Earthbound: The Liberation of Freedomland

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer

Character Sheet:

Name: (Normal, everyday names. No "Excalibur" or the like)

Age: (should be around 10-13-ish)



Equipment: (Should include a body item and shoes. Can also include headgear. Give them names like Frilly Dress or Running Shoes)

Weapon: (This should be an everyday object like a baseball bat, frying pan, or even your fists. You can include multiple items for weapon types they would use like sporting equipment or kitchen utensils. Give them early-RPG sounding names like Wooden Bat or Rusty Frying Pan)


Biography: (Every main character currently lives in Liberten)






(might be edited later to include more stuff)


(Reserved for myself o3o)

2. (reserved for @Lunar\-Eclipse)

5. (Reserved for @CrowHunter)




Read more about this role play...
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Name: Cody

Age: 11

Gender: male

Appearance: Is white, and tall for his age, so tall, he could be mistaken for a High-schooler! Wears a cool greaser Jacket with a with blur striped t-shirt, and slicked back black hair. Wears blue jeans.

Equipment: Slick Jacket, Stripey Tee, blue Jeans and cool shoes

Weapon: Accurate tennis ball

Personality: Very nice, and understanding.

Biography: Was part of the Liberten school tennis team, until he dropped out due to bad grades. Now, he teacheskids on the playground, and

Likes: Pizza, french fries, shakes, hamburgers, friends

Dislikes: Bullies, tofu

Hobbies: Tennis, skating, reading

Family: Mom, dad, brother(Missing)


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Name: Rudy Garwell

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rud's got short, messy brown hair, matching brown eyes, and a light completion with freckles speckled across her nose and cheeks. She's pretty average size-wise.


Tattered Sweater

Worn Sneakers

Weapon: Metallic Spork

Personality: A big fan of spies, Rudy loves trying to sneak around; her attempts fail 9 out of 10 times because she's too much of a loudmouth. She absolutely loves to use code, no matter how arbitrary it is or how difficult it will make the situation. The girl has a bad habit of speaking her thoughts aloud at random times and intervals, something that contributes to her being an utterly atrocious liar, try as she may. Rudy always likes to keep herself occupied, allowing for no dull moments in her life. Any time she isn't snooping around, it's likely that she's running around with her friends or trying to make new ones to share in the adventure. While she does mean the best, her actions can be considered downright reckless at times.

Biography: Rudy was born and raised in Liberten all her life. She's lived happily with her parents and siblings for the most part, though her academic performance had always been subpar due to shirking responsibilities in favor of socializing or snooping. In addition, her family was never the richest around, so Rudy often had to put up with her mother's old hand-me-down clothes, and they were never able to afford the newest and nicest things. Still, they were a happy family despite their low income, becoming quite close. Her interest in spies arose from sitting through some old James Bond movies on VHS with her dad as a kid. Since then, she's been hooked.

Likes: Interacting with others, spy lingo, outdoor activities

Dislikes: Being idle, having no one to talk to, rainy days

Hobbies: She tends to spend her free time honing her skills as a potential spy or finding things that seem out of place and investigating them.

Family: Mr. and Mrs. Garwell are the parents of Rudy and younger brothers - Caleb (9) and Mason (5). Her kid brothers look up to her a bit, and she often drags them into her not-very-well-thought-out schemes.

Other: The Greek letter "Ψ" is pronounced "PSI".

It takes me about a year and a half to actually finish one of these things. Goodness gracious.
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I'm reserving a spot just unable to get to computer and still have to finish my character for @Pine 's picky butt

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Name: Gil

Age: 12

Gender: Male



(Mother 3 Style)

(Mother 2/Earthbound Style:


Head - None

Body - Unbutton-up Shirt [

Buttoning up a shirt would just ruin the purpose.


Shoes - Hiking Shoes [

Serious shoes for serious journeys.


Weapon: Trusty Dart Gun [For fending off paper targets and lamps.]

Gil primarily uses projectiles. He has access to a slightly-too-powerful toy at the moment, but his list of weapons relies on things of his father's creation.

Personality: Gil, in general, is just way too bad at saying "no" for his own good. Through some mix of wanting to please everyone and genuinely believing that every idea is awesome, he gets caught up in any adventure his friends see fit to begin. His patience and easy-going nature make him a good companion for the group, and even at his young age he's developed a sort of zen to his life. He speaks less than most, because their opinions are far more valuable to him than his. Gil has developed a habit of staying behind everyone, even when his head is brimming with ideas. He simply isn't sure of himself enough to forge ahead against more aggressive personalities. Alone, he methodically works towards an answer and stays cautious. On the other hand, he values his friends and family more than anything, and will stop at nothing to keep everyone together.

Biography: Gil was always a quiet child, living far off the beaten path in an isolated home. This space was shared with his father, who was kept busy through a constant stream of work; Science didn't solve itself after all. He was never lonely, though, the racket from his father's lab was more than enough to stay connected. In a sense, that connection manifested itself as he learned to explore and create, starting with cooking. Even as a child, Gil had absolutely no supervision in the kitchen and was responsible for all sorts of disasters. All variety of pots, utensils, and chairs are no longer usable after the time spent experimenting. However, Gil's father sees no harm in it and allows him to continue. Luckily for him, at this point Gil has a basic understanding of how to cook and how to read, meaning that his attempts are at least informed now.

On days that he isn't required to be home, Gil almost always travels into town and sees which children have also been left to wander. Without fail, he'll group up with them and join in whatever games or adventures were in progress. Whatever they were interested in was more than fun enough; after all, his own hobby was developed enough, why not enjoy theirs?

Likes: Robots. Discovering new places. Being part of adventures.

Dislikes: Being disliked. Silence. Rushed decisions.

Hobbies: Cooking. Exploration.

Family: He and his father live together in a house and lab somewhat outside of town.

Other: Picked up some style from a certain friend of his. His father works on something related to "PSI" in his lab, where he helps maintain the tank and develop robots. Gil only really knows about the robot side of things, which he loves.

Favorite Food - Pancakes

Favorite Thing - Friendship

Menu Color -

Leafy Greens
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Name: Bonnie

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Appearance: Bonnie has a cute, round face with an adorable little button nose. She has picture perfect big, round blue eyes and a cute little mouth that seems to always be smiling. She has long blonde hair seemingly weaved from the gold of the gods and it is often tied into two cute pigtails. She stands at the perfect height of 4'9" and weighs only 85 lbs.


Head- Adorable Bow [For those special little girls who want everyone to know how cute they are]

Body- Puffy Dress [A dress that shows how much daddy loves you]

Shoes- Strappy Shoes [A shoe for every occasion. Except the working kind]

Weapon: Rubber Mallet [Who cares if it's stolen from your dad? It's a mallet!] Bonnie will be using various construction tools such as wrenches, mallets, hammers, jackhammers, and saws among others.

Personality: When many see Bonnie they see a pageant girl. Someone spoiled, vain, and rude. She is actually quite the opposite, though. While she does share some traits with pageant girls like being very stubborn and spoiled, she's pretty easygoing. She has parents that love to pamper her, so she always appears in the latest fashions and trends. She is very interested in construction and building things like her father, so she isn't afraid to get dirty. She's feisty, rough, and likes picking fights, so kids typically try to stay nice to her because she could beat them up. She's very loyal to her friends, but she's also reckless and doesn't care about the consequences of running into situations.

Biography: When Bonnie was born it seemed the stork picked the absolute best traits to have. All of her parents friends in Patrioca, the biggest city in Freedomland, were fawning over how gorgeous and cute she was. Her parents saw this as an opportunity to enter her into pageants. They started to pamper and prep her, giving her all sorts of clothes and toys and games. Bonnie really hated this and when she expressed her feelings towards her parents about her stance on the pageant crisis.

Loving their little girl, Bonnie's parents knew what they were doing was wrong. They decided to move to the small town of Liberten where everything was nice, calm, and pure and where everything would be best for their little girl. Bonnie still wears the dresses. Those were too cute to pass up.







-Smelly Things


-Getting Wet

Hobbies: Building, drawing, sewing

Family: Her mother and father.


Favorite Food: Spaghetti

Favorite Thing: Fancy

Menu Color: Mint Flavored

Bonnie heard something about PSI the other day on TV.

(Man, I wish I could do sprite work like Substitute, but my description shall have to do)

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