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Fantasy e v a n e s c e n t ☾ (dark fantasy, platonic and adventure plots)


give 'em hell, kid.
e v a n e s c e n t
a search thread.


my name on here is spookie, but i also go by spook or even ash if you prefer.
this is my second try at the 1x1 thing... my last attempt being ruined by all the fun being a depressed teenager moving at the last minute causes. if by chance one of my old partners reads this, i'd be happy to try our rp again now that my life is (slightly) less chaotic.

now onto the fun stuff... i'm always in the mood for something haunting and tragic, thus the choice of title. that said, there are absolutely lighter plots in here as well, because nothing should be doom and gloom all the time. i may be shamelessly emo, but that doesn't mean i don't love a good enemies to friends or found family adventure!

all these plots are fantasy based as that's currently what i'm most invested in, though i'm not 100% opposed to the idea of lighter sci-fi if you can sell me on a plot. these days i find realistic/modern stuff pretty dull, it'd need some cool fantastical elements to get my attention at all.

interested in something? let me know! but do consider pming me if you have questions so i can keep the thread relatively neat.

about me.​

• i have a habit of typing in all lowercase, but that's 100% an ooc thing and won't affect actual roleplaying.

• i'm mainly a group roleplayer and have plenty of experience there (both as a gm and regular player) despite being new to 1x1s, so rest assured i know the ins and outs of rp in general.

• i'm what's often called a 'literate' roleplayer on here, so 2+ (i average about 4 to 5 but can easily write more than that) paragraphs per post is much preferred, but i'll generally match whatever you write and i know these things fluctuate depending on the scene. absolutely no one-liners, though. that's not my style.

• my reply times will vary, but i'll try to post every few days and let you know if i can't. if it's been more than a week, feel free to poke me and remind me as i often forget despite wanting to continue the rp.

• i prefer to chat ooc so i know you don't secretly hate me... as someone with pretty serious anxiety, it helps to know we're both having fun. that doesn't mean we need to discuss our life stories or really much of anything to do with irl, but it's a lot more fun to hype ourselves up with plot and character related stuff imo. an active ooc full of ideas can be just as fun as the rp itself!

• i'm an artist and there's a chance i might draw rough sketches of scenes or just little joke pics of our characters, but only if you're comfortable with that. no promises here though, as i don't always have the time for it.

• 90% of the time i play male characters, ranging in age from early teens to early twenties unless they're a fantasy creature that ages differently. it's what i prefer, though i'm not 100% against playing as a female either if for some reason i think it would better fit the plot.

• dark fantasy is my thing, but i can 100% go for light-hearted adventure too. i truly enjoy tragic themes and they're incorporated into a lot of my characters, so just a head's up. however, all doom and gloom all the time is extremely boring, so even my darkest plots will have some genuinely bright moments.

• and most importantly, because i know this will be a huge turn-off for many — i don't roleplay romance. shocking, yes. i'm here for those platonic relationships, deep familial bonds, a bitter rivalry that slowly turns to friendship... all the good stuff really. if shipping or mushy scenes are a must, you're gonna wanna hit that back button right now. the chances of me writing romance are low... i'm aro/ace irl and it holds little appeal to me.


•this really shouldn't need stating, but follow the site rules or else. i'd rather pluck out my own eyes than read smut, respect that please.

•i don't care about my partner's age so long as they're mature enough to handle darker themes and settings.

•i'm ghost friendly. i have anxiety. i get it. confrontation is hard.

•character sheets are a must. i like to have an idea of who i'm playing against, and "find out in the rp" isn't my thing. they don't have to be super complex or fancy, but having a reference really helps. obviously, i'll provide them for my own characters as well.

•i use drawn fcs for my characters, and occasionally my own art when i have the time to create it. idc what type you use, and description is alright too so long as it's vivid.

• onsite only, please. my discord is a mess of group rp chats and a lot tends to get lost there.

• i prefer to rp and plot via pm, but i can do threads if you insist.

• i only do original roleplays. fandom settings don't appeal to me and i'm not actually in any fandoms (shocking, i know)

• i don't mind having more than one roleplay based off a single plot... though if 3+ people have already asked about it, i'm probably less likely to want to do that one.

• not really a rule, but as much as i'd love to do one of my own plots, if you don't see a plot you love, we can try to come up with one ourselves. send me a pm about it, who knows what might happen.

plots & ideas.​

the role i want will be bolded. if neither are, that means i don't have a preference.

–worst friends forever–
two characters who are simultaneously rivals and close friends going on (mis)adventures together and arguing the whole time because they don't care about each other, thank you very much, except when they think the other might truly be in danger... maybe they've worked as a team for years, sharing both snark and stolen prizes as they evade the law and dream of getting rich enough to not need the other (even though they totally still would). or perhaps they parted ways some time ago, but must grudgingly work together again for something important like a dangerous quest or stealing a priceless artifact... the details are highly variable, it's the dynamics that make this fun.

[ honestly, this idea can go anywhere it's so versatile. i have a couple of characters who would work perfectly here depending on the type you'd like to play, though i envision both parts of this pair as fairly rogueish and sly. then again, perhaps one has tried to redeem themselves and the other relishes in being bad? the possibilities are pretty much endless. this is vague enough it should fit most types of fantasy... from classic to steampunk-esque, or even futuristic if you can convince me. ]

–circus beyond time–
they say the veil between life and death is very thin... so what happens if a lost soul becomes trapped there? character a is severely injured and left in a coma, their odds of survival low. obviously, those around them are hoping for a miracle. while hovering dreamlessly between the two worlds, they are lured into a strange and fantastical circus run by character b, a seemingly vivacious boy dressed in oddly outdated clothes. he possesses amazing powers and is swift to befriend them, always making a point to keep them amazed and awestruck. every day, he puts on elaborate shows with the strange creatures within or takes his new companion for rides all through the wondrous amusement park, which doesn't always seem to follow the laws of physics. character a knows that something is wrong here, but they can't quite put their finger on what. the more they try to ask the boy about where they are or how to get home, the more frantically he tries to keep them there...

[ if you haven't guessed by now, character b is the lost soul of a boy that died in the same hospital/infirmary character a currently resides in, at least a hundred years ago. he wasn't ready to accept his death and has instead created the circus of his dreams between worlds, and though it's full of everything he could want including 'living' puppet creatures, the one thing missing is a real friend with thoughts of their own. this could end in a few ways, maybe character a chooses to stay with him and die for real, or maybe their friendship allows the boy to finally move on and they wake up again... lots that could be done with this. the irl setting could be modern or more fantasy-ish, i'm not too fussy there. ]

–ocean blues; v1–
while he appears spoiled and snobbish on the surface due to being a prince, character a isn't nearly as lucky as he seems. despised by his father the king due to being born with an extinct power deemed 'evil', he is constantly blamed for causing his mother's death and mistreated. reasons aside, he's also just not a nice person in general and despite his status, he's hated by pretty much everyone. character b is a pirate captain, likely quite well known across the seas for their skill. having lost a ship, their fortune in treasure and even some of their crew members to an attack launched by the king, character b and their followers decide to steal his 'beloved' son as revenge and trade the prince to a fallen sorceress willing to pay anything for one with his powers to complete her ritual. afraid of water deeper than a bathtub and surrounded by pirates in desperate need of that aforementioned bath, it's no surprise that character a tried to fling himself overboard. he hates them all, and the feeling is mutual. while they're forced together on the dangerous quest to find the sorceress however, could things change that allow the unlikely pair to see each other in a different light entirely?

[ ah yes, based off a wonderful 1x1 rp i was in years ago with a friend. enemies to friendship is so fun, i'm down for pretty much any plot involving it... especially when the characters are so dramatically different and flawed in their own ways. this could also be done with airships and floating islands if you prefer that steampunk feel, or we can just stick to the classics. i have (admittedly bad, it's pretty ancient) original art for my character in this rp! ]

–ocean blues; v2–
a lot like the above plot, except instead of being a prince that gets kidnapped, character a is an incredibly spoiled yet sickly rich boy who grew up indoors, with his only form of escape from total boredom being the grand tales of pirate adventures he often read. because of this, he naively decides to stow away on the ship of character b, an infamous pirate who isn't quite as cruel as the rumors make them out to be. while they and their crew are greatly annoyed by this stuck up, spoiled boy and his complete uselessness, throwing him overboard just seems too cruel, as aside from his attitude problems he really is harmless and rather weak. returning him isn't an option either though, as his parents have put a massive bounty on the evil pirates who 'kidnapped' their son... oops.

[ lots can be done with this past the beginning that's written out here, many possible enemies to friends adventures await! again, we can do a classic pirate tale or one set in a steampunk world with airships, both are cool! while i'd prefer the role of character a, i'm not entirely against being the pirate either if you can convince me with an interesting character to play against. ]

–until the bitter end–
the once-heroic (at least on paper) character a, who was killed after doing something that caused them to be considered a traitor or straight-up villain is restored to life for exactly one month (or six months or a week or some other time limit we agree on ) during the next great war/apocalypse/whatever for a second chance at setting things right. they're bitter and more jaded than ever, but carry a heart heavy with their past deeds and are determined to step up to the plate this time and do the right thing while they have the chance, even if they must conceal both their true identity and considerable personal flaws to do so. character b can be whatever you want, anything from a heroic companion from the original mission who recognizes them almost immediately, to a distant relative of said hero or even someone completely unrelated.

[ based off the plot of a friend's book only without the romance, and yes i have her complete permission to use this. i've left it fairly vague on purpose, so we have plenty of ways to potentially fill it in. ]

–the glass prince and his keeper–
character a, a young prince (idc whether he's actual royalty or just from a very wealthy and eccentric family) was born to a high-status magical family with a terrible curse that has haunted them for generations. despite growing up shielded from everything, he tragically developed the same affliction that claimed his (mother/father/older sibling). swearing they couldn't lose him too, his (surviving relative) placed him in a magical slumber for years despite the boy's only wish being to see the world outside while he still could. though the curse is unbreakable, (surviving relative) set out on an impossible quest to find someone capable of breaking it, leaving him in the care of character b. while they respect (surviving relative), knowing the situation is hopeless they decide after much thought to break the sleeping spell and allow character a the chance to experience his dreams even if he won't live as long. who they are and why they make this choice is entirely up to you, they could be a family member, trusted caretaker, a friend or even something entirely different.

[ based off a short story i wrote a few years back, this is more a starting idea than an actual plot. in other words, it's the "i'm here for a good time, not a long time" meme in fantasy rp form... ]

–a cage of sharpened wire–
to become a member of the elite monster hunters who work for (insert royal or ridiculously rich leader here) and prove themselves worthy of formally training under the very best they have to offer, young characters possessing powers of some sort must first survive 13 days and 13 nights in a large enclosed area filled with the very creatures that threaten mankind. few realize just how unlikely it is for them to make it through this barbaric initiation test, and many naive teenagers with little combat experience are drawn in by the promise of achieving great wealth or glory. they're only given a few days to practice basic training with one of the legendary hunters before being thrown in with monsters and dozens of others like themselves, so they'd better hope they get a mentor who cares. while directly killing another human is forbidden, that doesn't mean there aren't other methods employed by those desperate enough to do whatever it takes to survive...

[ this is inspired by a group rp i was in on discord which was extremely fun. it's a bit similar to a hunger games type setting, except the goal is just to survive/hunt monsters rather than actively kill any human opponents. we could focus on just two characters or play multiples, i'm open to either idea. character backstories, powers, what relationship they have or may form and all that can also be discussed. this could turn into anything from an inspiring roleplay about friends beating the odds and then confronting a leader together in hopes of changing their world, to a very tragic tale indeed... variety is fun. i'd appreciate if you could give me an idea of the feel you'd like if interested in this idea, but it's all pretty flexible. ]

–shadowed past, bright future–
in a world that's been overtaken by horrible monstrosities for hundreds of years, few humans remain and fewer still hold onto the magic of the old days they need to stand up and fight these creatures. character a is one of them however, an extremely gifted user of (element) who swiftly makes their way up through the ranks of the small monster-hunting faction in their village. they're so good, in fact, that the leader chooses to pair them up with the only other individual with comparable control over his own element... the frigid character b, who possesses a heart as dark as the shadow element he wields. having lost everything as a child to the monsters beyond the walls, he lives only for revenge and the thrill of the hunt. while loyal to allies in battle, no one has ever gotten close to him, and no one wants to... it seems he hates them. or at least, that's what he wants them to believe. character b carries a terrible secret, and knowing all too well what it feels like to lose someone important to death, doesn't wish to put anyone else through that kind of pain. not to mention, he refuses to show weakness. of course, that soon becomes considerably more difficult with the lively character a around him all the time, a person who doesn't seem to take any hints and instead relies on him to fully unlock their potential of becoming the savior mankind truly needs.

[ ah yes, the 'jaded anti-hero that's secretly dying and acts like he hates everyone must help teach the most gifted character to ever come out of their little village, the one who also ends up discovering his secret and breaking right through his tough shell' story. some high quality angst here, but angst that can still end on a fairly bittersweet high note with character a succeeding at the dream character b never got a chance to finish. ]

–forest of secrets–
whether lost, hired by a wealthy figure to find something/someone or just particularly adventurous, character a dared to venture within 'the forest'... a mysterious woodland said to go on forever once a person is foolish enough to enter. supposedly, it's filled with all sorts of eerie anomalies and creatures too. wonderful. after a few days of wandering, character a ends up badly injured somehow, only to wake up and find themselves being cared for by the equally mysterious character b...

[ this can take one of two directions... either the creepy stuff is almost all rumors and character b is simply a lost adventurer turned hermit, or the place truly is hauntingly surreal and b is something far stranger. i'm good with playing either role, and have characters to fit both. ]

...and more to be added soon.
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