Dream of the Starless Night


New Member
Dream of Starless Nights

Sidereal Exalt

Dream may not fall in the line of other characters submitted, as he is not a starting character, but my long-campaign character whom I’ve been playing for one and a half year now. The reason I’m posting him, is:

1: our campaign is slowly dying, so this would be a good conclusion for me.

2: I think he could be a fairly interesting NPC, or even long term antagonist for other GM-s out there.

The first and most arguable characteristic of Dream is; that he is the ultimate traitor. He works for the Bronze Faction as well as the Gold Faction, and leaked out information about both conspirators to the party of Solars he adventured with. Why he is able to do that, and for what purpose?

Well first of all, he is so obviously a traitor that no one considers him a threat. The Bronze and the Gold used him numerous times to spy on and sabotage the other’s efforts, with Dream always dancing on the edge to not fall too much in the eyes of either group (while also managing to slip out of attempts to tie him to one of the Factions). In the meantime, Dream could use the Bronze Faction’s influence in the Bureau of Destiny and the Immaculate Order, the Gold Faction’s influence with the Cult of Illuminated and the loyalist gods, and the group of Solars whom he was set to watch over/ sabotage.

The reason for Dream’s behavior (and his motivation), is that he was treated mistrustful from the beginning of his training. Possibly he is the only non-ronin Sidereal who doesn’t have a clue about his previous incarnations. He has grown to suspects that something is controlling the other Sidereals to fight amongst each other, and maybe even this entity was what orchestrated the Usurpation (which is false: the reason behind these events isn’t a who but the Great Curse).

Dream also thinks the fact of his suspicious nature is why Sidereals and gods in the bureau keep him at arm’s length from the beginning.

This is also false, as the secret behind his mistrust is the story of his first incarnation, Black Willow. Willow was quite old, one of the first champions to be exalted. During the primordial war, he fell in love with another Sidereal. Unfortunately that Sidereal was corrupted in the war by Cecelyne, and turned into an akuma. Possibly she was the first celestial to be turned. After the war, with the imprisonment of the Yozis, the Sidereal followed her masters to hell. Willow could never forgive the Deliberative for not negotiating her soul back at the end of the war. In fact he sought to take matters into his own hands. After the Great Prophecy has been revealed, he was one of the most enthusiastic follower of Kejak. With the Usurpation, Willows plan was set in motion: he managed to steal Brigid’s Cloak, and began to summon a third circle demon to cut a deal for his lover’s freedom. Unfortunately the Bureau of secrets managed to thwart Willow’s plans, and dispatched a small company to slay him (including his present sifu, Frozen Ivy). After these events, the Sidereals couldn’t be sure how much of Willows essence and personality had been corrupted, so they decided it would be safer to keep the events of his past from him.

Style: Dream is most of all a conspirator. His most dangerous skills are his Fateful Excellencies. In Socialize this means a perfect parry against read motivation checks (even defending against Judge Ear, and similar techniques). In Bureaucracy his 11(+possibly willpower and virtue) successes means that there are few things he can’t achieve in the Bureau of Destiny, and gives him tremendous influence in other aspects of the Celestial Bureaucracy.

He has grown to be a resourceful martial artist, but he isn’t really talented, and uses Stealth charms and Mask Constellation powers to stay out of fights. He never gets involved in a fight unless he is absolutely sure of his superiority (this comes from an experience when in an attempted set-up he was pwned by the dawn caste in 7 ticks). In fights he combines Peaceful Repose Touch, and Blade of the Battle Maiden/Blinding the Boar/Fervent Night Fantasm distractions to wait until his opponent wears out.

Dream is a capable sorcerer, although he couldn’t rise to the Celestial Circle yet, because of the caution of his Sidereal mentors. For the same reason he is rarely allowed to use the Loom of Fate. In Creation he almost exclusively travels in his Resplendant Destiny; Moon over Water. In this disguise he is a wandering thaumaturge and spreader of Illuminated teachings. Moon on the Water has dark humor, always disappears on the sign of trouble (Stealth charms and astrology) and has “weird intuition†(awareness and investigation charms).

Personality: Dream in his "true" personality is a very distant , introvert type. He rarely trusts anyone, so he considers every situation in light of his own skills. Very few can earn Dream's respect, mostly other Sidereals and higher gods. Towards those he considers below his level, he is arrogant and overbearing with little patience.But when speaking with one he acknowledges as his equal, Dream is always extremely polite and pliable, acting naturally sympathetic towards others. Even if this means he has to contradict himself from one moment to another. He is also quite spoiled, living in Yu Shan from his childhood, being accustumed to its luxuries. He often comments his distaste towards all but the finest commodities of Creation. Having witnessed the nature of Solar charms, he concluded that they're too simple and direct, reflecting the Solar's attitude as well, therefore "Solars are primitive", and not worthy of trust or responsibility.

Caste: Secret

Anima: Emerald Light emanating from the eyes, and increasing green aura, which always follows his movements a few moments late.

Alter egos:

Black Willow (First age incarnation)

Raven’s Shadow (Solar alter ego created with Disguise of the New Face)

Moon over Water (Cult of Illuminated recruiter)

Motivation: To learn the ultimate secret of Creation (left to the storyteller)


-Yu Shan’s conveniences (comfort)

-May Blossom (Distant Friendship)

-Solars are Primitive (Scorn)

-Frozen Ivy (Respect)

Strength: 2 Charisma:3 Perception:3

Dexterity:4 Manipulation:5 Intelligence:4

Stamina:2 Appearance:4 Wits:4


Resistance:2 Ride:2 Survival:2 Investigation:4 Larceny:3 Lore:3 Occult:4 (Calculations with numbers outside fate +3 Astrological calculations +2 Astrology +3) Stealth:5 Craft Air:3 Craft Fate:1 Dodge:2 Linguistics:2 Performance:3 Socialize:3 (Conceal motives +3) Athletics:2 Melee:2 Presence:2 Awareness:3 Bureaucracy:4 (Celestial Bureaucracy +2) Integrity:4 Martial Arts:5

Compassion:1 Conviction:4 Temperance:4 Valor:3

Essence:4 Willpower:7

Colleges: The Messenger:2 The Mask:5 The Key:2 The Crow:2

Backgrounds: Salary:3 Sifu:3 Connections (Bureau of Secrets):4 Backing (Bronze Faction):1 Backing (Gold Faction):3 Backing (Bureau of Secrets):3

Numerous potential artifacts including Jade Bracers (**) Revelation Blindfold (**) Starmetal Seven Section Staff (***) Silken Armor (**) and Authorative Stamp (**)


Numerous, most notably:

- Fateful Excellency in Bureaucracy and Heart Brightening Presentation which conveys it to Presence, Performance, and Socialize.

-Quicksilver Hands of Dreams style: Peaceful Repose Touch, Fervent Night Phantasm and Dream Ravager Hand.

-Walking Outside Fate

-Violet Brier Style: to Form.

Spells: Azure Chariot, Emerald Countermagic, Disguise of a New Face, Infallible Messenger

How Dream can be used:

-My party used him to resolve the dilemma of: “why does our circle survive if the Bronze Faction knows about us� Dream may be an ally who protects Solars from their enemies, but uses them for his own purpose in the meantime.

-By being a Sidereal, and could always be “at the right place at the right timeâ€, he may be a contact if you wish to introduce the Cult of Illuminated at a greater depth. For the same reason he may also be a dues ex machina.

-Dream can be a short term villain, when he is doing errands for the Bronze Faction.

-He can be a “surprise†villain, if your party read all the books, and knows all the background information in the setting. Maybe Dream manipulated Kejak into making his choice about the Usurpation. If he learns about his previous incarnation, it’s possible that he would raze creation just to free his lover. He can appear after the events of “Return of the Scarlet Empress†with Brigid’s cloak (possibly starting a second wave of invasion, or establishing a foothold for the Yozis).

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