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Fantasy DUNGEON DELVER: Secrets of Caedia — Expedition #3, Find the Ecologist

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
Secrets of Caedia
A Voice in the Dark
"Roots burrow deep. Murky water.

Grasping fingers, gnashing teeth."
  • 「 #3 」
    Beyond plumbing the depths of the Dungeons under Caedia merely for its wealth of materials and precious artifacts, some more... Academic types, have looked for generations to the weird and wild world beneath for study, learning, and insight. Lewyse Coppermane is a Caedian Ecologist, whose life has been spent in search of greater understanding of the subterranean ecosystem(s) beneath Caedia.

    Dungeon Delvers, every so often, are dispatched to check on Lewyse while she is out afield, to assure her safety, and to collect any reports she may have for the scholars back at home. It is time again for the routine journey to the the Gloom-mire Marshes—a forest-swamp teeming with flora and fauna native to the Dungeon realms—to rendezvous with Lewyse and collect her reports. A perfect opportunity for first-time Delvers to embrace a wider view of the Underearth below their feet.

「 #3 」
Expedition #3
Entrance to Caedia
Garwan stared into the swirling depths of the pool. Activity swarmed around him. The floor was abuzz with scholars, machinists, and folk of that sort. Fine-tuning the mechanisms. The surface of Caedia shimmering like a sea of amaranth stars.

The roving attendants passed him by this way and that. Reaching a hand up to stop one of them in their tracks—the fellow took one bewildered moment before he had the sense to look down—Garwan cut him off before he could speak. "How much longer?" He asked, in a gruff voice that belied his size.

"Nearly done, ser! Is your party gathered?"

A good question. Garwan turned to those in attendance, peering out from underneath the lip of his hood and cloak.

Interactions: Roda the Red Roda the Red simj26 simj26 joshuadim joshuadim Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #3
Entrance to Caedia
Static Field
Flash Freeze
Mana Void

A sagely kobold stood near Garwan, leaning against a small pillar as he flipped through a small tome without much interest to the current happenings as he muttered under his breath the contents of the pages in front of him. For a decade he had been studying what texts and tomes he could come across to try to answer an unspoken question in his mind, and yet he seemed to closer to the answer than when he had first started. Arcane studies seemed to be almost... rudimentary in the way that they tackled subjects of reality, materiality, and the connection between that and the immaterial. If anything, it almost seemed as though many scholars had already accepted what had been established in prior works to be an immutable fact. But if the fickle nature of the arcane was anything to go off of, then the truth wasn't as simple.

It was why Dakdak the Gray had now finally moved himself to go onto these delving expeditions, starting with this one, in the never-ending search for truth and knowledge. He was not content with what had already been decided by inferior minds and lackluster imaginations, and so he would prove them *wrong* in how they approached such matters of esoteric knowledge. He took a quick glance at the others that were joining on this particular expedition and said nothing say for his gaze, as the wizard would have choice words for certain members of the people he was travelling with in regards to their assumed competence.

At least they'll serve as good front-line fodder. Dakdak thought to himself with dry amusement as he then shut the tome and tossed it aside, having deemed its value to be less than none for what it could offer him. "So. This Lewyse. I take it her reporting down there is good?" he asked with a reptilian underpinning that contrasted with his surprisingly eloquent speech.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura simj26 simj26 Roda the Red Roda the Red Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Code by Serobliss

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