Dream Weavers [Inactive]

He smiled his gastly at the two new weavers. He new commanders wishes were for him not to mess with the newbies that much. I mean they are his own. "perfect learning experience." directed toward the newbies. They would shortly find out what he meant. As he said that the initial light from one of the dreamers made the air seem to glow just a tad before it dimmed back out.

"Ahh, there is a dreamer awake at this time. How delightful. probably scouring through the bordering jungle that surrounded both campuses and the crossway. Shall we go have a look?" Teach flicked his hand in a downward motion and pebble hit the ground. It cracked and hatched out a three foot creation named tsi. Tsi was very hard to see on the account of his stealth. Really the only way to notice is you knew he was right infront of you. "Tsi, make a quick run down for any wandering dreamers. Don't look for combat. Just report back." He knew dreamers weren't allowed to pick fights on the account of there code of conduct. He was just interested in seeing what they were doing.

"Operator, emit a high frequency." As said to do so operator did it. Sending out a high frequency sound wave that scoured the area. This was sort of a radar which bounced off beings, living or non living. It was just a matter of deciphering which was a tree and a wandering dreamer.
Whitney paced the hallway, frustrated because she had nothing to do. All her work had been done and now she was extremely bored. She stopped for a moment and stared at the wall to the left of her. For the second time that day, she questioned her parent's choice of sending her here. She was weaker than most of the other dream weavers and nobody here even talked to her, except for the teachers. With a loud groan, she turned around and began to walk quickly towards a pair of doors. She needed fresh air. She needed somewhere to think. As she stepped out, her mind wondered and soon a slight glow appeared beside her. It wasn't so bright that anybody could see it from a distance but it gave just enough light for Whitney to watch where her feet were going. Sayren's tails flicked over the back of Whitney's legs and Whitney gave her a few strokes before continuing to walk. Her thoughts had no value and the most random things would pop into her head. I'm hungry. When was the last time I ate? Its nice out. I wonder how mom and dad are. The frustration built as her thoughts went crazy. Finally, she reached her breaking point and she let out a loud yell. I need some sleep. It's obvious I'm going insane. I need to be able to focus.
"I really don't..." Jamie protested, but then was interrupted. He was not looking forward to seeing anybody from the Dream Campus. Wade and Teach seemed to be getting the wrong impression that Jamie had enrolled at the Nightmare Campus. That was not the case, he had been transferred. Jamie spent a good eight or so years at the Dream Campus, and it made him feel iffy stalking his former classmates and weavers.

Jamie hoped nothing would happen tonight, but of course, something always happened.
Sayuri listened to their talk of the Dream Weavers. She wondered if they would attack her if she went over to their campus. Or whether or not she would attack them if they came over here. Though she didn't care much for others, she decided that if anyone should attack her first, she would fight back. Yet, she felt uneasy using them. Before coming to the academy, her brother had always told her what to use her creatures for. She wondered if she'd be able to summon them again. The more she thought about it, the less confident she became.

When she snapped out of it, she heard Teach say there was a dreamer. Suddenly, she felt anxious and didn't know why.
Tsi making little to know sound at all moved nimbly through the fields until he reached the forest. Stopping Tsi logically mapped out each area to hit first to make his commute the quickest. Starting with the highest tree which was only about 5-6 feet off the ground. He made his way directly to the top and stopped. Listening for Operators waves searching for anything "un tree like."

He had found exactly what he was looking for about 75 feet ahead and about 11 feet to the east. Which seemed like small numbers, but really took some effort when moving through the jungle. Tsi vaulted from the lim he was standing on forward to the next limb, his steps were nimble making little to no sound at all. He knew what he was listening for now, who or whatever it is was sending back a weird frequency of sound.

After a minute of two of pressing through the jungle he perched himself above the dreamers who were on the outskirts of the jungle. Not only one, but two! A boy and a girl. Average height one seemed to be human and caring a chalice and he couldn't exactly get a perfect representation of the other one who was standing half behind the man. Tsi tossed a rock down trying to hit the male in the head. He knew they wouldn't know where it was coming from on the account of his stealth and camouflage of night. The chalice was only emitting a small amount of light.
Fletcher heard a small rustle in the trees right before a rock was hurled at him. Well, Fletcher knew it was coming but he really couldn't do anything. Halfway turned around, the rock struck Fletcher square in the left shoulder, making him drop his chalice. The chalice made a light thump sound as it hit the ground. With the realization that Fletcher had been attacked by a creature, most likely a weaved creature, Fletcher began to feel some panic. His left shoulder was burning with a sharp pain and it seemed the rock would cause quite the welt. Fletcher regained his senses and quickly picked up his chalice. He did not know how far the hostile beings were, but if he was just attacked, they must be very close. With this realization, Fletcher briskly grasped his chalice in his right arm and lugged it behind a large oak tree. Behind the trunk he propped the chalice and rested his left hand in the cup. Bright streaks of light began to curl up his arm and gather around the injury, healing it. Although hidden by an oak tree, the healing light given off would be enough for a keen observer to see so Fletcher decided to think. What should he do?


He did not know their numbers, although Guardian Angel could take out practically anything one on one in a contest of strength, he could only protect Fletcher, and could probably be overwhelmed.


This seemed to be the best option but the hostilities were near as deduced when Fletcher was struck by a rock; the enemies were possibly just a dozen feet from him.

Fletcher in the end, chose a combination of the two.

He retracted his left hand from the chalice, his shoulder almost healed, and grasped the sides of the chalice and concentrated. With this action, the chalice became rooted to the ground where it stood and light began to cover the ground around. A perfect circle began to expand from the chalice, enveloping the terrain in bright, radiant light. His position was obvious now but this was his best bet. When the field expanded to a 6 meter radius circle, Fletcher whispered for help. Guardian Angel manifested behind Fletcher in a brilliant show formation of light. This was tactical genius, Fletcher was positioned so that his body and chalice was concealed by the oak, but the field of light was not, leading enemies to have a vague location of where he was. Guardian Angel also stood in front of the tree, as a preemptive defense mechanism. That was when Fletcher head the yell. It was that of a woman, one from the dream school. Fletcher rushed out towards the edge of the light field behind the tree but not beyond the field, straining to see the woman. If she was alone, then this would be a bad situation...

But as long as she was behind where Guardian Angel stood, then she would most likely be fine.
Wade wanted to talk, and then spotted the dim light as well. He turned to where the light was, and then remained silent. He was pretty sure was thinking this was going to be yet another quiet night and a very simple scout run, but he was dead wrong as of now there were Dream Weavers close. First thing he was thinking was maybe call for some little more back up, but then again he already had the back up. He stayed silent and let Teach let his Body Dream Creation do the work before he would call the shots. If it was low numbers he would play Noface, if many it would be The King. It was what he preferred to call 'counter picking your enemy'.

"Fellow nightmare users." Wade said to the three (or four), "Get your beings ready. We may have ourselves some unsettling dreams upon us." He was gonna play summoning his creature for last on this one, after all some commanders would be cautious as well.
She opened her mouth to ask if they had to, but the words wouldn't come out. Seeing as how uneasy she was about summoning her creature, she wondered if they'll come. Her head began to fill with doubts and worries. Her tail began to sway side to side quickly. Not because she was happy, but because she was anxious.
Tsi was intrigued by the mans attempt to set up defense. Dreamers always more careful than they should be. Tsi knew he couldn't take on the Guardian Angel on his own, well maybe, but not head on. It would have to be strategic, but he had strict orders not to fight. He quickly tossed another rock into the man as he fled away, hopefully annoying him.

Tsi made no reluctance and quickly returned back to where all the nightmare weavers were standing taking his spot beside teach. Tsi relayed all the information back to Teach. Teach nodded. "Okay so there is two dreamers, Tsi seemed to pester one and the other is timid and alone. They don't seem to pose a huge threat with the numbers, but the male was prepared for defense. Tsi began drawing little stick figures of the mans creations and the man himself. Teach's creations couldn't talk so they drew and made sounds to show what they were thinking.

"What is our plan of action wade? Should we let them slide?"
Whitney looked up to see the ground glowing in front of her. Curious, she stepped up to the very edge of it and stared in awe. "Would you look at that?" She whispered to Sayren. "I wish I had that much power..." She attempted to see who was creating it but her tiredness was making everything a little blurry. Some fear swept through her as she remembered everything she had heard about the Nightmares. She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on summoning protection. The swishing sounds of blades told her that protection had arrived. She opened her eyes to see Sam standing before her. "Sayren, go see what's going on." She ordered. Sayren instantly blended into the shadows and stalked off. Sam stood beside Whitney, swords at the ready. "Am I being too paranoid?" She murmured. "I have to be prepared for anything!" She reassured herself. Now I'm talking to myself? I am going crazy.
Guardian Angel spotted the rock immediately in mid air. The being that was throwing the rock was apparently in the very oak tree that Fletcher was behind as it threw the rock directly at Fletcher. Guardian Angel instantly disappeared in flash of light and reformed in front of Fletcher and grabbed the rock, crushing it into small pieces in his fist. Guardian Angel he was indeed, although nothing but a guardian. Fletcher called out to the girl, "Step into the light, so that I can actually help you if your in danger. If you can weave anything to help, that would be incredibly helpful"

Guardian Angel could not move off of the field of light, so this was a sound request.

Fletcher waved Guardian Angel back in front of the oak tree as a frontline of defense. In this field of light, Guardian Angel would be very powerful and if the girl managed to produce a fighting dream, then Guardian Angel could protect it as it attacked like a shield.
Underneath that white hoodie beneath the darkness the commander squinted his eyes. Sounded easy enough to do this, but knew that the leader wouldn't be much happy if he heard they attacked first, so as a caution he responded to Teach. "Like a game of Dota 2, we wait for them to make the first move. If they don't attack, we move on, but if they do..." Slowly he moved both his hands up and both had his thumbs on their pinkies as if he was about to snap, "We counter attack, and teach them a lesson."

To summon his beings, he had to set up sort of a 'call' for each of them. He would clap his hands together for Princess, give a small bow with a click sound for The Tower King, and would snap both of his fingers for Noface, and it looks as though he has picked his for this time of need.
((Just so you know I made some adjustments to my character to make her apart of the Dream campus.))

Skylar had woken up late. She rushed to get ready, putting her hair into its usual ponytail, showing her long, elven ears. She threw on her clothes, a v-neck t-shirt and skinny jeans, and began to rush out of the door before being stopped by Sylvannus (her banshee creature.) Even though most would say her creatures seemed more nightmare-ish, they had good in their minds, and were never quite frightening to Sky.

"Ms. Skylar, beware of Nightmares closing in through the jungle. You may want to stay here." Sylvannus's voice was one of power and grace, her thin, pale body just barely towering over Skylar.

Sky pondered this for a moment, her ears twitching and cat-like eyes widening before chuckling a bit. "Don't be silly, Sylvie. You know me, would I ever back down from a fight?" She ran outside, taking a deep breath as she ducked into the woods. Her unusually good ears told her that there was a commotion to her right. She sprinted as fast as she could towards the fight, slowing down as it got closer. Sky recognized one of her fellow Dreams as Fletcher, who seemed to be ready for a fight. She slowly approached him from behind, ready to summon her creatures.

Sylvannus watched as her creator ran off, "Never." She said before disappearing, waiting to be summoned once more.
"I mean...they aren't really doing anything...right?" Jamie said quietly, addressing Teach and Wade. "We don't really want to provoke them...If they aren't being aggressive. If we look for a fight, that's just...ineffectual," Jamie said, trying to persuade them against action. "If we leave now, they won't even have a reason to attack..." But as he spoke, he heard a rustle in the distance. He bit his bottom lip nervously.

Almost subconsciously, Jamie summoned Apollyon. He materialized behind Jamie, mostly hidden in the shadows, except for his luminous red eyes. All of Jamie's creatures were summoned the same way. All he had to do was close his eyes, and imagine them being there. It was an unconscious decision. They came because they felt like he needed them.
As Skylar waited silently in the trees, she thought she saw a small flash of red glow. Instinctively, she summoned Sylvannus, the creature she most summoned. Sylvannus had become somewhat of a friend to her, although her duty was merely of a guardian rank. Her other creatures were almost mindless, doing Skylar's bidding when needed.

Sylvannus was always summoned subconsciously, while her other creatures were summoned by a small physical act. For Stalk, she need only whisper his name, and for Queen, she would need to feel intense anger or aggression, as Queen was her most powerful creature.
Amy looked at the maths and then at Gerald with sympathy. "I'm reading Umbra. It's really good, which makes me happy. So many books nowadays are just trashy romance novels." Amy glanced over the question Gerald was having trouble with and she smiled. "I can help you with this one! I was so bad at it that I had to study ten times more then most people, so I still remember how to do it."

Amy rested her finger on the page as she begun to explain to Gerald how to work through it.
Gerald's eyes widened in shock. "I know, right? And the supernatural ones are the worst! Werewolves, witches... Don't even get me started on the vampires...." He shook his head in disbelief for emphasis. "Oh, you''d really help? Thanks," he said with a smile, pulling out a chair for her. "I'm Gerald, by the way, have we met- don't eat her," Gerald commanded, pulling Puck away from the girl, thus saving the patch of hair Puck had been sniffing at.
Amy nearly choked on her sweet as Gerald pulled Puck away. Starting to smile, she replied, "I think we might have seen each other walking around, but we haven't met. I'm Amy. Is that creature one of your weaves?" Amy paused as she realised something. "Oh my god you have a Belgian accent! That's so cute! I don't think I've ever met someone with a Belgian accent..."
She closed her eyes,attempting to settle down a bit more. Her ears were now straight up and tail low. She felt that she needed some comfort. Like the voice of one of her Creatures, or atleast to be able to feel the presence of one. Her uneasiness continued to grow, until she saw an orb of blue fire appear beside her face. The glow of the fire was very faint and barely visible. She was now smiling to herself after being reassured by Aiji that he was there for her.
Gerald had to stop himself from laughing. Cute? "Yeah, her name's Puck. And she'll eat things when you're not looking. I haven't really worked it out yet, and I don't want to, but I'm pretty sure her mouths are some sort of dimension portals?" He leant closer to Amy with wide eyes, "I saw her eat a tire once. I've never seen it again."
Amy subconsciously leaned in closer as his voice lowered. "A... Tire?" Amy gulped slightly, and then heard some commotion going on outside. She glanced up through the library window and nudged Gerald, pointing out the obvious beginning of a fight between some Dream and Nightmare students. "I bet the Nightmare students will provoke them into a fight."
"Oh great..." Gerald thought about getting up to see if he could do something, but quickly realised there was no way he was going to change the two side's stubborn minds without doing something completely drastic and stupid, so instead, he reached into his pocket, fishing around in it before bringing up a packet of slightly melted chocolate. "You wanna bet on which side wins?" He suggested, "I have chocolate along with the last of the sweets."
Amy smiled slightly, beginning to really like Gerald because she felt happy around him. She couldn't explain it, but she hadn't smiled this much in one day for a long time.

Fishing around in her pocket, Amy produced two five dollar notes and set them on the table. "I'm happy to bet. You can choose who you think will win first, since I think the battle is even and I don't want to make the first choice." Amy stuck out her tongue in a gesture of disgust and began surveying the sides, and weighing up their power. "I hope the Dream side wins, though it is looking like they won't..."

Amy felt the last of her sweet dissolve in her mouth and she swung a chair around to herself so that she could sit on it. She plonked herself down and left space for Gerald to fit in a chair and watch with her.
Teach extended both of his arms across his chest one at a time extending the muscles into a stretch. Popping his neck in both directions he knew it was time for a fight. Well at least he wanted it to be. "I am ready to fight, beyond ready." Pulling out another pebble from his sleeve he flicked his wrist so it would hit the ground. Cracking like an egg a dim light appeared as 5 feet robot, Proxy, came forth. With Proxy, Tsi, and Operator by his side he was a formidable opponent.

"Wade, time for the fireworks."
Kain was wondering around, Kara silently at his side. He already heard the whispers that occurred each year. Are they related? She's his dream creature? But they look so alike? He's such a creep. Recently Kain thought he heard someone say he belonged in the Nightmare campus because his dream creatures were "far too freaky for a dream weaver" but they were shushed. Kain had a good reputation here and one he worked hard to maintain. People liked him and that was just how he liked it. It didn't take much effort either.

Kara looked at him. She never spoke. Hiro and Lamia would talk to him and others, Lamia being more chatty than Hiro but also more creepy. But Kara would never speak and Kain did not mind. She didn't for them to understand each other.

He nodded and opened the library door. He heard voices too. He saw two people who he somewhat recognized. He walked over with Kara trailing behind him, a somber look on her face. He smiled at the two others.

"Late night study session?"

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