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Realistic or Modern Dublin, 1919.


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
All characters and players involved are to be 21+. No exceptions.
Hi! I'm Archy, I'm a 21 year old woman from Eastern Europe. I'm searching for a semi-lit RP partner to do a historical romance set in the Irish War of Independence. Here are my writing preferences:

✍️ I write solely in third person past tense. I generally average at 3 paragraphs per reply (each paragraph being 4-5 lines) but it can be as low as 2 and as high as 7, depending on my motivation.
✍️I am not looking for smut.
✍️I write both FxM/MxF and FxF, that said this plot is FxM. No preference as to the IRL gender of my partner, this is solely about character gender.
✍️I quite like OOC chatting! It helps me maintain a vibe with the roleplay.
✍️I am looking for a partner who can give daily or semi-daily responses.
✍️I do historical settings, especially with romance and adventure elements.

And now, time for the actual plot itself:

The plot is a romance between two people who would ordinarily seem diametrically opposed, set during the Irish War of Independence. My character - Rosabella Helen Tannenbay - is a noblewoman of proud Anglo-Irish pedigree, with a father who is a British Army officer and untold riches. And yet - she is an Irish nationalist, finding common cause with Catholic and gasp socialist rebels against continued British rule. Being somewhat involved with the IRA (I figure as a courier or spy of some sort, instead of a field soldier), she will, eventually, form a friendship with your character - an IRA member - said friendship blossoming into romance.

You may have noticed that the plot description is rather short. That is because I like to craft plots together with my RP partners, instead of dictating one to them. Other than this outline of the plot, I am more than happy to hear your suggestions about what to do in this plot and how to implement any scenes or subplots you want! I should however mention that I'd prefer my partner in this plot to have at least a mediocre grasp of the setting - I'm no expert on the Irish War of Independence myself, but I'd really rather not have to explain who the Blacks and Tans were or so on.

Once more, feel free to message me if interested!

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