DZastr22's Introduction!


Pokemon Trainer
Hello everyone, I'm DZastr22. I like Pokemon and roleplaying and I don't know much else. I like history but idk if you guys roleplay that. Anyone got a good RP for me to join? I'm 17 years old from northern Minnesota and I wanna roleplay with you guys because its cols up here. Idk what else I'm still new here.
Hello and welcome to RpNation! :D Also, Minnesota, aye? You're not that far! I'm living in Wisconsin at the moment.
DZastr22 said:
Wisconsin? You better not be a Packers fan! What kind of RP do you like?
Haha, I'm not really an anything fan. I'm an immigrant who moved here from the UK. :P

Me? I love modern, political intrigue, fantasy... how about you?
Nice! Well, have you checked out the interest checks at all? There are tons of awesome roleplays here with all sorts of interests, skill levels, and roleplay styles.

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