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Realistic or Modern Earth vs the Flying Saucers


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I am a fan of classic sci fi. There was an old 1956 classic by the same name as this RP. This will be a modern take on the idea. Aliens come to Earth to take over. They have been scouting us for decades.

I know we have all heard of the Roswell Incident. Most have heard of Majestic 12, Groom Lake, Area 51, Hangar 18, Project Blue Book and so on. The last half of the 20th century was a time of a flurry of UFO sightings. But they have either tapered off, or the aliens have gotten better at stealth and subtlety.

Much like in the movie the aliens will initiate contact with a human scientist. SETI would be the organization of choice.

Note: In the movie they tried to make contact - and no one even realized that contact was made. Once that transgression was made the aliens landed at a launch site and were attacked. They responded in kind. They simply couldn’t understand that humans wouldn’t respond well to intimidation.

In this more modern take, the aliens will have begun their invasion long ago, with scouting missions, gathering intelligence and exploring our weaknesses. This would explain all the sightings, cattle mutilations, and abductions. After some 250ish years they have finally arrived in force to take our world - by force if necessary. And they have decided that it will be necessary. Their scouts have reported that humans fear what they do not understand. And we attack what we fear.

In truth the aliens would have put the attack off longer, but human technology has been progressing faster than originally anticipated. It is now or never.

The aliens will begin by attacking space launch sites. Second will be airfields. Finally AAA and SAM sites. (The last targets will take a LOT of time.) The aliens will neutralize our nuclear warheads with laughable ease, likely killing anyone working near the nukes.

Despite their technological superiority, the aliens do have some hurdles ahead. The most important is that their resources are limited. They are invading from beyond our world. We have the home field advantage - and there are billions of us. We likely outnumber them at least 1000 to 1.

This will very quickly turn into a militarily controlled scenario. Civilians will quickly lose their function unless they are at the top of their field with useful skills in a war. But here are some useful character types:

SETI scientist
High Energy Applied scientist
NASA astronauts
Combat Soldiers (These should be elite: Commandos, Seals, Rangers, best of the best, and mainly commanders.)
Psychics - Very rare, but possible. But this ability will come with a heavy price.

You may also create some NPCs for your characters (wife/husband, kids, etc). We can probably use some NPC politicians, cops, etc.

Yes, you may create a second character. But please keep both active as much as possible.

About the Aliens
Spoiler: The number of the aliens is limited. Their fleet will seem vast when it is discovered. But the fact that they are using such a vast fleet implies that this is an all-or-nothing invasion (unless they are doing this everywhere).

Speculative Biology of the Greys
Grey Psionics
UFO Types

Note: I am going to leave a considerable bit of data to be discovered in the course of roleplay. Yes, I have thought this through. I chose to introduce the psionics with caution to avoid breaking the RP. Precognition, for example, would be almost mythological, the rarest ability the aliens might have. It might even be a lost ability.

Psionics may be their greatest advantage. It is not something humans can just steal and reverse engineer. But their psionics has its limits.

Precognition is almost a myth.
Telepathy. Our minds are too primitive to read for the most part.
Telekinesis. Forget any Darth Vader stuff. That’s Hollywood crap. No, these guys can manage a few pounds and nothing like bullet speeds.
Plenty of other abilities.

Alien Strategy
I am using the term strategy very loosely. For all their intellect, they have their limitations. They have debated the problem for some time. In the end it was decided that they would select a single location at which to make their demands known to Earth. Earth provided it, in fact.

UN Headquarters
405 E 45th St, New York, NY 10017

They will land an Abductor Class ship over the circular pool just inside the security entrance in front of the HQ building. (An alternative site would have been the grassy field to the NW of the UN Visitors; Building.)

Their demands? Unconditional surrender. Absolute obedience. Earth is to become a colony of Zeta Reticuli.

They have assumed from the start that humans will not go peacefully - and there are billions of us. Look at the way our population has skyrocketed in 70 years.

1950 1.2 billion
2024 8.1 billion

Our population will increase by about 75 million over the next year. That alone is several times the population of the Greys.

Step One: Remove all weapons of mass destruction
Step Two: Destroy all space launch facilities.
Step Three: Destroy all major airfields.
Step Four: Destroy all military bases.
Step Five: Destroy all energy production.
Step Six: Interdiction of all Transportation.
Step Seven: Reduce the human population by about 99%.

There is a longer term strategy, but I am not going to spoil that for you. To learn that you will need to find aliens who know the plans. Funny thing is, the aliens got many of their ideas from us.

Do I have some secret plan for defeating the aliens? Nope. I hate to say this, but mankind’s days are numbered. But they were numbered already. Global warming, the ever closer looming WWIII, pandemics. We’ve turned our Garden of Eden into a litter box.

Human Response
I want the Human Response to be decided by the members of the group (not necessarily their characters). This applies to even before the Aliens land at the UN.

How much will the government tell the Public?
Will the US military attack? (Before or After the arrival.)
If the Aliens get to address the UN, what will the response be?

3rd Person Past Tense
Literate to Semi-Literate
Multi paragraph (I tend to have posts at least a page in length).
I understand real life, but if you can’t commit, please don’t join. I’d prefer that all members be able to post no less than weekly.
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