Dream Weavers [Inactive]

Gerald let a whispered curse word escape from his lips once again as he saw his answer was wrong He gave a small sigh, rubbing his forehead before returning his attention to the page in front of him, lit by the flickering candle rested next to it. Maths. Gerald had always been fairly good at maths, but this...? He regarded the paper with a look of frustration. This wasn't maths. This was Satan's creation, a jumble of numbers with a few letters thrown in that didn't make any sense whatsoever.

Puck yawned from her nest on Gerald's head, rolling slightly to get comfortable. Gerald glared at the sheet of paper, determined to unlock it's secrets. He studied each equation closely, narrowing his eyes in concentration. He wrote every number and extract of working out with the utmost delicacy. He squinted, leaning closer, making sure that each number was the number he thought it was, in case he read any wrong.

And, as a result of his efforts, got every problem wrong.

A loud groan echoed across the library as Gerald buried his face in his hands.
Amy glanced up in displeasure as a loud groan reached her ears. She felt annoyed that someone had invaded her personal book time. Hoping whoever it was didn't make another sound, she whispered, "be quiet." To the anonymous person sharing her space with her. Amy let her attention wander back to the book and she let herself get caught up in the fake world, a better world.

For this night.
Gerald jerked upright as he heard a voice sounding from behind him, catching him off guard. Quickly turning around, he realised wasn't alone, as he had originally assumed. "Sorry!" He apologised to the irate girl, face turning a shade of peach in his embarrassment. He turned back to his paper, feeling like a moron.

The once calming silence turned into the awkward variety. Feeling as if he caused this, Gerald spoke up. "Do you... Want a sweet?" He asked, gesturing to a small pile of hard boiled lollies he'd been snacking on a bit earlier. "I mean, I have a few, so..."
Teach twisted his body to allow his back to pop. This would sound like fireworks were being let off in his room. Teach was in one of the rooms the commander knocked on, but he didn't really care he was sleeping. Thinking to himself, that he should probably get up, as he sat up more obnoxious and loud popping began. He loved the night this was basically his opportunity to prowl on any unsuspecting victims. Operator hovered right above him. He didn't use the vernacular language to speak to him they spoke more telepathically. It was a bond they had grown together.

With a nod of the head he most likely said something like you ready to explore? A small wisp of sound came from Operator, and they quickly left the room and preceded out into the night. He noticed the commander doing his search, but didn't really care that he wasn't supposed to be out he continued on walking until he got to the edge of the nightmare campus. Any further and he wouldn't be safe, plus the consequences that went with it. Observing the bright shining dream campus he could see through a entirely glass window that appeared to be the library. Two people, not really making out who or what were sitting in there. Opposite sides of the room.

'Working on the weekend and at night' he thought to himself. Typical dream student. He laughed a little as Operator would send out these high pitched assaults of sounds directed at the window. Sharp enough to faze right through. Not damaging the dreamers, but enough to annoy them. Especially in a library.
Wade lowered his flashlight seeing a fellow Nightmare Weaver out here in the woods. He looked at the man while his face hid in the hoodie he always wore, and was silent for a bit. Until he started to talk to him.

"Didn't knew anyone else would be out here." He said to the man, and Wade's hand scratching his own lower jaw by this. "Thought everyone else was just snoozing back at the campus."
“Sorry,” whispered Jamie, he couldn’t seem to find his voice. He should’ve known there were scouts today. He stepped closer into the light, so that his face became unhidden. As he did, he felt Persephone vanish silently into the air. Her presence was missed, and he felt his nerves settling in. He tried to summon her again, but he found she would not come.

Typical. Persephone didn’t seem like to appear in front of people, unless he was desperate.

Jamie cleared his throat, “sorry. Won’t happen again,” he said, even though he knew it would.
Sayuri stared blankly at the man, unsure of what to do. She stepped towards the side so that half of her body was covered by the Commander. She felt safer around him for some reason. Maybe it's because they both don't like to talk? What ever the reason, she didn't know how to interact with other Nightmare Weavers.
Teach noticed all the nightmare weavers rustling and talking together. This was his moment, he planned on busting them all for being out. when in fact he was out himself. Teach approached the group and began ranting! "Why are you all out here? Don't you know the dreamers could be out!" He said in a panicking tone. You could tell he was definitely showing his cocky leadership attitude.

Operator begin to chime and bounce above Teach. Teach nodded. "Just kidding guys I do it also!" He laughed out loud. Twisting his neck he popped it a few times.
Wade acted calmly towards Jamie, "No the boss said I had to do scouting tonight, and bring some back up just incase. Sooo yeah, no big..." Then the commander stopped when he was interrupted by Teach, and looked up at Operator and back down at him.

"Actually I'm not scouting tonight, so pretty much it's them that they should be worried about." The hoodie one tilted his head and rubbed his neck as he remembered he heard stuff about Teach. 'Oh yeah he's that joking guy. Oh boy.'
Sayuri jumped when she heard someone else's voice. Startled once again, she hid behind the Commander. She thought to herself, 'What do I do?' as her tail curled between her legs.
Jamie became even more nervous when he listened to Wade speak, because he realized he had heard that voice before. Though Jamie could not fully see his face, which was hidden underneath a hoodie. Slowly, it dawned on him that he was talking to the Commander. He was about to speak up, until he heard another rustle. He was startled, but tried not to show it. He glanced over at the demi girl, who seemed to be trying to hide herself behind Wade. At least he seemed to be handling the situation more calmly than her.
Amy glanced up as Gerald offered her a sweet. She hesitated for a moment, but they looked so good. Amy waited a few moments and then she hurried over as she took a sweet and slipped it in her mouth. Around her mouthful she mumbled, "what are you doing anyway?" She set her book on the table and peered over his shoulder, noticing the complicated maths that was set out in front of him.
Gerald ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh. "The Devil's handiwork." He glanced up at her before looking down once more. "Maths. I'm trying to quiz myself, but this is just impossible. I mean..." He tapped an equation, "what even is that...?" Giving yet another sigh, he eyed the book she'd set down on the table. "So, good book?"
He noticed the two fellow nightmare students tremble. "Why tremble at your own ally?" He laughed a bit giving them a hardy slap on the shoulder. "What really are you all doing out here this late?"

Quickly changing his glance to the commander and saluted him. "Sorry sir, I didn't recognize it was you." He looked up at operator, He knew what he was doing. Analyzing each individual, making permanent marks on who they were. Other than controlling people operator was a genius. Teach didn't really care about there answers.

"Where can I get a fight going?"
Jamie winced slightly after Teach slapped him on the shoulder. "Sorry," Jaime apologized again, though by now he wasn't exactly sure what he was apologizing for. The word just liked to come out of his mouth almost by default. He surveyed Teach, and after a few minutes, comprehension dawned on him. He recognized the young man, vaguely, but he had heard of him before. Jamie wasn't the best at keeping track of people.

"Just going out for a walk...but Commander Wade was scouting...I think," Jamie said slowly, distracted by the thing that was bouncing and chiming above Teach.
Sayuri flinched when she saw his hand come to slap her shoulder. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be able to get along with this man and ended up blurting, "Could you please not touch me?" After saying so, she shut her mouth, which was now in a deep frown, and turned her head away from him.
Teach noticed the mans remark, very timid. "I noticed." His answer quick and to the point. Operator began scanning and analyzing the girl. She was a fiesty one. Teach laughed when Operator relayed this information to him. What made it even more hilarious was no one else knew why he was laughing.

"Could I please not touch you? Will do sugar." He said sternly, but yet it came off kind of lighthearted. Honestly a weird combo. "Who are you two anyway?" He clearly had no idea. Honestly he didn't really know anyone. Even care for that matter. Teach was conceded to be blunt. He only cared about himself.
Jamie looked down slowly, his blue eyes traveling from the orb down to Teach's gaze. There was a bit of a pause, before Jamie realized that Teach had just asked him a question, and was expecting some sort of answer. He blinked, as if trying to clear his eyes from distractions.

He was always a bit slow on responses, but today he seemed totally out of it.

"Jamie...Jamie Sivan. I came to this campus recently. A month...or two maybe. So I don't think you'd know me, so that's okay...I guess," Jamie said slowly, pausing occasionally to think of what he was saying. Words did not come easily to him.
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She became irritated at the mans reply to her, yet she also felt embarrassed. Since no one has spoken to her like that before, she didn't know how to react. "Sayuri...." The fact that she answered him also irritated her. Usually, she would have kept quiet and let them find out on their own.
"In other words or would Noface put it 'fresh meat'." Some Dreamers creatures would tremble just by just hearing that name 'Noface'. Ever since Wade's first creation, Princess, went on hiatus due to losing her eyes by a dream creature. Noface had to take up mantle as his main til The Princess can be suitable for working again (or Wade's fear of losing one of his own creations is the reason why Princess is never seen).

"Now keep your manners Teach, these maybe new faces, but they are still our own, and if any Dream Weaver provoke us. You three know what to do..."
"Jamie and sayuri." He repeated the names a few times. "I'll try my best wade." Popping his neck again. "What is the goal for tonight? If nothing I shall set up proxy for the night and get some sleep." He yawned. Showing his signs of exhaustion.

Looking back at Jamie and sayuri. "Toughen up, the world is tough. You're gonna need all your strength for when something happens. For now do your work and stay out of trouble. Listen to wade he won't leave you astray." Nodding at his own acceptance.
"..." Sayuri kept her face turned away from him, still keeping silent. It looked as if she was ignoring him, but her tail began to sway slowly, showing that she heard. She played with strands of her hair, rubbing them between her fingers as she waited.
"Wait..." Jamie said hesitantly. He realized he had just unintentionally signed himself up for something he had no intention of doing. He did not want to be scouting, and he did not want to get into any fights with the Dream Campus. But he trailed off, and changed his mind. He had expected to be reprimanded for straying out into the forest, but instead he found himself being accepted. He figured this was a good thing, at least that was what he told himself.

Jamie nodded absent-mindedly as he listened to Teach's words, although he didn't necessarily agree with them. He didn't think the world was tough, he thought it was fragile. Anything was easily broken or damaged. One wrong move was all it took. You didn't need to 'toughen up,' you needed to learn how to tread carefully, not break anything. But all Jamie said was, "Sure."
"It's just a scouting mission." The Commander said to Teach and maybe the new face. "As well the boss said that if there is any Dream Weaver activity he have the option of spying in, or if anything bigger. Stop them dead in their tracks." He sounded a bit serious on the last part when he said this, but he didn't meant, well, kill anyone. Must of been a metaphor or something in those lines.

"Keep your eyes open, and guards up." He finished up.
Fletcher was growing tired, the calm stillness of the night was lulling him to sleep. It had been a long day too, with studying and examinations and whatnot. After stretching, Fletcher stood up briskly and patted out the dust and clinging grass from his coat and decided whether to go to the dream school or not. He decided against it, he would stay here longer because any threatening watch from the nightmare campus would probably not be conducted until sometime later. And of course, Fletcher considered this time to be his most entertaining time of the day, which isn't saying much, but still. Fletcher stretched out his arms and splayed his palms opens. He directed his hands toward the ground beneath him and began to focus. His mind grew blank as all thought and emotion left him for just a moment. Then his senses came back to him in an explosive instant, like an explosion of light had blazed across his mind. With this action, Fletcher had summoned his grail. The beautiful golden chalice emitted a soft, calming light as it grew brighter and brighter. However, it was dangerous to have too much light so he made the light as dim as possible. It was time for a moment of reflection. Fletcher placed his hands within the cup as mellow light flowed over him like water. After a short time restoring his stamina, Fletcher was rejuvenated. He could even avoid sleep like this, although the backlash of sleep deprivation would strike him the next day leading to dozing off in classes. Anyway, Fletcher had nothing of importance tomorrow, as today had been the mother lode of examinations and no classes were arduous enough to assign hard work the day after. Then an idea sprouted in Fletcher’s head, maybe not a smart idea, but one that Fletcher would follow nonetheless. He would explore the forest; perhaps get to the half-way point between the two campuses. Fletcher had never encountered a nightmare weaver but was often told of ominous ordeals that had occurred between dream and nightmare weavers. Attack was something Fletcher did not expect and perhaps this thought was rightly justified. Guardian Angel would provide an immensely powerful bodyshield and defense while Fletcher could make a run by destroying his grail and unleashing a brilliant and disorientating flare. Fletcher picked up his chalice, which was incredibly light, and dimmed its brightness to that of a flashlight. He then projected the light in a circular beam through the cup end and held the chalice perpendicular to his body as a sort of flashlight. And with that he stepped out cautiously into the unknown.

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