Dream Weavers [Inactive]


swade submitted a new role play:

Dream Weavers - A school divided by its owners, it's students using their beings from dreams to combant one another.

.:Dream Weavers:.

Plot: There is an academy for special people whom have the ability to creating these beings out of their figment of the imagination, but they said they all were created in their dreams. So far from their understanding there is two types of these beings, one being made from good Dreams that take more of the light approach, and one created from nightmares that like what it was described were created from nightmares. The campus was created to help these...

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swade updated Dream Weavers with a new update entry:

Roleplay Starting today.

Going to do the intro/starting post today so we can get this show on the road.
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"I don't remember much how they came into my life honestly. I was just small and falling asleep while watching some commercial about toys, and the next thing I knew coming from the shadows this hand slowly came out underneath my bed and just slowly held my hand. Ever since them I had this talent of creating things that just came from the dream world." ~Wade's words on his first experience with creating his first Dream Creature.

Wade walked out of the main conference room where the main leader and the other commanders of the Nightmare Campus would discuss. So for all he knew it was his turn to take some of the Nightmare Weavers and himself to scout the thick forest that surrounds the two campus for any sign of activity from the other campus. He didn't said nothing at all to this, but he did his regular nodded and 'Alright' he said to the others as he always did.

"Well time to look for fresh blood." He said to himself, and started to walk to the other buildings to find help.
Sayuri sat in a large room in one of the buildings by herself as she gazed out the window. Her ears twitched every once in a while and her tail swayed from side to side. Everything around her was silent, and it made her feel calm.
The Commander entered the building that Sayuri was in, and started to knock lightly on each door. After about a minute or two for a response he would move on to the next door. He thought to himself that he must of hit an abandoned building instead of a living one. 'Should of put a sign outside saying 'no one lives here' would of saved me time.' He thought to himself as he stopped at door number fourteen, and knocked again. Unaware this was the room Sayuri was in.
Sayuri's ears turned towards the door and her tail froze. She hesitated to answer but stood up slowly, walking towards the door. she grabbed the knob and opened the door, looking at the man. "..."
Surprisingly Wade was quiet as well looking at her "...". He wasn't the best at talking unlike the other commanders he met on the campus, and was already having problems on how to start the conversation up. Yeah it was easy to talk in the head, but outside it was a whole different story. So after he felt like was an eternity of silence (thirty seconds and still counting) he started to talk. "Uh hello there." He said to her.
"..." She opened her mouth as if to reply, but quickly shut it. Instead, she smiled at the man. At the same time, her ears folded down and blended into her hair.
"Oh. Not the talking kind I see." The man said as he was trying to be as nice as possible to the woman. Then he explained to her on what was going on, "Listen, boss said I have to get some back up on scouting the area, just in case anyone from the dream campus was setting up anything, and I'm looking for some help on this. Don't mind to tag along?" Then stopped so he could get some breath in after that long talk.
Fletcher rested on his back, gazing at the beautiful, twinkling stars dotting the sky. The grass was soft and lush, forming a natural and verdant resting place for him. This was Fletcher's favorite spot, a small clearing in the thick forest growth between the dream and nightmare campuses. Fletcher was in close proximity to the dream campus though as he was aware of the dangers the night and the nightmare campus posed. He was perhaps a three minutes walking distance way from the dream campus. Fletcher had sneaked out around an hour ago. Tall trees and wild plant growth covered the clearing he was in for stealth. Fletcher enjoyed lying down here, the breeze was easy and soothing and fauna and flora played their night time melodies. He would have to go back in an hour or two, but every day Fletcher enjoyed his stay here. Here he was undisturbed as he reflected on his life. One might think he cam here to pray to God or some action like that, but that was simply not the case. Fletcher's belief in God, surprisingly, had faltered in a sense. He did not believe in the teachings of the church anymore, but Fletcher had developed his own beliefs that became forged into his ideals. The ideal that good came to those who performed it, that right came to those who were right, and so on. God was simply the planner, the presenter of opportunities in which one could perform the right or just action.
"I-I'll go." Her ears popped back up and she stepped out from behind the door. She thought the man came off as a bit intimidating, but something about him made her calm. She stifled a laugh.
swade updated Dream Weavers with a new update entry:

Minor update 6

Have added special commander/general/leader slots for those that are interested.
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The commander lightly chuckled hearing this, and moved out of the way to let her pass. "Let's go then, there maybe more outside and we can make this run easier." He said and started to walk his normal slow walk towards outside the building. Unaware it was already dark outside.
She smiled when she noticed he walked slowly, and followed him. Her tail swayed side to side as she walked. She stared at the ground with her hands behind her back.
About five minutes of waiting outside for anymore help. The commander sighed as he realized this was all the help he was gonna get for now. "Alright looks like we have to do this ourselves." He said to her and then went over to a stolen cargo box from the other campus weeks ago and pulled out two sturdy flashlights, handing her one, and turning his on.

Before he went to the entrance to the forest, he looked at her, "You do know how to summon your dream creatures right? Just in case any dreamer is walking in there?" He asked her.
She took the flashlight and turned it on. "I think so... I haven't summoned mine for some time now though...." She has an unsure look on her face as she looked down.
"Ah." He only said to her, before they would leave the Commander would drop a note. Telling any passing by Nightmare Weaver to come help out if they can or not. Then like that Wade turned his flashlight on, and started to head to the forest with her.
Sayuri quickly followed behind him, matching her pace to his. She kept the flashlight pointed towards the ground as she looked around the forest. Every once in a while, she would glance at the male.
Jamie walked through the dark forests, the sound of rustling leaves in the breeze kept him company. He would always walk, when he needed to, to clear his head. Though he knew that straying too far from the Nightmare Campus was not permitted. Jamie always spent time strolling with a different dream. Their 'personalities,' were all different, and depending on how Jamie was feeling, he would summon one that matched his mood.

Today Jamie walked with Persephone. She glided softly, circling around him as they walked. She was always quiet, but her presence heightened Jamie's senses for some reason. The leaves seemed brighter, the shadows darker, and the flowers more beautiful. They conversed with each other, softly whispering words that only they could hear. After all, she was only a part of Jamie's mind.

After awhile, Jamie had become lost in the secrecy of their conversation. He didn't realize he had stumbled into an opening. He heard the sound of footsteps. And before he could react, he found two flashlights shining into his eyes. Jamie raised his hand to divert the light, and could see that it was a demi girl, and a male.
She looked at the male before her and tilted her head to the side. She had a startled expression on her face as she moved her flash light lower, to keep the light out of his eyes. Her long black ears pressed down to blend into her hair.
Amy swivelled slowly in her chair, as she turned the pages of her book. The library was a favourite place of hers and she liked to visit it every night before bed, picking a book and reading it for an hour. She would come back every night until that book was finished, and then she would choose a new one.

Amy liked the stone-cold silence in the library, as if to say 'hey there, welcome to the quietest place on earth. Where it is just you and your book.' Amy shook her head slightly, feeling her brown hair whip her face as it turned from side to side. She ignored the thought and concentrated on her book, swirling slowly around... And around...

An unpleasant nagging voice in her head muttered that this would be nicer with her dream creations reading a book by her side. She desperately focused on her book, ridding the bad memories from her brain and wiping away the prick of tears in her eyes. She readjusted her glasses and let the world of the book swallow her up.

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