Story Draw with me (occasional update story.) (Noreply)


Trying to bring myself back
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Before i begin to tell you this story, i must preface it with some background about the world and our characters. It's modern day, our character lives in the colder parts of the united states. They are originally from Japan, but moved relatively early in their lives. They have adapted to life in a bustling metropolis which occasionally is halted by some layers of snow. I'm talking about Ayako, a young girl who aspires to be an artist. With her short brown hair, and conservative dress, she never stood out among the crowd and mostly kept her distance from it. She was shy, had few friends, and was desperate to find someone who loved her. At the start of high school in art class, she found him. His name was Derek, and he was a rather sweet boy. Though, that didn't last. Ayako, as she grew attached, became more and more open to Derek. This was her downfall. Derek was simply using her for his personal gain, and one fateful night, he got exactly what he wanted out of her. After that, he threw her to the side. He did not speak to her, unfollowed her on all media, and blocked her phone number. Ayako, still desperate and clinging onto a relationship that otherwise has proven itself toxic, sent him pictures and short messages instead. Many asking if he would draw with her, like the days when they first met. It was too late.
Flash forward to this school year, August, he begun contact with Ayako again. This time, being aggressive, and demanding, seeing the desperation and knowing she would listen. He abused her in more ways than one this way, and it sent Ayako into an unhealthy state. Yet, she clung onto him, as he was the only person she knew, bar a few art classmates. Clearly something needed to change. Ayako's usual shy but happy nature was fading away, and at least one person took notice sometime in late November. It wasn't until recently, did anything begin to happen...

December 1st, Monday: Before 1st Period
Ayako walked off the bus last, holding her brown book bag by one strap, and her art supply bag's strap with the other. She stayed behind most of the crowd as usual, as a number of the students flooded into the school building where it was warm. Ayako stayed outside, sitting on one of the benches, her cheeks a bright red from the chilling bite. There was no snow yet, or none falling. There was bits of snow on the ground, not much to play around in, likely it would all melt in the later parts of the day. She sat there, watching the buses go by, her puffy brown coat keeping her warm from the harsh frozen air.
She could see her own breath, and focused on it, watching how it moved and swirled in the air. Her imaginative mind could see various shapes of animals and creatures as the puffs quickly faded, but soon she was seeing another puff of air, and she quickly looked to her side to find a young boy, someone she recognized from her art class, but she had never been acquainted with.
"Hey there, Ayako.", the boy said sweetly to her, a small grin on his face.
"Little cold out, huh?", he asked, trying to break the ice.
"I guess you could say that...", Ayako replied coldly.
The two sat in silence for a moment, before the bell rang signaling they had 7 minutes to reach class.
"Oh, that's the first bell? Dang... was hoping to get to talk to you! See you in art Ayako!", the boy said, walking off. Ayako couldn't help but notice his cheerfulness and friendliness. She felt like it warmed her up just a little to be a part of the conversation. A short-lived warmth as she realized she had to go to her least favorite class of the day; Math. With a sigh, she got up and walked into the building stopping by her locker to grab a few items and heading (behind the swarm of students) to her class.
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