Earth After Dusk: IC

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Wraighton is a sleepy rural town, with a population of around 22,000. It's located beside a large provincial park, perfect place for werewolves to play, and has a bustling downtown area despite its small size. Can you say vampire hot spot? Tonight's just an average night, walking through the neighbourhood. You often try to stay in the light, but not because you know what's out there. Mostly because... Well... Be honest. You know what's out there. Wraighton is a quiet, peaceful place though. There haven't been any reports of supernatural attacks. Yet. Tonight's a full moon too... You're probably just afraid for no reason, letting it all go to your head... Right?



Damien Joy

The full moon was the enemy of any Lykos who didn't want to be feral. The Black Claw pack, despite its gruesome name, stressed the need for control. To kill meant risking exposure. Exposure that would end their wealthy careers. All members were required to stay within the shipyard during this time. It was locked with two heavy doors that not even a minotaur could break. They knew it was for their own good, but it was still an irritating tradition. Members who did not lock themselves up risked punishment by the alpha, Robert Joy.


Damien hated this time the most. The shipyard was big, but not big enough to comfortably sit this many werewolves. The pack had little cliques in it based on rankings. Damien hung out with the big betas. They were strong and willing to put down their lives for him, the future alpha. Nobody questioned Damien's ability to lead. He had characteristics similar to his father. The quick wit and clever ways would always be beneficial. However, Damien lacked an understanding of how to lead. He had the proper tools but still needed to grow. He had two betas beside him. Lucile Black and Nathan Grey. Both attractive and around his age. They were fit and knew it as well. Damien swayed more towards Nathan but would never make a move. His heart was up for trade. His father would arrange a proper wedding with another pack to strengthen their ties. Damien looked up at the moon. It was becoming full. He then glanced over at the gate of the shipyard...Someone was there. Someone whom he didn't recognize. He yelled out but it was too late. The transformation began. The last thing he saw was a shadowy figure in the distance. His body was changing. Fur sprouting out of his skin. Claws painfully piercing out of his fingers. His back pushing into a more wolf-like posture. When he finally finished transforming, he howled loudly at the moon. This helped his pain. In the moon was power. Now everything was in the hands of nature. He had no control of his future movements for this night.
Kevin Riley

 A couple of hours earlier, Kevin had finished a long shift at the hospital. It hadn't been one of the good days. A man younger than himself had been rushed to the hospital after being caught up in a car accident. Unfortunately, the young man died. Whilst it made Kevin appreciate the time he had on the Earth, it also pushed him towards sorrow and disappointment. As soon as he had left the hospital he called David, one of his friends, to arrange a few drinks downtown. 

With David typically running late, Kevin set off downtown on his own and would meet his friend in their usual bar. After the stressful day, Kevin just needed some air and alcohol. Being a tall and muscular man, walking alone at night hardly intimidated him - he was confident he could defend himself again any man. Any human man. The full moon brought with it a sense of eeriness, especially in the wake of his assertion that he'd been face-to-face with an injured vampire. His friends call him a fool for his recollection, but he believes in what he saw and he would be lying if he wasn't eager to see someone like her - the vampire - again. Rather than fear and repulsion, the undead only made him curious, on an intellectual and personal level.

When he reached the bar, Kevin took one last look at the full moon before heading inside to order a beer.
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Charlotte "Lottie" Lockhart

Charlotte concentrated hard as she let her fingers run swiftly along the ivory keys of the piano. She smiled contently to herself as she absorbed the music she was playing and felt pride in her achievement. Almost completely lost in her thoughts, her fingers slipped and she hit a couple of wrong keys. The out of tune sound was accompanied by the cracking sound of the cane hitting the back of her hand. She pulled her hand away as the painful stinging sensation surged through her hand.

"Focus, Charlotte!" her father, Theodore, shouted as he lifted the cane away. "Play it again, from the beginning."

"But, father. I've been practising for hours..." Lottie protested. 

"Yet you're still making mistakes. I have an eternity in my hands, child. We have all the time in the World for you to become perfect," he said, placing a fatherly kiss on the top of his daughter's head. "Play it again, Little Lottie," he sternly ordered her.

Suddenly, the sound of another ghastly wrong note echoed in Charlotte's mind and snapped her out of her daydream. She was no longer in her old family home in her father's presence, but she was standing at the other side of a piano in the more modest home of the Johnson Family. Sat playing the music was the 10-year old girl Charlotte was tutoring. In the distance, the child's father stood with a disappointed frown on his face in response to his child's mistake. 

"Carry on," Charlotte softly encouraged the child. "Keep going to the end of the song. You only missed one note out of so many. When I see you next week I bet you'll be able to play it all." She stepped closer to the girl and leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Even I still make mistakes, and I've been playing forever!" she remarked.

After leaving the Johnsons, Charlotte made her way downtown to grab a bite to eat. She was never in a rush to return to her lonely apartment and being surrounded by others, even strangers, at least abated the loneliness for a short time. Looking up at the moon, she froze for a moment. "Well, loneliness beats werewolves," she muttered to herself.
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Amber Watson

@: @MistyGray Character in same building

Location: Downtown busy bar


"Sure Ashley, I don't mind closing up because you got in, yet another, fight with your boy friend. It's been three months of this already, just end it! You know, not like I have a life or anything. Simple bi...," Amber was alone but cut herself off with a hiss.

The smell of disinfectant hung in the air as Amber ran the cloth over the weight machine, dusting it off. It had taken her an hour longer than she had wanted but Amber was a perfectionist. It would have killed her to leave the floors in such a state. It was late and the moon was already starting to peek out from behind the clouds. She had hoped to be able to swing by home to change but already an hour behind, that was not going to happen. Instead, she ran out to her car, grabbed the a beat up army issue duffel bag and disappeared backside to the gym lockers. Twenty minutes later, Amber stood at the gym door in a short skirt and heels, locking up the gym.  

The clothing made her feel exposed but that was sort of the point. It was a bit reassuring to feel the cool metal of her gun tucked in a hostler against the inside of her thigh. After tossing her duffel bag in the back, she climbed into the vehicle and started bumping the bass. It was time to hit the small town's hot spots.

Ten minutes later, Amber was rolling past a bar that seemed rather busy. That place was as good as any, to start the night at least. It was not always a reliable place to hunt but the night was young. Pulling in, Amber shut off her raspberry colored jeep. Before heading inside, she pulled out her gun and checked the clip. Next, she reached to her back bra strap and checked the small silver blade hidden there. Taking a breath, Amber slipped on a pair of fashionable half gloves in an attempt to hide some of the scarred tissue on her hand. There was really no self consciousness around the scar, it was more she did not like having strangers commenting on it as a way to hit on her. The gloves did not hide it entirely, it more made others think she was self conscious about it, so they did not bring it up. After a glance in the mirror, pretending to check her make up, when really she was checking to see if anyone was hiding behind the vehicle, Amber headed inside. 

The place was busy, lively and loud. Being fit and dressed in a tight outfit helped Amber navigate to the counter. Sliding up onto a stool, she ordered a gin and club soda before pulling out her phone and sending a single text that read, "Downtown at the bar. Going to beat you tonight."
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As much as the long faces of drunken wrecks may bore her, one was always certain; These sorry souls were almost certainly human, or so it seemed when they slouched in during the day, sipping cheap booze and contemplating on their passing existence.

It may be kinda depressing to watch and they didn't bring a ton of revenue in their wake, seeing that they usually just ordered one drink and just sat there hours to no end, but now with the bar almost bursting with customers one may never be certain if they were just simple party animals or literal beasts.

One could never be sure, NEVER!

Paranoia is just another expression for having ALL the facts. And it was a fact that there were "things" that went bump in the night, and apparently always had been. The simple thought of perhaps already having served a freaky customer causing shivers to run down Tess spine.

But as much as one could be suspicious of strangers they often ordered a ton of drinks and were great for business, that was also a fact.

Though this particular night seemed to just be getting started, people just flooding in and melting into the ever-changing gallery of faces that demanded to be served.

It didn't leave much opportunity for chatter as the young woman darted around the bar, filling glasses, mixing drinks, getting some hearty tips and showering everyone with suspicious glares, occasional scoffs and a ton of raised eyebrows.

What was the alleged quota again? One in a thousand might be either some Mutt or Leech. Applying some math that would mean that....

"About two or three..." Thinking out loud Tess bit her tongue as she just noticed that she had just sold some really expensive drink for just a measly two dollars, before the customer disappeared in the crowd, making the Irishwoman let out some rather nasty curses, only to get drowned in the noise of chattering guests and music.

Letting out a deep sight Tess brushed a strand of dark hair out of her face, her hazel eyes darting around the counter as things started to become a bit less hectic, making the bartender sigh in relief as she retrieved a wrinkled pack of cigarettes from her back pocket of her torn jeans, fishing out one of the last few cigarettes and putting it to her dry lips before turning her attention towards a newcomer with some rather revealing outfit, making Tess raise a pierced eyebrow and lean against the counter, coming to examine the new face.

She didn't look too familiar, yet not too freaky either, yet her scarred hands did make her a bit suspicious but she was not one to pry, just judging...a lot.

Brushing some messy hair out of her face Tess retrieved the cigarette from her lips, putting it behind her ear, maybe this night she'd go without polluting her lungs, maybe.

Just nodding at her Order Tess snatched a clean glass from beneath the counter and filled it with some gin before putting both the Soda and liquor in front of Amber.

"Here ya go, Lady." Tess scoffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she noticed Amber typing some text.

"Waiting for your prince charming to show up, 'cause I doubt you'll find him here, though with that outfit of yours you might find yourself surrounded by some who'd gladly take his place."

Why was she talking to her? Boredom mostly, though maybe it was her trying to get one good deed done for the night, even if it was just talking to some random stranger without her already toying with the possibility of her being a freak.

If only she knew she was half-right.
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Amber Watson

@: @MistyGray Character in same building @Vampunk Character interaction

Location: Stool at the bar

"Waiting for your prince charming to show up, 'cause I doubt you'll find him here, though with that outfit of yours you might find yourself surrounded by some who'd gladly take his place."

Amber grabbed the drink, took a sip and smirked at the comments from the bartender, while examining her piercings and hazel eyes. "Not bad for a tomboy. Gonna be a shame if she is one of them," the thoughts passed through her mind, the one place she allowed herself to be unfiltered.  After a chuckle, came a shake of her head.

"There's no prince or princess charming in my crystal ball, darlin. Just games to pass the time between now and when I die," with that came another smirk and dimming of the phone screen, allowing her to focus on her drink. It was gin not her favorite, whiskey but that was for the best. Amber was attempting to work tonight. Attempting to blow off some steam. She always felt better after a good kill and they were rare and few between in this small town. That is why the outfit had been required, it screamed easy target for some desperate blood sucker. Maybe she would get lucky.

"Soooo, you always call girls out for dressing like whores or just when you're late for a smoke break?"

Amber motioned to the cigarette tucked behind Tess's ear, this time giving an eyebrow raise and wink of the eye. With a chuckle at her own little cocky comment, her attention drifted back over the crowd for a moment. A faint ping sounded off from her phone. The screen lit up, displaying a message they both could clearly see. The number had no contact associated to it. The message read, "Already, have a lead. You're slacking Priestess." A clearly sour expression read on her face as she dimmed the screen and snarled the word, "Fucker."

Ferdinand Zeppelin

It's a full moon tonight, that means more likely than not, one may find them werewolves without their human skin. It seems the full moon makes them change for some reason. Typically, on nights like these the wolves would hide themselves from the moon, surely no one wishes to lose control like that. Yet, there are always exceptions, perhaps there's some nut job out there who enjoys being feral, and either it's these nut jobs or the unfortunate sob who picked the wrong day to go moon gazing, this is the only day they would so boldly expose themselves. In other words, today, a slayer's job gets that much easier and that much hazardous at the same time.

On this night, the slayer named Ferdinand Zeppelin, a.k.a. Andy, drove into the rural town of Wraighton in his trusty Ford Mustang manufactured in the 80's. Dents and bumps can be seen on the old car all over, but it is trusty indeed and still runs very well despite its age, they just don't make cars like this anymore. But enough about the car, let talk about the town. They say that Wraighton is a peaceful town, quiet, peaceful, and no reports of supernatural attacks, or at least, that's what they say, that's what they want you to believe. But Ferdinand knows, he knows that the rule of thumb is that a quiet, peaceful, place like this is best for those inhuman creatures to discreetly feed and increase in numbers. Someone out there probably forgot about that rule and got themselves on the internet, quite a mess they kicked started.

The drive had been long, and in his trusty Mustang, Ferdinand couldn't fight the urge to for a smoke, and had one caught between his lips a he drives. Not the safest of conduct, but if he wants to be safe, he wouldn't be in this business. By now, he could use a drink too, maybe a beer, or cider if he's up for something sweet, or maybe whisky if he's feeling particularly fancy, but he'll probably just end up having coffee thought, since he's still technically on the job, a fact that he had to remind himself every ten minutes or so.

Not long after entering town, a howling can he heard from far off. Perhaps it's a wolf or a dog, or it could be a werewolf who had been caught under the moon. Ferdinand turns his head towards the direction reflexively, and consequently, looking away from the road. By the time he turned his attention back to driving and quickly found that he was running a red light, and a woman was trying to cross right in front of him. Despite Ferdinand slamming down on the breaks, it was far too late.

"Shit, that the fourth time this month!" Ferdinand cursed as he got off from his car, finding the lady laying in front of it, her lower half caught beneath the car and blood spewing from her mouth, it would appears that she is dead, or so it seemed at first. A smile then appeared on Ferdinand's face. "Well, well, well, it would appears that today is my lucky day."

Laying before his car, the lady squirms in silence while choking in her own blood and her broken bones began snapping back into place. She tried to get up, but quickly found a boot upon her throat, forcing her to release a silent scream in pain. The boot belongs to Ferdinand, and he placed much of his weight upon it to keep the weakened creature in place. His hand reaches behind and produced a single action revolver, holstered on behind his back and hidden by his jacket. Why a single action revolver when there are better guns to choose from? Because silver bullets are expensive, and Ferdinand was one with itchy fingers. Getting a single action firearm was the best thing he had even done, financially speaking.

"Memento mori..." Ferdinand whispered to the creature as he cocks the hammer and aimed for the heart. "remember that we all have to die."

He then pulled the trigger.

That was an Inedia most likely, thought Ferdinand to himself, it didn't seem to have an extra limb and was easily half-killed by a car. Either way, that's one less bloodsucker for the world to worry about, maybe now they can focus on world peace. Musing to himself, he pulled up next to a bar. He was feeling good after his kill and was up for a drink, but had to remind himself that the night is still young and he's still on the job. So he moved to a coffee shop across the street, apparently still open late into the night. Maybe the owner's a vampire, if so, then he'll have to shoot him, but only after the coffee. Jokes aside, it's a good place, this way, Ferdinand can have his caffeine fix while still technically doing his job by watching the bar from across the street for any vampires on the hunt, though it's rather difficult to tell sexually frustrated teens apart from bloodsuckers nowadays. Well no matter, first, coffee, everything else comes after.
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Tess Harrington

Amber's response did bring a rather toothy grin to Tess' face, her lips curling into a wide smile as the bartender chuckled, raising a pierced eyebrow at the woman sitting at the counter.

"Well, that's a rather grim outlook on life, but better be realistic about this all. We're all just living on borrowed time anyways, huh? Better make the most of it, even if it's just enjoying life's simpler pleasures, hell, sometimes that's the only reasonable option." The bartender scoffed, leaning against the counter, her arms resting on the smooth wooden surface, her fingers tracing her arms in a circular motion as Tess gnawed on her bottom lip, subconsciously urging her to light herself a cigarette and be done with it.

Amber asking her about her reasoning behind just striking up a conversation with her made Tess burst out in a rather amused laughter, her hand coming to tuck some messy black hair behind her ear and retrieving the cigarette in the process, twirling the subject of her addiction between her index and middle finger.

"Not everyone, just those who wouldn't even have to dress this way to garner attention." Tess remarked with a sly grin, gesturing towards Amber.

"You know, at first glance one might think you're desperately trying to find someone to get into your panties but you don't seem to be THAT kind of gal, I know, I see that type around here way too often, should've banned them and included them in the "no pets allowed" category." Tess joked, gesturing towards the Bar's rules pinned against a wall.

Just as she wanted to add some other lame pun to just keep the conversation going Amber's reaction to the text made Tess curious about what Amber was really here to do, the bartender raising an eyebrow in suspicion as she eyes Amber.

"Hmm..Who was that if you don't mind me asking? Certainly not some fellow right out of a fairy tale, the world is already freaky enough as it is, wouldn't you agree? Just the latest frigging news, ugh. Makes my blood run cold."

@Manic Muse

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Amber Watson


@: @MistyGray Character in same building @Vampunk Character interaction @revior Viewable bar fight pending?

Location: Stool > Wall > Dancing> Back to Stool

The comment about the suggested change in rules made even Amber offer a chuckle. Despite her current appearance, she was much in agreement with it.  However, the light hearted mood had soured quickly with the latest text. She would never admit it but the inquiry on it made her chest tighten. After a beat she gave a clearly fake chuckle and stroked the phone, it was a nervous tick, she had never kicked.

"It is one of those complicated things. You know, like those frien-emies you need to keep around. Everyone needs haters, if you don't have haters, you're wasting your life. At least in my book."

Still fidgeting with the phone, Amber was avoiding making eye contact with the bartender now. That is when she noticed it, a more modern version of a jukebox on a far wall. With a smile, Amber pulled open her compact wallet and found a couple spare dollars along with her debit card. Sliding the debit card across the counter, she tapped it and looked to Tess, "The freaks that go bump in the night, will have to wait. I am going to need a shot of whiskey after for this. Be right back, I have a song to play."

Screw it, it was a full moon, either something was going to happen or not. Given the track record in the town lately it was unlikely, she was not about to let it ruin her night. One way or another, she was going to cut loose. Popping off the stool, Amber navigated her way over to the music box on the wall and got to flicking through the search option. The name came flickering up on the screen after a few moments of searching, Faderhead, "Losing for real." With a few swipes, she selected the song and fed the machine a dollar. The speakers buzzed for a moment and then the tune started up.

Most of the crowd in the bar were indifferent to the song. Amber began to sway slightly with the music, clearly feeling the vibe as it pulsed through the speakers. Based off the lyrics, it was quite clearly a silent dedication to the frien-emy. Dancing all the way back, it took almost the entire length of the song to return to the counter, where she had left her phone and first drink. Once she caught Tess's attention again, she gave a smirk and nod. "Nooowww I am ready for that shot."

The dollar had given her two tokens in the jukebox system. Amber had decided to have a little fun. Once the first song came to an end, "Oh oh oh Sexy Vampire," came on. Man, she had a messed up sense of humor. Several people were not amused by the song. It had been such a pointless song before but now, talk about asking for it.
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Kevin Riley


@Manic Muse character in the same building. @Vampunk character interaction.


As Amber rushed over to the jukebox to select some music, Kevin stepped forward and stood next to her now empty spot. "I'll have a beer, please," he requested, once he had Tess's attention. He flashed a polite smile before pulling out his wallet to retrieve some cash. Whilst he waited for his drink, Kevin looked over his shoulder to see Amber return to the spot she'd left her drink and phone. He'd purposely made sure to leave that space, having noticed Amber had left her belongings there.

When the second of Amber's songs began playing, Kevin quickly looked over his shoulder towards the jukebox, expecting to see David smiling like an idiot having chosen the song at his friend's expense. Ever since Kevin had told him about the vampire patient, his friend had been making all kinds of tiresome jokes. As if right on cue, Kevin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he quickly retrieved it to read the text message. After reading the text from David, Kevin shook his head with irritation and slid the phone back into his pocket. Typically, David wasn't due for another hour. He really was the least organised person Kevin had met.

The vampire song continued and the young woman, Amber, seemed pretty happy with the choice of music. In his daydream, Kevin realised it may have looked like he was staring at her, so he quickly turned away. Perhaps after a few more drinks he'd be able to shut off from the persistent thoughts of vampires, werewolves and ghouls. Part of him could see why his friends found it all quite crazy, especially considering Kevin's firm Atheistic tendencies. But he knew what he saw that night and couldn't help but wonder if the next person he interacted with would be one of them too.
Andrei Martin

(A bit earlier today; A few miles outside Wraighton City Limits)

Andrei glanced at the clock.

3:34 pm.

                They had only a few more hours until the sun set… And the moon rose. Tonight’s moon was a very special one too- he and his daughter Anna’s favorite part of the lunar cycle: the Full Moon.

                To most people, a full moon would probably mean nothing, aside from perhaps a pretty sight; for Andrei and his daughter however… It meant a very, very long and difficult evening was in store. The reason for this of course, was because his daughter was werewolf, and during a full moon, werewolves become significantly less friendly. How much less friendly you may ask? Well, let’s just say that unless Andrei found a place to hole his daughter up for the night- this would turn into a problem for many more people than just himself.

                Normally, Andrei has everything planned out in advance, and this time had been no exception up until a day ago. Unfortunately, due to some extremely unfortunate circumstances, he had been forced to abandon his previous idea this time around, and was now forced to improvise. It was inconvenient to say the least. Andrei’s eyes scanned up and down the forests along the road, hoping to find something; an abandoned shed, an old outhouse, anything really. His daughter would probably kill him if he locked her in the latter, but unfortunately beggars could not be choosers this late in the game.

                “See anything?” he asked, his eyes remaining focused on the road.

                Nope.” The sixteen-year-old replied, her tone practically overflowing with aggitation.

                Normally, Andrei probably would have reprimanded the girl for her tone, but right now was not exactly a good time start an argument, which is what the end result would surely be if he went that route. They were both tired, and time was running a bit short. So instead, this time he would take a more sympathetic approach.

                 “I know how much these nights suck honey, but trust me when I say that I’m not exactly fond of them either.”

                The girl sighed. “Yeah, well… Worst case we could just let me out in the woods, right? I mean we’re in the middle of fucking no-where.” She replied, her head falling back to its usual resting position on the side window of the vehicle.

                Actually, if worst came to worst, they would need to do what they had done back in Seattle over a year ago, which was lock Anna in the trunk of the car… but Andrei wasn’t going to open that can of worms by telling her that just yet- or hopefully at all if they were lucky enough.

                Andrei’s eyes continued to look up and down the roadside, when suddenly- he saw it. A flash of dull red amidst the sea of green and brown. “There!” he exclaimed stopping the car. The dull red was from the old, fading paint on the side of what seemed to be an abandoned shed. What an old shed was doing in the middle of an empty forest road, who could say? But right now it didn’t matter. They had just under three hours before sunset, so they needed to get set up for nightfall asap.

                “Go over and see what we’re working with, I’ll get my tools.” The man said, unlocking the car doors. With a barely audible grumble, the girl sluggishly- and reluctantly got out of the car, and began making her way down to the shed.
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Amber Watson

@: @MistyGray Looks exchanged @Vampunk Called out to @revior Noticable action in front of bar.

Location: Stool > Side Door > Alley behind Bar

Amber was quite content with herself, plopping down on the bar stool, a Cheshire cat smirk plastered on her face. Swaying along with the tune, she noticed a tall dark a handsome guy exchanging a glance before he looked away to check his phone. The glance did not last long, but still long enough that she noticed. Maybe he was just pissed about the song. Amber gave a chuckle followed up with a sigh.

In the last thirty seconds of the song, shouting, crashing and breaking glasses announced the brawl. The source was the far back corner of the bar, one of the few booths in the joint. Only a few seconds later, the body of a twenty-something jock went flying back into some innocent bystanders causing the crowd to surge. Several larger men and rather buff looking chicks, assisted in seeing the troublemakers out. Others helped the fallen jock to his feet.

 A spindling tatted bleach blonde male flopped out the door first. Followed quickly with a strung out looking female. Between the shrill screams and thrashing of her burgundy dreads, it could have been easily missed.  There was a mark on the cease of her arm, easily accessible with the fishnet dress the girl was wearing. Amber would not have even noticed it, if the girl had not been clinging to the doorway, trying to fight off the gang of would be bouncers. 

Many would have likely written off the scabbed over markings for those that use needles on regular bases. Amber knew better as would any medical professional.

"Hey, I gotta run to my car for a second. Keep my tab open."

Hopefully, the bartender had caught that over the rumbling of the crowd. Amber did not bother to wait around and verify. She was already slipping through the crowd, heading out a side door.

"Shit, which way did they go?"


"Baby, are you okay?" The shrill nasally voice was very distinct but muffled by the echoing. It sounded like they were around the corner, most likely on the far side of the building from where she was. Upholstering her weapon, she began to cautiously approach the couple, from the far side of the building. Creeping through the alley was not an easy task, being that she was in stiletto shoes. Half way through she stopped cold in her tracks, cursing her choice of apparel for the night. This was not going to work. Getting the shoes to not click or keep traction was like asking someone to not breathe. 

'Brilliant idea Amber. Wearing this get up. You are going to get yourself killed wearing four inch heels. Dressed like some slut. Shit, I need to change,' mentally reprimanding herself, she could hear the rustling of what she assumed was the couple. Holding her breath, she slunk back into the shadows attempting to become one with the brick wall of the bar. Gripping her gun tight, she could feel a bit of a cold sweat building up on her brow.
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Should he add milk, or leave it black? That was always the question. What about the sugar? Always three cubes or six tea spoons of course. Are six tea spoons truly equals to three cubes? No one knows... well, someone knows, but that someone isn't Ferdinand, that's for sure. However, after going through all that, and he was just about to take a sip, he spots something happening across the street. It seems to be a bar fight, probably some drunk kid picking a fight, and as expected they were tossed out by the bouncers. 

Nothing more to see it seems, that's what he thought. Those two that were thrown out, a pair of man and woman, a couple perhaps, they couldn't have been vampires, surely they'd know not to cause a ruckus, that's how they get killed. They couldn't be werewolves either, since they would have changed the moment they were out in the open. So this, most likely is just what it is, a couple of trouble makers making trouble in a bar.

Ferdinand went back to his coffee, he had decided to take it black, saving the milk for the morning. He picked up his cup and was about to go for a sip, when once more, his sharp eyes spotted something odd yet again. He saw a young woman, in her twenties most likely, dressed in a rather chilly looking out fit rushing out the bar. That in itself was not too odd, perhaps she was just fed up with the place, or perhaps she had one too many drinks and she needed to clear her bowels, or perhaps the ones thrown out were her friends and she's just joining up with them. However, her movements stuck out, the way she skillfully weaved through the crowd. Her expression when she came out too, like a tracker who had lost sight of her mark. And right after, she went down the alleyway, the same one the other two went into. Wait a minute, alleyway? Why would those two go into an alleyway after being thrown out? Normally they would either go home or find another bar to drink themselves silly. Well, maybe they're trying to sneak in from the back. Or...

Once again, Ferdinand puts down his cup, he had to check it out, it was his job and it was certainly suspicious enough to do so. Not to mention that other girl, the one with the chilly outfit went in as well, and he could have sworn her pull something like a gun out just as she enters. or maybe that's just his imagination. But, just in case it isn't, and perciesely for these small possibilities, that a slayer get to kill anything more often than not. So he left the payment at his table and went to his car, opening the rear trunk. Within it, an arsenal of weapons are stored, shotguns, machine guns, hunting rifles, flash bangs, smoke grenades, a whole gallon of garlic juice, and some C4 explosives which he never gets to use but keeps telling himself that he might one of these days. Among them, he decided to simply bring along a semi-automatic pistol, the other are simply too big and conspicuous and if they're not vampires, then it'll just look like he's trying to rob them. A semi-auto is good enough.

Holstering the pistol into his jacket, he moves into the alleyway, quietly and cautiously, all the while pulling out his lighter and cigarette, pretending that he needs a smoke.

@Manic Muse @Vampunk @MistyGray
Amber Watson

@: @MistyGray  @Vampunk Inside @revior Alleyway 

Location: Alleyway >Down in unknown puddle. ew.

Swallowing nothing but air, Amber felt a knot growing in her stomach. Judging by the sounds, the couple were just a mere ten feet away, on the far side of the dumpster.

'Not good,' she shook the thought from her head. 'What next, grunt. What do we do?'

Amber was working to formulate a plan of attack, when she heard the flick of a lighter from the direction she had just come. Most likely a, bystander that was about to come stumbling across the scene.'Shit! How could this get any worse?'

Taking her chances with the person with the lighter, beat trying to take on two unknowns sporting vamp hickeys. Inching along the wall, Amber stepped back toward the way she had come. The next moments all came so fast, she greatly regretted the sips of alcohol now. Stiletto heel met pothole. Amber over corrected as her ankle turned out from under her. It would have been an easy recovery, if not for holding a firearm and walking on things that were practically stilts. Down she went, tumbling to the ground.

Right knee took most the impact and she could already feel the blood seeping from the wound. It was survivable. Next chest and arms, landing like a pancake, there was little grace to be had from it. The only saving grace, was the fact the gun did not hit hard. However, as her arm touched down, the fire arm went skidding across the uneven asphalt, heading toward the couple. Amber only just turned over into a puddle of unknown ooze, when she heard the undeniable cocking of her own weapon.


"Looky Carl, it's a little kitty cat out on the prowwwl," the nasally voice only seemed to get worse with the excited notes now added to it.

The pair, came skulking out of the shadows, with 'Carl' aiming the weapon right at Amber's chest.

"Hey Jesus son, lower that thing. We don't have a problem here. Just a girl looking to protect herself in these here dark allies. I am sure your misses knows what I mean."

Amber slowly wiggled both feet free from the heels, while working to keep the duo focused on her hands, that were up in an, "I give up," fashion.

"Dawwwww, you hear that. She just protecting herself, Carl. You know, I bets we get a good price for her back at the den."

That sounded bad. Then again, which was worse? Shot by your own gun or fed to a den of, what could be assumed were, vamps.

Amber climbed to her knees and took up a pleading pose, all the while working to get closer to the couple and the now free pair of pumps.

"Now come on you guys, that sounds like a lot of work. How about you guys keep the gun and we call it a night?" It was at this point that Amber had turned a portion of her consciousness to praying to whatever god was on watch tonight. She needed some grace and back up.

Finally, Carl spoke, "Baby doll, I say we smoke this here tart. Easier to transport and we still gets the gun."

Geez, these two looked like an albino and red version of the Joker and Harley, it was almost uncanning.

Amber's pleading face shifted to a placid expression of annoyance as she muttered, "Screw it."

Either she was going to die, or this would work. Lunging forward, with a heel in each hand, she swung hard. The first heel aimed for Baby doll's right foot, dead center, impaling between the middle and pointer toe. Amber then aimed the ball of her own foot directly to the side of the Carl's left knee. That strike was less effective as he was able to counter it. Clearly, most of his weight had not been placed on the leg. Stupid move, he was holding the gun in his right hand, most likely right dominate, like most people.

Luckily for Amber, his Baby doll, girlfriend started howling in pain and leaned onto him for support. That left his aim highly unfocused when he started taking random potshots at Amber. 
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Ferdinand stuck around the corner when he heard what sounds like someone had gone and stumbled into the ground. He leaned against the wall, not wanting to be spotted, and was glad for his quick thinking, for it turns out this scantly clad young woman is in fact, not friends with the other two, friends don't point your own guns at you. He could just jump in and save the day, but that wasn't part of his job, his job is to find bloodsuckers and mutt, and put a bullet in them. He needs to know if anyone of them is a vampire.

So Ferdinand waited, perhaps a tad bit too patiently so for this situation, but in time, he got what he wanted. He had heard one of them utter the word "den". It sure sounds like something a vampire or werewolf might say, taking people or things back to their dens that is. Of course, this "den" might just be another night club or bar and this is all a great big misunderstanding. But well, collateral damages are as much a part of the job as making the undead the dead-dead.

Taking a deep breath with the cigarette in his mouth, Ferdinand then lets out a large puff of smoke before finally turning the corner, his semi-auto piston at the ready, but right as he turns the corner, a wail of agony is clearly heard and at the same time someone began firing like someone with Parkinson's disease firing multiple shots with little to no trigger discipline. With ill fortune, one of the shots grazed his shoulder, causing Ferdinand to flinch in pain, but he went on regardless, not feeling like taking cover, not even thinking of it, for in that very instant, Ferdinand decided to go trigger happy himself, charging onward with a berserker-like craze.

Ferdinand yelled at the top of his lung with his coarse voice while taking aim at the man with the gun and began shooting none stop, emptying his whole clip before tossing away the now empty gun. The man took several shots on his torso, one shot tore through his face, and another scraped by his head. Most people would be dead by now, but this one, this one isn't, shot that should have downed him only made him flinch in pain at best. Ferdinand smiled at the sight, this would be his second one tonight, the second vampire he'll put down.

With the vampire still in pain, Ferdinand jumped at him, over the scantly clad young woman on the ground, and tackling him to the ground before he could recover. Along with the vampire, the girl leaning against him fell as well, but Ferdinand paid no mind to her, her was more interested in the mark before him. Immediately after hitting the ground, Ferdinand skillfully shifted his position and had his knees placed on top of the vampire's arms, sealing his movements, and just for extra insurance, Ferdinand took the cigarette still held between his teeth, and shoved it into the vampire's eyes, causing him to cry horribly in pain.

"Memento mori, arschloch!" Ferdinand said as he pulled out and cocked his single action revolver.

Aiming at the vampire's head, Ferdinand was just about to shoot, and he had a big grin on his face right as he was about to pull the trigger. However, he was then caught in a headlock from behind, from someone who is trying to pull him away from the vampire. Turns out it was the girl that was leaning against the vampire, and upon realizing that, Ferdinand regrets not dealing with her sooner. Regardless, Ferdinand resisted being pulled away ever as the girl was choking him, and tried to shoot the vampire, but only for him to miss. He'd try again, but he didn't what to waste another bullet, so he opt to deal with the girl instead, trying to throw her off with little success, all the while his vision begins to blur as his brain is being deprived of oxygen.

"Schei*kerl" he cursed one last time as he sensed his own consciousness fading.

@Manic Muse @Vampunk @MistyGray
"Well, I sure hope you brought another pair of shoes, I doubt you'll be making it home with those nasty heels, especially not after having one too many drinks. But alas, I'm not one to judge, if you want that shot you'll get it, just don't blame me if you spend the night in a trench." Tess remarked with a crooked grin as she watched Amber set off to change the Song playing on the Jukebox, the following tunes not really her style but hey, whatever all those party animals tolerated was fine for her, scaring off her customers with her own choice of music would be a bad business decision.

Turning her attention to Kevin Tess went to the bar's back to prepare both his beer and Amber's shot, returning to the young man first before putting the shot unto the counter, watching Amber with a raised eyebrow as the vampire song came to echo through the bar's darkened halls.

"Ugh, don't Jinx it, if this continues on there may be real leeches showing up tonight, and I'm all out of Garlic..." Tess joked before the scene down in the corner caught her interest, making the irishwoman yell from her counter, the bar becoming silent as a crypt, if only for a few seconds as Tess raised her voice.

"Oi, don't make me throw you out, this is a decent establishment, not some kind of fight club, deal with my terms or get the hell out of my bar!" Tess' eyebrow twitched in annoyance before her eyes could catch a glimpse of Amber hurrying out the bar, disappearing with very little explanations....

This raised Tess' suspicion by a million percent, the young woman crossing her arms as she gnawed on her bottom lip.

Seemed like Amber did have some agenda tonight beside trying to catch every guy's attention with her skimpy outfit...

Turning towards her coworker Tess gestured him to handle the bar before Tess snatched off her dark brown jacket from her stool, making her way out the door and into the chilly night air, retrieving that one cigarette from behind her ear and lighting it, taking a deep breath as she exhaled cloudy smoke into the night....

But there was little time to contemplate on what Amber might have been up to as Tess heard some rather unnerving noises coming from a nearby alley, making the bartender slowly make her way to the source of this strange noise...

What her hazel eyes spotted made her cigarette fall from her lips, her mouth hanging agape as she saw some of her customers outright trying to kill each other, or that was what it looked like.

"Can someone tell me what the bloody hell is going on? Did you have too much booze or anything, don't do something you're going to fucking regret in the morning, or better, don't try to frigging murder each other or I'm seriously going to call the authorities!"

One thing about Tess, she wasn't exactly the best in handling these kinds of situations, breaking up fights was common in her job but this?

This was a new kind of crazy, even for her...
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Amber Watson

@: @MistyGray  @Vampunk Inside @revior Alleyway 

Location: Alleyway 

 The banshee-like screams of the crazed burgundy haired woman, blended with the popping of gun fire, filling the alleyway with rippling echoes of every sound bouncing off the brick walls. The pumping of music inside would make it difficult for many to distinguish the gunshots and if so, how close they truly were. No doubt, a seasoned gun enthusiastic or overly cautious bystander in the surrounding area, heard at least one of the weapons discharging  and had called the cops.

Not feeling the sting of a bullet wound, Amber had looked up in time, to watch several bullets striking Carl. Yep, Carl was definitely a blood sucker. Amber did not even have time to consider the new stranger a threat. He had already leaped over her, to continue an assault on Carl. Sadly for him, he underestimated the dam. Like a spider monkey, the girlfriend had launched herself onto the man, getting a good choke hold.

That was Amber's cue to get up. Tossing aside the unused heel, she reached back, under her shirt and retrieved the small, silver kunai, throwing knife. Climbing to her feet, she considered her options. Big and burley, at least he appeared that way with the coat, was busy with the crimson psycho. Amber considered offering assistance but decided against it. The enemy of her enemy was a friend, but only to a degree.

 That left Carl. 'Where was Carl?' Scanning the area, all that Amber found was her discarded, empty gun. Hearing foot falls behind her, from the direction the voice had been coming from.  Amber took time to grab her gun, working as methodically as one could with a small throwing knife dangling like jewelry from the ring on a finger. With a few, well practiced motions, the spent cartridge fell from the weapon. Reaching for a spare, Amber was locked and loaded when she spun around.

Carl was running full speed, away from the brawl, and right for Tess. Amber, lined up a shot but hesitated. There was a risk of it going through or missing and striking Tess. Shuffling a few steps to the side, Amber took aim again. This time the distance between Tess and Carl was even less. Amber grit her teeth. Several variables made the shot, questionable. It was always high probability for error when aiming at a moving target. There was still a risk that the shot would strike Tess, if it went bad. Then again, there was a near guarantee that if Carl got to Tess, she was going to die. Amber exhaled and fired.

Her Mother always told her of the most important rule on dealing with fights.




And yet here she stood, between hunters and bloodsuckers going for each others throats, tangled in a net of freakiness she always tried to avoid.

Her eyes widened as the vampire started to charge in her direction, her body stiff as a corpse as Tess' lips twitched into a grotesque combination of panic and utter fear.

"Fuck.." Her voice low as her mind raced, frozen in place due to sheer shock and being face to face with the creeps she so despised, yet never having met one in person made her even less aware of the danger she was in.

But something suddenly broke her trance, the loud blast of Amber's gun echoing through the alleyway, followed by sharp pain surge through her shoulder, followed the warmth of her own blood gushing from her wound and tainting her brown jacket a rich crimson.

Amber hadn't missed, she had hit her mark, and with him also Tess as the bullet pierced the fiend's abdomen and finally stopped deep in Tess' left shoulder, making the bartender's eyes widen in shock as she fell backwards, hitting her head on the cold stone of the Alley as Carl, mostly unharmed by the piercing shot extended a hand and grabbed Tess by her collar, inhuman strength allowing him to pull her along, his escape route cleared by Amber, the one who wanted to end him right where he stood.

The last thing Tess' eyes saw was Amber clutching a smoking gun, her facial expression burned into Tess' mind as darkness overcame her, her head bleeding profoundly where she had met the alley's hard ground.

But it was for the better, for knowing what was happening to her right now would almost certainly be worse than the unconscious state she was, her precious life essence dropping on stone, where her warm blood soon started to grow cold....

But death was not exactly what was coming for her, far from it as time would tell.

For despite her injuries her heart was still beating. Though in hindsight it would have been better if Amber had just pierced her heart here and then, as Carl wasted no time to disappear into the night with a warm body, filled with life and precious blood.
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Eliot W.




The computer screen was beginning to feel blaring and bright. The numbers and letters felt like they were blurring together. Leaning back from the desk, he squeezed the bridge of his nose. Considering that he had already put in a full day's work and then some, it was time to call it quits. Flipping off the computer monitor, Eliot groaned as he stood up. A wave of dizziness took over, forcing him to use the edge of the desk as a crutch.

The full moon was already adding to his condition. After the dizziness subsided, he made his way over to the fridge. Pulling back the door, the little light inside the white box flickered on, revealing nothing but metal wire shelves.

Frustrated, he slammed the door shut. Turning away from the empty fridge, he realized his fangs had extended. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to relax until they retracted. Frowning, he gazed over at a small business card on the table by the door. Closing his eyes again, he inhaled to take in the smells around him, working to ground himself. Instead, he smelled the joint being smoked two doors down. The girl upstairs, cooking another batch of cookies. The guy on the cooking steak on the fire escape and the smell of his flesh blood. Must have been a fresh cut.

 Shaking his head, Eliot grabbed a leather riding jacket, the small business card and took off. Taking the stairs, instead of the elevator only stopping once he reached the underground parking. Climbing behind the wheel of his Toyota Tacoma, he pulled the keys out of his jacket and started up the car.

It was about a ten minute drive before he reached the warehouse. Parking about a block away, it was a short walk before Eliot knocked on a reinforced door. A small panel opened where he showed them the small card. The door opened just wide enough for him to slip inside. After passing through a few corridors. Music started to filter through the hallways, growing louder.

Pushing open a free swinging door, he found what looked like an ordinary club at first glance. A closer look revealed, those in the booths were up to something far more sinister. Walking up to the counter, Eliot was already internally kicking himself for even being there. The bartender was older, with salt and pepper hair that he had spiked with far too much gel.

"What will it be?"

Eliot stayed silent for a moment before finally muttering, "Bagged, warmed."

The request caught the tender off guard, causing him to give a soft laugh, "Sure, $150."

Eliot rolled his eyes at the insane cost but still produced the cash. After he was handed off the blood in a large mug, Eliot took a seat in an unoccupied side booth. The crimson drink was stale, old and border lining repulsive. Eliot made a point of forcing it down in gulps. He watched as they went about their business, in the blood club. Some humans, coming in on their own, looking to make a few extra dollars. It did pay better than the blood bank, but it also was a lot higher risk. Once he started to digest the blood, Eliot felt drowsy, causing him to lean back in the booth. Closing his eyes until the smell of a great deal of blood from a fresh wound, caught his attention. 
Shifting from barely conscious states of mind to very brief moments of utter horror, feeling her shoulder pulse with pain and feeling her sense of touch fading in her left arm Tess wasn’t even able to make out where Carl was dragging her.

All she did know was that she somehow still lived, for how long she dreaded to think about as the vampire’s rough grip on her jacket threatened to rip the bloodied fabric.

Nightly air that had filled her lungs with each and every painful breath was replaced by the sickly smelling air of what reminded Tess of her own bar.

Though it was certainly not reassuring in any way, the sterile smell of an hospital would have been much better but her consciousness suddenly snapping back into reality made Tess realize where she was, her hazel eyes widening as they found the grinning visage of Carl looking down at her.

Had she had any breath to spare Tess would have screamed, instead she was forced to watch in horror how the club’s vampiric patrons looked at her.

Like Wolves spotting a lost lamb, it made her guts wrap into a knot, making her breathe even heavier before trying to rid herself of her jacket and make a futile attempt at escaping Carl.

But as she slipped out of her Blood-drenched jacket the vampire simply caught her by her arm, making her wounded shoulder surge with sharp pain, a stream of fresh blood starting to pour from the wound and filling the club with the metallic scent of blood.

“Hey, watch where you’re going, wouldn’t want you to snuff out your own light. Face it, you can’t even walk straight. Wrong place, wrong time and now you gotta face the consequences.” Carl scoffed, grinning at Tess and making the young woman grit her teeth at the sight of his fanged smile.

“Burn in hell…”

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Eliot lifted his glass again, to take another sip of the bitter drink, only to find it was empty. Too soon too, he was still hungry. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“Damn”[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]It would have to do. More than likely, the full moon was increasing his thirst. The smell of fresh flowing blood was starting to fill the air, just making his hunger worse. It was time to go, climbing to his feet, leaving his glass behind, Eliot headed for the door.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Making it as far as the hallway, Eliot had gone through the door and started down the corridor when he saw the pair. One very pale thin, strung out looking male, half dragging a female. Based on the smell in the air and the red seeping from her shoulder, she was the source of the intoxicating stink. Eliot felt his fangs extend but worked to keep his mouth clenched tight while he leaned up against the wall giving them room to pass. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]This is right here is why he hated his own kind and those that were enchanted with them. Foolish women and men alike, romanticized the vampiric experienced but in the end it was simply a horrific bloody mess. The game of blood suckers losing the last shreds of their humanity by drinking up the life force of others. Killing someone changed you forever, it changed your soul. To do it repeatedly, for sport, extinguished one’s soul forever. Or at least that is how Eliot saw it. Keeping his eyes on everything but the couple, Eliot attempted to slip past them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“Excuse me.”[/SIZE]

Blood loss and the sheer bizarreness of the situation made Tess’ reach out for the first thing there was, thoughts of her just dying in a place like that becoming unbearable, her bloodied hand extended as it searched for something to hold on, coming so very close to Elliot as her Hazel eyes wandered up her injured Arm to gaze at the man.

He didn’t look like the other vampires, his face devoid of their sadistic grins and hungering gazes, or he was just hiding it better than them.

“I…I don’t want to die…” her voice already nothing more than a whisper as her fingers trembled, her wound making itself known every time her muscles tried to move her hand further up, trying to grasp for something…

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]The words rang in his ears, causing him to stop dead in his tracks, staring down at the woman being ushered to certain death. Suddenly, he felt the male’s gaze upon him. Eliot’s eyes locked with the sad excuse for a vampire, “That looks like a gunshot.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“Just a flesh wound, still tastes the same. Some fucking slayer took my blood bag. This here bitch, got caught in the crossfire,” the words were cold and matter of fact. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Eliot forced a chuckle and a nod, before continuing on his way. The couple disappeared into the main area. Shaking his head, Eliot rubbed his forehead, trying to clear his thoughts of the woman pleading for her life. Continuing on his way, he placed a hand on the doorbar for the one way door to the outside and stopped. The moonlight had caught on a crimson droplet of the girl’s blood left behind on the asphalt outside. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Eliot told himself to keep going but he could not, something deep inside told him, this was wrong. Using enhanced speed, in mere seconds, he was standing outside the booth where the two now sat. Why this one human, he had no idea, but he knew he had to do something. Slowly stepping inside, he saw Carl was already greedily feeding from the carotid artery. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘What the fuck are you doing, Eliot?’[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.666666666666666px] his own mind was screaming at him to stop this but before he knew it, his hand was grasping the back of Carl’s shirt. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“She is mine, shove off,” Carl blurted out the words, spewing blood, spackling them both with droplets. Eliot responded with a primal snarl before yanking the vampire harshly across the small confined booth. The thin spindly male flew sideways, going head first into the wall. From there, he launched onto Eliot and the two became mere blurs to the mortal. Between the snarls and hissing it was hard to make out what was happening, until there was finally a sickening cracking and pop. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Carl’s jaw was broke, hanging freely from the flesh of his face. In shock from the gruesome blow, he had been so caught up in trying to reattach his jaw to speed the healing that he did not see it coming. Elliot stepped up behind him, placing a hand on either side of his head and made one swift twist, breaking Carl’s neck. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]The bartender was standing in the doorway of the booth before the body hit the ground,“You have royally fucked up mate. What you intending to do, with this mess?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Standing over the body, he first looked to the girl, then to the bartender. “I’ll take care of it. He’ll heal up in a few hours.” Digging into his pocket, he took out two hundred and handed it to the bartender. They both looked at the girl, “I will take care of her.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“You better, body clean up costs more than you got.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Eliot’s gaze dropped to the floor as he nodded and waited for the barkeeper to depart. The man’s gaze stayed locked on Tess before he gave a huff, pocketed the money and turned away. Eliot, ran a hand through the white strands of his hair before he carefully stepped over the body of the male. Taking a seat on the leather bench, he leaned in inspecting the wound. Unsure if the woman was still conscious he spoke out loud, half to himself, “You’re losing too much blood. There is no way I can get you to a hospital in time. I can hear your heartbeat and it’s already becoming dangerously slow. I am sorry, this happened to you.”[/SIZE]

Carl didn’t exactly care making the feeding anything less than painful for Tess, her head resting on the booth’s headrest as Elliot was greeted by the sight of her exposed neck leaking her precious lifeblood, dripping unto the floor, the stream of blood having no end in sight.

Whatever life she still had inside of her was not enough to make Tess plead or beg, the loss of blood making breathing harder, not to mention speaking being nothing more than a retching growl, struggling to form coherent sentences as her entire left side seemed devoid of any sense of touch.

Cold and numb, just like the rest of her was bound to become.

“Fuck you. Playing the good cop, huh? Trying to ease your conscience before you just feed on me like the leeches you monsters are. Cut the…” A coughing fit coming over Tess as the young woman retched, coughing up blood as a smug grin adorned her face, looking at Elliot with an unwavering gaze, knowing it was her end one way or the other.

“Cut the nice guy act, you’re all the same, I hope you choke on my blood, at least that would give me a last chuckle before you dump me in some back alley.”

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Even facing certain death, she was using the last moments of her life, to throw insults at him for being what he was. Eliot could not help but smile a bit before turning away from her putting his elbow on the table and his head in his hand, staring down at Carl’s body.  Something about her, reminded him of who he used to be. Such a strong spirit, fighting until the bitter end. He shuddered, the stink of blood in the air was intoxicating clouding his mind. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘God, why did fresh blood have this effect on us?’ [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘She is dying, just take it. It’s going to waste’[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘She should die with dignity.’[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘Take it, think of how sweet it will be, to the very last drop.’[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘The girl is suffering, do something moron.’[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“You know, she does not have to die, at least not yet”[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Slamming a fist down on the table, Eliot shoved the cheap metal structure away, letting it topple over onto its side, against the other side of the booth. His canine teeth were sharpened to a point and the pupils of his eyes had grown, consuming all color and humanity in his eyes. Standing he turned to face her, before leaning down slowly inhaling the perfume of the blood. Then raising his own wrist to his lips, he sunk his fangs in, biting down hard. Shaking his head, he ripped at the flesh until it came away freely. The blood gushed from the wrist while he forced it over the woman’s mouth. Spitting out the now useless mass of flesh in his teeth, moved his mouth to the bloody stream of blood at her neck, beginning to sop up the blood. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]‘Waste not, want not’[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Only after his own blood had been forced down her throat did he rip at her neck, widening the wound with his own fangs.The blood pooled in his mouth, the fresh coppery taste was euphoric. It had to be extremely painful but this would end this more quickly for the both of them. The moments that passed after that, were a blur of bliss, while the feed took over his mind. Only after her heart stopped did Eliot quickly move to the far side of the booth, now staring at the lifeless bodies. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]“What the hell am I doing?” Eliot looked down realizing, what a mess he had made. Now was not the time to panic there was still her body to move. Staring down at the man’s body, Eliot eyed the small black rug beneath him. It was a bit mafia but he had to do something. Inspecting the markings on his wrist, it had nearly healed. The fresh blood was doing him good, even if he did not want to admit it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Hoisting the male up onto the far side of the bench, he glanced at girl's lifeless body. Gingerly, he stepped over to her, lifted her up and set her down in the carpet. The first half turn was the worst. The feel the body flopping like a dead hunk of meat. He had killed before, but that normally meant leaving the corpse in a dark alleyway or an empty bedroom. This was different, though how different it was only struck him when he realized he would need to clean himself up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]Stepping back out into the main area he was met with a few claps, even the bartender giving a sarcastic cheer. They all were there waiting for him, like the vultures they were. Taking pleasure in his humiliation. The barkeeper, walked up to Eliot. “You best clean up first. Need to be sure no one can track this back to this place, or I will end you,” the words were hissed into his ear before a ‘friendly’ pat on the back. Elliot shrugged him off before heading for the wash room. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.666666666666666px]After cleaning up the best he could, he zipped up his jacket, using it to hid the blood stains. Ignoring another round of cheering and heckling, Eliot collected the carpet that now contained the woman and headed out. Once on the street, he instantly regretted, parking so far away. [/SIZE]
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Charlotte "Lottie" Lockhart

@revior - character (was) at the same coffee shop.


Charlotte took a few sips of her hot chocolate as she sat at a corner table observing those around her. The drink tasted nice, as did the cupcake she'd been picking at. Humans liked this kind of thing and Charlotte's human side had developed a taste for it too. Unfortunately, nothing could replace her thirst for fresh human blood, and that thirst had been growing more intense over recent days. She wasn't like her father - she didn't enjoy or wish to kill anyone to satisfy her own needs - she just wanted to quench her thirst. Adam, her previous boyfriend, had accepted Charlotte for what she was and even let her have some of his blood, but her father took him from her and killed him. As much as she loved her father, Charlotte never wanted to be like him.

Charlotte glanced to the man (Ferdinand) who sat nearby. There was something about him that made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was. Seeing him watching the bar across the street, she couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking the same as her. The loud music was awful and drunk people were boorish. This was one culture she'd never been interested in and watching the group of people being thrown out of the bar only confirmed her feelings. Then there was the way some women dressed - Charlotte wouldn't dream of walking around with so much flesh on show. Her father would have given her the worst of lectures had she worn so little in public. She turned her attention away in time to see the man settle his bill and leave the cafe. She didn't know why, but she was relieved that he'd gone. Tiring of the loud music from nearby, she placed a pair of earphones into her ears and began listening to some classical music. 
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The haunting.jpg


Anyone that has lived in Wraighton for any period of time has heard the rumors. Claims that the old drive in cinema is haunted by a blood thirst ghost. Over sixty years ago a old warehouse in the middle of a large lot, was bought out and the area converted into a drive-in movie theater with four screens. Time has not been kind to the location but what has been worse is the reputation that has always stayed with the location. Since the opening of the theater, there have been many accidental deaths that resulted in people bleeding to death, in one way or another. Even a few witnesses claiming to have seen a pale man in a tattered suit around the time the deaths occurred.

drive in.jpg

Ten years ago, the recent theater owner passed away and the property was tied up in a trust. Boarded up and abandoned, the police still have found bodies of various persons there over the years. Never anything beyond apparent unfortunate deaths of homeless and the like.

 The trustees of the estate of the old owner finally agreed to sell the location about two years ago. The new owners, Cindy and Dunkin Maxwell, have done a fairly good job of cleaning up the place and breathing life back into it. Or at least they were, until about two weeks ago when one of the employees working the concession stand met an untimely death in the stock room. The sixteen year old was found with a commercial size tin lid sunk into his neck, severing his vocal cords and carotid artery, he had bled out unable to call for help. It appeared he slipped when working to dispose of the lid after opening a jumbo can of jalapenos, for the macho nachos sold at the concession stand.

Then as if like clockwork days later, a customer claimed to have seen the pale man in the ragged brown suit climbing into a water drainage pipe on the theater lot that night. The police searched the drainage line to discover it ran all the way to the local high school and use to be used for smuggling booze back in the prohibition, but no sign of anyone. The new owners of the theater hired a personal relations advisor to sort out this nightmare and save their business. Send in the paranormal investigators. The PR agent gave the people what they want. Given recent news of supernatural creatures is was almost too easy. Both location and national news are now sharing the tale of the Vampiric ghost that haunts the drive in theater. It has been blamed for the numerous deaths over the decades.

Paranormal inv.jpg

Better yet, a major reality paranormal investigators show has booked a lock in at the location. They are throwing a party at dusk, where there will be a raffle. Three lucky people will be joining them on their lock in at the theater grounds starting at midnight and lasting until morning. Paranormal fans, groupies and want to be's have flooded the town, attempting to chase down anything that moves after the sun go down for almost a week now. Crime and missing persons had sky rocketed and the local cops have called in reinforcements to deal with the crowds. 



Our scene starts at 7:35 PM, sunset. The pre-party is taking place in the local high school gymnasium. Located a half a mile from the drive in theater. Each of your characters have a reason they have come to the party. The Paranormal tourists have been pouring in for the last week. Every hotel room, RV park and campsite within the sleepy town has been booked. Many of the investigators carry recording equipment. The lock in starts at midnight with the selected group going with the investigators through the hidden tunnel from the high school grounds to the drive in theater. This scene is taking place 2 weeks since our opening scene on a Friday night. The evening is chilly with a low of 65 degrees. There is a 45% chance of rain. It has been raining on and off most of the day with heavy cloud cover. 

@SeaSkies @MistyGray @revior @Vampunk @Sakura Seoul @CrystalGoblets
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