One Thousand Club
Welcome Crawler to Dungeon Core Earth. Please fill out these waivers stating that any bodily injuries you may have including but not limited to loss of limbs and death will not be liable to Bith Corperation. You can't sue us.
Apperance either describe or image
Original Race (Human/animal)
New race (will not come into affect until floor 3) (decision can change)
Class( will not come into affect until floor 3) (not just typical D&D classes but anything you can think) (decision can change)
Stats ( you will start with 25 points to put in whichever slot you want. At the third floor you will gain more)
3 is low average, 4 is exactly average, 6-8 is well above average, 9-10 is excellent. 10 is the highest stat a human can naturally have
Strength (how strong you are)
Intelligence ( how much magic you can preform at one time/it's cool down)
Dexterity (how agile you are)
Constitution (how much damage you take. Resistance to poison)
Charm ( affect you have on NPCs.)
Name James Murphy
Age 30
Apperance short blonde hair and green eyes, stands at six one, looks plain, lean with some muscles, has a scar from his hair line going down through his left eye down to his shoulder.
Original Race Human
New race TBD
Class: Mad Scientist
Strength 3
Intelligence 7
Dexterity 5
Con 8
Charm 2
James grew up in a small town in Montna. From a young age he like two things. Creating contractions to help people out as well as blowing stuff up. When he was 18 he joined he joined the US army as a combat engineer becoming a Sapper. He would leave the military at 28 getting a job as a chemistry teacher shortly after.
Needing companionship he adopted a Jackweiler (Jack Russle/ Rottweiler mix) named Sphinx.
One late night while taking Sphinx for a walk all hell broke loose as buildings broke apart all around him. He saw other people out and about looking just as puzzled as him. A voice in his head told him he could go on living or join the dungeon for a chance to make things right. Looking down at Sphinx the two of them walked towards a dungeon entrance.
Apperance either describe or image
Original Race (Human/animal)
New race (will not come into affect until floor 3) (decision can change)
Class( will not come into affect until floor 3) (not just typical D&D classes but anything you can think) (decision can change)
Stats ( you will start with 25 points to put in whichever slot you want. At the third floor you will gain more)
3 is low average, 4 is exactly average, 6-8 is well above average, 9-10 is excellent. 10 is the highest stat a human can naturally have
Strength (how strong you are)
Intelligence ( how much magic you can preform at one time/it's cool down)
Dexterity (how agile you are)
Constitution (how much damage you take. Resistance to poison)
Charm ( affect you have on NPCs.)
Name James Murphy
Age 30
Apperance short blonde hair and green eyes, stands at six one, looks plain, lean with some muscles, has a scar from his hair line going down through his left eye down to his shoulder.
Original Race Human
New race TBD
Class: Mad Scientist
Strength 3
Intelligence 7
Dexterity 5
Con 8
Charm 2
James grew up in a small town in Montna. From a young age he like two things. Creating contractions to help people out as well as blowing stuff up. When he was 18 he joined he joined the US army as a combat engineer becoming a Sapper. He would leave the military at 28 getting a job as a chemistry teacher shortly after.
Needing companionship he adopted a Jackweiler (Jack Russle/ Rottweiler mix) named Sphinx.
One late night while taking Sphinx for a walk all hell broke loose as buildings broke apart all around him. He saw other people out and about looking just as puzzled as him. A voice in his head told him he could go on living or join the dungeon for a chance to make things right. Looking down at Sphinx the two of them walked towards a dungeon entrance.
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