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Fantasy DUNGEON DELVER: Secrets of Caedia — Expedition #2, The Mapmaker's Dilemma

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
Secrets of Caedia
A Voice in the Dark
"Daggers in the dark.

Walk carefully, Chosen."
  • 「 #2 」
    Ever since it was discovered that Caedia might one day be conquered, those who dwell above began to plot for this end... One of the pillars of such an endeavor was the effort to map the sprawling levels and winding catacombs of the Dungeons beneath Caedia. A task that proved monumental, as it was discovered shortly thereafter that the layouts of the Dungeons themselves were known to change...

    Despite this and many other setbacks, the Cartographers Guild of Closter has managed to do the impossible: chart 'safe' paths across the Dungeons of Caedia. Well, some of it, anyway. Most of their work has been focused on the upper levels of the Dungeons, where the danger is lesser. Many of these levels are well understood. It is through this understanding that maps and schematics have been drawn up, roughly approximating important landmarks within Caedia: resource depots, areas of fertile grounds where game may be hunted, as well as paths to and from the other levels and the surface. Without these critical insights, Closter would not have been able to extract nearly the wealth it has been able to from the Underearth beneath it.

    Still, there are those who seek to buck convention. One such man, a Cartographer formerly of the Cartographers Guild, is convinced that one of the elder maps of the Dungeons is, in fact, wrong. When no one would heed his words, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Conscripting an experienced Delver to put together an Expedition, the Cartographer now seeks to see for himself the error of his predecessors' works, and correct them. For the benefit of... Someone, surely.

「 #2 」
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter
"Thank you again for the support of your Guild," said a waifish, dark-haired man in his middle-thirties. He was poring over a desk laden with scrolls, tombs, and maps sprawled in a hectic pattern. Every so often he'd pluck one from the pile and stuff it haphazardly into a worn and cracked rucksack he wore across his narrow shoulders.

"Nae bother, laddy," answered a mountain of a man. He was tall and broad, with wavy blonde hair that had colonized the sides of his face and upper lip. To his back was strapped a great axe wrapped and tied taught with straps of fine leather. He was eyeing the interior of the Archivist's Study as he spoke; it was a place often reserved for scholars, wizards, and importantly, Dungeon mapmakers.

"... Ah... That... That should do it! Nearly, no... Perhaps, this one would do..?" The thin man's pack was near to bursting. "Am I keeping us? Oh, please, let us depart if it pleases! I can manage with these alone... I hope." He said that last bit more to himself.

Boris took a slow look around himself, at the people this time, instead of the valuable artifacts and sacred symbols scattered about. He scratched at his mutton chops thoughtfully. "We're still a wee bit short," he said, recalling the count he'd been given by the clerks. "Take yer time, lad. We'll be off. Soon e'nough... Aye, won't be much longer now."

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter
People who knew Aurevele would not have been surprised to hear that she was first to arrive, exactly on the dot of the allotted time. In fact, in anticipation of the meeting, she underwent the arduous 20 minute process of donning her armor well before schedule, bearing the awkwardness of navigating through home in the metal apparel. As for her surprise upon learning they'd have to wait even more for late arrivals, though it didn't show, her feelings revealed themselves through a soft "Fine," as she sat herself nearby with very audible nose-breathing.

Fortunately, time would only have her cool off. And soon her thoughts wandered to this building she found herself in. Aurevele always had a keen respect for those more well-read than her. It wasn't often that she found herself in one of these establishments rather than training grounds. After a while, she rose and began to explore.

Unaware of possible formalities or permissions, Aurevele began pulling books off the shelves and leaving them on the floor, judging them by their covers or the authors' interesting names. Her attention span never lasted long in one area as she traveled from shelf to shelf.

Then there was their client, one of the aforementioned well-read individuals. Did those papers he crammed contain his wisdom and deep-seated knowledge? Aurevele could only wonder. Smiling gently, none the wiser of the mess she left behind, she appeared beside the Cartographer. "Do you require any aid?"

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
Seraphim Sorcerer
The Archivist's Study, Closter
It wasn't unusual for Karia to wake up alone. Sometimes, if she was having a nightmare, she'd wake up to Luxu gently shaking her, but this morning she awoke on her own. Her dream had been something sweet, but already it was slipping through the fingers of her mind. Something to do with a place full of sand? It didn't matter, it was only a dream after all.

As she got ready for the day, the smell of food cooking wafted through the air to her, prompting her to get ready faster. She went into the kitchen to find Luxu there, as she did every morning, cooking breakfast for the two of them. She walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her forhead on his back. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you," she murmured into his shirt. Karia allowed herself a moment to soak in his warmth and smell before pulling herself away.

They were going on their first Delving today, and as her husband was making breakfast, it would only be right for her make sure everything they needed was in good condition and packed. After checking on everything, she ate her breakfast, washed the dishes as she always did--since Luxu always took it upon himself to cook, she always washed the dishes in exchange--and it wasn't long before they were standing in the mapmaker's study.

It became apparent to Karia fairly early on that the archivist was a little scattered and, perhaps with good reason, seemed a bit nervous about going into the dungeons below Closter. While he stuffed things into his pack, she busied herself looking around his study. The maps he had where she could see were fascinating, and she began wondering if they were going to be taking any of the paths she saw detailed in them. The artifacts were also curious, and she wanted to pick them up and inspect them more closely, but she held her hands behind her back to resist the temptation.

She did raise a brow when she saw another member of their group picking up books to look at and then placing them on the floor rather than back where they had come from, but shrugged it off. It the mapmaker wasn't upset by it, she wouldn't be either.

The seraphim made her way around the room, looking at the things out for display before circling back to her starting point. "What sort of dangers are we likely to face on this excursion?" She didn't want to make the mapmaker any more nervous, but she would like to get a general idea of what to prepare herself for mentally.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter
It had only been a few days since he awoke in this land with a lexicon alien to everyone's expertise, even his own, but found himself adapting in certain respects. He still maintained the practices that were etched into the back of his mind, one of the few things that remained despite having lost memories of other things. Each morning he would go to the nearest patch of greenery to meditate and pray, but still out of place; he knew there was something missing in his mind, as he could not recall the very Gods he was praying to and yet felt that connection to them. His words were that of a land nobody knew about, with terms for places that did not exist here and names of creatures that - while familiar to some - were unknown to most.

He was a stranger in a stranger land.

After done with his meditations, he returned back to the guild that had taken him in. He had managed for the first time to get into one of these expeditions that seemed to be a common practice in this place. The depths below perhaps offered the answers he sought, but until then he had to grow stronger. He held no need for wealth but wasn't exactly against receiving payments for the jobs he carried - as he still needed to pay for certain necessities. He hoped that the people he would join would be understanding of his circumstances, but from what he had heard many of the adventurers that delve into the dungeon woke up upon the same shore as he did.

When he opened the Archivist's study, it was rather comical to see a massive, towering Orc struggle to bend just enough to fit through the doorway and get into the room. "Pardon me tardiness, lads." he spoke with his thick, foreign accent. "I take wee time o' the mornin' to pray to me gods." He appraoched Boris and the cartographic, hoping his explanation was sound: "So, where we goin' lads? We still short of folk in here?" he then asked, looking at Aurevele and Karia. "Nice to meet ya, names Caradog. I'm a druid of forgotten gods." He said, bowing down slightly.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa IcarusEm IcarusEm
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter
Alyndra Elarieth, with silky violet hair resting between the pads of her fingers, navigated through Closter and its busy populace. Fiddling with her hair had become a habit, acknowledging her growing anxiety about her upcoming venture.

After years of peaceful wandering as a sage, Alyndra felt an inexplicable pull towards Closter, the birthplace of her fractured memories. Was it her patron tugging at the invisible thread, or had her patron grown weary of her idleness and demanded a new purpose? One thing was certain: her search for meaning outside Closter had been in vain.

Whatever purpose Alyn hopes to find within Caedia, she hopes to at least please Xyaris. After all, no cleric would ever want to displease their patron and receive the literal meaning of divine consequences.

So, as of this moment, she continued to trudge forward amongst the sea of people and towards the Archivist’s Study. The moment she could see the doors leading to the allocated place she was told to go, a comical sight slightly eased her nerves. Alyn had to compose herself from a burst of full-blown laughter from seeing a burly orc making himself fit through the door’s architrave. After he succeeded, Alyn quickly followed behind him, just enough time to catch his name: Caradog.

When she let her presence be known, she said, “Apologies for the wait, everyone. I hope I haven’t kept anyone waiting.” Alyn lowered her head in greeting, along with a polite smile slowly growing in size as she analysed the present people. Her eyes lingered towards the beautiful seraphim feathers and a fellow elf's gleaming armour.

She quickly introduced herself before she could observe any further and make things awkward. “I am Alyndra Elarieth. I am an acolyte of Xyaris, and I hope my speciality in healing can be useful to us all. It is a pleasure to be working with you all.” She said with a hint of sweetness in her voice.

Since the surrounding people would be her allies, she genuinely hoped to be of help.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa IcarusEm IcarusEm EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter

"O-oh..!" Emerging from the depths of his runaway thoughts, the mapmaker twisted his neck around and let his spindly body—arms now laden with too many books—follow it, homing in on the source of the gentle voice. "Are you a studier of Yrilon as well?" The bespectacled mapmaker asked the armored elf, failing to notice the trail of disarray strewn behind her.

Dungeon Revelations
Yrilon is the name of an ancient Delver, one of the very first, said to belong to the company of the Aersyr, the fabled founder of Closter... Records of Dungeon mapping began with Yrilon, whose pioneering work became the bedrock of much of the advancements to follow.

Modern cartographic techniques have rendered many of Yrilon's original maps obsolete in professional Delving; today, the study of Yrilon's maps has been mostly relegated to purely academic pursuits...

In a blink, he had freed a cluttered desk of its contents, and was smoothing the curled corners of an aged parchment. The faded ink-lines and markers populating the ancient map, that seemed liable to crumble at the slightest touch, hinted of a controlled, meticulous hand.

"Look here! A-and here!" The mapmaker said, excitedly pointing to a cluster of dark blotches circling a small corner of the map. They looked like smudges. The Cartographers' Guild agreed. Subsequent Delves had shown nothing of note in the region indicated, and so future versions of the Map of The Roads Below omitted them.

Expedition #2
"Aye, aye, lad, calm yerself. We'll be headin' there, soon 'nough." Boris appeared beside the table, looming large and larger still beside the smaller man's meekness. "Then y'can see fer yerself the nothin' there is to see." The mapmaker's cheeks flushed, his head bowed. Boris took no note of this offense, moving on to the latest joiners of their soon-to-depart expedition.

When the question of dangerous arose, Boris laughed as if he'd been told a joke. "The only danger you'll find there is stumblin' over yer own two feet in those empty passages. The Roads've been cleared o' every beast n' bandit a long time. It's safer n' a nursery now."

Turning toward the two latest, Orc and Elf looking more Orc-ish and Elf-ish by comparison, Boris pulled at his mutton chops and mused, tallying up the number of arrivals in his head. "We're still one fella short," he admitted ruefully. "We could prob'ly shove off, now. Don't think we'll be needin' all o' these fine folk's talents on this Road..."

He wrestled internally with whether it was worth it to invoke the ire of the Delving Association to depart without their full allotment of Delvers, stroking his cheeks in thought.

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter
Often times, when the dawn hour hit- It was Luxu's time to sharpen his skills as a Ninja alone. Karia deserved the extra rest, as restless nightmares could plague her at times. Needing Luxu's gentle hand to comfort her in those dark moments. After an hour of such training in his art, Luxu would then start with cooking for the both of them. He seemed to have a pretty masterful hand at cooking, despite having no memories; at the very least his past life had a keen eye on what looked like it could taste good. By the time Karia's plate would be ready it almost felt like clockwork when Karia awakened to join Luxu. Today was like any other day in essence, and everything played out like it usually did- Karia hugging him from behind and muttering gentle words of affection, and Luxu would always reciporicate in full. It was...Perfect.

"Today is an important day, no?" Luxu said with a smirk after finishing his plate. He watched Karia as she washed dishes, while picking up his own to walk towards her.
"We go on our first delving expedition!" Luxu's smile lifted higher into a silly little grin. "I'm excited, Karia."
Luxu would stroke the large wings of his beloved gently, often with one thumb lightly pressing against the feathers. It had quickly become a sign of endearment and affection between the two in their private time.
Luxu smiled down at his beloved wife and pressed his forehead against her own. Whispering to her in a sweet and compassionate tone. Answering her previous question of affection "Luck was getting a good deal on the furniture, our love feels like fate. My Sky."
Luxu had an unsavory talent for blending into surroundings without noticing. Ninja or no, it often led to Luxu being...forgotten. Or missed out on, while in the Study Luxu mostly minded his own business, leaning against a bookcase and examining some of the other Delvers chosen for the job. Each one seemed to be very interesting characters of sorts, with quirks and traits of their own. Maybe Luxu and Karia could finally find some people they could bond towards? With his own head in the clouds, Luxu had totally forgotten to announce he was here with his very own wife....
A smooth move for the Ninja and #1 Husband of Closter, no doubt.
The words of Boris snapped Luxu out of his daze, wondering if he had even introduced himself yet to Boris.

"Sorry sir, I forgot to introduce myself." Luxu hailed down Boris. Hopping away from the bookcase he was blending with.
"Name's Luxu Ji-Lao. This is my first Delving experience, alongside my wife!" He threw both hands forward to point towards his beloved Karia. Treating the ground she walked on as if it were diamonds among copper.

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Code by Serobliss
Dungeon Revelations
The process of entering through Caedia to one of the Dungeons beneath it is known to be an, at best, disorienting and, at worst, traumatizing experience, especially for first-time Delvers. It is a sensation unlike anything else, as the pit of Caedia transports the persons who stand atop its surface—mind, body, and soul—from one plane of existence to another...
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia
And that was that. The pleasantries were all properly dispensed with, and afore long their sixth and final member had made his appearance. With a full house of novice Delvers and a spirited mapmaker at his call, Boris led them all down, down, down... To the steps of Caedia. And beyond? A far, wide, and wild world, beyond anyone's wildest imaginings...


"Ah," Boris sucked in dank, crypt air through his teeth as though it were scented with springtime lillies in bloom. He hefted a massive axe across one shoulder and turned to face the party who had descended (most of them, he presumed, for the very first time) through the portal that was Caedia and into the Dungeon proper. The sight that greeted him was, more-or-less what he had been expecting.

Before them lay The Roads Below, one of the shallowest, and most well and truly conquered, realms that existed beneath the pit of Caedia. As a young man, he had rutted around these halls enough to know that the secrets they once held had all long since been uncovered, pored over and picked clean like a carcass bleaching beneath the summer sun. And yet—

"Verne!" Boris called out to the mapmaker in good cheer. "What d'ya think, lad? Is it all you imagined n' more?" He asked, sweeping the head of his axe across the dusty catacombs in front of them.

When Verne didn't immediately answer, Boris turned to discover the waifish mapmaker collapsed on hands and knees, his head stuffed inside a cracked stone pot up to his shoulders. He was in the midst of the painstaking process of relinquishing his stomach of its contents.

"It's alright, lad. Happens t' plenty a' folk their first time 'round the pike." Speaking of... "N' how're you lot keepin' on?" Boris turned once more to examine the party, curious to see how they had fared on the road thus far.

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98 Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Archivist's Study, Closter
The Imps were keen to rise and set with the sun, rejuvenated by its glorious rays the very second they reached over the horizon, and were lulled by the moon’s lunar glow. Up early, Boltius had put himself to work prepping the store for a busy day, which he’d been looking forward to, for it was the day he planned to show off his newest, self-made collection.

Old Pim had informed the group a few days prior that a special potential buyer would be in town today, resulting in the immediate forgetting of a certain dive into dungeon depths that Boltius had agreed to participate in.

The days passed quickly. From indiscreet signs throughout his homely comforts, the occasional reminder that he had a dungeon dive coming up slipped its way into his mind and worked its magic, only to fade in an instant as he labored away, crafting the final pieces of his themed collection.

When the day finally arrived, said day being today, he made a bet with Ryke that he could convince their special guest to purchase his entire set. The only thing left was for the guest to show, and so he got comfortable and the waiting began. Patrons of both newcomers and long-time regulars passed through—they bought trinkets and ornaments and jewelry; some bought nothing but offered feedback on their previous purchases—but the so-called special potential buyer still did not show.

Eventually, Boltius decided to inquire more about the character’s reputation, and Old Pim’s response happened to jog his memory about his dungeon dive… today. “He saved my life in my first dive,” Old Pim had told, and Bolt’s face sagged with horror as the realization set in.

Without another word, the fiery-haired Imp had bolted from the shop, knocking over a rack of necklaces and bracelets, leaving Old Pim, Ryke, and Ignis in utter dumbfoundedness, and had commenced his race against time through the busy streets of Closter, only to arrive at the Archivist’s Study to find it empty. With that, there was only one place left to look.
Code by Serobliss

Boltius staggered over to the one called Verne, whose head was stuffed miserably in a cracked stone pot, and placed a firm hand on his back, looking at Boris per the question: “N' how're you lot keepin' on?”

Taking a deep breath, he seemed to require a moment of preparation before speaking. “I’m gre- HUECK,” the Imp’s forked tongue abruptly flopped out of his mouth as he retched but did not vomit.

He had caught up to the group enroute to Caedia, maybe halfway down the stairs of eternity, already near-exhausted of energy, but still managed to introduce himself between breaths. Something along the lines of: “Sorry I’m… late, I-... I forgot!... My name’s Bol-... Bolt! I’m coming with you!”

While it wasn’t his first dive, Boltius still considered himself relatively new to the game and was, by far, still unaccustomed to the process of transportation to new realms.

Covering his mouth with one hand, the Imp beat his chest with the other and shook his head. “I think it’s catching up to me.” A wave of dizziness washed over him, causing him to plop down into a cross-legged sitting position where he put all of his focus into maintaining his composure as best he could. Eyes closed, he addressed Verne in a strained voice, “Gonna hafta pass the pot, guy… Listen, we’re gonna prove ol’ Boris wrong, yeah?” Boltius got on his hands and knees beside Verne, bones like jello, and took hold of the pot, “I’m serious, though, I need this- HUUUEEK! Fuck, I didn’t eat breakfast.” He retched again.

So much for first impressions.

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Code by Serobliss
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Expedition #2
It wasn't long before their waiting period was up. Though Aurevele expressed genuine interest in Verne's passion, Boris wisely cut it short to make way for everyone's actual reason of being here. The elf readily put her helmet on, tying her hair up until only her shaded eyes showed in a glare narrowed by the helmet. Such was the sight she shot at the rest of the adventurers. She lit up inside, eager to converse with the other elves later on, and she found it adorable that Luxu was adventuring with his wife!

Upon entering the dungeon, Aurevele felt the nauseating sensation. As it was, she starting to get used to it, and she focused only on her breath until it subsided. "My health is sound, Boris," she answered, trudging along with kinks in her armor in every step. Two others, though, were not so fortunate.

She couldn't help but smile as Verne and the late imp keeled over. "This takes me back..." she uttered, walking over to them. Aurevele knew first-hand how unpleasant this was for them. "There, there," she said, patting Verne's back. "There there." She did the same to Bolt. "Just focus on your breath. You'll be fine."

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia
As the group began to make their way, Alyn took her time assessing the people in front of her: two elves, two humans, a seraphim, an orc, and an imp.

Alyn couldn’t help but wonder what sort of tales the armoured elf, Aurevele, holds. Curiosity simmered within her interior. How long does she take to don her armour? Is she from Aeloria as well? Does she like blueberries? It's unrelated and random, but Alyn’s mind works wonders when brimming with interest.

The way Luxu lovingly gazed at his wife, Karia, warmed her heart. Throughout her travels, she has witnessed numerous tales of love and heard the smitten ballads bards would produce at the peak of their infatuation. But each fable of devotion is unique and all on its own; the amethyst elf couldn’t help but wonder how theirs would be any different.

As for the tallest member of the group, Caradog, Alyn knew better than to judge a book by its cover. Perhaps the giant in the group is soft-hearted to his very core, and if he is, Alyn can’t wait to slowly peel the layers until she can call him (and everyone in the group) her ally and, more, her friend.

And the late arrival, Boltius, was a welcome surprise. Alyn has only met a few imps in her travels, and it delighted her to have Bolt join in. Perhaps Bolt can enlighten her more about his culture. Or perhaps more about him in general. Whatever information he consents to share, Alyn will be more than happy to accept them.

It is safe to say that Alyn has grown slightly fond of the ‘friendship’ ideas that crawled between the crevices of her mind. Alyn swiftly reminded herself to stop dreaming when she was wide awake. But these thoughts made her smile as they continued down the road to Caedia, a place of mystery, mystique and menace.

Alyn paused the moment the air around her shifted, and a tug at her stomach began to churn. She blinked, looking slightly stunned at the new feeling that suddenly arose. To ease her guts, her palms stretched, and her mind concentrated on conjuring up a small ball of light. It floated for a second before swiftly gliding to Alyn’s clothed chest. Her body accepted the blessing, and a relief slowly washed over her. But the remnants of the previous feeling remained and clung to her like inky tar.

Unfortunately, the same relief she felt could not be said for the others as she watched Verne and Bolt trying to gather their composure and failing.

Alyn cautiously approached the amber imp and gently tapped his shoulders. “Hello, Bolt. I’m Alyndra. May I help?” The elf tilted her head in inquiry at the amber imp as she conjured a small ball of light above her violet palms. “It’ll relieve you of your nausea and relax your nerves.” She let the light float away from her palms. The small ball of light slowly moved towards Bolt and paused, waiting for his acceptance.

“Do you need help as well, Verne?” Alyn turned her head to the human. While she awaited his response and gave him time to collect himself, she turned to Boris, their guide. “I suppose the deeper you go, the worse it’ll be? Or perhaps this is just the first time jitters are taking over?” Alyn asked the more experienced delver with a slight huff of a laugh—a small part of her hopes for the latter. Alyn does not wish for this to be a regular occurrence, but seeing as the experienced delver is fine, a small ball of hope burns within her.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Code by Serobliss
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Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia

"Here you—hic!—go..." Verne passed the pot, now thoroughly broken in, over to his fiery fellow with only a modicum of hesitancy. The hand rubbing his back was a genuine comfort—never mind that it was attached to a perfect stranger. Thanks to it, and the armored woman's advice—Right, breathe. That's the key: just breathe—Verne felt himself recover. Enough to stand, at least. Shaky though he was on his feet, like a freshborn calf, his knees knocking, he possessed the wherewithal enough to graciously accept Alyn's offer of help. When given, he felt relief nigh instantaneously. Finally able to gather himself, Verne turned to the Delvers and bowed his head sheepishly. "Th-thank you, both. That was a most shameful display. Most shameful!"

With his eyes averted, Verne spied his rucksack amidst the dusty stones; full as it was, it had burst open on the trip down, and was halfway to spilling its own guts—in a manner of speaking—across the dungeon floor. "Eep!"

On his knees again, Verne fussed over his maps and tomes, shuffling them haphazardly back into place before, remembering himself, decided to pluck a particular map free of the others and unfurl it deftly between his bony, delicate fingers. When Boris called for their heading, Verne, suddenly suffused with confidence, pointed down a nearby corridor. "Th-that way..!" The mapmaker said, finding his surety halfway through the words slipping past his teeth.

Expedition #2
Seemingly pleased by the sight, Boris smiled and turned away from the gathering to fetch a torch from the wall. The torches in the Roads were all mysteriously lit, their flames burning despite there being no obvious sign of anyone else in the vicinity who could have lit them. "Verne, if yer done, would'ya be so kind as to provide us a headin', lad?"

Turning toward Alyn while Verne fiddled with his maps, Boris seemed to pause and ponder her question a moment as he raised the torch aloft, bathing their company in its soft, amber glow. "'Ffects different folks n' different ways... Most get used t' it. Get used t' anythin' if y' do it enough, I s'pose." He shrugged and turned again, waving the torch down the corridor Verne had indicated.

"Right then, off we get. Stay close, now. Easy t' get lost down here." And just like that, they were off, into the deep, into the dark.

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia
The fiery-haired Imp seized the pot from Verne and cupped it on both sides, hovering over it with a fierce and twisted expression. In through the nose, out through the mouth—he put that to practice with tight-shut eyes until a hand was felt upon his back.

“There, there…” said the armored Elf, consoling him. “Just focus on your breath. You'll be fine.”

But Boltius didn’t respond. The hand was a comfort, undoubtedly, but something writhing and grinding in his gut said that if he opened his mouth, it wouldn’t have been words that came out.

Fuckin’ hell, why’s it still like this? He wondered, thinking the seventh time would be the charm~

Fortunately, the suffering was short lived when there came a tap upon his shoulder—another Elf, beautiful and starkly contrast to the first. They were night and day.

“Hello, Bolt. I’m Alyndra. May I help?”

“You’re what?” he asked, not quite processing that what she told him was her name, and observed as a ball of light manifested above her palms before floating toward him.

Initially, he hesitated, clutching his knotted stomach. It was only after watching as Verne accepted the gift and recovered that Boltius chose to do the same, receiving the offer with an outstretched hand with which he grasped at the orb of luminescence. It absorbed into his palm quickly, relief spreading throughout his body in a near instant.

“Woaah,” he mumbled, getting to his feet. “That’s a handy fuckin’ trick ya got there.” Dusting himself off, he moved closer to Boris, who had grabbed a torch from the wall, and gazed into the flickering flame with a rumbling stomach.

Boris addressed Alyn regarding a question she had asked about the dungeon, and Boltius added after, “This makes my seventh dive and the transfer still kicks my ass.”

“Right then, off we get. Stay close, now. Easy t' get lost down here.”

As the group started off, Boltius lingered close to Boris, drawn to the flame, but walked backwards to face whoever may be behind him. “So, what’s everyone hopin’ to gain here? If ya ask me, I’m thinking Verne’s right and we’ll come across some unique gems that I can take back to the shop an’ fix up. A good story makes for a fine piece. Imagine it…” His hands came up. He formed a frame in front of his face and peered through it. “A brooch bedazzled with finely cut beads from a viridian jewel found during a dive that altered fuckin’ history, my guy…”

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia
The cleric could see Bolt's slight hesitation about her magic. But once he accepted, Alyn found herself grinning at his expression.

Alyn smiled even more when the human accepted her gift, relief slowly washing their being. The elf curtly said, "You’re welcome,” before moving on. Alyn couldn’t fault them for feeling this way; it was only natural. Alyn momentarily halted before asking herself, ‘But then again, nothing is natural about this place.’ Chills crawled up her arm as soon as she finished her thought. Nausea may be gone for now, but something cold and controlling slithered at the nape of her neck.


Alyn tightened her grip on her staff, holding it close to her chest. That’s when Boris’ voice caught her attention. At that moment, the elf took a deep breath to silence her growing anxiety. When she was told to stay close and away from danger, Alyn instinctively stepped closer to Boris’ back. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Alyn muttered, her lips accompanying a tense smile.

As their steps began to echo and shadows surrounded them, Bolt broke the silence with his question.

“Gain? Would survival and seeing the light of the sun count? If so, that’s what I’m hoping to gain here.” Alyn answered honestly with a hint of witticism. After years of living peacefully, a drop of violence and conflict might break a part of her psyche. She craves peace, but if her goddess deemed her to be needed here, then it is something she simply must overcome. “It’s my first dive; perhaps it’s the jitters getting to me.” Alyn physically shook the nerves away by shaking her hands. When her heart finally settled, she plastered on a genuine smile. “But I’m sure with Boris as our guide, we’ll make it through!”

I promise we’ll make it through.
Alyn silently promises despite the looming fear behind her.

As darkness continued to shroud them, Alyn produced her own speck of light. With her presence so far away from the sky, she couldn’t help but feel slightly isolated from her goddess. Knowing that her goddess still favoured her even though these circumstances comforted her. All she truly needed was her goddess’ favour to gain her strength and trek through the depths of Caedia.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura IcarusEm IcarusEm Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
Aurevele's position was short-lived as one of the other elves, the older and wiser Alyndra, came by with a solution. A small ball of light, sent floating into their bodies. A simple magic much more effective than her back-patting. "Wow..." It was a sight that Aurevele gladly stepped aside for, her eyes glimmering behind the gap in her helmet. The armored elf had her eyes drawn to the violet-skinned elf earlier. She had moved with grace, a softened smile accompanying her silky voice...

Aurevele focused on her breath, noticing it felt hotter in the armor, and decided she should keep walking with the others.

She nodded along with Boltius' remarks, not that anyone could notice under her helmet. But it was his question that warranted a response—one with very little thought needed. "I, too, hope for nothing more than our safety, and that we all return unscathed," she answered in agreement with Alyndra. "To be frank, the world above is much more preferable than the Dungeon. And I believe nothing is more priceless than our well-being." Looking to the other elf, Aurevele was surprised to hear this was her first dive, for she was handling herself remarkably well.

Regardless, a sense of professionalism overpowered admiration. As the more experienced diver, Aurevele was obliged to keep her assured. "As for me, I have been on countless expeditions." She walked beside Alyndra, proudly putting a fist over her breastplate. "I promise, I will not let there be a singular scratch on you."

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Nifty Nifty
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia

As the Delvers walked, with Verne assuming a spot at the front, the Dungeon's winding stone hall unfurled before them. He held his map near in front of his eyes, causing more than a few trips and stumbles here and there, occasionally calling out when the path forked which way to tread.

As the group followed Verne through those labyrinthine corridors, the dim light of the ever-burning lanterns cast their flickering shadows against the cold, damp stone walls. The dungeon's winding hallways seemed to stretch on endlessly, each twist and turn blurring into the next. Verne, with his map still held precariously close to his face, squinted at the faded lines and symbols, trying to decipher the ancient markings that guided their way. Every few steps he would stumble over an unseen crack in the stone floor or nearly collide with a jutting wall.

"Left!" Verne would occasionally call out, his voice tinged with uncertainty, only to quickly correct himself. "No, wait—right! Definitely right."

They passed by crumbling ruins, remnants of a civilization long since vanished. Massive stone arches, once grand and imposing, now stood fractured and leaning, their carvings eroded beyond recognition. Empty alcoves lined the walls, perhaps once housing statues or treasures, now empty and forgotten. The eerie silence weighed heavy, broken only by the occasional drip of water from the ceiling and the soft crackling of the wall lanterns that lit their way.

Each corridor, each room they passed through, looked much like the last—a monotonous parade of dark stone and desolation. The sense of isolation deepened with every step, as if they were the last people left in a world abandoned by time itself.

Verne led them down a narrow, twisting path that opened into yet another unremarkable corridor. The walls here were covered in thick layers of moss and lichen, giving off a faint, musty smell. The lanterns here casting a dull, greenish light. Verne, his thin frame hunched over the map, suddenly stopped, almost causing those behind him to bump into his back.

"Here!" he exclaimed, his voice high-pitched with excitement, startling the others from their dreary thoughts. "We've arrived!"

It looked exactly like every other landing they had passed through—plain, featureless stone walls, a few old sconces holding burning lanterns, and the same stale air hanging thick around them. There was no grand door, no ancient relic, nothing to mark this place as significant in any way.

"Eh, Verne?" Boris spoke up, scratching his fuzzy chops as he peered around at the nothingness that surrounded them. "Yer certain this be the place?"

Verne's eyes sparkled behind his spectacles as he turned to face the group, a wide grin stretching across his face. "Oh, I’m certain," he replied, nodding vigorously. He pointed at a spot on the map, then gestured excitedly to the floor beneath their feet. "This is the spot. It may not look like much, but this is where the real journey begins!"

Verne, unfazed by any doubts that may be making their way through the minds of the group, knelt down and began tracing his fingers along the grooves in the stone floor. His excitement only grew as he uncovered faint, almost invisible markings etched into the ground, spiraling outwards in a complex pattern.

"This," Verne continued, his voice brimming with enthusiasm, "is the entrance to a hidden—and, heretofore undiscovered—passageway. The map speaks of an ancient mechanism, one that can only be activated by those who know where to look. We’re standing on the threshold of a lost world, and this—" he tapped the stone with reverence "—is the key to unlocking it.

I'll just need to..." He trailed off, suddenly lost in thought as he felt along the stone floor with his fingers. He set down his rucksack and peered closely at the faded runes which lined the carved rock.

Expedition #2
Taking the hint that this would not be a short internment, Boris found a comfortable-enough looking slab of stone, that might've once been a column or other such support, and rested his feet. He laid the axe beside him gingerly, then reached into the flap of his jerkin and produced a small block of wood and a whittling knife.

Turning to the others he said, "Suggest you lot get settled in. This's like t' take a bit." The large man said, gesturing to the way Verne was slowly meandering his way across the dusty floor, crawling on all fours like some kind of oversized toddler, muttering softly to himself.

Interactions: IcarusEm IcarusEm Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Nifty Nifty EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia
Aurevele’s reassurance has soothed a part of Alyn. Alyn could only reply with a genuine smile and a quick thank you before continuing their journey. She greatly appreciates the presence of another elf, an armoured one at that; it makes her feel safe and protected. That’s more than Alyn could ever ask for. In return for their protection, Alyn made a silent promise to protect them in her way. While she may lack the muscles, her arcane prowess makes up for it.

As Alyn spends more time between the cold and damp walls of the labyrinth, she carefully assesses her repetitive surroundings. Her eyes soon become bored as they trek forward, and she desperately needs something else to look at.

The elf slowly leaned behind Verne’s umber curls to glimpse his map. The mysterious etchings and symbols remained alien to Alyn. Despite her decades of existence, the imagery the map portrays is a mystery Alyn wearily wants to uncover. As the group followed languidly at every turn, every step and every hesitation, they soon arrived at their destination.

Alyn examined her surroundings with less enthusiasm, and once she had finished, she concluded that there was nothing worth noting. At least, that was until the lean human dropped his knapsack and lowered himself to examine something she was blind to. Boris took it as that as a sign for a small break.

“Alright.” Alyn agreed as she dusted the floor with her handkerchief. After she was satisfied with the lack of dust, she laid the piece of fabric down and sat down. Her legs pressed together neatly, and on her left, the human scholar muttered incoherently as he ardently tried to solve the puzzle.

In an attempt to break the silence, she chirped enthusiastically, “So! How’s everyone feeling so far?”

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura EdwardDewey98 EdwardDewey98 AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi IcarusEm IcarusEm
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The sights of the Dungeon never ceased to intrigue her. Naturally, questions without answers would. It only made sense why fine scholars like Verne risked his life to understand the ruins below... Even if his work was admittedly not the most amusing to watch. Aurevele had no doubt for Verne; if someone like him said there was a secret entrance here with that much confidence, who was she to question him?

The elf gladly took a seat, removing her helmet to take a breath of cold air. She brushed her moist hair out of the way, retrieving a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off her face. After that, she smiled to the blue elf. "I am well, Alyndra, many thanks for asking. There is only the rising heat in this metal, but that is nothing new." There came a point where you simply get used to the stuffiness of the armor, and you get a good sense of when to air out and cool off.

Then came a sudden thought. One that made Aurevele wary of where she sat. She'd heard many tales of this occurring, and the treacherous ventures that followed. "Now that you mention it, I do worry about one thing. What if this 'secret entrance' drops the floor beneath us? Much like a pressure plate trap, plummeting a party to a spiky end?" Realizing the only person who likely knew the answer was finding said switch, she turned her words to Verne. "What exactly is this secret entrance?"

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Nifty Nifty
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia

Verne paused only momentarily from his work. Popping his head up, he pondered the elf's question for but a moment, before answering, "I have no idea!" The prospect seemed to excite him more than anything. And just like that, he was back to exploring, spindly fingers tracing hidden runes along the stone floor. Time passed, albeit slowly, without the sun overhead to count the hours by, and more-or-less uneventfully. Until the faint sound of approaching footsteps echoed from behind.

Verne barely paused to take notice as a small group of Delvers emerged from the shadows of the corridor they had just traveled through. Boris was on his feet, axe in hand. At the end of this small cadre was a tall, thin man wearing dark leather and an even darker countenance.

"Thane? That you? Ya bastard!" Boris bellowed, a wide, mirthful grin breaking across his face as he sheathed his axe and stomped over to meet them.

Two Delvers flanked him—Silvander and Aureliana—having accompanied the more senior adventurer in pursuit of Boris' party..

"Boris," Thane said coolly. The two seemed to be acquainted. They exchanged a brief embrace, Boris clapping Thane on the back. Thane winced, then let his sallow, sunken eyes trace along the gathered parties, as two melded into one. Introductions were in order.

But before the pleasantries could continue, there was a sudden, loud click. Verne, still crouched on all fours, froze. His eyes wide as saucers as the stone beneath him shifted slightly. His fingers pressing upon a final, elusive groove in the archaic mechanism.

With a low rumble, the floor trembled, and the stone ahead of Verne slowly slid aside, revealing an open, yawning cavern. A cold gust of stale wind rushed up from the darkness, sending the flames of the wall lanterns flickering wildly. This passage had likely been sealed for an age and more.

"I did it! By the gods, I did it!" Verne exclaimed, scrabbling to his feet. "It's real! Before my very eyes!" He gazed into the blackness of the newly opened cavern with glee, the light from the lanterns casting shadows over his waifish frame.

He turned to face them, his co-adventurers. His co-discoverers, his face beaming brighter than the torches. "This is it, my good friends! Imagine what incredible learnings await us through th—"

His words were cut short.

With a sickening thunk, a massive axe cleaved through the air, burying itself deep into Verne's torso, splitting him like a log from shoulder to navel. A single, wet gasp escaped Verne's lips as his eyes went distant. Blood sprayed across the cold stone.

For a heartbeat, time seemed to stop...

Expedition #2
Then Boris wrenched the axe free, the blade sliding from flesh and bone with a wet squelch. The frail scholar collapsed to the floor, his limp form crumpling into the dust, lifeless eyes staring up sightlessly at the ceiling in frozen disbelief.

Boris planted his axe into the stone floor with a thud, the blood still dripping from his axe pooling around the scholar’s fragile form. Boris looked down at Verne. He gave a small shake of his head, as if scolding a child for breaking a toy. "Poor lad," he said, as though he had not just done what he'd done. "Didn't have the heart for it, aye?" He gave Thane a knowing look.

Thane for his part remained silent, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword, watching the room carefully. His sunken eyes revealed nothing, but there was a slight twitch of his lips that betrayed his approval.

"It’s a damn shame, really," Boris continued. Resting his wrists on the pommel of his axe, he turned to face those who remained. "I liked th' lad. Truly, I did. He had a good mind on him—bright, full of ideas." He sighed dramatically, shaking his head again. "But ideas don’t keep you alive down here, do they? Nope, not in the Dungeon. It’s the strong who survive. The clever. The ones who know how to seize opportunity when it comes knockin’."

He turned halfway to gaze at the open door. Eyes gleaming with avarice.

"I mean. Look at this!" he said, his tone brightening as if they were all still just a group of friends sharing in a great discovery. "Say this level's s'posed to be picked clean, yet lookie here. Unexplored. Untouched. Gods only know what sort of thing a man might find down there. Things 'at might make a man rich, aye? But..." His jovial smile faded, replaced by a cold, calculating gleam in his eye. "I can tell, jus' by the look a' ya'. You lot're like to run 'n tell the Guild what happened to poor Verne down here in this dark. Can't have that, now, can we?"

He exchanged another glance with Thane, who nodded. The pair of them began to move in concert. "Besides," he said, "gold splits better two way 'n ten."

He hefted his axe. Thane drew his sword. There was seldom time to think. "It's nothin' personal, mind. Just business."

Dungeon Encounter
Roll Initiative​
(Boris) Roll 1d20 = 19
(Thane) Roll 1d20 = 6

Two veteran Delvers ready themselves for combat. Boris hefts his large, double-bladed axe, while Thane draws a shortsword from a scabbard at his hip.

All player characters will roll a 1d20 to determine initiative. Highest roll will determine which gets to attack first

Interactions: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Beann Beann TreasureSniper TreasureSniper

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia

Dungeon Encounter
Attack Roll​
(Boris) Roll 1d20 = 19

Boris won initiative, and launches a wide, sweeping attack against the group of novice Delvers arrayed before him!

Boris took a thunderous step forward, his massive boots cracking the stone beneath him as he hefted the axe with both hands. With a roar of savage glee, he swung the weapon in a deadly arc, the heavy blade whistling through the air with terrifying speed. The force of the swing unleashed a shockwave, a roaring gust of wind that howled like a storm through the chamber, tearing across the empty space like an enraged bull. The gale buffeted everything in its path—torches sputtered, cloaks whipped violently, and the ground itself seemed to tremble beneath the sheer power of the strike. Several of the Delvers were sent reeling, knocking their heads against the stone walls and pillars.

Interactions: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Beann Beann TreasureSniper TreasureSniper

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia

People all around him have always said the same thing to him. No matter how many bandits he catches or puts down, the only real way to do any good is to become part of something bigger and greater. All the heroes he had looked up to as a child (yes even Ryker) were part of a group, a warband, a party. And based on his father's recommendations, guilds were a goodplace to start.

However, when you have a title like "Bandit-Slayer" finding individuals willing to party with you can be a bit difficult. Then again it was only his first day, so he wasn't exactly expecting the warmest of welcomes. That was until this mysterious guild member came along, simply introducing himself as Thane. This veteran guild member quickly recognized that Silvander was still very much new to this guild business and offered to take him on an easy mission. Silvander was told that it was customary for newer guild members to be accompanied by more senior members in their first mission, regardless of their difficulty. Upon hearing about the quest itself, Silvander wasn't too interested in the job, but all the same, he understood that not all jobs had to be exciting. While hesitant at first, and a bit suspicious about the amount of parties needed for a simple low-level dungeon, he accepted.

The walk to the dungeon was as mundane as it gets, with Silvander donning his signature mask, and giving the other green guild member, Aureliana, the standard short and discreet answer. The most important thing right now was finishing this mission, no matter how trivial it seemed. Afterall, how would be trusted to do bigger jobs if he messed up the smaller ones.

Eventually, they would meet another party, alongside a very enthusiastic map maker. Silvander didn't like him, it reminded him of an old friend he had back in the village. So full of energy and wanderlust. While such feelings were perfect for a fairy tale book, the same feelings are more than likely to get you in trouble in a world like this. But even so, he couldn't help but admire that the boy had something he cherished so much. Behind his intimidating masked visage, a brief smile formed. The other seemed like a colorful bunch, all with their own quirks and eccentricities no doubt. Perhaps this was the start of his real adventure just like the books he had read back home. Unfortunately for him, this brief moment of melancholy was interrupted by the all to familiar sound of the bisection of a human.

Upon seeing the boy being split in half, Silvander, unholstered his axes, surveying the area for any threats and dangers. Were being ambushed by something? Was it a booby trap? A supernatural monster perhaps? But reality is much more cruel than that. The man named "Boris", the veteran delver who was entrusted to carry out this mission was the culprit.

At that moment, whatever words the burly man spoke fell on deaf ears. While he was uncertain of the allegiances of the other members what he could immediately see was Boris and Thane were the enemy. Seeing Boris winding up his axe, Silvander activated his collapsible shield, bracing himself for the eventual strike. The wind gale would push Silvander a few steps back, forcing him slam one of his axes onto the around to prevent him from going further back.

"Gold is worthless to dead men."

As the wind gale died down, Silvander would perform a chain strike on the ground right in front of Boris, kicking up significant dust and broken stone toward his eyes. Under the cover of the dust, Silvander closed the distance, pulling back the chain and swinging it towards Boris' leg, hoping to break his enemy's stance while also pulling himself towards the adversary. With the chain in hand, he pulled himself towards the large man, retracting his shield back into its compact gauntlet form to deliver a meaty strike to Boris' face. Silvander finishes off this attack by opening his shield once more, to deliver a backhanded shieldbash to the opponent's cranium.

"You're just another bandit."

Interactions: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Beann Beann Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
The Roads Below, Dungeons under Caedia

Her first delve — the first of many if she was serious about making a name for herself. Her mismatched eyes twinkled with excitement and she wore a pleasant smile while she strode quietly behind their group leader, Thane. The details of their expedition didn't sound very promising to most, escorting a scholar to confirm ancient maps in the most common areas. Aureliana, however, felt a burning sensation deep within her chest. It was like a candle flame, growing in intensity the further they walked. A sign from the primordial god, Ifri, perhaps?

She kept most of her excitement to herself though and instead tossed a glance at the other new delver, Silvander, curious to know his stance on their first expedition. The usual pleasantries would have to wait though as it didn't take long for Thane to lead them to the other group of delvers they were tasked to meet up with. Aureliana looked over the other group while Thane rekindled some lost time with Boris. She wasn't necessarily sizing them up but analyzing them in a way to see if they were worth any value. A few, maybe.

Her eyes fell upon who she could only assume was the scholar of the expedition. Wide-eyed with excitement – she could see it – an insatiable flame within the delicate man for discovery and hidden knowledge. Her smile widened, sharing this joyous discovery with him despite only arriving minutes ago.

Both of their smiles did not last long, however, as Boris easily snuffed out the young flame without a hint of guilt. Aureliana ignored most of Boris’ monologue, her gaze locked onto the now still scholar on the ground. She was not bothered by the outward display of betrayal but it pained her to see someone with such a bright flame be extinguished. When there was no fire left in Verne’s eyes, she finally turned her attention back to Boris, barely catching the tail end of his explanation for betrayal. “You too, Thane?” Aureliana feigned disappointment with a sigh, taking a step backwards from the close-ranged fighters.

The gust of wind delivered by Boris was surprisingly powerful, pushing the cleric back until a pillar caught her. She let out a disgruntled groan, extending her hand out to the betrayer with the intention of incinerating him. However, Silvander was a bit more enthusiastic to put an end to his treachery so she shifted her attention to their briefly appointed leader, Thane. “Come now, Thane. I thought you had a good head on your shoulders! You can count, right?” She didn't need to gesture to the rest of the delvers to prove how badly the two men were outnumbered. Confidence was one thing but that was not what they exuded in her eyes.

Her palm began to glow a bright orange, the vibrant light spreading outwards to her fingertips until a spark was lit. Flames warped and circled around itself before shooting out towards Thane in the form of a fiery orb.

Interactions: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean TreasureSniper TreasureSniper Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

Code by Serobliss
Expedition #2
Aurevele donned her helmet as a new passageway opened. Thankfully, the floor didn't open beneath them. And Verne's wish had manifested itself into reality... She was in awe. News of brand new openings in the dungeons was rare; and to think she got to witness this discovery in person! There was also another party that happened to link up with them. Boris recognized one of them: Thane. The elf smiled to herself. More adventurers in the party meant a better chance of making it out.

"Verne, you genius!" she shouted in excitement. "So where do we—?"

A momentous occasion, literally cut short by a hefty axe.

Nobody could tell her face behind the helmet. Aurevele stood there, head turned to the brutal end that met such a passionate boy. But as Boris swung first, the powerful torrents of wind from his weapon met a great resistance. Where she stood, a transient sphere of yellow surrounded Aurevele, keeping her in place.

The bubble dissipated.

Aurevele raised her sword. It glowed a magnificent light akin to the sun. It reflected off her armor, tinting it golden. The blade grew in size, emitting a faint sizzle. She spun the blade in her hand, leaving trails of light, expertly ending with the handle in both of her palms. "How could you?!" she screamed. With Thane being bombarded by fire magic, her attention turned to Boris, who was currently assailed by the other of the recent adventurers. "Verne trusted you! Paid you! How could you value material worth over life?!"

She approached from the side opposite to Silvander, going for a wide swing at Boris' hip.

The sword basked Silvander in its light.
Allies fighting around Aurevele will at one point be shined in the light of her abilities. When this happens, they are buffed for 10 minutes after being shined on. Pain from received attacks is lessened, and bleeding is quickly cauterized. Wounds will glow golden and heal within three to five minutes. Massive wounds won't fully heal through this, but pain and chance of death is significantly lowered until the effect ends.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Beann Beann TreasureSniper TreasureSniper
Code by Serobliss

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