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Fantasy DUNGEON DELVER: Secrets of Caedia [Lore]

Elenion Aura

One Thousand Club
Secrets of Caedia
A Voice in the Dark
"My Chosen... Seeks knowledge...

Arm yourself. Descend... Descend..."
  • 「 LORE 」
    Expect to use this page as a quick reference for any important terms and tidbits of information. Check back periodically, as more sections will get added as they arise.

「 LORE 」
Dungeon Delver's Almanac, Chapter 1: Strange & Stranger...
Chapter 1.1: The Calling
It begins with a beginning. It begins with a beach. Washed ashore, from lands far flung and hitherto forgotten... You awake in this strange new country, with no memory of that place from whence you came. Only the song, ringing in your ear. Whistling upon the wind. You remember hearing it, sung in the softest of whispers. The beckoning of another fate. It was yours alone to choose.

And choose you have.

All memory of your old life, who you were before you accepted the Call, quickly fades, swept out to sea by the soft lapping of foamy waves...


The phenomenon known simply as 'The Calling' has been well accepted for some thousands of years. Across the written histories, have fresh souls been Called from realms unknown to the land of Enigma, washing up on Closter's shores. The Called count among them the most prolific figures in history, not least of which was the Aersyr, the first Dungeon Delver and the founder of Closter.

While theories abound among academic circles, little is truly known about the mechanisms or in fact the true purpose of the Callings. Anyone can be Called. The Called do not remember their land of origin, or many details about their old lives.

While the Called quickly lose all memory of their past lives upon arrival in Closter, they seem to retain certain key facts about themselves, as well as certain skills and instincts that would go on to serve them well in the dungeons of Caedia.

All Called individuals on record have washed ashore and awakened on a particular stretch of white sand beach near Closter's southern shore. Unsurprisingly, this beach has become a sacred place, carefully watched at all hours by acolytes of the Tervetula—The Welcomers; those who guide the Called from the shore to the city itself.

Somewhat mercifully, the transition of those Called is, by-and-large, marked by a sense of peace and acceptance. They readily shed the bonds of memory, and are possessed of an inner calm, and many a newfound clarity of purpose—to enter Caedia.

The Called are hence integrated into the land and society of Closter. They are supplied with ample support from the city's institutions and guilds, ensuring that those who were Called quickly become productive members of society. Their descendants are natural-born citizens, who often see their connection to the Calling as a point of pride and identity for the families of those who were Called. Families often pass down stories of their ancestors' Callings, and some even keep relics or heirlooms owned by the Called family member, particularly those who went on to become Delvers of great renown.

The Calling is celebrated and respected in Closter. Festivals and rituals often include tributes to the mysterious force that draws brave souls to the city, and the beach where the Called awaken is a site of pilgrimage.

The Calling has brought to Closter's shores individuals whose like, if not Called, would likely never bless the face of Enigma. In and around Closter, strange and unique communities of Called and their descendants have emerged over the course of history, as the Calling has populated Enigma's shores with wholly new phenotypes of humanoid.

Until Our Next Meeting...
Dungeon Delver's Almanac, Chapter 1: Strange & Stranger...
Chapter 1.2: The Lands of Enigma
The land spreads out its arms to welcome you, Traveler.


The land of Enigma stretches far beyond the borders of Closter, which itself is nestled in the far southeastern reaches of the Kingdom of Vere.

Ancestral home of man, Vere extends along the southeastern coast of Enigma, reaching toward the heartland, where Lyonesse, capital city and home to the royal lineage of Vere, lies. A land of rolling hills, vast grasslands, rivers, and small forests, Vere is dotted by various settlements interspersed between and around its grander cities including both Lyonesse and Closter itself.

To the north lies the Braelan Forest, and beyond, the Elven realm of Aeloria. Ancient, enchanted forests, magical glades, and crystalline rivers weave together in a harmonious tapestry unfurling from the roots of Eldertree, blossoming over the shining, spired city of Talis Aren, the heart of Elvendom in Enigma.

Westward, beyond the verge of trees and springtime, looms the Bitterbite Mountain range. And within, the Dwarven homeland of Durundal. The fire of forges lights the gloom of those cavernous halls, and none burn brighter than those of the fortress citadel of Ironhold and its sister city Stonehaven.

The mountains protect the southlands from the worst of the frigid northern winds. Nestled in their shadow lies Greenholm, a land of temperate climate, fertile valleys, and gentle hills. This land is home to the Halflings, an unassuming and quaint people, mostly content to work the land and live simple lives, from Hearthshire to Meadowbrook, beside the babbling Tullywick River.

Until Our Next Meeting...
Dungeon Delver's Almanac, Chapter 1: Strange & Stranger...
Chapter 1.3: The People of Enigma
The lands of Enigma are populated by numerous peoples, both great and small, meek and mighty.


Humans are a relatively short-lived race in the world of Enigma, with a span of about eighty years. They are the most populous and widespread race on Enigma. As a people, they maintain a certain degree of pride in their status as the land on which Caedia rests. It is a privilege and a burden. They are the most well-rounded of races.

Elves are the most long-lived of the mortal races, living upwards of seven hundred and fifty years in rare cases. Due to their long lives and their natural attunement to the magic of the world, elves are preternaturally gifted wizards and scholars of ancient lore. They are the most graceful of races.

Dwarves are the second most long-lived of the mortal races, with greybeards capable of living about three hundred and fifty years. Ingenious crafters and forgemasters, dwarves have been known
to produce the greatest works of metal-, gem-, and stonecraft in all of Enigma. They are the most hardy of races.

Halflings are a humble people, mostly content to live out their some one hundred and fifty year lives in relative peace and quiet. Though, they are resourceful creatures, quick with a lockpick and light on their feet. They are, in many ways, the subtlest of races.

Though humans, elves, dwarves and halflings are the only humanoid species endemic to the land of Enigma, the city of Closter itself is even so teeming with all manner of peculiar and otherworldly beings, Called over the years to the Beach. Though these communities are undoubtedly less numerous than those of humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings, and are very rarely found far beyond Closter's domain.

Until Our Next Meeting...
Dungeon Delver's Almanac, Chapter 1: Strange & Stranger...
Chapter 1.4: Who Are You?
There are as many ways to live as there are to die. There number is as blades of grass in a field. As drops of water in the sea.

Then... Tell me, Chosen. Who are you?


Characters will embody one class. The one that most approximates their fighting style. The ways they prefer to dispatch their enemies inform the choice, here. A brief description of the available classes are written below. At this moment, dual classing or multi classing is not permissible, though, mostly primary classes are intended to give readers a quick impression of generally what a Delver does, and what role they are expected to fill in a party composition. There is room for variations on the theme, certainly, and the lines between classes need not always be perfectly cut-and-dry.

A Fighter is a master of martial combat. Well trained, well armed, and well armored, Fighters are comfortable in the thick of the fray. Soldiers, duelists, wardens. Battlefield commanders. Whether by sword and shield or bow and arrow, whether through Finesse or Strength, a Fighter is a peerless dealer of death by steel.

The Rogue is at home in the dark of a night alley. The Assassin knows well that a well placed dagger, slipped between the ribs, is just as good as any spell. The Thief can think up countless ways to cut a purse, or slice a throat. Soft and quick as shadows, the Rogue strikes fast, strikes hard, and disappears.

With an uncanny ability to track prey, lay traps, and strike effectively from up close or at a distance, the Ranger is both a master of the untamed wilds and a deft hunter. Rangers employ a mix of keen senses and martial prowess (and the occasional animal companion) to safeguard patrol borders or find victory on daring expeditions.

Some say the gods do not deign to interfere in the affairs of mortals. Some have never met a Cleric. Divine spellcasters who channel the power of patron deities to heal and protect... And dole out holy retribution upon the wicked. Armed with blessed weapons and fortified by faith, Clerics are fierce opponents of the dark forces of the Deep World.

Perhaps better suited to entertaining tavern drunkards and delving dungeons, the Bard is a magical performer, weaving spells through sonnet and song, inspiring allies, demoralizing foes, and casting spells that can enchant, heal, or deceive. And when verse fails, a well placed hand crossbow bolt will usually do the trick.

If the Cleric is the shield of the faith, the Paladin is the sword. Holy warriors bound by sacred oaths to uphold justice and righteousness, Paladins combine martial skill with divine magic to smite foes and bless allies. Paragons of virtue, champions of faith, protectors of the innocent... And smiters of evil.

Wielding powerful nature magic and possessing the ability to shapeshift into various creatures of the wood, Druids are the mystical guardians of nature, charged with maintaining the delicate balance between civilization and the untamed natural world.

A Wizard is a scholarly spellcaster who, through years of rigorous study and practice, calls forth the might of the arcane to cast a wide array of spells. Extensive knowledge of magical lore makes the Wizard both versatile and powerful.

While the Wizard must spend countless years in dedicated study to master the arcane arts, the Sorcerer was born to it, wielding magic that comes from within. The Sorcerer's magic is raw and potent. In some cases, for certain Sorcerers, it's even been known to backfire...

Primal rage and raw physical power serve the Barbarian as well as any spell or steel. An unmatched warrior, the Barbarian wades relentlessly into the pitch of combat, thriving in the heat of battle, where their battle vigor may yet finally be sated

The Monk is a master of the martial arts, wielding simple weapons (or bare knuckles) as effectively as any sword or spear. The Monk channels their inner life force, Ki, to perform extraordinary feats. Disciplined fighteres who use their very bodies as weapons, Monks deliver precise strikes and evade blows with ease.

Masters of invention, Artificers use ingenuity and magic to unlock extraordinary capabilities in objects. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and then harnessed in their spells and inventions. The magic of Artificers is tied to their tools and their talents, and few other characters can produce the right tool for a job as well as an Artificer.

Until Our Next Meeting...
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