Story Dreamer's Corner! <3

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  • LoveMeBoldly

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  • Pokemon: A New Generation.

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Hello everyone ^.^

So I am an aspiring Novelist! Of course I want my writing style to be the best it can so I've decided to post short plots and an intro to my current works. I'd love your support!

PS. Please don't post on here... Message me if you have anything you'd like to say or have any questions! I love feedback also <3

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Plot: Love Me Boldly

Ari Tamichi has always been the shy kid in class with not much to say. All he dreams of is living a peaceful life with his cat and the friendly old woman next door. Going to an all boy school can be very hard sometimes though, what with Ari having an appearance like a girl. One day there is a transfer student whom says that Ari looks exactly like his dream girl and due to a incident he wants to possess Ari as his own! What's a boy to do when all he wants if a peaceful existence?


Looking back at it, Ari wasn't exactly sure how things worked out the way they did...

He had such a peaceful life before that guy suddenly appeared before him, dragging with him a wild fire that quickly destroyed Ari's quiet existence. He couldn't say that it was a bad thing though, not with how much he had somehow changed Ari. Ari was clearly in a better place with so many wonderful people around him. He wasn't sure what he would be like if that guy hadn't come along.

No. Ari knew exactly where he'd be...

He'd be in the same place he had been since he somehow thought he was happy. He'd be in that quiet and lonely place that he had been saved from by that wild and hot fire...

What was this feeling then? The feeling that hurt his chest so bad he felt like collapsing from the pain. Was this what it felt like to be betrayed by someone important? Ari's eyes stung as he gasped for air, struggling to stand. His eyes watching helplessly as the broad shoulders, the ones he had come to depend on, disappear into the crowd.

How indeed had it come to be like this?

Why did Ari feel like his heart had been ripped so harshly from his chest...?
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Plot: Pokémon- A New Generation

Sheeta Jones has wanted to collect Pokémon since the moment she got her first Pokémon. Now fourteen, Sheeta and her Eevee are setting out on their adventure as they battle Pokémon and trainers alike. Is simply being a collector enough for this duo? Or in she a future Pokémon Master in the making? Please R&R! (Based on 1st generation Pokémon)


The morning was warm, rather sticky in fact, with just a small breeze that swept through every few minutes. It did so in an almost teasing way, deceptively fooling the small town of Pallet into think that perhaps the temperature might cool a bit. It seemed that was not the case though as another drifting wind brushed through the town, ruffling the swaying grasses and tossing a bit of the young girl's hair as she sat resting beneath the large tree.

Her gaze was thoughtful as she stared out at the water before her, clearly her mind was on other issues that she couldn't be bothered by the wind that blew strands of her thick brown hair into her face. Curled in her lap was a small creature, an Eevee, that took that moment to roll lazily onto it's back and slowly yawn as it peeked up at the girls dazed face. Shifting it sat up, an air of annoyance engulfing it's small form as it leapt upward onto the girl's shoulders.

If she had been paying more attention the sharp teeth of the Eevee as if munched down on her ear might not have been so surprising. However, the girl had been very far into her thoughts and the bite did surpise her quite a bit. Enough to make the girl cry out and fling her friends away from her, fearful that it might have been a harmful Pokémon.

"N-nami..." The girl stammered as the cross Pokémon exited the brush she had just been thrown into, "Don't do that to me. You scared me half to death." Tossing her tail in silent success the Eevee, known by the title Nami, leapt back into her trainers' arms and promptly started to clean herself.

This, of course, amused the girl whom then caught Nami in her hands and squished her faced against the warm fur that covered her Pokémon. This type of affection was rather normal between the two, seeing as they had been together since a young age. However, after a minute her arms slacked and the same dazed filled her blue eyes.

Just what was this girl thinking about?

Well, if you knew a little bit more about her, you'd most likely know the answer to that. First and foremost, Sheeta Jones was a Pokémon collector-in-training. Or at least she liked to call herself that. To be completely truthful, Sheeta only had one Pokémon of her very own. If was Nami, the overly spoiled and drastically moody Eevee that Sheeta had been given when she was five. It just happened to be then that her father promised her something very important to our story.

A promise that filled much of Sheeta's conscious mind to this day.

"You have to take good care of this little Pokémon, Sheeta. If you do, then one day Daddy will let you start collecting your own. You can go out and collect as many as you like, you'll be a wonderful Pokémon collector just like you mother!" Or so her father said.

It had been nine long years since her father had told her that, yet here she was. In the same town, in the same house, and with the same people that she had been with since that day when she was five. She was a little more than frustrated at her father. She was fourteen, a good four years over the age that most left to train to be Pokémon masters. What was her father's reasoning behind holding her back such a long while?

Some of her friends that had left were already returning, collections of Pokémon under their belt as the shared adventurous stories with her. What did she have to say in return other then the fact that she was completely jealous of them? Sheeta was jealous. Very jealous. So jealous that the thought of it made her shift about and grumble under her breath, causing Nami to snap an annoyed response as she leapt from Sheeta's lap and glare at her from a safe distance away. Letting out a sigh, Sheeta turned her gaze to her Pokémon and allowed herself to sag sideways so that she lay limp on the grass beside the tree.

"Well, what do you think Nami?" the girl mused as she fiddled with a piece of grass that was in front of her, "It seems like a good day to start out..." The Pokémon's ear twitched slightly, perking up at the words Sheeta mumbled as she followed the movements of her trainer with concerned eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Sheeta slid her head backwards along the ground and looked at Nami for a moment as she tried to read what the Pokémon was saying. Not that she was really able to ever understand, Nami didn't usually give Sheeta much to work with the in ways of communication. The Pokémon was so unresponsive that sometimes Sheeta wondered if she had somehow done something wrong to it. Which couldn't be more false. Sheeta had always cared for the Eevee, ever since the day Nami had been introduce to her owner as just a baby. It wasn't that Nami was unresponsive, it was that she simply had no way of actually communicating what Sheeta didn't already know. In many ways, this trainer and Pokémon were on just about the same wave length.

"I think... we should go talk to dad." Sheeta said slowly which got an approving mew from her friend, "I bet you're getting a bit lonely, aren't you?" Reaching out, Sheeta ran a finger along her Pokémon's head; scratching behind the ear as a gentle purr-like noise emanated from the animal. She chuckled softly as Nami cuddled against her hand, rubbing her fur against her in affection. Sheeta allowed it for a minute or two, petting Nami's head and back as she thought about what to say to her Dad.

Of course the topic of her leave was a bit of a sensitive area when it came to her father. He went so far as to fake a Pokémon emergency down at the lab once to avoid the subject. Her father, for all his brilliance, was probably more childish the she was. He was a professor and scientist down at the lab, he worked under Professor Oak himself. It was a big honor so say that Sheeta was his daughter, most people in Pallet town understood and respected her simply because of her last name. Of course with a famous last name you also got... complications. Ones that Sheeta wasn't too keen on.

Like the fact that everyone expected her to one day become a Professor like her father. Or perhaps the fact that they always brought up the fact that she was fourteen already and hadn't even ventured outside of the boarders of the village. Sheeta knew she was naive! She knew she was missing out and that she could probably be great! She knew it! It wasn't her fault that her father was unapproachable when it came to the fact that she had to leave one day. That she would be leaving, and if Sheeta had anything to do with it. That day would be today.

"Alright, Lets go Nami!" Sheeta fumed as she scrambled to her feet, a new sense of courage radiating off of her, "Today is the day, the day we leave Pallet town and start on our own journey! I mean, it's about time we put our foot down and demand that we go. Right?"

Holding out her arm, she allowed Nami to scramble up onto her shoulder before starting off towards home. Yes, Sheeta was ready. She could feel it. That this hot and sticky day was going to be a better one then she thought it would be. It would be the day that she marched up to her father and demanded he allow her to go. That she wanted to be a Pokémon Collector just like her mother and that he couldn't stop her! Flashing a confident grin, Sheeta reached up and pet the top of Nami's head. A good day was facing them.
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Plot: Ripples (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Fanfiction.)

Hinata Matsuchita was at one point the rising star of her swim club and planned on taking on the world in the future. That is until she nearly drown in the ocean when she was eleven. Now Hinata refuses to go anywhere near a large body of water. When she transfers to Iwatobi High School she planned on forgetting everything... Why is it that things never go as planned? CannonXOC


One: Matsuchati Hinata

"Now, starting today we have a student transferring into the class," The voice of the teacher was false, hiding the tired expression that glared through his eyes as he smiled at the students, "Her name is Matsuchita Hinata. Her father's job got moved from Tokyo so I'm expecting all of you to take good care of her." All eyes shifted, fixing themselves on the girl that stood motionless next to the teacher. She, Matsuchita Hinata, shivered slightly as she processed how to handle this type of situation. Her hand reached up to brush a strand of her black hair behind her ear, out of pure habit, revealing a gentle smile that graced her pale face. This caused the room to stir before she could even get a word out of her mouth. Whispers erupting around the room soon turned to loud chatter as everyone tried to hear what the other was saying. This naturally caused the teacher to get angry as he slammed his hand down on the table in front of him.

"Matsuchati, go sit behind Hazuki Nagisa." He stated sourly as he gestured toward a bundle of students before turning to start his lecture. Not wanting to get the teacher any more angry, Hinata picked up her bag from the ground and looked around for Hazuki Nagisa. She expected the girl would be easy to spot, someone with an empty seat behind them. However, as her eyes searched the crowd of faces she frowned, finding that there were no seats by any of the female students. This caused Hinata to hesitate, her eyes flashing from the students to the teacher as seconds passed. All she saw was one seat, an empty chair placed behind a blond haired boy with a large grin on his face.

"Is something the matter, Matsuchita-san?" The teacher had realized she had failed to find her seat.

"Um... Hazuki-san?" She questioned looking around at the class, "I don't see any seats by girls..." That was when the class started laughing and for reasons that Hinata just didn't understand. Even if she refused to think it was her fault for the unknown joke, she felt her face getting hot as a blush spread across her cheeks. Even the teacher had to hold back a chuckle as the blond haired boy flashed to his feet and raised his hand.

"Matsuchita-kun!" He called causing her to reel in confusion, "I'm Hazuki Nagisa." Hinata had to take another look to make sure he was actually a boy. His blond curls and large eyes working perfectly with that happily-go-lucky smile. He, however, wore the boys' school uniform causing Hinata's face to flush with guilt. She had clearly misunderstood his name and had mistaken it for a girl's name.

"R-right!" She chirped embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I-I didn't know." Hazuki-san, being the good lad that he was, waved it off with a smile and patted the desk behind him. It took several minutes for the class to settle as they snickered about what Hinata had done. She was lucky that Hazuki-san didn't seem to care much as he explained about his name sounding a lot like a girl's name. He said he actually had friends who also shared the same fortune as him, having girly names.

"Well, Haru-chan is a bit hard to get along with but I've known him for a very long time," Hazuki-san rambled as he leaned backward in his chair, "You see, when we were kids we used to swim together on at the local swim club..." Swim? Hinata felt her heart skip a beat as the faint sound of waves filled her ears accompanied by the pressure. Swim... that's right. She needed to swim! S-she was being pulled under by the waves as she kicked wildly, not knowing which way was actually up. Her lungs burned as she struggled, being tossed easily by the recoiling water, but she couldn't get air. If she opened her mouth now she would inhale a lung full of saltwater, even she knew that. She couldn't do it, even she would die like this... even she...

"Matsuchita-kun?" She blinked, her eyes refocusing on the friendly face in front of her, "Are you okay, Matsuchita-kun?" Was she alright? Well the question was a rather silly one but as she looked around and noticed that no one had noticed her breakdown, she nodded. Yes, she was fine. Hinata was perfectly alright since she wasn't in the water. She'd never go in the water again.

Class was longer then it was in Tokyo, or at least it felt that way. Fixing her eyes on the teacher, Hinata forced herself to listen as she pushed the terrifying memories from her mind. She had thought she'd gotten over it, her anxiety. Clearly that was not the case. It seemed like it was no use; even the therapy sessions she had relentlessly gone to had failed in getting her over her fear of water. For two years she had tirelessly gone to them, forced herself to be in situations that scared her, but all she had to show for it was an anxiety so bad that she froze every time she heard something that had to do with water. It was a strange thing though because baths, showers, and other small bodies of water. Well, they were just fine. It was the large ones, such as pools or oceans, that terrified Hinata so much that she started to cry nearly every time. She was lucky that today hadn't been one of those times. She didn't need Hazuki-san fretting over her like she somehow knew he would. No, she just wanted to get on with life.

"Hey! Matsuchita-kun! I have a really great idea," It was Hazuki-san again, "Why don't you come to the swim club with me after class! I can introduce you to Haru-chan, Mak-"

"No!" She had to admit, the way she shouted it was a bit forceful and frightening. Not to mention that it was so loud that it drew the classes attention and caused the teacher to stop talking. Add on the fact that she had also risen to her feet without realizing it and you basically have a situation for a very large misunderstanding. She had only just got here and already her class would think she's strange.

"S-sorry, Hazuki-san." She muttered as she fell into her seat, ignoring the teacher's questioning gaze. Even the happy Hazuki-san didn't talk to her after that, which only added to the pit in her stomach. All she could do was stare down at the wood of her desk in depression. Hazuki-san's blond head didn't turn around again that day. In fact, as far as Hinata knew, it never turned around again as the week passed by. So Hinata had officially messed up her new life. She should be proud of herself, she doubted that anyone could beat her record. Having said that she probably couldn't even beat it, it took a really messed up person to yell at the kind person Hazuki-san was. She knew it and was constantly told it as the week went by.

"She's the one that yelled in class."

"Poor kid, I heard she scared him half to death."

"What a bully."

"I don't like her, she should go back to where ever it was she came from."

"I agree."

"I say we get revenge for Hazuki-san. Since he's to nice to do it himself."

"I agree."

Hinata was glad the week was over by the time the final bell rang on Friday. The girls had been true to their word and had thoroughly made Hinata's life pretty bad since her first day. It was what she deserved though, having yelled at Hazuki-san it was only natural for her to get punishment. Even if it was a bit too harsh in her opinion. All she could do was continue on and hope that things would settle enough for her to officially apologize to the boy.

"Alright, make sure you've turned in your essays and you can leave for the day. Have a nice weekend and don't be late for class on Monday." The class rose almost at once and chatter about the weekend started up. Hinata's reaction was a bit slower and far less purposeful as she stood and gathered her things. She had been hoping that Hazuki would talk to her at least once so she could apologize but it seemed he was avoiding her. Then was no different because as soon as the teacher dismissed them, Hazuki-san was up and out the door. She sighed, not bothering to hurry as she threw her things into her bag and left the room. She had to walk home today, a task she hated but had to deal with since her bike was destroyed from a 'prank'. She wanted very much to punch whomever had done it but she knew it wouldn't do any good even if she did find out.

"Getting warmer," She mumbled absently as she started her trek home, "I would be nice to swim..." She sighed and shook her head at the thought. Hinata was strange, her condition was strange. Something that no one could explain had happened in her brain somewhere because, although she loved to swim, her body simply wouldn't allow it. Hinata herself classified it as fear, her body felt fear to be in the water so she couldn't swim no matter how much she wanted to. Her mother and doctors classified it as some traumatic stress thing that Hinata didn't know the name for. Either way Hinata was afraid of the water despite her want to be in it, a double-edges sword that she no longer felt a need to use.

"S-someone call the police!" She blinked, her eyes following the gaze of several passerby's that pointed at something. Curiosity always had gotten the best of her but as she gazed out at the water, her eyes squinting against the sunlight reflecting from the waves, her heart stopped.

"Someone! There's a boy drowning!"

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