting ability that the Fairy Corporal could telepathically requisition. ”...if they’re not too gods-demmed busy, which they will be--so don’t count on any help from the Mana-lickers.” The dwarf growled unencouragingly.

“Right then, yew gotcher mission, yew gotcher gear, yew got what intel we have; I’ll leave ya ta sort yerselves. Any questions: point ‘em at corporal Glimmerleaf.” . The dwarf said before stomping off down the trench.

As he left, he put a callused meaty hand on the shimmering fairy. “Don’t let these shamblers getcha kilt, corporal. If things go south, get yerself back here alive. ‘Nuff Fae blood and dust been spilled over these demmed woods.” He said quietly.

If any present were to peer over the walls of the trench, they would espy the early-morning autumn mist slowly thinning as the sun rose higher in the sky. The trenches of the bivouac were located in a thicket of woods that bore signs of recent combat. In the direction of the village, the woods thinned to short young scrub trees before giving way to the fields that surrounded the abandoned settlement. Low stone walls bordered some fields and provided cover for the approaches to the village.

Before leaving the relative safety of the trenches, however, any adventurers would be well-advised to coordinate a plan of attack. The hulks of burned-out wagons and the cockeyed hafts of broken weapons spoke to the threat lurking across the misty glades.

Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Grubble’s quest to be known had led him to the adventurers guild, a bustling place full of brave folk. But Grubble wasn’t sure how he fit in. When he asked around about getting famous, most just laughed or waved him off. A few pointed him towards the front desk, though, where he finally found someone who took him somewhat seriously.

At the desk, Grubble mumbled, “Grubble... wanna get famous. Need... mission.”

The attendant, barely hiding a smirk, handed him a mission. It wasn’t exactly the glorious adventuring task he had hoped for - it was more of a mercenary gig. But Grubble didn’t understand the difference. All he knew was that he was going to “smash some bugs.”

He set off, ignoring the judgmental stares of passersby, heading toward a village called M'lyrna in the Fae See. Grubble wasn't bothered by the looks anymore. People always stared at him, but he’d grown used to it. Besides, he was focused on his mission. “Just smash... some bugs,” he muttered to himself, his crooked grin spreading across his face.

A few miles out, Grubble found himself in a camp, huddled with other mercenaries around trenches and holes. It was an early autumn morning, and the woods still showed signs of recent battle. The camp was cramped for Grubble’s big frame, so he sat awkwardly, knees tucked to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs. Even like that, he still took up too much space.

The dwarf in charge, Sergeant Ironfoot, was pacing around, barking orders. Grubble’s face stayed its usual goofy self, though his mind swirled in confusion. The dwarf’s accent was thick, and Grubble wasn’t catching most of it. He just nodded, pretending to understand, but his forehead beaded with sweat.

"Smash bugs... protect mage," Grubble thought. "Okay... simple."

When Sergeant Ironfoot stomped off, Grubble realized he was now facing a shimmering fairy, Corporal Glimmerleaf, left in charge. Grubble, being Grubble, thought this was as good a time as any to introduce himself.

“Hi... hello,” Grubble said slowly, his thick growling voice rolling off his tongue as he turned toward the fairy. “Grubble... not so good in fights... but can help... protect.” Grubble stared at the fairy, his small beady eyes full of seriousness. Then, his face scrunched up a bit as he tried to offer a reassuring grin. “Grubble... good at... smashin’ bugs.”

He leaned in a little, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “Can... keep low too,” he said, then tried to crouch lower to demonstrate, only to nearly topple over in the cramped trench. With a loud thud, he bumped into the side, kicking up dirt.

“Oops,” he mumbled, his grin still plastered on his face. “Grubble... good at... not makin’ noise.” He just dusted himself off, still grinning, and looked around.

He might not have understood the full seriousness of their miss ion, but Grubble was ready. And as he saw it, all he had to do was smash some bugs and protect the mage. Simple enough.

“Gonna be... famous,” Grubble muttered to himself, smiling as he stood up, still taking up far too much space in the small trench.
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