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Realistic or Modern dreams do come true [interest check]


queen of bright-moon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
it's essentially everyone's dream to be famous. big or small, everyone has that desire to be known by the public and loved by many. and while you haven't made it as big as a movie star, you've made it big as a content creator online. broadening your horizons over multiple social media platforms, you've developed quite the following. but don't worry, you're not alone! you are a member of a six-person close friend group who are all moving in together in los angeles, california! you all work together, support each other, and of course make memories together. but with six people living in the same house, there's bound to be drama of some sort. will your friendship last? you've been doing well keeping up your own image with the stress of the internet, but what about when you live with five other people? can you keep up?

hello! if you're interested, let me give you a little rundown on the thread! this is a simple slice-of-life thread revolving around six content creator roommates and best friends. as expected of every job in the public eye, there are ups, downs, rumors, and times where it's all worth it. i currently have no generic "cliche plot twist" in mind, which is why this is just a slice of life thread. along the way, we will be plotting out events and things to carry the thread onwards ((:

some basic guidelines:
- if you're interested in a role/participating in this rp, you must have discord. it's where all the plotting will happen & it's the easiest way to communicate!
- rpers must be 18+ due to mature themes that are bound to arise in the rp
- this is not first come first serve. whoever can make a cs for whichever role they'd like to play, and i will decide who is accepted based on who i think will bring what we're looking for to the rp.
- realistic fcs!

and now, without further ado, the roles !

- probably the most popular member?

- has the biggest youtube following and gets a good amount of viewers during livestreams

- they absolutely deserve all the attention and following they’ve accumulated but nobody really knows how they got their following so quickly, it just,,, happened

- shares a lot of secrets with the social butterfly

- complicated romantic relationship with the editor
- literally everything about their online branding is cute/aesthetically pleasing

- tries very hard to earn followers honestly but many discredit them for gaining followers based off of their looks or friends

- doesn’t do well in very competitive games, but loves relaxing single-player games

- dating the gamer

- closest with the social butterfly
sike this shall be my role
- most definitely the brains of the group

- started out as a paid editor for the viral star but ended up as a really good friend of everyone’s and now joins everyone else for games

- doesn’t necessarily stream, but does have a pretty decent following everywhere else

- complicated romantic relationship with the viral star

- works best with the innovator
- exactly what you expect: they game. professional setup and EVERYTHING

- the best at like, every game the group plays but it considerate enough to let the others have a chance,,, sometimes

- mainly streams and posts small portions of their streams everywhere else

- dating the cutie

- best friends with the viral star, they often work together
- literally everywhere

- always collaborating with other creators and companies

- always invited to promotional events

- they and the cutie are like two peas in a pod

- speculated to have a crush on the innovator
- the creative braincell of the group

- they love to animate, draw, and make intros/outros for their friends

- always thinks outside the box in everything

- very unsure about any romantic feelings towards any roommate

- closest with the editor and the social butterfly

this is just the interest check! if enough people show interest then i'll create a formal cs thread for people to create their characters !
Ooh dang, Looks like someone already has expressed interest in gamer! I can still probably fill one of the other roles though.
Ohhh! Interested in either the cutie or the social butterfly. Do you have a posting requirement?
Ooh dang, Looks like someone already has expressed interest in gamer! I can still probably fill one of the other roles though.
if you’re also interested in the gamer, you could still make a character ! again, this isn’t first come first serve ((:
Ohhh! Interested in either the cutie or the social butterfly. Do you have a posting requirement?
posting requirement as in frequency or length ?
for frequency, i understand that everyone has lives outside of rpn so i definitely don’t expect posts everyday, but maybe once a week or a little less ? i don’t wanna be pushy or annoying, but i do want to know that people haven’t just dropped the thread, ya know ?

and for length, i’d say advanced ? so at least three solid paragraphs per post. sorry i shoulda put that in the guidelines !
🥺 i love each and every one of you guys thanks you sm for showing interest !!

i’ll work on a proper cs thread and have it up later today for sure ((:
just a little bump/reminder in case y'all haven't checked out the cs thread; i will not accept applications after june so if you want to make sure i consider you for a role you'd like, please have your cs up before the end of june !
Is this still open? If so count me in!

Thinking about doing the viral star, I can get the cs up in a couple days~
Great! Is there an 'template' for the cs? Like list of things that need to be included? I'm on mobile rn so if there was one in the cs thread, I missed it
oof there is, but idk how accessible it is on mobile, i'll go make a little mobile friendly thing of the rules + what's needed on the cs !

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