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Fantasy Draki

((Well if no one else will post I will I guess.
"Maybe, maybe." J'Dul smirked. Jukha once again only grunted and moved out of the building. Surrounding them would be an entire camp, including a tower. Jukha climbed up there, not using the ladder since it was sure to break under his weight.
In the tower he'd see the Lion's maps but instead, used them to try and find out where they were.
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior Callidior Callidior Neon Stack Neon Stack Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123 VanRIPPED VanRIPPED
(Oh shoot! I didnt get notifs I dont think)

Duraak scrambled around, sniffing dead guards and grabbing a snack or two off of them. He looked at the one climbing and opened his wings and started hovering near him. He wouldnt dare make contact, he would only watch closely.
Slothtastic Slothtastic

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