Dungeon The Dragoning: 40000


Two Thousand Club
Greetings people, ever since I first read the two manuals for DtD 40K, I've really being itching to play a game in it. Therefore I am planning to DM one and already have many story ideas in mind.

What is the game you ask ?

Basicaly, imagine if someone had put Exalted, World of Darkness, Planescape, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k (along with its gaiden games Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader) in a blender. It's the very RP definition of crazy awesome.

The link to get the manuals. It's an amateur rpg so it's entirely free and legal.


As for the campaign itself. I am planning to make a story heavy campaign. You will start as the crew of a small ship, Firefly style, and take oddjobs as they come. But things will quickly get more complicated and interesting of course.

Character Creation Rules:

Starting character

Options from both manuals permited. All races/exaltations/classes permited

All alignements except Malal permited. Please note that PCs must be able to work with each other on a long term basis so take that in account.

The PC group must be able to operate a ship which implies the following roles being required: a pilot (requires dots in pilot), a mecanic (dots in tech use and possibly craft), a navigator (40k style travel here, requires someone with 1 in divination magic)

Heavy interesting backstories, fully fleshed personalities are important. Plot hooks in your backgrounds for the GM to use are most welcome.

Any volonteers ?

Edit: For your convenience here is an empty character sheet











Blood Type:






Backstory :

And here's an empty stat sheet:
















Academic Lore:


Common Lore:


Forbidden Lore:
















Animal Ken:













Power Stat:

Resource Stat:


Static Def:

Hit Points:

Mental Def:





Hero Points:

Special Abilities:

Class List:



Allies and Contacts:

Spells/Special Attacks:


Sounds interesting... but this doesn't sound like something that's for a person who is playing a Pen n' Paper for the very first time. @_@
Yeah, this game is more for people already quite familiar with existing games, if only for all the references.
Yeah go ahead. Please detail as much as possible the backstory. If you want to keep it secret, pm it.
Ok. Will get it up my tommorrow! It's 2am here. Maybe will dream about the backstory. ; p

A few questions:

Do the characters know each other in the game or otherwise? And where is the startin location? Do we still design the ship?
I've taken the liberty of adding an empty character sheet for player convenience. Feel free to use.
My char draft, other stuffs coming soon.

“Promise Daddy…Chen. Lay low. Do not move. Breathe lightly and shut your eyes if you are afraid.” The father said to the son in heavy pant, “Whatever happens, stay where you are. You will be safe.” The father took a final glance at his son and shoved the boy into the wardrobe and raced off to meet his adversaries.

The seven year old boy heard exchange of gunshots; he held his breath and shut his eyes tight as instructed by his father.

“Chen Yong…You shouldn’t have betrayed the organization…Ishido think so highly of you…We could have achieved so much together…And…never mind…Let’s put an end to this…I will make it swift and easy for you…”

The boy heard one more shot and a short painful cry. He knew his father was dead. After a while, when he thought the assassin was gone, he finally broke into tears. He stayed where he was, weeping as softly as he could, until the police came and found him in the cupboard.

Two days later, Uncle Oshima came, settled his father’s funeral and took the boy away. The boy then recalled that familiar voice he heard that aroused his suspicions. He kept silence about it and didn’t know what exactly to do at that moment, he just followed. Together, they boarded a steamboat class space ship and headed for a secluded planet he didn’t know of.

When the ship took off, Oshima came to Chen Wei’s cabin and spoke to him at length, skillfully and subtly acquiring his knowledge of what happened. Chen innocently expressed his ignorance of the matter, and Oshima, satisfied with his answers, shifted his conversation into a recruitment proposition. He revealed that Chen’s father was a hitman working for a secret organization and blatantly lied about who killed him and why. He measured Chen’s thirst for vengeance and appropriately he sold him the prospects of joining the No Shadow (いいえ影, Inakage) organization. Chen was determined to see Oshima and whoever ordered the assassination dead. He played along with his lies, and took up the offer readily.

There were two dozen other kids from various races, around his age, thrown into the insane training regimen in the Inakage camp V. Long hours of physical tortures aimed to drive each new recruit beyond mundane mortal physical and mental limits. They exhibited no mercy in the training. At first, painful traps were incorporated in the training circuit to warn them the dire consequences of underperformance. Later, crippling traps were set to take out the weaker ones. Finally, death traps make certain those who survived were top of the breed. Each batch of new recruits undergoes 5 years of such inhuman physical course. Many died, some went mad. Chen survived. What Chen has observed each class produce an average of 5 graduates, and they were mostly assigned to existing units to fill up the gap of lost members while those who failed disappeared and never heard of again.

Hidden away from public sight and access, the InaKage camp V is a sophisticated underground military-like base located in a remote part of a small uninhabitable planet, Planet X. Without proper life support system, anyone attempt to escape the facilities will die from the toxic atmosphere. It is a remarkable facility with 5 space docks for larger ships hidden underground that elevates to the rocky surface when in used. Two tracts of leveled tunnels were built within a huge cliff where smaller crafts can take off and land, properly equipped with hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, hangars, aircraft maintenance and refueling facilities, and accommodations for passengers and cargo.

Within the underground base holds 6 other zones of facilities, namely: Training arena, Agents Barracks, Armory, Logistic Center, Life Support Center and Command Center. The latter 3 zones are restricted area to most recruits unless authorized. Staffs who worked in those areas access them are vetted through finger print and iris scanner incorporated as part of their tight security system. The living quarters in camp V comprises of around 500 small metallic walled cabins cramped in a 10 level tunnels, each packed with 5 regular beds and personal lockers. There is literally no room for idle movements, purposefully designed for rest and nothing else. The training arena is a huge area separated by 5 zones, namely: Combat zone, Range zone, Pilots Zone, Divers Zone, and Live Simulation zone. The first 4 zones are designed for specific training according to their labels. The Live Simulation Zone holds mock-up buildings with build-in security system, obstructions and traps built specifically to facilitate live mission trainings.

Chen stained his hands with victim’s blood as soon as he passed his 12th birthday. He posed himself as a street drifter and mercilessly slid the throat of a seemingly innocent by-passer who showed pity and offered him money. He made it as swift and painless as he could. After that, he had to clear the body and clean up the bloody scene of all possible evidence before anyone discovers. It was his first test and he passed exceedingly well. Chen never thought he could, but he did. The pressing urge for vengeance was strong enough to overcome any hesitation. There was no room for mercy. Chen cried hard that night and that was all he could do. Later in his career, he was commonly known by the underground scene as Swift Death.

All those years in InaKage, Chen’s investigations on the organization were futile. He learnt nothing more than what he seen in Camp V. Inakage was tight and flawless in their internal security. How many such camps do they have in various Crystals? What are their organizational agendas? What are the span and reach of InaKage Network? Who are the people running the organization? Many more questions left unanswered. The regular missions and lack of personal space forbids any meaningful investigations. He could only refer to the fragments of limited information gathered during narrowly scoped mission and observation to postulate incomplete and useless conclusions.

To further Chen’s frustrations, he had literally no clue about Oshima’s background, except that he is a high ranking officer in the organization and his methodical and vigilant demeanor. He had limited face time with him; half hour per occasion and once or twice per month. And Oshima appears mercurially, as and when he pleases. Oshima’s strict and strange discipline of rejecting of all offers of food and drinks regardless of occasions and plausible reasons denied Chen all opportunities to poison him.

Chen realized that further stay in Inakage would bring no progress but more blood in his hands. There will be little hope of finding out more about Inakage and probability remains as it is to kill Oshima. His patience grew thin and he planned a more direct course of actions. He reasoned that he will risk it all when the tiny window of opportunity presents itself to end Oshima’s life. Then he will disappear to eslewhere, changed his identity and continue to investigate Inakage and later, under most favorable circumstances, bring the organization down. He has no room for botch, and all these can only be possible out of Camp V.

Chen’s prayers did not go in vain; the golden opportunity finally arrived. As if divinely arranged, for the first time in his strings of assignments with Inakage, he was selected amongst 10 others to join Oshima’s team. They took off in the familiar SteamBoat class spaceship and headed for Sigil, their operation destination.

There were several missions delegated to various operatives. Most were assassination assignments to eradicate a list of high profile Harmonium and MercyKillers officers. Chen’s mission was a little different from others; to extract a pair of Mithril Blades safeguarded in a particular building heavily patrolled by highly trained Harmonium soldiers. The reasons as usual were unknown. Chen ponders over the value of the artifacts and wondered why Inakage would express such interest. Intuitively, he conjured a plan based on 6 words that surfaced from his mind: Extract, Disappear, Monitor, Trap, Eradicate and Disappear. He would extract the artifacts as ordered, feint his death by setting an explosion, and then disappear from sight. He knew their rendezvous location so he could set up a tactical sentry point to monitor all their activities from a safe distant. He would then meticulously plan traps and set the place up for inevitable eradication, particular designed for Oshima. After which, he would vanish, assume new identity and decide later whether to start a brand new life or continue his quest for bring down Inakage.

Things went well through as planned for most parts. He released false news to the location of the artifacts and drew most of the operatives away from Oshima. Chen’s confrontation with Oshima was silent, swift and lethal. Oshima died with eyes still opened in disbelief, totally caught by surprise. Shortly, the 2 agents who stayed with Oshima, after realizing the misdirection too late, returned to scene to punish the traitor. They were all highly skilled combatants and inflicted serious wounds on Chen, but, nevertheless, they suffered the same fate as Oshima. Chen was simply better than them. With grieving wounds, Chen left the scene and went as far as his remaining strength could carry him before he collapsed.

When Chen came to senses, he found himself bandaged and attended by Santos, a Corellon monk. Chen stayed in the temple for a short while, spending hours listening to the Corellon doctrines and he embraced himself the teachings that seems to resonate with his inner being. Later, he trimmed his long untamed hair to something short and manageable, shaved his beard, dyed his silver hair black and assumed a new identity of Wang Lung, purchased all the mandatory legal documents and credit cards and begin a brand new journey of his life.
I apologize for the delay, this roleplay has been officially approved and the storyteller may now head on over to the Cartographer's Table and make his requests for forums etc.
I am so happy I wandered back here this week. Hello Midboss! Got a space, or is it characters-accepted-by-quality?
Righto. I've got a busy evening ahead but I'll PM you with something soon.
So, any other interests then ? Got one confirmed and three potentials. Could those who want to play please reconfirm.
Still interested, but with my new job I'm somewhat lacking in creativity. I suppose I can still play my Atlantean Eldarin navigator/medical officer.
Ok, I've received some concepts and there is a bit of overlapping lets say. I'd like potential players to sum up their characters and say what other members of the party would know about them. (no need to share your dark secrets)
Requiel is an assassin. A surprisingly raw asssassin for the rumours that follow him; that he hunted the Dark Eldarin in their own city. That he was a gladiator before the change into a Tiefling.

The only thing one can know for sure, on meeting him, is that he's host to a spirit of vengeance; some dark and terrible entity that hungers for the destruction of the wicked.
This game's storyteller has yet to head on over the cartographer's table to get his game created.

Please do so soon Midboss!

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