Dream Weavers [Inactive]

Wade sighed as he knew this wasn't gonna be a simple scouting. "Was hoping it wouldn't come to this." Then just like that he snapped the fingers and put his hands down. Nothing happened at first, but then in front of the commander a small puddle of blackness was forming, and he took a couple of steps back. Two giant bone like claws came out of the ground and gripped the earth pulling up what ever was connected to them. Slowly a tattered cloak behemoth emerged from the darkness with a massive hook/scythe chain hybrid strapped onto his side and jumped out of the portal, and the portal closed. This was Noface, Wade's body dream creature.

Noface's hood tilted left, and then right before gripping his weapon. "Time for Dreams, has ended." It said as his voice sounded like a low echo of a ghost.
Sayuri, who had been a few feet behind Wade, looked in awe of his creature. To be able to create a Nightmare such as this... the Dreamer must be incredible, she thought. Just seeing it made her nervous.

Though she didn't do anything, Aiji was summoned. The blue fire orb from earlier had expanded to almost as big as she was and a white, six-tailed wolf emerged from out the fire. She then remembered that her creatures are summoned based on her emotions or the events taking place around her. She could will them to come, but she didn't know if she could reach them. But now that Aiji was standing next to her, she decided that it didn't matter at the moment. From Aiji's tail, another orb of blue fire appeared at the tip and hovered over to Sayuri's tail, which was how Aiji communicated with her.'Relax," he said.
Gerald broke out in a small grin. "Okay then, I'll bet on the Dreams. I mean, they have that guardian, right?" He asked pointing to a shimmering light, what appeared to be it. "That's pretty overpowered, I've seen it in action before." He divided the food and money into two equal piles, sliding one over to Amy. She was right, the Dreams might not win this one, but at least this way, he'd wouldn't feel guilty for the rest of the night by taking someone else's money.

"Let's just hope they don't bring the fighting over here..." Gerald frowned, turning to Amy, "maybe you should summon one of your dream creatures? Just in case?"
Whitney took a couple steps forward. "Sam, go towards the front. Be prepared for anything." Sam put a hand to his chest and bowed before approaching the front of the glowing field. Whitney was already tired. She was too weak to call Luna but she was determined to still help. She marched to the other dreamer. "We should just attack. There is no use waiting for them to make the first move besides.." A wicked grin spread across Whitney's face. "I'm dying for some action." Meanwhile Sayren crouched in a bush a couple yards in front of the Nightmares and their weavers. She listened for a little bit before sneaking back off to Whitney.
Amy froze at Gerald's careless comment. He didn't know, right? Well the incident had been pretty covered up and hush hush. Amy managed a terse smile. "Sorry, I'd rather not summon them. I've been talking to them most of the day, so I don't think I can summon them again." Amy tried to erase the image of her three friends splintering. "So, I guess I'm betting on the Nightmare side." Amy leant forward as the battle looked like it was beginning.
Skylar jumped, nearly falling and blowing her cover, but held her silent balance instead. She had heard the low echo of a ghost-like creature, and seen something rise from the ground several meters in front of her. She turned to Whitney, "There's no need for unnecessary action, though, right?" She pondered this for a moment. "Nevermind that. They've summoned their creatures, they're obviously ready for a fight. Maybe if we tried to talk to them.." Skylar trailed off, her interest in the Nightmares increasing. All of her creatures were more Nightmare than Dream, although she still went to the Dream campus. There had been rumors of her transfer to the Nightmare campus, however.

"We know you're there." She called into the eerie silence, "We mean no harm, but insist you stay far from our campus." Sylvannus waited patiently in the trees, a foggy white creature against the dark wood.
Nightmares we strive on that of which bothers other. Teach lowered his head as he listened to the girl speak of knowing we are here. The funny thing is we weren't hiding. Teach was not one to be told what to do. Had the intruder completely disregarded operators sound waves spreading the entire area? Virtually harmless, but made it easy to expose any unwanted intruders especially in the less dense area it was a matter of pointing them out. Teach picked up a rock and threw it at the base where the girl stood not intending to hit her, but let her know he wasn't dumb. Actually quiet experienced. He shrugged waiting for the response in the mean while Operator as Proxy began setting up the parameters of assault. Tsi returned to the stealth and began to "hunt." Tsi was once again ordered not to attack unless warranted to do so.

Teach took a few steps over to where the dream creation was hiding in the brush spying on us. He knelt down to face the creature. "Listening for something?" he laughed at his own remark. What creature would respond with such a negligent act by attacking when its one on nine or so. "You might want to scurry back before you face this alone." Giving obvious mercy to the dreamers who weren't able to hide that well. Sneaking up was not an option when operator was around, and getting to operator mean't breaking through proxy, and that would be a nice challenge indeed. Teach had faced many of these encounters before on the fact he was training to be a Commander himself.

If the creation decided not to leave action by force would be the only option. "Wade make the call."
Fletcher listened to the woman's request. An offensive? If the chalice remained untouched, especially with its strategic position behind the oak, then whatever fighter she could summon would be protected very well with Guardian Angel. Fletcher tossed and turned the idea in his mind, and gave into a decision to fight, partly spurred by Whitney's eagerness.

"Alright, but my weaved guardian can't move out of this field of light. Position your swordsman in front of Guardian, and I will order Guardian to protect him. Guardian can protect himself, but he will only seek to push away enemies harming him, my will is reflected upon him and my will isn't particularly bloodthirsty or malignant, so Guardian would serve as the best shield one could ever get. My reach currently extends just a bit below seven meters, so its not much. I can't commit to a charge. You could position the bear right in front of the field of light and wait for enemy creations to come. If they come, your bear can duel them, if he is losing he can retreat back to get a massive boost in defensive and potentially offensive power."

"I recommend staying on this field and waiting for them. Have you noticed the effect this field is having on you? It's rejuvenating isn't it? Well, I hope it will get you awake sometime soon...."

And with that Fletcher pointed towards the swordsman bear and Guardian Angel promptly moved towards its front, ready to block attacks if they were to come towards the bear's direction.
Kain noticed he was being ignored. They seemed to be placing bets. Kain turned to smile at Kara before moving in front of the window to draw their attention onto him.

"What if I bet neither wins?" He didn't really think the Dream and Nightmare campuses would get into a serious fight. Not right now anyways. He had a feeling the fight would break up one way or another and nothing important was riding on it. "Sorry if I am interrupting something."
Wade like he said would wait for the first attack from them and then the fun would began. "Like I said we have to wait for them to do the first move, and then we unleash the attack."

Noface meanwhile was already slowing winding up his chain for the attack.

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Gerald jumped as someone appeared in front of him and Amy, almost as if out of nothing. "Woah! I didn't know there was another person in here, uh, you're not interrupting anything! It's Kain, right?" Gerald tapped an empty chair invitingly, "You're welcome to join us, if you want. That's an interesting side, do you have anything to bet with?"
Jamie watched as the atmosphere grew tenser as Wade summoned Noface. Though Wade was still talking defensively, waiting for the Dream Campus to make the first move, Jamie could see Noface winding up his chains. A battle tonight seemed inevitable. And yet Jamie wondered what it was all for. He couldn't see the purpose of winning or losing. Jamie raised his hand, as if he was in class.

"I feel like this would be a good time to retreat..." Jamie said quietly.

He felt Apollyon stir behind him, silently urging Jamie to shut up and fight instead.
Sayuri and Aiji had been sending messages back and forth as Wade spoke. She had been explaining to Aiji about the situation and the other creatures. When she mentioned Noface to him and gestured towards the creature, Aiji wimpered and cowered behind her. Aiji was obviously scared of Noface. She wondered if she would be able to fight with Aiji being scared of an ally.
Kain nodded. He didn't mean to make him jump but he liked the reaction.

"Yes my name is Kain. Your's is Gerald correct?" He took the seat offered to him and gave Gerald a smile. Kara came up quietly behind him, looking out the window as well. "I just don't think they'll get to finish the fight. Dream and Nightmare have been at odds for a while but I don't think either side is doing better than the other."

As for what he had to bet, he looked in his pocket. "I have a candy bar on me. I have more back in my room that I could get if I lose. Is that fair?"
Amy nodded, also giving him permission. She gestured towards a chair, "you can sit on that if you want. I hope something happens soon, I'm getting bored." Amy slouched back in the chair and picked up the book she had been reading and glanced out the window. "Tell me if something happens." Amy begun reading the book, surveying Kain and Gerald out of the corner of her eye.

Kain, she had experience with him, and she didn't like him all that much because he came across as all nice and cheery, but if someone was sick enough to summon their dream creature to look like their dead sister... That was messed up. Maybe he just missed her and wanted some company. You're turning into an evil kid with no thought for others. But he was weird, she knew he had a similar life to herself and also a similar personality after she had gone through the incident. Perhaps he just needs time to recover. I don't like him he's a horrible person. No he's not a bad person, he's nice. I believe that.

Amy felt herself shaking, shaking with disappointment in herself. I just want to go back to being the old me. I want to go back. I hate Nightmare I hate them.

Amy took several deep breaths and decided not to reflect on the two as she put her book down. "Who am I kidding, I can't focus on my book."
With every second passing, intention was slowly stacking upon the commander. His mind was switching back and forth on opinions, one opinion was 'Just let it go, they didn't attack yet, and we can just all be cool and continue scouting that's all.' While the other side was going 'We can't take the chances, they're probably already calling the others and will bloody attack us, we have to stop them. Now!'

It just continued to switch back and forth, 'Don't do it.'

'Do it'


'Do it!!!'


'You want Noface to wound up like Pri....'

Then Wade finally made his mind, "Noface, hook the big one!" Just like that Noface swung his weapon at high speeds, and then hurled it with the chain blasting through its terrain and heading for Fletcher's Guardian.
"Well you heard him." Whitney said to Sam. She called out for Sayren who she noticed had been gone for some time. She nodded at the boy's comment. "I do feel a little more... energetic." She answered. "I'm a little confused on why they haven't attacked yet. You would think they would be itching for a fight." Her focus snapped to her right where she heard a rustle, but it was only Sayren returning. She let out a small sigh of relief and walked forwards a couple steps. If a fight did happen, she wanted to see everything. After all, it would be her first fight since first coming here.
Sayuri watched in amazement as Noface made his move. She wondered if she should send her creature as well. She didn't care if she had to fight the Dreamers. More like, she didn't know if she could help her fellow Nightmare Weavers.

"U-Uhh... W-Wade...?" She struggled to find the right words, then finally said, "Can I help in anyway?"
Wade responded to her, "Yes. Get ready to stop that giant one from doing any damage to the others." Knowing little to no knowledge about Guardian. Wade was as well taking a cautious path so that dealing with this Dream Creature would be a bit more easier. You know what would some people say. Better safe, than sorry right? "For all we know he could just be as strong as Noface."
Teach noticed wade make the first move. He was please with the commanders decision and so it began. Teach returned all his creatures to his side and began calmly walking out to the big field where most battles had taken place. Put both hands to his mouth he cuffed them and began to shout a taunting call. "Ohhhh dreamers, come here dreamers come on!" he laughed at his own remark a little and waited for the battle to begin. He was far beyond position. Operator was continuing his duty of scout and proxy had prepared to set up a defense in case of assault, and tsi well he wasn't to be seen. Most likely lurking somewhere, but you can guarantee not very far.

"Guys get over here!" shouting to the other nightmare weavers waiting on them to get over to the "battlefield."
Sayuri nodded with a determined look on her face. The tips of Aiji's tail were lit with blue fire as he prepared for battle. "How nostalgic," Aiji said. He seemed to be recalling her battles from the past. This made her smile. "Yeah. Like when brother was around," she replied.

Hearing Teach's call, she hurried to him, Aiji following close behind her. She wasn't sure about Teach taunting the Dreamers, but she said nothing and gave a slightly annoyed look.
"So it comes down to this. Great work at avoiding confrontation," Jamie said sarcastically. He did not sound like his usual airy, shy self. His own annoyance gave him enough courage to speak up. He almost wanted to smack Teach for taunting the dreamers. What was wrong with him? Why does he want to fight? Who even enjoys fighting? Jamie thought. But as all the weavers quickly prepared themselves for the battle, Jamie felt his annoyance fade away, replaced by fear and anxiety. He should've turned around long ago, but it was too late now. The Dream Campus had been provoked, and they saw him as the enemy. Jamie followed Teach, Apollyon trailing after him.

Fletcher did not see the chain coming, but Guardian Angel did. The being instinctively reacted by thrusting out his right arm and crooking his arm above the elbow perpendicular to his outstretched arm. After this movement was accomplished the light that Guardian was standing on immediately began to warp onto Guardian's right arm, forming a circular iron buckler. The chain crashed with such force that it embedded within the shield with a harsh ring. Long cracks formed outward from the center of impact. Guardian Angel immediately dissipated the light on the shield, letting the weapon fall and disappeared in a flash of light and reformed behind Sayren's swordsman, who was ready to fight.

Fletcher spoke to Sayren, "They are most likely being cautious, they do not know our numbers as well, which is fortunate as I have been able to set up my defenses. Remember though, be cautious, they outnumber us..."

If Noface had a head, his eyes would of had the stereotypical big eye expression by this. "Murgkh?!" He muttered as his weapon of choice was gone.

Wade lifted a hand and slowly it shooked. "Ooooh kay, tip fellow nightmares, don't touch the walking night light. It will steal your weapons." Then the commander mummered to himself, "Freaking Dream Weavers stealing my creations freaking weapon and then they said were bad for stealing their stuff. Bunch of hypocrites if you asked me."

Then like that Noface started to charge to get his weapon back.

Wade looked up by Noface's action, "And there he goes. Very angry he is right now."
"I heard you are betting on the Nightmare side. Is it because Gerald said Dream first or do you think they are capable?" He asked it in a curious way but Kain was interested. Not many here liked those in the Nightmare campus. If it was just to take the other side then it made sense. Boring but made sense. But if she thought they were better in a fight well there might be reasons behind it. Kara moved down as if to whisper in his ear before disappearing. Kain smiled.

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