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Multiple Settings Dust to Dust - A 1x1 OC Partner Search


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hi ! I'm Lala, and it's nice to meet you all. I'm currently seeking for 1x1 OC Rp for the tropes mentioned in the Word Bank below.

Please note that I strictly play Non Binary/Female characters, although I'm open to play any gender for side characters. In my writings, I enjoy relationships in any forms—be it platonic or romantic, although heavily leaning on the former. I don't do doublings. My interest leaned heavily in settings with magical and fantasy elements, be it in a low dose or in a generous dollop of one.

I am big on respect. As such, I will respect you, your time, and any sensitive topics being put forward. I expect the same in return.

I enjoy tabletop rpg like DnD. I'm totally up for occasionally employing dice rolls in certain scenes, such as battle, to make things more fun. However, I'm not looking for a full-blown ttrpg campaign.

Partner Requirements
  1. Your age must be 21+. This is a hard rule, simply because due to my age, I'm uncomfortable playing 1x1 with someone younger.
  2. Capable of replying with more than 3 paragraphs—as such, this is considered an Advance lit search. I love describing a situation in generous detail, and my replies range from 500-900 words. Although some mistakes are totally understandable, please do a grammar check beforehand, as I will also try my best.
  3. Actively participate in creating the story. I want to hear your input! I expect us to have a lengthy discussion about the plot and how things will go, trigger warnings, and etc, and I want you to contribute to it.
  4. Must be comfortable with LGBTQ+ contents. I'm open to any pairings, but I have a soft spot for fxf.
  5. This NOT a ghost-friendly rp. I understand that we're busy, but please inform me if you've lost interest or cannot reply for a while. It's hard for me to get interested if my partner post less than 1x a week except for special circumstances.
  6. Treat sensitive topics with the respect it's due. That said, all RPN rules applies and I'm not looking for rping explicit contents.

Word Bank

Fantasy, Low-Fantasy, High Fantasy, Royalty, Political Intrigue, Victorian, Gothic, Mystery, Supernatural, Kingdoms, Betrayal, Dark Academia, Immortals, Demons, Angels, Wuxia, Gore, Horror, Backstabbing, Heartbreak, Insanity, Psychological, Gods, Historical, Contracts, Grudge, Debt, War, Unbreakable Bonds, Curses, Aristocracy, Enemies, Rivalry.

Interested Fandom:

Percy Jackson

Pandora Hearts

Genshin Impact

Writing sample

My collection of short, unfinished writings

Something for an Rp in the next post
Writing Sample

Lips curved and eyes steeled, the lady danced with a shrapnel lodged in her heart. Nadja laughed weakly at Finnian's jest, her clawed hand on his bejeweled one. “Yes, yes.” she replied, appreciating the attempt. “Muses weep at the sight of your radiance,”

The music swelled around them as she eased her partner into a low sweep, body bent in a swish of black fabrics and golden cords. “One wrong move, and I’ll be joining them shortly”

And she meant the last part. Finnian Blackmont outdid himself for the occasion, looking radiant in his elaborate attire by artfully combining custom pieces, making his presence singularly stand out as per his signature style. The burning braziers faintly illuminated the two of them, briefly catching a constellation of diamonds on his robe before raining reflections on the floor and onto Nadja herself. It was only by sheer luck that she managed to dodge her eyes from the glare.

Few possessed the looks or persona to pull off such an ensemble, yet the Heir of Spinel’s Keep made it look so easy. One look at the surreptitious glances thrown their way, and Nadja could tell that many shared the same sentiment. Yet it was also exactly where he thrived; where revelries mingled with hushed whispers, saturated with envy–a combination that he lived off, drank on, and drawn to, like butterflies took to tortoise’s tears.

But in this split second, the proud grin that usually adorned his face was absent. His eyes remained fixed on her, a touch of worry coloring his dark eyes.

“I’ll be alright,” she whispered softly in return. “A drop in the ocean.”

Mind over matter. Nadja’s current problem stemmed from her heart to her head, and only with wrestling the controll of her mindspace could she wrestle out the pain and throw it into oblivion. Control is the name of the game, and it wasn’t her first foray to this kind of battle. All she needed was time, and perhaps a little space, and all would be good.

She let out a false chuckle as they shared another twirl, the movement a brief escape from reality pressing in on her as the liquor worked on her brain. She caught the eyes of a brunette mid-cough—Aaleayah, was she okay?—before getting preoccupied with a stranger that looked a tad bit familiar.

“I’m a Veltarol after all. I'll survive, —”

As if on cue, the music swelled once again, grander than before. People parted as the star of today's eve made their way down the dance floor: the lovely newlyweds, led by Hakim. Somehow, Nadja’s smile still held steady.

“—though one or two breaks sounds quit
e nice, actually.”

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