Drunken Fist Form


Hit Me!
Cost: 6 m

Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3

Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -2)

Duration: One Scene

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious

Prerequisites: Inebriating Stance

Follow-ups: Bending the Body, Venomous Breath Technique

The martial artist take the stance of a drunk. She moves as if she became slower and completely clumsy, but in reality the Exalted becomes faster and her body moves with a chaotic supernatural flexibility. As if she was drunk, the Exalted has a higher pain tolerance.

For the duration of the Charm, all wound penalties are halved (rounded down). The martial artist receives a bonus equal to her Martial Arts rating in all her Athletic rolls, increasing her movement and jump distances. This bonus does not count towards Excellencies dice limit. Additionally, this Charm eliminates all penalties for fighting while prone.

For each dose of alcohol the Exalted takes while the form is active, she will get 1 additional point of bashing and lethal soak and she won’t suffer any intoxication from alcohol. Any penalties from fighting while drunk will not apply while the form is active.

At the end of the Charm, the martial artist must roll Stamina + Resistance with a difficulty equal to half the doses taken while in the form (rounded up). If successful, the Exalted will get sober, otherwise she will instantly fall asleep for a number of hours equal to the number of successes needed to pass the test.

Taking a dose is a reflexive action and can be done once per combat action.

Style: Drunken Fist
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