Elixir of Arcadia
Hello again!!!
Alteras here!!
It's been a long time since I've made a workshop. I realized this morning that I've been squirreling away BBCode I've made since the end of BBCode+ and had never released any. So here we go!!!!
I had originally intended to make different workshop to go with some future changes to the site staff had planned, but after looking at the BBCode I had made in the past four years (oh my god), I felt I needed to showcase these.
Keeping in theme with my previous workshops (Star of Arcadia and Dreams of Arcadia), this workshop will be called Elixir of Arcadia. This workshop will primarily contain designs I've made since around 2020 till today (2024). These past few years seems to have blown by without my active participation; eventful in the outside world, but barely registering in my mind. As such, I feel at once both the youthful fresh grad and the tired coder. I decided to make this workshop themed around such feelings of being in a semi lucid (fugue-like?) state. That's some crazy drink the bar master's got there...
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy these codes! I have fond memories of struggling against the limitations of BBCode all over again, and am very proud of them,
— Alteras
P.S. - Dreams of Arcadia still has functioning code from before BBCode+
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