[Dude, Where's My Daiklave] On the Wagon


Luna's Concubine
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With a nimble leap, Alexander crosses the room and manages to sweep up his daiklaves, so you are now armed as you face off against the two men, but you are still not in your armor.

The first man shouts something in Old Realm as he raises up his club and swings at your head for a total of 3 successes against your DV.

The second man, seeing that you are now carrying the sword, makes a dive for his Essence lance.

Order of Battle

0 - [Man 1]

1 -

2 - [Man 2]

3 - Alex <====

4 -

5 - Man 1, Man 2

6 -

*He ducks under the Club, and makes a bluring motion- a full flurry from his blades, at the man who dared swing for a Champion of the Unconquered Sun!*




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With the speed of a striking viper, Alex lashes out with his dual blades, cutting deep into the armored hide of the soldier.

Attack 1 hits with 3 successes

Attack 2 hits with 5 successes

Attack 3 hits with 8 successes

Attack 4 hits with 2 successes

His Soak is 6L, so you take your Successes, add your Strength and your weapon Damage, subtract the 6L, and the remaining dice is what you roll. If you manage to hit but your target has a massive soak, you will always have at least 1 die to roll for your Damage.

Order of Battle

0 - [Man 1]

1 -

2 - [Man 2]

3 - [Alex]

4 -

5 - Man 1, Man 2

6 -

7 -

8 - Alex
*Alexander Grins, as his weapons bite in, and I roll for their Damage!*




Man 1 lets out a cry as the daiklaves slice into him over and over, and in a spray of blood, he falls to the ground, bleeding heavily.

The second man spins away from you and levels his Essence weapon at you, and with scared look on his face, he fires a blast at you.

EDIT: 6 successes against your DV

5 - [Man 1 - incapacitated], [Man 2]

6 -

7 -

8 - Alex <=====

9 -

10 - Man 2

11 -

12 -

*Anderson grins, his teeth large, and white- as he launches the man's freinds body, on his blades, at him- like a meat-shield, so to speak- hoping that if nothing else the blood of his body will throw him off- the reaper daiklaives lifting him up- scooping him up, one on the front, the other on the back- slicing him into thirds, as he lifts the parts, and tosses them into the way*
While you were not quite able to slice the man into thirds, you do launch the body into the line of fire between you and the guy with the Essence weapon and it detonates before it hits you.

From farther forward, you can hear the sounds of shouting as people respond to the sounds of the screams and fighting in your room.

8 - Alex <=====

9 -

10 - Man 2

11 -

12 -
*He crosses his blades, grinning, as sparks almost fly, and he brings them out- charging the man with the essence lance, swinging at him, his blades wide- his grin macabre, and stretched- a religous joy, in the act of kiling expressed on this Exalt's face*




The man is barely able to move his Lance between the two of you and block the first hit

Second hit tags him with 1 success

Third hit gets him with 2 successes

Fourth hit gets through with 5 successes

Just as you are carving into the second man, the door to the front of the metal vehicle is yanked open, and you can see several more soldiers ready to come to the aid of their comrade. But, before they can, a loud explosion rocks the wagon, making the reinforcements stumble as they try to race in.

Make a Dexterity + Athletics roll with your damage to keep your footing.

8 - Alex <=====

9 -

10 - Man 2

11 -

12 -

13 - Alex

14 -

15 - Man 3, Man 4, Man 5
*ANderson growls, trying to keep his footing, as he hacks into him*




Despite the pitching of the wagon and the growing pools of blood, you are able to keep your footing even as you dispatch the second man with his Essence weapon. The three men do not do as well, making them delay their efforts to attack you, giving you the opportunity to take out another one before they can act.

13 - Alex <====

14 -

15 - Man 3, Man 4, Man 5
*He leaps to them- making four blows on each of them- to the man on the left of where he rolls to, he makes a flurry of strikes- artery, neck, heart, stomach- and repeats for the other man, as best he can given conditions*








Hit 1 on Man 3 scores 5 successes

Hit 2 on Man 3 scores 3 successes

Hit 1 on Man 4 is blocked by his own sword

Hit 2 on Man 4 slides past his defenses with 1 success

13 - [Alex]

14 -

15 - Man 3, Man 4, Man 5

16 -

17 -

18 - Alex
*He digs the blades in, brutaly, the blood that flies seeming to make him /grin/*



Man 3 drops his sword in an attempt to hold in his vital organs as his two comrades both rush you.

Man 4 is barely able to wield his sword, and he fumbles about, getting in the way of his friend.

Man 5 swings, but is just a hair short of actually connecting with you

13 - [Alex]

14 -

15 - [Man 3 (badly injured)], [Man 4 (injured)] , [Man 5]

16 -

17 -

18 - Alex <====

19 -

20 - Man 3 (injured), Man 4 (injured), Man 5


*He extracts his blades from the other two- swinging for the two charging him- blades blurring, as he burns essence*

*Penny Blossom Attack- Burning Ten Motes- One Weapon Two Blows, Burning One Mote- All Periphereal*








Under the Essence fueled force of your weapons, the two men don't stand a chance, and are easily butchered, leaving Man 3 as the sole survivor, but he is badly injured and unarmed, backing away from you with horror in his eyes. He tries to talk, and blood comes out of his mouth as he coughs. It is likely that he will die without medical attention.

Outside the wagon, another blast can be heard, rocking the vehicle from side to side.

Even as this all happens, two of your fellow prisoners run forward and liberate the swords from the fallen men.

You now have the chance to quickly armor up, or you can race forward and see what is attacking the vehicle.
*As my Anima flares out to a bonfire, I dash to my armor, wiping the blood of my blades from their bodies, as my caste ability takes hold, and I fade into a formless shadow- which I then promptly release, opting to instead bask in my celestial glory, in the midst of the burning glory- and begin putting on the breasplate, looking to my fellow prisoners* "Arm yourselves, and be ready to leave this Wagon- it's under attack." *As I strap on the Reinforced breastplate, and place on my Hearthstone Bracers- hopefully, hearthstone still attached onto them? and my Sky Cleavvers- which have straps in the leather part of the Breasplate*

As you put your armor on, you can see that all of your equipment is there in the box. While you gear up, four of the prisoners, two men and two women, run forward and grab up the cudgels and swords from the fallen guards and take up positions on either side of the door. After the second explosion farther forward, you can hear the sound of some kind of engine above you, and that is followed by the sound of two somethings dropping down and landing on the roof of the metal cylinder you are in.
*Alexander frowns* This Wagon is being Boarded... We're not alone- hopefully, whoever it is is hostile to our Captor's, ehhh? *He then yells* OY! PRISONERS IN HERE< HELP!
Taking careful aim with his Daiklave, Misuro slashes apart any locks that might be in place before descending within, looking for the source of the voice. "Oy! Rescuers over here!." He shouted back by way of response.
The blade cuts through the lightweight metal of the shell with ease. As you drop through the hatch, you are confronted by a small group of people, three men and two women. The first four are wearing lightweight clothes that mark them as typical Southerners, two armed with cudgels and the other two are armed with swords. They are very scared, and are huddling close together, and any sudden move on your part may result in them lashing out in fear.

The fifth person is finishing up slipping into armor, and is picking up a set of paired daiklaves and is showing a faint Caste mark.

Behind the five people are several bodies lying on the floor, all wearing the same kind of synthetic armor that you ran into inside the alien skiff. Blood is spreading across the floor, and more can be seen on the blades of the Solar.
Yuumaru Mori

"You take care of the prisoners, I'm going to see who's driving this thing," he said, starting to head into the direction of the front section. With his sword already drawn, he headed in the direction of the front car, wanting to see if there were more like their friend on the airship. Maybe he would be able to take control of it.
*Alexander chuckles* "I already took care of my fellow prisoners, and our Jailers- I'd like to come help with whoever thought it'd be a smart idea to imprison a champion of the Unconquered Sun. *His tone is soft, and melodic- and calm. He is smiling almost paternaly*
Misuro raised an eyebrow at the new Solar. Man, we really are just popping up all over the place these days. He thought to himself. "Sure, give us a bit to check out the train, we're in the middle of searching for something." He motioned towards the Skyship cursing alongside the train. "If you want, you can hitch a ride with us. Just tell them that Misuro and Yuumaru said you were clear.

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