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Multiple Settings Earthen's Search Thread


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I'm looking for one partner for a (hopefully) long-term roleplay. More details below.

About Me​

  • I'm 27. For my own comfort, I'd prefer to write with people 18+. I'll mention this just in case: your real life gender doesn't matter.
  • Intermediate writer. No set word count/post length. I value effort and well-written replies.
  • Glacial writing speed. Typically, one post per week. I'm slow at writing and critical of the work I produce.
  • I'm fine with chatting OOC if that's your cup of tea!
  • I prefer to write via PM but I can use a thread.
  • Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to avoid (i.e. triggers) in the roleplay.

General Expectations​

  • I'm looking for a writing partner and all that entails—i.e. active participation. But I also want us to have fun! I'm way more laidback than I sound here lol. If you want to post memes, make playlists and Pinterest boards about our story and characters... I'll match that energy!
  • Use spellcheck. I'm not asking for perfection, but it does bother me when a post is full of errors.
  • Simple, brief character sheets preferred. Artistic/drawn face claims or descriptions strongly preferred.
  • Let me know if you'd like to take a break or stop. I'd prefer if you didn't ghost me, but I get that it happens. I'd be open to starting a new roleplay if we clicked. I'll message you if I haven't heard from you in a while before I consider the RP dropped. If you ever want to write together again, that's fine. No hard feelings!

Characters and Romance​

  • I'm looking to write the female (F) in a MxF pairing. I'm not interested in doubling at the moment. I enjoy a cast of side characters (of any orientation).
  • A romantic subplot is a requirement. Slow burn, etc, doesn't matter. I enjoy all sorts of tropes, so hit me up if you have something specific in mind!

Plot Idea(s)​

𝙡𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 - 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞 / 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 - 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞
Superhero/Superhuman x Villain
A darker superhero/superhuman setting inspired by media such as: The X-Men, Watchmen, The Boys (less satirical), and Brightburn. While I have a 'plot' and some very, veeery rough 'world building' to support it, I'd love to brainstorm ideas with someone! Especially if you have your own plot idea.

• Jedi Knight x Sith Lord/Other
Looking to play a Jedi Knight in this one, but I'm open to other roles. I'd prefer to write in the EU/Legends continuity but, again, I'm flexible. I have one old idea we could use. Original characters only.

• Cyberpunk 2077
I have a vague idea in mind for this one, set after The Devil or Tower ending. Original characters only.

I'm also open to other pairings and genres. If you have one in mind, let me know!

Word Bank: (some) angst, hurt/comfort, longing/yearning, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, tenderness, vulnerability, healing/growth, disillusionment.

Writing Samples​

"Read 'em and weep, boys."

Judith grunted, tossing her cards into the pile. "Don't know why we keep letting you play with us, Halloway," she muttered. Her bunkmate grinned, sweeping the pile of credits closer.

"Another round?" Tommy asked, shuffling the deck.

Judith picked at the nicotine patch on her arm. "Got time to kill, don't we?" she replied, rolling down her sleeve. Leaning back in her chair, she took another swig of lukewarm soda.

Halloway drained her glass before glancing down at her wrist, where a cracked watch face rested on a worn leather band. The woman loved collecting old tech and Judith didn't bother questioning what fossil she'd pried it from anymore. Halloway was an engineer—hoarding junk probably came with the territory. "Another twenty minutes, at least," she confirmed.

Judith eyed the trash chute in the wall. With a flick of the wrist, she launched her empty can of BLAST and watched it soar through the air. It arced over the heads of the people sitting in front of them before dropping into the waiting receptacle.

"Lucky shot," Halloway snorted.

Tommy whistled and Judith gave the barest hint of a smile. They went back a long way, before even RED FLAG and the 67th. Sedra-born and raised, they'd run in different circles before enlisting with the UNSC. Tommy came from good money and knew more things than she could count. He never talked about why he'd left it all behind to sign up with the army, when the war had been over for nearly thirty years. Being the good friend she was, Judith never asked. At some point, Halloway had joined them, and they'd been a trio ever since. Their company made her assignment aboard the Sword of Roland a little less shit.

Judith bounced her knee as Tommy dealt. The brass had pulled in new recruits and transfers from all over, specifically for this mission. Their regiment needed new blood, sure, but full security detail for a routine patrol? The whole thing stank to high heaven. If she brought it up in front of Halloway again, though, she'd get another lecture about how 'that attitude' was exactly what landed her in this dead-end post to begin with.

The corporal pulled her cards towards her, lifted the ends to peek at their faces, and tried not to grimace. Halloway was going to fleece her again. "How much are we—"

The ship suddenly lurched, a deep metal groan reverberating through the hull. Halloway's glass rolled off and shattered against the floor; the table shook as she clambered to her feet. Judith steadied it with one hand, sitting upright. "What the hell was that?"

Tommy shook his head. Halloway blinked owlishly. As if on cue, the PA system crackled to life, the ship's AI coming through overhead. "All personnel, report to defensive positions immediately."

Another blast rocked the vessel, and the drone of conversation turned frenzied. Boots thundered across plate metal as marines poured out of the mess hall.

"Covenant?" Tommy wondered.

Halloway shook her head, light sparking across her red hair. "Impossible. Our escort—"

Judith cut her a sharp glance. "Think our escort just got turned to space dust," she said, making for the door. Halloway still looked spooked; the woman was obsessed with schedules and plans—fitting things into neat, tidy boxes. Judith grabbed her by the shoulder. "Pull it together."

Above, the warning lights had flicked on, shedding a harsh, yellow light. "I knew this op was fucked." Judith planted her feet as the ship pitched again. "Anything Harken's got a finger in—"

Tommy clapped her on the back as he passed. "He might be a prick, but I don't think he can see the future. Come on, armoury's this way."

"I… I better head down to the engine room," Halloway managed, as they approached a split in the passage. "You two—take care of yourselves."

Judith waved her off. "Don't pass out on the way there," she drawled, earning herself a one-fingered salute. Pressing on, she and Tommy joined the crowd piling into the armoury. Judith hadn't seen this many people in one place since the Sword of Roland's initial onboarding. As she shouldered her way to the front, faces she didn't recognise passed by in her periphery. The greenhorns stood out; their telltale nervous energy grated against her nerves. Snatching a rifle from the rack, she gave it a once-over before slinging it around her shoulder.

Tommy slotted in beside her, hooking a grenade onto his belt. "They really did it, then," he said, "decimated the escort."

Judith frowned. "Yeah, well—we're in deep shit now," she replied, accepting the incendiary he handed her. "Look at them. Straight out of boot camp."

His smile was tight. "They're still trained soldiers."

"Betting on the rookies?" Judith scoffed, adjusting the clips on her armour. "Be lucky if they've even shot an alien before." Once she was fully geared, she nudged him with her elbow. "Guess we split up here. See you on the other side," she said, matching his nod with her own.

The tremors only worsened as Judith sprinted down the corridor. The Sword of Roland was one tough bastard of a ship, but how long could it hold out? Nobody higher up had anything to offer—which meant 'not long'. Knew I'd die in the middle of nowhere on some fucked op.

Her route took her down and away from the bridge. As she approached her station, a man called out to greet her. Judith didn't respond immediately—not until she remembered that her assignment had come with a new, shiny promotion. She stared at the voice's owner, racking her brain for a name. Ian? Ivan? "Soldier," she replied, settling. His quip drew a half-hearted shrug out of her. "Would've been just fine without it."

Taking up her post, Judith found herself staring out into the starlit darkness. The enemy unit couldn't have been more than a few clicks away. Yet, as plasma fire continued hammering the ship, the seconds dragged out into minutes. "They should've boarded by now," she said, shifting her weight from one leg to the other.

Someone to her right piped up. "They're gonna take us out, like the rest."

As if in answer, another broadcast came through. "All personnel, commence evacuation procedures immediately."

"Let's get off this death trap," Judith replied, taking point. The rest fell in line. No one said a word as they funnelled down the corridor. The tremors were constant now. Another barrage hammered the side of the ship, cracking the small, portside windows. Cables snapped from the ceiling. The overhead lights spluttered before the hallway plunged into darkness. Judith swore under her breath, flicking to night vision. She blinked as the shadows peeled away, replaced by a shifting, green landscape of fallen debris. Behind her came a round of anxious muttering. "Keep moving!" she barked.

Judith had taken one, maybe two, steps when something dislodged from the ceiling—a massive steel plate that came crashing down, taking someone with it. "Shit." She sprinted over to assess the damage. Two marines were already bracing the plate. A flash of bone jutted out from the glistening split in the soldier's leg. Her eyes darted to one of the others. "You! Grab his arm—the other one," Judith growled, her own winding under the man's shoulder. "Alright, on three. One… two… three!" With a grunt, they hauled the man to his feet. He didn't twitch, and any flicker of pain was hidden beneath his helmet. Got some balls, I'll give him that.

"J-Jesus, man—can you even walk?" one of them asked.

The marine jerked his head, sucking on his teeth. "Y… Yeah."

Quick on the recovery. "C'mon," Judith said. They limped down the corridor until, finally, they reached the drop pod bay, where a small fleet of escape pods were docked. She could barely hear herself think. Sergeants directed the crowd as best they could—but the swarm had developed a mind of its own. Who gave a damn about 'orderly evacuations' when the ship was falling apart right in front of them? Battling against the sea of bodies, Judith watched as, one by one, the pods filled and ejected into the vacuum of space. She wondered if they'd even make it past the Covenant barrage.

A metal roar tore through the bay. Black smoke billowed in from one of the adjoining corridors. "Alright, we've got to go. Right now," Judith hissed, legging it to the nearest lifepod. As fast as she could with a marine and his fucked leg hanging off her. Dumping him into one of the crash seats, she ushered Isaac in and slammed the button to shut the hatch. "Hart—pilot." She didn't know if he knew how, but it was a damn Bumblebee—he could figure it out.

A quick headcount confirmed there were four of them in the pod. Judith dropped into an empty seat and pulled off her helmet. "I need a fucking smoke…" she muttered, raking a hand through her damp hair.

The injured marine freed his head. Rivulets of sweat poured down his face, his jaw grinding hard enough to crack his teeth. "T… Think we could all do with a smoke, corporal," he groaned, sinking down in his seat.

Judith grunted, her hand resting on the back of her neck. "Should deal with that leg," she said, turning to the rookie hovering by the hatch door. "You—look around. There's probably a med kit in here somewhere."

The kid was a million miles away. "Right… Yeah, okay… uh, ma'am."

"The rookie can fix you up," Judith said. The marine nodded. "Get some biofoam in there." Pushing onto her feet, she headed for the forward cabin. It was a narrow space, barely big enough for one pilot and the slew of control panels. Slinging her arm around the back of the pilot's seat, she leaned against it, peering through the viewport. Her fingers drummed against the coarse fabric. They'd put some distance between them and the Sword of Roland. Not enough to be out of range of the battlecruiser, but lucky for them, it hadn't set its sights on them… yet.

There was a long line of silence before the rookie piped up. "W… What now?"

Judith kept her eyes locked on the window. "We land on the closest hospitable planet and try to contact HQ. Find a way back. These pods weren't built for long hauls." Of course, there was the Ring… but she wasn't keen on taking her chances with more alien shit. She glanced down at Isaac. "Any ideas, Hart?"


Please send me a PM if anything caught your interest. Please include a short introduction and, preferably, a writing sample. Thank you!
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