Dream Catcher SU

Stacie Laster

New Member
Okay I have looked through the list of titles and I don't quiet see anything like this and this will be my first hosting on a forum site so be kind and reject nicely please. If you have words of wisdom I am willing to listen. If you wish to help or co-host please let me know.

Here it goes!!!! Bare with me please!!!

In this setting you will most likely be a person who suffers from night terrors ( there are other options as well like a scientist, or a fear element) we will start with the background briefing at the clinic and then be induced into sleep. From there some sort of malfunction will take place and the dreamers will be stuck facing their terrors ( as a group) and trying to find some way out. Then in the end.......... So what do you think???

I don't care if you play many characters so long as I have about 10 in dream land and at least one other person being the terrors, I can do them all but a am a bit new. I would like to have at least 5 people interested before I put to much effort into it.
It would be nice if the signup had a template. You know,age,name,gender,the basic stuff. Also,how would the Nightmare Shades (that's what I'm calling them...) signup look? I'm interested. I'd LOVE to be the malign forces at work...
I guess the character would need to have these things filled out




Rather or not they where open to relationships ( which orientation)


Any background info they wanted to give, all the basics along with what there fears where.

As far as the fear factor that would be up to me and that person
I'm going to take a crack at the Nightmare Shade signup. If there's something wrong,let me know. Also,we'd be licky to get more than five people,since RP's get exponentialy more confusing with more participants.

Name: It requires none. Others will invariably apply a name to it in an effort to comprehend it. They will invariably fail in that goal.

Age: It is fear incarnate. It is ageless. It is timeless. It is as old as thought itself.

Gender: It is the manifestation of fear itself;it requires no gender.

Orientation: It gets off on your tears of anguish. No,not really. It just wants to scare you to death. Literaly.

Fears: It cannot comprehend fear. It simply exists to do what it knows;to kill with pure psychological torture.

Background: It is as old as thoguht itself. It manifests as an inky black shade in the presence of large amounts of fearful minds. Although it isn;t truly "real" in the scientific sense,the victim's minds make it real. It has killed many; Adolf Hitler,Judas,and Neron Caesar,to name a few. There are many theories about it,but none have ever been proving true. But one statement is common between the hypothesies; It may only be seen by those with terror in their hearts.

Base Form: As a shapeshifter,and a splitter,it has not "fixed" form. However,it's most common form,and assumed to be "default" form,is a three meter tall,gangly,humanoid shadow with dimly glowing green eyes.

Rather Important Information: The Nightmare Shade is a shapeshifte,and can assume the form of whatever it needs to to inspire deathly fear. It can also split itself,like a cell. With each split,it fear-inducing powers become diluted,however,the Shades become more intelligent with their application of terror to maximize effect with each split. (One Shade=Utter terror,all the time,incredibly stupid. A thousand=Only scary if perfectly applied,but it will apply the fear perfectly nearly all the time)

Let the nightmare begin.
I shall take a dreamer if you will allow me to, it seems fun to play the terrorized.

Oster Vernex



Sexual Orientation:
None of yet.

He fears being alone and the destruction of his sanity and the world around him as he knows it. Having the understanding that the plush grass, cool breezes, hot summers and even he himself, are not just a figment of his imagination. Having that thought of not being real and having no purpose is horrifying. To be alone only re enforces his fears. not having someone there to pull you out of the dark abyss.

Oster Vernex has a history of Schizophrenia and Dissociative identity disorder, after after harming his family and friends he was sent to a psycho ward to be treated and detained. He was perscribed medication for his mental issues and after a while of therapy and medicating was put back into the world to function as a normal human being... so long as he took his medication. One side effect of his medication however is night terrors which thrusts him back into the realm of unknowing, is he real? is this dram world and its inhabitants real? or is it just another schizophrenic episode? He journeyed to a nearby clinic to see if there was a possibility to put an end to these terrors.
Hello fellow RP's! I have bad news and good news!

BAD: Computer is being sold I found out this morning or I wouldn't have created a thread.

GOOD NEWS: Keep going because I will be in touch with a computer at the beginning of October. I also have my cell as to check in so know that the only thing changing is the date we start. That about 2 weeks. This dose give me time to create a very interesting setting!

Be Warned that since I wont be getting on for almost 2 weeks that I might return with a ton of ideas!!!!

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