Story DuckTales: Mays Nightmare

Catro the Writer

Sorin High Baby!
“Do you hear that?” Daisy asked, sitting straight up in bed. The low red dim light of the alarm clock on her side of the bed read 2:22, meaning that it was still early, too early for the girls to be up. But pulling her out of a dead sleep Daisy heard a whimpering from the neighboring room. “Donald.” She whispered, reaching over and tried shaking her boyfriend awake. But the duck continued to snore, even shaking his shoulder to shake Daisy’s arms off, making the designer roll her eyes as she threw the covers off herself. Slipping her flippers into her pair of fuzzy pink slippers. “Fine, I’ll check. But if it's a sea monster or something I’m marching back in here, picking you up, and feeding you to it first.” She mumbled. Though she already knew what it was. It had been the same noise that had woken her up for the past week.

As she turned her phone's flashlight on Daisy quietly went across the room, gently stepping over Donald's shoes, and nicknacks that had fallen off the dressers as the ship swayed in the night, she went to the door, slipping out the door into the dark hallway. Where the high-pitched mm-mm-mm could be heard from the room right across from her and Donald’s room. She didn’t even bother knocking on the door as she gently opened the door. “May?” She asked, flipping the light switch to the little girl's room. Immediately revealing the girl's bright yellow room. The walls, carpet, ceiling, all of it was yellow since it was the girl's favorite color, though the walls did have orange stripes on it too.

At the far side of the room, a lump sat on a twin-sized bed, hiding underneath a blanket that looked like the beach with pale yellow sand, starfish and clams, and water designed on it. Surrounding the bed was an army of stuffed animals; some different colored starfish, an orange and white cat, a pink jellyfish and blue stripes, and even a large inflatable palm tree that the girl slept with. She must’ve thrown them all off of her bed, whether while she slept or when she woke up.

Brushing past all of the stuffed animals as if they were the worst guards ever Daisy sat on the bed, “May are you-?” Daisy started to ask but was cut off as the little girl tackled Daisy in a hug. May was shaking as she buried her face into the adult duck, tears immediately soaking her nightgown. “Another nightmare?” Daisy asked, getting a head nod from the girl. “Do you want to talk about it?” She asked, getting a head shake no. “Want me to stay here?” She asked getting a final head nod. Which Daisy gave a sympathetic smile and a sigh as she stayed there, gently pulling the blanket off the girl's head, her hair a mess from bedhead and without her normal yellow ribbon to keep in place, and gently petted her head. A few minutes went by before the girls shaking started to calm down and the whimpering and crying turned into sniffles.

“I-I-I….I’m sorry.” May said finally unburying her face from Daisy, trying to clear her face with her sleeve, but Daisy quickly pulled her arm down and reached over to grab a tissue from the box on the girl's nightstand that they had put there a few days ago when the girl started having these nightmares. She used it to clear the girl's eyes and pinched the girl's nose and had her blow.

“You don’t need to apologize, May,” Daisy said softly to the girl, giving her a soft smile, “Are you feeling better now?” She asked the girl, who took a couple of seconds as if she was pondering the question before slowly nodding her head. “You know what would make you feel even better?” She asked May.

“Talking about it.” She muttered looking down, which was the answer Daisy wanted but knew that it wouldn’t happen. Both she and Donald tried to see if the girl wanted to talk about it, but she always closed up. She would look down and just stop talking until they left.

“No not at 2:30 in the morning.” Daisy said with a giggle, “Cookies and milk.” She said the soft grin turning mischievous as the 10-year-old looked up, a spark of excitement in her eyes. “Wanna go get some?” She asked, giggling a bit as May nodded her head rapidly. “Right answer!” She cheered standing up, putting her arm under the girl’s bottom, lifting her up, and carrying her out of the room. May may have been a bit older, and big, to be carried around, but Daisy knew about May and her sister’s past, which wasn’t a lot, they didn’t have parents to take care of them. So she didn’t mind a bit of babying from time to time, and if May had a problem she didn’t show it as she wrapped her arms around the duck’s neck and rested her head against Daisy’s neck.

Taking the girl out of her room, and leaving the light on so they would have some light to see down the hall, they traveled to the kitchen where Daisy turned the light on. The tiny kitchen wasn’t much to see, with a sink, countertop, some cabinets, an old stove/oven, and a fridge. But it had everything the four travelers needed. She sat May on the countertop, the girl hugging her arms pulling on the sleeves of her yellow footie tightly, the orange sun on the belly of the footie slightly peeking out above her arms.

Getting two plastic cups and a pack of store-bought cookies out of the cabinet, Daisy poured them both a cup of milk and opened the cookies. Taking a cookie she dipped it in her milk, holding it there for a few seconds before pulling it back out and popping it into her mouth. May took a different approach to how she ate her cookies though, twisting the top of the black cookie and liking the white frosting that was in between the two bits, and then ate the creamless cookie bits then took a sip of milk.

The two ate cookies in complete silence, other than the sound of the cookie package rustling and the sound of the waves crashing, not talking for a couple of minutes before May spoke up.

“I wish she would’ve done this with me.” She said, looking down again as she clung to the legs of her footie noe, tears filling her eyes. “I… I… I… wish she…. She was h-here…” She said sniffling.

“Oh, honey,” Daisy said, pushing the cookies aside and wrapping an arm around the girl, giving her a sideways hug. “Are you talking about your mom?” She asked, figuring that's what the girl was talking about. Which was confirmed when May nodded her head up and down.

“I don’t understand.” She said, tears starting to fall down her face once more, “When s-she died… She didn’t look scared, I don’t think she even thought of me or June. She looked happy, she h-had a s-smile on her face!” She said, turning a burying her face into Daisy, leaving the designer with her mouth open. She didn’t know that the two had watched their mom die.

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