Earth and Sky School of Martial Arts Prequil (open) [Incarnadine Waters]


Nexus, the stench of half a million humans in one river valley hits like a hammer.

Night Hammer District, one hundred thousand laborers on a schedule that rotates through 24 hours of constant ear-drumming manufacturing.

Mountain Breeze District, up the mountain in Nighthammer, the clean air beyond the freshly white washed ash grey wall sends most visitors into coughing fits of joy.

And at the top of the Aqueduct Road is the Earth and Sky School of Martial Arts, Medicine, and Inner Ballance, source of the holy wind down the mountain bearing moisture from the healing springs. These 12 foot walls are truly white with three doors in the arches, one to the dojo, one to the hospital, and one to the hotsprings baths and shrine to their goddess.

Above the wall, up the mountain, the dojo's fairytail grounds rise up above the smog, to the clean mist of the hotsprings, to a small forest of tiny redwoods barely two hundred feet tall, and beyond them, the cool, bear rock of the top of the mountain.
Five-Edged Peony stood at the gate of the School, a well-muscled woman in burned and battered forge leathers, her dark hair tied back with leather cording. She wore her belt of aerial mobility, smith's hammer and collar of dawn's cleansing light as she waited for the visitors to arrive.
At the behest of Kodachi, matriach of the school, and her heir Yume, the students who went out to wander the river country and beyond with great medecine packs on their back selling and trading all manner of medicinal herbs--most especialy their signature Whisper Tea, treatment for delusional maddness--they looked out for persons wearing orchicalum or moonsilver, or showing a solar or lunar aura, and were to quietly adress them so, 'Lawgiver/Steward, my friend Yume has a sword like that/teacher khadlava has bracers like that. They'd like to meet you. You can find them at the Earth and Sky School at the Top of Aqueduct Road in Nexus."

* * *

The grassy path from the school gate to the first age dojo pagoda was lined with a few flower beds before giving way to a great sand pit that served doubly duty as a work out place and zen garden. Today Yume ballanced there scarlet hair braided and looped around her waist while one powerful arm, oiled golden with sweat, rippled with muscle as she stood on that one hand, lowering herself slowly from bent arm to straight. Her legs, muscles only adding to the femenine curve of her hip, thrust bare into the sky, locked together to keep her loincloth from sliding out form between them.
Beneficent River

The Zenith walks up the steps to the gate, pausing when she spots the stranger. Wary of an ambush due to the strange circumstances that brought her here, River's hands go for her repeaters. But then she stops. If it were an ambush, it wouldn't be coming from the front.
Dancing Winds practised his acrobatics. Or at least, that was what he made it look like. His backflips were more of a distraction for what he was really doing... watching the various practitioners work out in revealing exercise clothing. His long hair helped to obscure his wandering eyes when he made his aerial callisthenics.
Peony merely gave the stranger with the flame repeaters and golden bracelets a sardonic glance. "Five-Edged Peony, Copper Spider," she introduced herself as. "This is going to be one of the few places you shouldn't need those."
Beneficent River

"Beneficent River," she replies, "perhaps you are right, but I've never been one to assume that I'm totally safe."
"Of course not, but being so obvious about it isn't the smartest thing to do." The Twilight turned from River and gestured to the open gate. "Go on through. I'm sure you'll find something or someone in there."
Rey exited from the Mogref Studios, looking across and up to the picturesque and almost pastoral scene of the earth and Sky dojo across town. Six monks from the studio accompanied the woman, carrying a 9 foot long cloth wrapped package. Each monk also bore a backpack and a selfbow of varying design, and heavy quiver with three arrow fletchings and two javelins. The procession was clad in clean and white longshirts, and deep brown pants with simple, black slippers with padded soles. Only the materials and collars were different among the monks and the beautiful java skinned woman who led them with an impressive six foot stature.

Rey was dressed in silk, her longshirt with the collar identifying her as a ranking member of the Mogref Studios head council. She bore no weapons that were visible, though her golden collar, peeked out from the shirt. She wore bright golden bracelets, and anklets that could be heard chiming against themselves. The procession left the studios and began the trip across town to the Earth and Sky dojo. Rey had a great gift from one medic to another.

* * * *

As the parade approached the entrance to the dojo, Rey saw the people standing outside the gates. Recognizing Five-Edged Peony she called out, Peony, what a pleasant surprise. Would you be answering the same call that we are? Reaching up, Rey pulls on one of the gate tassles. Inside somewhere a chime went off allowing those inside to know they had visitors at this gate. The six accompanying monks stood still beneath their burdens.

Viewing the repeaters drawn as they were Rey laughs, Oh those are not needed here, but I wonder, are you familiar with the The Golden Exhalation Style of Martial Arts that focuses on using the Flame tongue devices? If so, perhaps you could come by the Mogref Studios and offer a demonstration. I am Rey Pey Yung, bearer of the Studio's heart. With that Rey rolled her sleeves up showing off the bracelets, but also the golden orichalcum bracers with a stone of fiery orange, bearing a golden-orange iridescence that transcends natural beauty.

Her display was a means to offer ease to the stranger, Rey continues to offer the view as long as the stranger cares to observe, then rolls her sleeve back down. She awaits patiently an introduction and an answer to the gate, each equally passively awaited.
Beneficent River

She nods in agreement with the other Exalt and starts walking through the gate, her pack feeling oddly heavy today. She wonders where Seven Blossoms is. Her thoughts are interrupted by another arrival. Spinning on a foot, she turns to face them. The Golden Exhalation Style was similar to the Righteous Devil in a certain fashion. It lacked the justice that the Celestial Style embodied.

"No, I am not." She says flatly, not wanting to make the rare and only recently rediscovered style gather any attention.
"Righteous Devil then?" Peony asked mildly. "The School has many ancient books."

She looked at Rey with a sardonic smile. "You still owe me a talent of jade for the grief you caused me in Denandsor," she pointed out. "This place is as much a home to me as anywhere else."
Rey sparkles with interest at the mention of the lost art, and watches with anticipation as she replies to the news of Peony's homestead. Wonderful news Peony, when you have the chance you should chance crossing town here to the Mogref Studios, we would welcome your presence and a chance to observe your stylings of martial arts as well. I do apologize again for the troubles there, but I do remind you that it was the demon who set it all off, not the destruction of the bookshelves, just like I told you. An ingratiating smile spans Rey's face as they continue down the path towards the dojo. The monks from the school fall in behind her.
Raynes lands in front of the school and climbs off Starfire, his Fire-Blooded Strix. Seconds later five normal Strix's lands and his five elite warriors climb down and move up behind him. He watches them closely. All five had come from slaver to become the closeset knit group of warriors and sisters that he had the honor to know. With a small nod he turns back around and walks through the doors up the white rock path to the school. The five women follow him quietly.
Seven Blossoms, in her spirit shape, pushes through the provisions in Beneficent River's backpack to crawl onto the Solar's shoulder. The mink sniffs the air for a few moments, and shares a knowing look with River, before she jumps to the ground, where she transforms to her human form. Around trained Exalts she probably wouldn't surprise anybody no matter what.

"This place is beautiful", she looks around, greatfully breething in the fresh air, a welcome change to the moloch of Nexus. She nods to the others, but doesn't seem to plan on introducing herself just yet.
"Well, I guess I can't really hide it can I? Yes, I am a practitioner of the Righteous Devil style. Do not share this information with others please."

When Blossoms springs from her pack, River doesn't appear too shocked, "I was wondering why my bag got a lot heavier. Well, this is the place we were called to, so let's go." She does the latch on her pack and walks through the gate. The flowerbeds are lovely, but her attention is fixed on the woman balancing on one arm.

It was hard to tell when the young man with the skin of a southerner arrived. It was hard to tell he was there at all, honestly. One moment, there was naught but empty air, the eyes blinked or the head turned momentarily, and then that air was filled by the young man. He did not seem intrusive, his presence calm and serene. His body doesn't show any particular signs of wealth; one would mistake him for a street urchin but for his incredibly balanced posture and the tarnished, brassy orichalcum that coated his arms.

He moved in slow, gentle, relaxed motions, as he had for some time now, simply changing position at high speed when the mood struck him. Like a monkey climbing on a branch, he ran only when the mood struck him but was otherwise calm and serene...

Of course, any monkey in the trees knew that when voices started chattering, you listened.

A momentary pause in his present form, followed by opening an eye, the young man leaped with the slightest effort, traveling instantly backwards and up onto the rafters of the dojo, walking along them with his arms outstretched to his sides, eyes trained on the collection of people that were gathering inside its walls. He strolled about slowly, listening in before letting himself fall off the top of the a beam, grasping onto it with his hands mere moments into the descent, and using the momentum to swing himself forward and then back, switching his hands for his legs and dangling upside down not far from Kaiser, not making any effort to introduce himself yet. An entourage of soldiers made him the most interesting subject so far, Nazir hanging behind him and his troops and watching, waiting to see if any would notice him. Were any of them to turn, he would simply pull himself up swiftly and move to a position to hang from where they could not see him.

Curious people, they were. Certainly not normal students, that much was obvious. How many people had that merchant told about this place? Worrying or beneficial, this would be one or the other but, in either case, it would be quite interesting. That would be enough. For the moment, he concentrated on the one who stood out like an Immaculate Monk at a hair styling contest.
A little white cat, meticulously clean with hearthfire blue eyes, gracefuly bound alongside Nazir as he moved, as if matching his motions for the sheer joy of it.

Teliseria had been travelling when she had run into a curious person, seeing her moonsilver Dire Lance and quite possibly her tattoos, this person had told her of an interesting place. She had been thrilled to know that a strange place called a school existed, Coals Over Time never mentioned these places, so she was curious. With that and having thanked the medicine person she headed her way towards the last place she had missed last year. Nexus.

Teliseria took her time when she got there, Lookshy was an interesting place which was ordered and such, but this Nexus was a bustle of activity and life. Everywhere she went there was people, the buildings were everywhere and in some places she could see that some needed some repair work. The air around some sections of the town was atrocious, she was half tempted to fly over the horrible air but she didn't want to alarm anyone and some bad air she could resist. She was confused though why would anyone want to live in, near, or around such ruined places? For hours the young woman, with her nearly body length platinum blond hair, fair skin, bright blue eyes, and strange outfit with its strange head piece of blue materia, the flowing waist cloak, and the various small other peices, travelled the city of Nexus. Eventually she found a path heading up towards a more remote, and cleaner, section of the city and she followed them curious of where they would take her. She wondered if she was more cat than human for a moment and giggled at that thought before coming to a stop at the grand gates. The sounds of people training was obvious and timidly she poked her head around the corner gasping in awe at the sight beyond this one gate.
Brilliant Singing Hammer can be found inside the school, sitting under a tree, eating an apple, and reading a white bound book. He is dressed in his relaxing robes of white and blue. A jade diaklave can be seen leaning up against the tree next to him.

Although the soldier and his men distract Nazir's attention, his eyes maintaining a fix on them most of the time, it is an irresistible allure to examine this far more immediate and active curiosity that appears before him. Pulling himself up, he sits on a beam, looking across from the cat. Slowly, he raises a hand, watching the feline to see if it responds...
The cat padded over on bright pink paw pads, looking into his eyes, her own hearthfire blue, and rubbed her head into his palm.
It is a late evening, but the silence is soon disrupted by the sound of wings flapping, followed soon by a large shape descending from the skies, and on top of it a smaller form.

After they land, the smaller shape disembarks, aided by the large creature's large claw. The creature she was riding is a large reptile of dark-reddish scales, with a pair of wings, 4 legs, and two arms. It's body is squat, and seems more suited to tunneling than flying, but the claws and teeth indicate this creature is very much equipped for battle, should it need to. After the human female that rode it's back is off, the creature stands upright, his tail moving back and forth.

Nazir smiles at the cat, stroking it's head gently. "Oh, well aren't you just adorable?" He asked rhetorically, petting the little creature as he remained balanced on the beam, keeping his voice low. He'd never seen a cat move so acrobatically. Perhaps this wasn't a normal cat. Certainly a cute one, though, and he saw no harm in stroking it. "Do you have a name, little cat?" He asked, checking for a collar or some sort of identification.
Nazir did in fact find exactly that, on a pristine white kid collar, attached by a gold ring, was a pale pink alabaster model of a single cherry blossom petal, and a gold embossed archaic old realm charecter for short sword, Kodachi.

It was times like this that Nazir wished he could read. Still, he knew it was a name and that meant someone owned it. "Wow, looks like someone cares a lot about you, little cat. Would you like to go and find some flowers as pretty as the one on your collar?" With that, Nazir abandons his distraction with the soldier and begins to crawl along the wooden balance beams, gesturing for the cat to follow as he made his way to a flower garden, before dropping down, looking through it for a flower he deemed pretty enough.

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