Ears, Tails, Whiskers?


Junior Member
Just a random animal RP.

Rules are quiet simple, you see:

1. Don't be mean.

2. No Godmodding or anything like that.

3. Keep the details on mating/birthing to yourself.












Powers- (1-4 only. And you can't be like a god.)



Name- Neontails

Age- 3 years

Gender- Female

Species- Large feral cat.

Crush- --

Mate- --

Offspring- *Pained wince.* Noo...

Family- Gone.

Appearance- Black fur. Purple eyes. She has two, long, separate tails, both have a neon rainbow pattern a few inches from where the tails attach to the body.

Personality- Fun-loving, sweet, random, but smart, sneaky, and playful.

Powers- Manipulation of light, meaning she can turn herself "invisible".

Etc.- Loves dairy products and some fish.
is this alright?

Name- Moongaze

Age- 2 1/2 yrs.

Gender- female

Species- shadow cat



Offspring- no

Family- step-father, older sister

Appearance- dark violet fur. blue-green eyes. she has a silvery crecsent moon mark on her forehead

Personality- kind of lazy, loves the outdoors, fun-loving, overconfident and kind (most of the time)

Powers- teleportation, night magic

Etc.- likes to stay up at night
Yup. That's fine. ^w^

Neontails sat staring into a creek. She was hunting few food. But all she caught was crawfish and a few guppies. She sighed and laid down, still peering into the clear water.
WOOH! awesome o3o

though i might not be too good, havent rp in FOREVAS >.<

Moongaze padded up to Neontails and sat next to her. "Not bad," she muttered, staring at Neontail's catch.
Yeah, I haven't been in a proper RP site in awhile.

"Mmmm. But not enough to feed me." She laughed, referring to her large size.

Moongaze laughed. "Yeah, well, I'm about the size of a mouse. You can have some of mine? Though I didn't catch much either."

Dusty tan-gray she-cat

Has badger fangs attachted to her claws and teeth (claws are retractable)

Light to dark red eyes



...Former... kit-stealer

Has a dark past that she doesn't liket o talk about, and tells no about really

mysterious tom attacks when her eyes glow

has abilities from everything- swimming, climbing, jumping, fighting, running, etc etc etc

Can stay in a shadow and all her sents and traces of her fade.


MORE THERE IS ALWAYS MORE :D xD sometimes I forget lol > :D
"Nah. That's okay. I think I see a bass coming." She readied herself when she caught site of her friend Darkeye. She tackled her squealing, "Buddy!"
Darkeye let out a hiss and kicked with her back legs to get free of the large cat's grip. She raised her head and smirked. "Greetings."
Darkeye turnned her head to look at the other cat. She gave a quick nod and turnned back to the large cat. "What's going on here?"
She gets off of Darkeye and swiftly catches the bass, before it swims away. "Hmm, it's pretty big. Anyone want some?" She asked licking her paw. "Nothing. Just getting food for the day. Have you seen any dogs around? Rumor is they've been trespassing on cat territory."
She put her paw down. "Yeah..those beasts have been pressing onto the lower part of a small cat clan by the river." She shook her head. "It's been bad for them down there."
Her ears sunk. "Yeah. The elders were severely injured because they couldn't keep up as the clan fled. But I hear the clans in the mountains are offering support." She added and looked towards the mountain. It was lush and green. Larger cats lived there, such as bob cats and lynxes.
"Well, at least they have some help." Moongaze thought for a moment before saying, "You think we could help?" She looked towards the mountain and sniffed the air.
"We could. The Mountain clans need cats to transport the supplies. But it's a long journey, while it looks nice from here, it gets bitter cold the higher you get." She curled her tails around her feet. "I'd be up to it in any case."
Neontalis shifted into a side lay. "Anyway. Orders have been given that if any dog is seen this far in the woods, we must scare him back into the cities."
Darkeye shook her head. "Stuid filthy creatures." She muttered. "No, I haven't sceen any. But I do bele-" She was cut off when a flicker of something in the tree caught her one glowing eye. "Erm..." NO! Not now.. She thought and turnned to face the tree. "Excuse me for a second. She climbed up the tree and was out of sight in the shadows of it.

Age-3 years


Species-Japanese Bobtail Cat




Family-abandoned by parents, younger brother

Appearance-brownish-blckish fur, Green eyes, medium-sized scar on right paw

Personality-usually VERY happy, can be kinda sensitive

Powers-sef-duplication (can make more than 1 of myself, but i dont have my power mastered so i can only have like..4 of me at a time)

Etc.-loves rain ^.^

is this ok?
Moongaze nodded. "Not to sound crazy or anything, but I kind of hope to see a dog. There's nothing exciting happening around here, except when you tackled Darkeye," She chuckled. "Now that was good. But seriously, I wish there was something decent to do. And hunting doesn't exactly count."
(( Yes that's fine ^w^ ))

She watched Darkeye leave then looked out at the woods. "Dogs...They're not the nicest of creatures. And are extremely stubborn."
There was a loud yowl that came from the top of the tree and Darkeye came tumbling down as a white and black shadow moved out of sight and ran off. Her face was dripping with blood on her right side. She got up. "NEVER!" She screeched at the place where the shadow had dissappered. "Stupid crow-food eating furball." She muttered and walked off to get something to stop her face from bleeding. "He always finds this one spot... No matter how much it's healed." She walked on and got some things to stop the bleeding. After awhile she came back.

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