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In 1983 there were between nearly 60,000 ICBMs in the world, about five times what we have today. A hot nuclear war today might kill perhaps 10-15% of the US population. But in 1983 … it would have been a very different world. The estimates for the 1980s were 90 million Soviet dead (63%), 120 million American dead (51%), and 150 million Europeans dead [East and West]. This was the worst case scenario.

After that came the conventional wars, famine and plague.

Target Map in USA

On September 26, 1983, Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov was in command at Serpukhov-15, a bunker where the Soviets monitored their satellite-based detection systems. Shortly after midnight, panic broke out when an alarm sounded signaling that the United States had fired five Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, toward Russia. The warning was a false alarm—one of the satellites had misinterpreted the glint of sunlight off clouds near Montana as a missile launch—but to the Soviets, it appeared the United States had started a nuclear war.

Protocol demanded that Serpukhov-15 report any signs of a missile launch to the Soviet high command, but Petrov had a hunch the warning was an error. He knew the new satellite system was mistake-prone, and he also reasoned that any nuclear strike by the Americans would come in the form of hundreds of missiles, not just five. With only minutes to make a decision, Petrov chose to ignore the blaring warning alarms and reported the launch as a false alarm—a move that may have averted a nuclear holocaust. The incident remained classified until after the Cold War ended, but Petrov later received several humanitarian awards for his extraordinary actions, and was even honored by the United Nations.

Earth 2 Timeline
On September 26, 1983, Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov was in command at Serpukhov-15, a bunker where the Soviets monitored their satellite-based detection systems. Shortly after midnight, panic broke out when an alarm sounded signaling that the United States had fired five Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, toward Russia.

Protocol demanded that Serpukhov-15 report any signs of a missile launch to the Soviet high command, but Petrov knew the new satellite system was mistake-prone. Any nuclear strike by the Americans would come in the form of hundreds of missiles, not just five. But orders were orders.

Earth 2
United States
September 25, 2024
41 years after Skydark (about two generations)

This is going to require considerable worldbuilding by the group. This is NOT Fallout. I do NOT want to try to recreate it here. Great show to be sure. But I want to create something original.

A typical character in their 20s will have parents born right around the time of Skydark. Grandfathers probably fought in WWIII. (Rights movements of Women - ie combat roles in the military - and Pride will likely have suffered greatly.)

You will need a CS. It should include the information on this formatted blank CS. But I do not require this format. Feel free to use you own.
Blank CS

I do ask that all large pics be hidden behind spoilers. Please no animated gifs (medical issues).

Characters may be from a town, bunker, etc. We can discuss this in OOC. You may also be Drifters. I may draw upon the various NPC groups of another setting (Waterworld) for inspiration. Names of the groups would change, of course.

3rd Person, Past Tense
Decent literacy, spelling and grammar.
I tend to post a minimum of a page. But quality over quantity. Contribute to the plot.

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