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Fantasy Draki


Sloth Overlord.


((Credit to Callidior for New Map!))

The Year was 1897. The humans, who've so desperately tried to explore the seas. But in one part of the Ocean all boats and airplanes go missing, no matter what. Those that were constructed with the best radio technology only met static as they entered it. The Bermuda Triangle. Until now, that is. After an advance in radio and weapons technology it was found. Draki, an Island right in the center of it all. Little did the Sailors know, they had entered a whole other realm. The outside of the Triangle, a portal, with the advance in radio technology however, they were able to send small static messages. The Human sailors, so desperate for fame and glory did not leave the Triangle and report what they had found, instead they had gone in. The Sailors had found something... unimaginable. The Island of Draki was filled with animal-like people, stuck in their own time and cut off from the world. The people were like the men from medieval time and of course, they had stumbled upon the wrong place. The village was full of wolf-people, and were very, very territorial. What followed was a massacre as the sailors were mercilessly struck down and murdered as they walked on their sand, their shores. Those that were alive were taken to the mages, only to be tested upon and researched, and some in the most gruesome ways. Only a few had made it back to their boat, and tried to send a message to the men on the other side of the ocean. What came out was static, the cause of it was the mass of Iron on the ocean floors. Yells and screams of pain had emerged from the static before finally to end it all, "D-ON-T CO- ER-!" Before more screams of pain sounded. It's been 24 years since then, the new year 1921. The Humans' curiosity however had forced them to ignore the warning. And instead had sent many people to their shores, both civilians and military alike. What happens now, depends on the entirety of Draki's people, and the boats' landing...


So guys! This is Draki, a little RP I've been planning. Basically it's animal people on this giant island, Adgala is a large vast jungle filled with the animals you'd expect from a Jungle! Pasharb is the plains of grass and forests of Draki. Shakalin is the Northern Snowland of Draki, home to the animals that would be found in the snowy parts of the World. Like Polar bears, 'n' stuff. Off the coast of the North West of Draki there is a smaller island, known as the Lost Island, home to many animals. Close to the snowlands is Parbal, a mountain terrain full of the animals in the mountains. Between Parbal and Pasharb is Sahumi, the desert of Draki. Home to the desert animals. To the East lies Alsava, the savannah of Draki. In the center is No Man's Land, full of bandits, raiders and everything bad.

And finally guys, there are only MAMMAL and REPTILE Drakians, Insects and Arachnids and Sea animals are just regular animals. That also means that birds are Not Allowed to be played. Sorry for this restriction guys, but we can't have that kinda stuff like Shark People or Bird People that can fly. Anyway, enjoy this rp if you like it! Aquatic animals are allowed.

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lowlav lowlav Ok! Go to the character sheet thread and make one! Also, this is a bit of an update on the thread here lads. Reptiles are available to be played! Shoulda included this before. But yes, also aquatic mammals are also available. As they are still mammals.
As the group woke up they found them self in a new place, a dungeon. A prison, whatever you wished to call it. There were many cells in it, holding many different Drakians. In one there was a Gorilla man, who seemed to be looking around his cell for something. But your view was blocked as Hyena guards moved across cells, picking on and teasing prisoners.​
Callidior Callidior TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
*Svetlana stood up and headed towards the cage bars and yelled at the Hyena's* "what is going on? Where are we?!" *her eyes shone with fury as she challenged their guards*
Buh'roham jumped to consciousness at the loud sound of a female yelling for information. Where am I? This is what I get for not testing new field remedies on prey to study the effects. He looked about at the cell he was in. "Terrible living conditions." He attempted to flag down a prison guard, all Hyenas he noticed. "Excuse me sir! Where am I?"
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 Slothtastic Slothtastic
The Hyenas laughed at their questions.
"Guess we knocked you knocked you on the head a bit too much, didn't we?" The guard laughed.
"You have been captured and hopefully will be sold in a couple of days." A guard smiled. The Gorilla man stood up in the background, seemingly talking to a guard on his own.
There was another, in the cell across from the Gorilla. He was noticeable mainly because you could hear him trying to flirt with the female guard. His fur was pitch black with emerald green eyes. He stood tall, at least 7'0. The weird thing was, the Hyena guard seemed to be going along with it.​
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Sold? Slavery no doubt. Well that's new! Never been enslaved before. I'm gonna guess it's not fun. Buh'roham noted the Gorilla, but he especially noticed the prisoner across the hallway from the captive Gorilla. He seemed to be attempting to seduce the female hyena guard. Probably trying to flirt his way out of jail. Not the most honorable way, but a valid tactic nonetheless. What was interesting was the female seemed to be responding to his words. He sat down in the cell in a meditative way and watched to see where this unexpected love story would go. Not like he had anything better to do.
Slothtastic Slothtastic Callidora Callidora Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
Ayla awoke to the maniacal laughter of Hyenas and the dank dungeon stench assaulting her nose.

"Bleh" She said as she picked herself up from the hard stone floor. Ayla brushed the dirt off herself then streched out her arms above her her head.

"Err." She grumbled as she examined the bars in front of her then she examined the cells and guards around her.

"Shit!" Ayla said under her breath when she saw the Gorilla in a cell nearby. "Whoa I've never seen anyone that big before" she spoke to herself.

Slothtastic Slothtastic Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
"Why don't you gimme a lil' spin, hmm?" He asked, as the guard spun around he caught her by the neck when her back was to him. His face turned deadly serious as a claw slid across her throat. She gave a scream of pain before falling. In his hand was a set of keys. The other guards quickly turned around to see what had happened, the one who was picking on the Gorilla had the back of us head brutally bashed into a cell door. The Panther man unlocked his door, clawing at any of the guards that came near. He quickly picked up one of the guards' maces, throwing the keys to the Gorilla man who had then unlocked his door and picked up a mace. This began the brutal beat down of the guards, and the prisoners' escape. The Gorilla man then began to release the prisoners one by one. First, a Crocodile like Drakian, next a bear, a wolf, etc. He released the Lion's, Foxs' and finally the other's. He came across one that he seemed to stop and think upon. The Panther man moved over,
"Jukha, what's the hold up?" He peered over his massive frame to see the final prisoners. Humans, a whole family. Two children, a father, and a mother who was holding a baby.
It seemed the Panther was going to speak again but the Gorilla, Jukha, had already begun to release them. He then walked away as they stayed in the cell, still horrified.​
Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
-she growls in response and paces her cell, her body tense, when they were released though she sighed in relief and ran over to the panther- "thanks for letting us out"
"No problem, although I can let you out in many ways." He said with a kind of smirk upon his face. He was definitely flirty alright.
Buh'roham burst out of the cell and contributed to the beat down of these dishonorable Hyenas. He turned to his saviors. "Thank you my friends!" He approached the cell the... h-humans!? Impossible! These were the furless beasts of legend! And yet with one look at the children he quickly made up his mind. He looked the father in the eyes. "Listen closely. Now is not the time for questions. Grab a weapon and protect your family!" He wasn't sure if the humans spoke some different language but he tried to talk to them anyway.
Slothtastic Slothtastic
-she laughs and looks for a room, hoping to find her and the others things- "now really isint the time for flirting, we should find our stuff and get out of here"
The human male seemed to nod, he seemed to understand because he picked up a mace.
"There's always time for flirting." The Panther man said, smirking his best seductive smirk. Jukha was in the background throwing and beating down guards that poured down the stairs like a flood.
"Name's J'Dul, nice to meet you." He said, holding a hand out to her.​
Callidior Callidior TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
Buh'roham joined the Gorilla in the background as he ripped out three throats, two large intestines, and one heart, not in that particular order, with his unsheathed claws as blood splattered the floor and his clothes. He made a mental note to write this down in his journal of his adventures, as he grabbed one of the guards by the throat with his fangs and snapped his neck! He continued to fight as the Panther flirted with the Coyote. Callidior Callidior o Slothtastic Slothtastic Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 @
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-she clasps his forearm with hers and gives a firm shake- "Svetlana, good to meet you" -she then grabbed her items, putting them on-

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