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Fantasy E T E R N I T Y . C A L L S



Two Thousand Club
I hope you will find this idea as engaging as I do =D This RP is a combination of various elements from different RPs throughout my RP-ing experience, hopefully it will turn out well! Behold!

~Echoes of Eternity~
Act 1: The Tribunal Vaults​

~Heaven's Touch Echoes the Call of Eternity~

"Do you believe in angels?"
"Hmmm... I dunno... maybe?"
"Would you like to hear a story?"
"Well... sure!"

, ; . ' ` ~ " * " ~ ' ` . ; , ; . ' ` ~ " * " ~ ' ` . ; , ; . ' ` ~ " * " ~ ' ` . ; ,
Ever since the world was created, God and his heavenly hosts had always looked over the earth. Their presence was everywhere, influencing and correcting the world and its people for good. The angels carried out God's commands, appearing as ordinary people to dwell amongst them. Sometimes, a chosen individual would receive a Stigmata or Signum Aeternus as it was called. These gifted people were called Vatiri (Children of the Earth in Old Language) for their souls were thought to be as old as the heavenly hosts.

The Vatiri were gifted with a very special bond with an appointed celestial. These guardian angels or Iluman (Exalted one in Old Language), were destined to be with their Vatiri before they were born and even after death. Together, they formed the Iluvatir Bond ('Heaven on Earth' in Old Language). Such bonds were so intimate that it was not uncommon for an Iluman-Vatiri pair to fall in love. Some become the closest of friends or sometimes siblings; for they were fated to meet each other in every reincarnation.

Alone, the Vatiri was like any normal human. Similarly, Iluman were the weakest of all the angelic hosts. But together, their powers can far surpass even the most powerful angels. Whatever the nature of their bond, one thing was for certain... the Iluvatir that attained the Iugum Aeternus, or Eternal Bond, had untold power. Such bonds were so complete that both Iluman and Vatiri could know what the other was thinking as though it were their own mind. They were inseparable, two beings but extensions of each other. It was the epitome of what they could become... and to them, were given the charge of protecting earth. They were the only celestials allowed to influence earth directly, protecting it from the forces of darkness.

The Iluvatir were given special abilities, corresponding to the element of power the associated Iluman wielded. Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Life, Death and Materia. In very rare cases, the Iluvatir pair consisted of opposite/differing elements; usually resulting in some interestingly warped effects (both good and bad) of their powers.

Humans... such.. pitiful beings. Left alone they will surely degenerate into the depths of darkness that dwells ever within. The hubris that taints their heart is like an indellible stain that cannot be rid off. But yet... for all their imperfection... there are some who possess the will and the spirit! A fathomless capacity to hope for all that is good. A fiery soul that burns brighter than any angelic being... Yes.. it surely is something worth protecting. I say, let them ascend!
Atharius Soneras

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    As time drew on, the Concilium de Arc`atharius (Council of Archangels) began to notice a worrying trend. Iluvatir associated with the element of Materia were particularly susceptible to corruption of the world and seemed to develop a hunger for more power. They used their gifts rashly and with little regard; often achieving more harm than good. Concerned, the Concilium issued a decree to all Materia Iluman to give up their powers or be banished from heaven. Though some heeded the Concilium, including their most powerful Iluvatir pair (they became known as the Astarias), the vast majority of Materia Iluman rebelled. They called the Concilium cowards, fearing the Materia as a threat to their power.


    After a bitter war, the Concilium and other Iluman overpowered the rebellion (who became known as the Wretched) and cast them out of heaven. Cut off from Heaven, the Banished grew even more susceptible to corruption and the hubris of men. There was no one to judge their actions and thus they could roam free on Earth. Despite that, they could not act openly without the interference of the other Iluman... and so, they plotted.


Anaxileah Anaxileah will be helping me Co-GM the RPYAY! So we'll be driving the plot together :D All matters regarding the story can be discussed with us in the OOC, thank you~!
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