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Fantasy Draki

With the combined forces of all the prisoners the guards were defeated. They ran out of the camp and fled as the prisoners roared with pride and happiness, holding their weapons high. The Human family fled quickly out of the camp, heading back to their colony. Jukha moved over to another room, lots of chests in their with titles on them.
To the left was #25, #53, #64 and #12. As well as #79. If they'd look at their cells as they'd left, they'd've found the same numbers on each of their cells. Jukha and J'Dul moved over to their chests, opening it and gearing up. Jukha became an Iron Juggernaut. J'Dul became a smaller one, except without the same weapon.
Jukha had also found something to his interest. After all the chests had been opened and taken, there was still one untouched. He gestured over to it with a hand and looked to J'Dul.
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
-after gathering her stuff and putting it on Svetlana walked over and looked at the unopened chest, curiously prodding it to check for booby traps- "what does everyone think is in it?"

Jukha grunted in response, as J'Dul moved ahead to look at it his hand was almost cut off as Jukha completely smashed the lock. Opening it. Inside was practically a gold mine of gear.

There was an axe, a Dane Axe to be precise.

Next, a short sword, with a nice curve before the actual blade.

Then, a pair of gauntlet claws. Looking sharp and well cleaned.


And finally, a Warhammer. Massive and seeming far too heavy for almost anyone in the room. Jukha picked up the warhammer with both hands, as J'Dul took the axe.​
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Merel was startled awake by Ayla's yelling.

"Jeez, Ayla, Keep it down will you? Ugh. My friggin head...."

Looking around, Merel noticed the familiar surroundings. The same prison Ayla and her just tried to escape from.

"What the...? How did we end up back in this hell hole?! Ayla what did you do?!"

Merel quickly stood up and stormed towards the front of the cell where she saw a very large lion-man unlocking the cell door.

"Is this one of the jerks that threw us back in here?!"

Merel pinned her ears back and let out a low growl.

"I hate being locked up!"

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Slothtastic Slothtastic Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Callidior Callidior
Merel watched as the Am Brodian walked away.

"It won't take long before the rest of the guard force shows. We need to get our gear and get out fast."

Merel quickly stepped out of the cell that they were in, watching as the others hastily ran down the hallway.

"Our stuff is most likely labeled according to our cell."

Merel turned and looked at the placard on the right of the cell door: number 64.

"Alright, let's get moving. And please, for the love of sanity, don't break anything this time? I'm tired of being cooped up. I want to see the sky again."

Callidior Callidior Slothtastic Slothtastic TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
J'Dul had heard it. It was then that he could said one of the most horrible flirt he's ever said.
"I bet you can suck at other things too." He called down. "So it looks like we have our own little group now doesn't it? So where too now guys?" He asked, if they would look around to the north there'd be a mountain in sight, which continue off in many mountains. To the south there'd be a forest, which seemed to continue for a long time. And to the east there'd be a smaller forest, which Sand could be seen in the distance. And to the west there'd be simply more forest.​
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Merel followed Ayla to the storage room. Large chests complete with latches were scattered across the room. Merel Looked down the line of chests and found number 64. She watched silently as Ayla opened the latch and proceeded to gather her things while she chatted with the others.

Just because we were locked up in the same prison does not mean we are now drinking buddies Ayla. You don't even know these knuckle-draggers.

Merel sorted through the chest and began to place all of her equipment back on her belt. Her sword and dagger, two hip pouches, and a bandoleer with all her knives. Her armor consisted of a light chain-mail shirt, leather padding on her shoulders complete with studded leather gauntlets. Lastly, she placed a scarf with a cowl over her head.

"I don't care you you all go; I've got a contract to finish."

Merel pulled out a folded piece of yellowed paper and looked over it carefully before placing it back in her bag.

Callidior Callidior Slothtastic Slothtastic Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Duraak had made himself rather scarce the whole time, watching everyone do their own thing and he tagged along because he didnt want to stay in this place. Why would anyone want a Vampire Bat servant anyway? It seemed plain stupid. He kept on all fours, watching everyone move to get their own things before noticing a chest nobody touched. Was that his? He scrambled over, got it open, and found his bag full of leaves. He cheeped happily, he had been itching to chew on something. He picked out a leaf and started chewing on it, his large ears flicking. He looked around at everyone else, what was everyone going to do now?
He chewed for quite some time before spitting out the leaves and studied the many different kinds of people in here. Forest or mountains? Or bar? He moved on all fours, head low, and stood beside the lion. "Pick mountains, bar good too." He said in his scratchy voice. He slowly rose his head to look up at Buh'rohma, though if he chose to look back at the bat he wouldnt make eye contact. He instead focused on the nose. "Tall man, very strong. Help break out of terrible place. How I be strong like you? Is possible?" He asked quietly, not wanting bad attention. TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham kneeled down to the bats eye level and said. "My friend, years of practice! Well that and most of my kind grow to similar sizes, but that's besides the point. You can be anything: Heroic Warrior, Near-invisible Ninja, you could be a King if you tried! I think you can certainly grow as strong, if not stronger, than me. However don't forget your natural strengths! Can you fly?"

VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Slothtastic Slothtastic Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Callidior Callidior h
Buh'roham kneeled down to the bats eye level and said. "My friend, years of practice! Well that and most of my kind grow to similar sizes, but that's besides the point. You can be anything: Heroic Warrior, Near-invisible Ninja, you could be a King if you tried! I think you can certainly grow as strong, if not stronger, than me. However don't forget your natural strengths! Can you fly?"

VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Slothtastic Slothtastic Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Callidior Callidior h

Duraak pricked his ears at the lion's words, kind of surprised about the encouragement behind them. He could be anything he wanted? He grinned slightly, and nodded at the question. "Yes yes! Fly can!" He said excitedly. If he could be anything he wanted, he wanted to be as strong as the strongest warriors that stood before him.
"Woah, you can fly? Well shit, if you're armed with the proper gear you might as well be as strong as us." J'Dul said with a grin. He would be useful to the team. Jukha grunted, not giving a proper response.
"Hey Merel, is it?" He asked turning to her. "What bounty you taking on? Don't wanna take the same one and then beat you at it." He grinned.​
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 VanRIPPED VanRIPPED
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"Woah, you can fly? Well shit, if you're armed with the proper gear you might as well be as strong as us." J'Dul said with a grin. He would be useful to the team. Jukha grunted, not giving a proper response.
"Hey Merel, is it?" He asked turning to her. "What bounty you taking on? Don't wanna take the same one and then beat you at it." He grinned.​
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

Buh'roham grinned. "Then you've already got the tactical advantage! We can't fly, but you can. From the air you can see for miles. And with the right equipment you can rain death upon your enemies! But that's a conversation for later. For now," Buh'roham said standing up, "let's get a drink shall we?" Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Slothtastic Slothtastic VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123

Duraak was very encouraged by what these men were saying, and it was more encouraging coming from guys who know what they're doing. He always found flying as a get-away tactic, never as a way to attack. He heard something about a drink and he nodded eagerly. He was starving, and if he didnt get blood soon he would resort to biting on himself. "Drink yes yes, need drink. Blood, hungry hungry"

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